995 research outputs found

    Cenozoic origins of the genus Calliarcys (Insecta, Ephemeroptera) revealed by Micro‑CT, with DNA barcode gap analysis of Leptophlebiinae and Habrophlebiinae

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    We are grateful to Michel Sartori (Lausanne, Switzerland) and José Ángel Martín del Arco (Salamanca, Spain) for donating the specimens of C. humilis to SMNS, BC CAS, and UŁ collections. We are also grateful to Christel and Hans-Werner Hoffeins (Hamburg, Germany), Mike Reich (BSPG, Munich, Germany), and Evgeny Perkovsky (Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology, Kyiv, Ukraine) for access to their collections of fossil mayflies from the Eocene Rovno amber. We would like to thank Kateřina Bláhová (IE, BC CAS) and Milan Pallmann (SMNS) for technical assistance with line drawings and the preparation of a set of macro photographs. Tomasz Mamos (UniLodz, Poland) is acknowledged for his help in the Bayesian reconstruction of phylogeny, and Łukasz Trębicki (UniLodz, Poland) for help in molecular laboratory. Comments from reviewers helped to improve the manuscript. JA-T thank the staff of Bruker SkyScan in Kontich (Belgium) for their effectiveness and fast support, for their constant improvements to the software, and for implementing the new options we requested. In this respect, we are especially indebted to Alexander Sasov (now at NeoScan, https:// neosc an. com), Stephan Boons, Xuan Liu, Phil Salmon, and Vladimir Kharitonov. We would like to thank the reviewers for their thoughtful comments and efforts towards improving our manuscript. LSID urn:lsid:zoobank. org:pub:C58BEE82-0EC6-4C59-A02D-1E5F796179B6Additional information Supplementary Information The online version contains supplementary material available at https:// doi. org/ 10. 1038/ s41598- 022- 18234-4.Funding Open access funding enabled and organized by the University of Łódź (Poland). RJG acknowledges the financial support of the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic (No. 21-05216S) and institutional support of the Institute of Entomology (Biology Centre of the Czech Academy of Sciences) RVO: 60077344. Acquisition of research equipment used in this study has been carried out within equipment subsidy granted by Alexander von Humboldt Foundation [Georg Forster Research Fellowship for Experienced Researchers] for RJG.Mayflies (Ephemeroptera) are among the oldest pterygote insects, with the earliest fossils dating back to the Late Carboniferous. Within mayflies, Leptophlebiidae are a highly diverse and widespread group, with approximately 140 genera and 640 species. Whereas taxonomy, systematics, and phylogeny of extant Leptophlebiidae are in the focus of extensive studies, little is known about leptophlebiid fossil taxa. Because fossil remains of Ephemeroptera in sedimentary rocks are relatively rare, inclusions of mayflies in amber are a unique source of information on their evolution and diversity in the past. Leptophlebiidae found in Cenozoic resins mostly belong to the subfamilies Leptophlebiinae (in Eocene Baltic amber) and Atalophlebiinae (in Miocene Dominican and Mexican ambers). In the present contribution, we confirm the first finding of the genus Calliarcys from Eocene Baltic amber by using Micro-CT, which allowed confirming its generic placement by visualizing diagnostic key characters otherwise hidden by a cloud of turbidity. Additionally, we present first molecular data on the extant species Calliarcys humilis Eaton, 1881 from the Iberian Peninsula and the barcode gap analysis for Leptophlebiinae and Habrophlebiinae.Funding Open access funding enabled and organized by the University of Łódź (Poland)Grant Agency of the Czech Republic (No. 21-05216S)Institute of Entomology (Biology Centre of the Czech Academy of Sciences) RVO: 60077344Alexander von Humboldt Foundation [Georg Forster Research Fellowship for Experienced Researchers

    Comparison of Figulla Flex® and Amplatzer™ devices for atrial septal defect closure: A meta-analysis

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    Background: Atrial septal defect (ASD) is one of the most common congenital heart diseases. Percutaneousclosure is the preferred treatment, but certain complications remain a concern. The most common devices are AMPLATZER™ (ASO) (St. Jude Medical, St. Paul, MN, USA) and Figulla Flex® septal occluders (FSO) (Occlutech GmbH, Jena, Germany). The present study aimed to assess main differences in outcomes.Methods: A systematic search in Pubmed and Google scholarship was performed by two independent reviewers for any study comparing ASO and FSO. Searched terms were “Figulla”, “Amplatzer”, and “atrial septal defect”. A random-effects model was used.Results: A total of 11 studies including 1770 patients (897 ASO; 873 FSO) were gathered. Baseline clinical and echocardiographic characteristics were comparable although septal aneurysm was more often reported in patients treated with ASO (32% vs. 25%; p = 0.061). Success rate (94% vs. 95%; OR: 0.81; 95% CI: 0.38–1.71; p = 0.58) and peri-procedural complications were comparable. Procedures were shorter, requiring less fluoroscopy time with an FSO device (OR: 0.59; 95% CI: 0.20–0.97; p = 0.003). Although the global rate of complications in long-term was similar, the ASO device was associated with a higher rate of supraventricular arrhythmias (14.7% vs. 7.8%, p = 0.009).Conclusions: Percutaneous closure of ASD is a safe and effective, irrespective of the type of device. No differences exist regarding procedural success between the ASO and FSO devices but the last was associated to shorter procedure time, less radiation, and lower rate of supraventricular arrhythmias in follow-up. Late cardiac perforation did not occur and death in the follow-up was exceptional

    Halogen Oxidation Reactions of (C5Ph5)Cr(CO)3 and Lewis Base Addition To [(C5Ph5)Cr(μ-X)X]2: Electrochemical, Magnetic, and Raman Spectroscopic Characterization of [(C5Ph5)CrX2]2 and (C5Ph5)CrX2(THF) (X = Cl, Br, I). X-ray Crystal Structure of [(C5Ph5)Cr(μ-Cl)Cl]2

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    The 17-electron complex (C5Ph5)Cr(CO)3 reacts with halogens (C6H5I•Cl2, Br2, and I2) in C6H6 to yield the dimeric oxidation products [(C5Ph5)Cr(m-X)X]2 as thermally stable solids. Reactions with other chlorinating agents similarly yield [(C5Ph5)CrCl2]2. An X-ray crystal structure of [(C5Ph5)Cr(m-Cl)Cl]2 was obtained. The magnetic properties of the Cl2 bridged dimer have been determined and modeled using the usual isotropic hamiltonian which yields J/k = –30 K. Low-temperature (77 K) Raman spectra of solid [(C5Ph5)CrX2]2 (X = Cl, I) allow assignments to be made for the metal-ring and metal halogen stretching modes in the low frequency region (\u3c 600 cm-1). Tetrahydrofuran (THF) cleaves these dimers to yield complexes of the form (C5Ph5)CrX2(THF)

    A proteomic analysis of an in vitro knock-out of miR-200c

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    Loss of miR-200c is correlated to advanced cancer-subtypes due to increased EMT and decreased treatment efficacy by chemotherapeutics. As miRNAs regulate a multitude of targets, the analysis of differentially expressed proteins upon a genomic knock-out (KO) is of interest. In this study, we generated a TALENs KO of miR-200c in MCF7 breast cancer cells, excluded its compensation by family-members and evaluated the impact on the proteome by analyzing three individual KO-clones. We identified 26 key proteins and a variety of enrichments in metabolic and cytoskeletal pathways. In six of these targets (AGR2, FLNA/B, ALDH7A1, SCIN, GSTM3) the differential expression was additionally detected at mRNA level. Together, these alterations in protein abundance accounted for the observed biological phenotypes, i.e. increased migration and chemoresistance and altered metabolism, found in the miR-200c-KO clones. These findings provide novel insights into miR-200c and pave the way for further studies

    Wigner's Dynamical Transition State Theory in Phase Space: Classical and Quantum

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    A quantum version of transition state theory based on a quantum normal form (QNF) expansion about a saddle-centre-...-centre equilibrium point is presented. A general algorithm is provided which allows one to explictly compute QNF to any desired order. This leads to an efficient procedure to compute quantum reaction rates and the associated Gamov-Siegert resonances. In the classical limit the QNF reduces to the classical normal form which leads to the recently developed phase space realisation of Wigner's transition state theory. It is shown that the phase space structures that govern the classical reaction d ynamicsform a skeleton for the quantum scattering and resonance wavefunctions which can also be computed from the QNF. Several examples are worked out explicitly to illustrate the efficiency of the procedure presented.Comment: 132 pages, 31 figures, corrected version, Nonlinearity, 21 (2008) R1-R11

    Nano-Stenciled RGD-Gold Patterns That Inhibit Focal Contact Maturation Induce Lamellipodia Formation in Fibroblasts

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    Cultured fibroblasts adhere to extracellular substrates by means of cell-matrix adhesions that are assembled in a hierarchical way, thereby gaining in protein complexity and size. Here we asked how restricting the size of cell-matrix adhesions affects cell morphology and behavior. Using a nanostencil technique, culture substrates were patterned with gold squares of a width and spacing between 250 nm and 2 µm. The gold was functionalized with RGD peptide as ligand for cellular integrins, and mouse embryo fibroblasts were plated. Limiting the length of cell-matrix adhesions to 500 nm or less disturbed the maturation of vinculin-positive focal complexes into focal contacts and fibrillar adhesions, as indicated by poor recruitment of α5-integrin. We found that on sub-micrometer patterns, fibroblasts spread extensively, but did not polarize. Instead, they formed excessive numbers of lamellipodia and a fine actin meshwork without stress fibers. Moreover, these cells showed aberrant fibronectin fibrillogenesis, and their speed of directed migration was reduced significantly compared to fibroblasts on 2 µm square patterns. Interference with RhoA/ROCK signaling eliminated the pattern-dependent differences in cell morphology. Our results indicate that manipulating the maturation of cell-matrix adhesions by nanopatterned surfaces allows to influence morphology, actin dynamics, migration and ECM assembly of adhering fibroblasts

    Modern applications of machine learning in quantum sciences

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    In these Lecture Notes, we provide a comprehensive introduction to the most recent advances in the application of machine learning methods in quantum sciences. We cover the use of deep learning and kernel methods in supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement learning algorithms for phase classification, representation of many-body quantum states, quantum feedback control, and quantum circuits optimization. Moreover, we introduce and discuss more specialized topics such as differentiable programming, generative models, statistical approach to machine learning, and quantum machine learning.Comment: 268 pages, 87 figures. Comments and feedback are very welcome. Figures and tex files are available at https://github.com/Shmoo137/Lecture-Note

    Evolutionary Breakpoints in the Gibbon Suggest Association between Cytosine Methylation and Karyotype Evolution

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    Gibbon species have accumulated an unusually high number of chromosomal changes since diverging from the common hominoid ancestor 15–18 million years ago. The cause of this increased rate of chromosomal rearrangements is not known, nor is it known if genome architecture has a role. To address this question, we analyzed sequences spanning 57 breaks of synteny between northern white-cheeked gibbons (Nomascus l. leucogenys) and humans. We find that the breakpoint regions are enriched in segmental duplications and repeats, with Alu elements being the most abundant. Alus located near the gibbon breakpoints (<150 bp) have a higher CpG content than other Alus. Bisulphite allelic sequencing reveals that these gibbon Alus have a lower average density of methylated cytosine that their human orthologues. The finding of higher CpG content and lower average CpG methylation suggests that the gibbon Alu elements are epigenetically distinct from their human orthologues. The association between undermethylation and chromosomal rearrangement in gibbons suggests a correlation between epigenetic state and structural genome variation in evolution

    HIV Antigen Incorporation within Adenovirus Hexon Hypervariable 2 for a Novel HIV Vaccine Approach

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    Adenoviral (Ad) vectors have been used for a variety of vaccine applications including cancer and infectious diseases. Traditionally, Ad-based vaccines are designed to express antigens through transgene expression of a given antigen. However, in some cases these conventional Ad-based vaccines have had sub-optimal clinical results. These sub-optimal results are attributed in part to pre-existing Ad serotype 5 (Ad5) immunity. In order to circumvent the need for antigen expression via transgene incorporation, the “antigen capsid-incorporation” strategy has been developed and used for Ad-based vaccine development in the context of a few diseases. This strategy embodies the incorporation of antigenic peptides within the capsid structure of viral vectors. The major capsid protein hexon has been utilized for these capsid incorporation strategies due to hexon's natural role in the generation of anti-Ad immune response and its numerical representation within the Ad virion. Using this strategy, we have developed the means to incorporate heterologous peptide epitopes specifically within the major surface-exposed domains of the Ad capsid protein hexon. Our study herein focuses on generation of multivalent vaccine vectors presenting HIV antigens within the Ad capsid protein hexon, as well as expressing an HIV antigen as a transgene. These novel vectors utilize HVR2 as an incorporation site for a twenty-four amino acid region of the HIV membrane proximal ectodomain region (MPER), derived from HIV glycoprotein gp41 (gp41). Our study herein illustrates that our multivalent anti-HIV vectors elicit a cellular anti-HIV response. Furthermore, vaccinations with these vectors, which present HIV antigens at HVR2, elicit a HIV epitope-specific humoral immune response