657 research outputs found

    Managerial drivers of corporate environmental responsiveness in developing countries:A systematic literature review

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    Research on micro-foundations of corporate environmental responsiveness (CER) has been accelerating rapidly in recent years. The aim of this multidisciplinary review of 103 studies was to analyze and integrate the current literature on managerial drivers of CER in developing countries. In these studies, we discern three levels of analysis board of directors (BOD), chief executive officer (CEO), and top management team (TMT). We analyzed the studies in terms of research designs and variables used. The reported findings were sketched as well. In an effort to synthesize the past studies for future research purposes, we crafted from the reviewed studies a multilevel, evidence-based framework, based on three categories of upper echelons’ characteristics (socio-demographic, psychological, and social influences), along with mediating and moderating factors. The review reveals also substantial knowledge gaps, methodological issues, and inconsistent findings in the current literature at the different levels of analysis. Hence, we propose a detailed agenda for future research; we plea for more multilevel and cross-cultural CER studies with more focus on combining different psychological characteristics and interaction dynamics among strategic leaders in different top-managerial roles.</p

    Shear viscosity of hot scalar field theory in the real-time formalism

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    Within the closed time path formalism a general nonperturbative expression is derived which resums through the Bethe-Salpter equation all leading order contributions to the shear viscosity in hot scalar field theory. Using a previously derived generalized fluctuation-dissipation theorem for nonlinear response functions in the real-time formalism, it is shown that the Bethe-Salpeter equation decouples in the so-called (r,a) basis. The general result is applied to scalar field theory with pure lambda*phi**4 and mixed g*phi**3+lambda*phi**4 interactions. In both cases our calculation confirms the leading order expression for the shear viscosity previously obtained in the imaginary time formalism.Comment: Expanded introduction and conclusions. Several references and a footnote added. Fig.5 and its discussion in the text modified to avoid double counting. Signs in Eqs. (45) and (53) correcte

    Hard thermal loops and the entropy of supersymmetric Yang-Mills theories

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    We apply the previously proposed scheme of approximately self-consistent hard-thermal-loop resummations in the entropy of high-temperature QCD to N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills (SYM) theories and compare with a (uniquely determined) R[4,4] Pad\'e approximant that interpolates accurately between the known perturbative result and the next-to-leading order strong-coupling result obtained from AdS/CFT correspondence. We find good agreement up to couplings where the entropy has dropped to about 85% of the Stefan-Boltzmann value. This is precisely the regime which in purely gluonic QCD corresponds to temperatures above 2.5 times the deconfinement temperature and for which this method of hard-thermal-loop resummation has given similar good agreement with lattice QCD results. This suggests that in this regime the entropy of both QCD and N=4 SYM is dominated by effectively weakly coupled hard-thermal-loop quasiparticle degrees of freedom. In N=4 SYM, strong-coupling contributions to the thermodynamic potential take over when the entropy drops below 85% of the Stefan-Boltzmann value.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figures, JHEP3. v2: revised and expanded, with unchanged HTL results but corrected NLO strong-coupling result from AdS/CFT (which is incorrectly reproduced in almost all previous papers comparing weak and strong coupling results of N=4 SYM) and novel (unique) Pade approximant interpolating between weak and strong coupling result

    Level spacing statistics of classically integrable systems -Investigation along the line of the Berry-Robnik approach-

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    By extending the approach of Berry and Robnik, the limiting level spacing distribution of a system consisting of infinitely many independent components is investigated. The limiting level spacing distribution is characterized by a single monotonically increasing function μˉ(S)\bar{\mu}(S) of the level spacing SS. Three cases are distinguished: (i) Poissonian if μˉ(+)=0\bar{\mu}(+\infty)=0, (ii) Poissonian for large SS, but possibly not for small SS if 0<μˉ(+)<10<\bar{\mu}(+\infty)< 1, and (iii) sub-Poissonian if μˉ(+)=1\bar{\mu}(+\infty)=1. This implies that, even when energy-level distributions of individual components are statistically independent, non-Poissonian level spacing distributions are possible.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figures. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Multiple Transitions to Chaos in a Damped Parametrically Forced Pendulum

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    We study bifurcations associated with stability of the lowest stationary point (SP) of a damped parametrically forced pendulum by varying ω0\omega_0 (the natural frequency of the pendulum) and AA (the amplitude of the external driving force). As AA is increased, the SP will restabilize after its instability, destabilize again, and so {\it ad infinitum} for any given ω0\omega_0. Its destabilizations (restabilizations) occur via alternating supercritical (subcritical) period-doubling bifurcations (PDB's) and pitchfork bifurcations, except the first destabilization at which a supercritical or subcritical bifurcation takes place depending on the value of ω0\omega_0. For each case of the supercritical destabilizations, an infinite sequence of PDB's follows and leads to chaos. Consequently, an infinite series of period-doubling transitions to chaos appears with increasing AA. The critical behaviors at the transition points are also discussed.Comment: 20 pages + 7 figures (available upon request), RevTex 3.

    Renormalization Group Summation and the Free Energy of Hot QCD

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    Using an approach developed in the context of zero-temperature QCD to systematically sum higher order effects whose form is fixed by the renormalization group equation, we sum to all orders the leading log (LL) and next-to-leading log (NLL) contributions to the thermodynamic free energy in hot QCD. While the result varies considerably less with changes in the renormalization scale than does the purely perturbative result, a novel ambiguity arises which reflects the strong scheme dependence of thermal perturbation theory.Comment: 7 pages REVTEX4, 2 figures; v2: typos correcte

    Characterization of displacement forces and image artifacts in the presence of passive medical implants in low-field (< 100 mT) permanent magnet-based MRI systems, and comparisons with clinical MRI systems

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    Purpose: To investigate the displacement forces and image artifacts associated with passive medical implants for recently-developed low-field (128) turbo spin echo sequences can be run with short inter-pulse times (5-10 ms) within SAR limits.Conclusions: This work presents the first evaluation of the effects of passive implants at field strengths less than 100 mT in terms of displacement forces, image artifacts and SAR. The results support previous claims that such systems can be used safely and usefully in challenging enviroments such as the intensive care unit.Radiolog

    Higher Order Evaluation of the Critical Temperature for Interacting Homogeneous Dilute Bose Gases

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    We use the nonperturbative linear \delta expansion method to evaluate analytically the coefficients c_1 and c_2^{\prime \prime} which appear in the expansion for the transition temperature for a dilute, homogeneous, three dimensional Bose gas given by T_c= T_0 \{1 + c_1 a n^{1/3} + [ c_2^{\prime} \ln(a n^{1/3}) +c_2^{\prime \prime} ] a^2 n^{2/3} + {\cal O} (a^3 n)\}, where T_0 is the result for an ideal gas, a is the s-wave scattering length and n is the number density. In a previous work the same method has been used to evaluate c_1 to order-\delta^2 with the result c_1= 3.06. Here, we push the calculation to the next two orders obtaining c_1=2.45 at order-\delta^3 and c_1=1.48 at order-\delta^4. Analysing the topology of the graphs involved we discuss how our results relate to other nonperturbative analytical methods such as the self-consistent resummation and the 1/N approximations. At the same orders we obtain c_2^{\prime\prime}=101.4, c_2^{\prime \prime}=98.2 and c_2^{\prime \prime}=82.9. Our analytical results seem to support the recent Monte Carlo estimates c_1=1.32 \pm 0.02 and c_2^{\prime \prime}= 75.7 \pm 0.4.Comment: 29 pages, 3 eps figures. Minor changes, one reference added. Version in press Physical Review A (2002

    Asymptotically Improved Convergence of Optimized Perturbation Theory in the Bose-Einstein Condensation Problem

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    We investigate the convergence properties of optimized perturbation theory, or linear δ\delta expansion (LDE), within the context of finite temperature phase transitions. Our results prove the reliability of these methods, recently employed in the determination of the critical temperature T_c for a system of weakly interacting homogeneous dilute Bose gas. We carry out the explicit LDE optimized calculations and also the infrared analysis of the relevant quantities involved in the determination of TcT_c in the large-N limit, when the relevant effective static action describing the system is extended to O(N) symmetry. Then, using an efficient resummation method, we show how the LDE can exactly reproduce the known large-N result for TcT_c already at the first non-trivial order. Next, we consider the finite N=2 case where, using similar resummation techniques, we improve the analytical results for the nonperturbative terms involved in the expression for the critical temperature allowing comparison with recent Monte Carlo estimates of them. To illustrate the method we have considered a simple geometric series showing how the procedure as a whole works consistently in a general case.Comment: 38 pages, 3 eps figures, Revtex4. Final version in press Phys. Rev.