607 research outputs found

    Predicting emotions and meta-emotions at the movies

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    Audiences are attracted to dramas and horror movies even though negative and ambivalent emotions are likely to be experienced. Research into the seemingly paradoxical enjoyment of this kind of media entertainment has typically focused on gender- and genre-specific needs and viewing motivations. Extending this line of research, the authors focus the role of the need for affect as a more general, gender- and genre-independent predictor of individual differences in the experience of emotions and meta-emotions (i.e., evaluative thoughts and feelings about one’s emotions). The article discusses a field study of moviegoers who attended the regular screening of a drama or a horror film. Results support the assumption that individuals high in need for affect experience higher levels of negative and ambivalent emotions and evaluate their emotions more positively on the level of meta-emotions. Controlling for the Big Five personality factors does not alter these effects. The results are discussed within an extended meta-emotion framework

    Higher Order Evaluation of the Critical Temperature for Interacting Homogeneous Dilute Bose Gases

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    We use the nonperturbative linear \delta expansion method to evaluate analytically the coefficients c_1 and c_2^{\prime \prime} which appear in the expansion for the transition temperature for a dilute, homogeneous, three dimensional Bose gas given by T_c= T_0 \{1 + c_1 a n^{1/3} + [ c_2^{\prime} \ln(a n^{1/3}) +c_2^{\prime \prime} ] a^2 n^{2/3} + {\cal O} (a^3 n)\}, where T_0 is the result for an ideal gas, a is the s-wave scattering length and n is the number density. In a previous work the same method has been used to evaluate c_1 to order-\delta^2 with the result c_1= 3.06. Here, we push the calculation to the next two orders obtaining c_1=2.45 at order-\delta^3 and c_1=1.48 at order-\delta^4. Analysing the topology of the graphs involved we discuss how our results relate to other nonperturbative analytical methods such as the self-consistent resummation and the 1/N approximations. At the same orders we obtain c_2^{\prime\prime}=101.4, c_2^{\prime \prime}=98.2 and c_2^{\prime \prime}=82.9. Our analytical results seem to support the recent Monte Carlo estimates c_1=1.32 \pm 0.02 and c_2^{\prime \prime}= 75.7 \pm 0.4.Comment: 29 pages, 3 eps figures. Minor changes, one reference added. Version in press Physical Review A (2002

    A non-perturbative contribution to jet quenching

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    It has been argued by Caron-Huot that infrared contributions to the jet quenching parameter in hot QCD, denoted by qhat, can be extracted from an analysis of a certain static-potential related observable within the dimensionally reduced effective field theory. Following this philosophy, the order of magnitude of a non-perturbative contribution to qhat from the colour-magnetic scale, g^2T/pi, is estimated. The result is small; it is probably below the parametrically perturbative but in practice slowly convergent contributions from the colour-electric scale, whose all-orders resummation therefore remains an important challenge.Comment: 4 pages. v2: clarifications, published versio

    An integral method for solving nonlinear eigenvalue problems

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    We propose a numerical method for computing all eigenvalues (and the corresponding eigenvectors) of a nonlinear holomorphic eigenvalue problem that lie within a given contour in the complex plane. The method uses complex integrals of the resolvent operator, applied to at least kk column vectors, where kk is the number of eigenvalues inside the contour. The theorem of Keldysh is employed to show that the original nonlinear eigenvalue problem reduces to a linear eigenvalue problem of dimension kk. No initial approximations of eigenvalues and eigenvectors are needed. The method is particularly suitable for moderately large eigenvalue problems where kk is much smaller than the matrix dimension. We also give an extension of the method to the case where kk is larger than the matrix dimension. The quadrature errors caused by the trapezoid sum are discussed for the case of analytic closed contours. Using well known techniques it is shown that the error decays exponentially with an exponent given by the product of the number of quadrature points and the minimal distance of the eigenvalues to the contour

    Asymptotically Improved Convergence of Optimized Perturbation Theory in the Bose-Einstein Condensation Problem

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    We investigate the convergence properties of optimized perturbation theory, or linear δ\delta expansion (LDE), within the context of finite temperature phase transitions. Our results prove the reliability of these methods, recently employed in the determination of the critical temperature T_c for a system of weakly interacting homogeneous dilute Bose gas. We carry out the explicit LDE optimized calculations and also the infrared analysis of the relevant quantities involved in the determination of TcT_c in the large-N limit, when the relevant effective static action describing the system is extended to O(N) symmetry. Then, using an efficient resummation method, we show how the LDE can exactly reproduce the known large-N result for TcT_c already at the first non-trivial order. Next, we consider the finite N=2 case where, using similar resummation techniques, we improve the analytical results for the nonperturbative terms involved in the expression for the critical temperature allowing comparison with recent Monte Carlo estimates of them. To illustrate the method we have considered a simple geometric series showing how the procedure as a whole works consistently in a general case.Comment: 38 pages, 3 eps figures, Revtex4. Final version in press Phys. Rev.

    Semiclassical Study of Baryon and Lepton Number Violation in High-Energy Electroweak Collisions

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    We make use of a semiclassical method for calculating the suppression exponent for topology changing transitions in high-energy electroweak collisions. In the Standard Model these processes are accompanied by violation of baryon and lepton number. By using a suitable computational technique we obtain results for s-wave scattering in a large region of initial data. Our results show that baryon and lepton number violation remains exponentially suppressed up to very high energies of at least 30 sphaleron masses (250 TeV). We also conclude that the known analytic approaches inferred from low energy expansion provide reasonably good approximations up to the sphaleron energy (8 TeV) only.Comment: 23 pages, 18 figures. Phys.Rev.D journal version (two references added

    Towards a Nonequilibrium Quantum Field Theory Approach to Electroweak Baryogenesis

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    We propose a general method to compute CPCP-violating observables from extensions of the standard model in the context of electroweak baryogenesis. It is alternative to the one recently developed by Huet and Nelson and relies on a nonequilibrium quantum field theory approach. The method is valid for all shapes and sizes of the bubble wall expanding in the thermal bath during a first-order electroweak phase transition. The quantum physics of CPCP-violation and its suppression coming from the incoherent nature of thermal processes are also made explicit.Comment: 19 pages, 1 figure available upon e-mail reques

    The general purpose analog computer and computable analysis are two equivalent paradigms of analog computation

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    In this paper we revisit one of the rst models of analog computation, Shannon's General Purpose Analog Computer (GPAC). The GPAC has often been argued to be weaker than computable analysis. As main contribution, we show that if we change the notion of GPACcomputability in a natural way, we compute exactly all real computable functions (in the sense of computable analysis). Moreover, since GPACs are equivalent to systems of polynomial di erential equations then we show that all real computable functions can be de ned by such models

    Electromagnetic form factors of light vector mesons

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    The electromagnetic form factors G_E(q^2), G_M(q^2), and G_Q(q^2), charge radii, magnetic and quadrupole moments, and decay widths of the light vector mesons rho^+, K^{*+} and K^{*0} are calculated in a Lorentz-covariant, Dyson-Schwinger equation based model using algebraic quark propagators that incorporate confinement, asymptotic freedom, and dynamical chiral symmetry breaking, and vector meson Bethe-Salpeter amplitudes closely related to the pseudoscalar amplitudes obtained from phenomenological studies of pi and K mesons. Calculated static properties of vector mesons include the charge radii and magnetic moments: r_{rho+} = 0.61 fm, r_{K*+} = 0.54 fm, and r^2_{K*0} = -0.048 fm^2; mu_{rho+} = 2.69, mu_{K*+} = 2.37, and mu_{K*0} = -0.40. The calculated static limits of the rho-meson form factors are similar to those obtained from light-front quantum mechanical calculations, but begin to differ above q^2 = 1 GeV^2 due to the dynamical evolution of the quark propagators in our approach.Comment: 8 pages of RevTeX, 5 eps figure

    Computation of the winding number diffusion rate due to the cosmological sphaleron

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    A detailed quantitative analysis of the transition process mediated by a sphaleron type non-Abelian gauge field configuration in a static Einstein universe is carried out. By examining spectra of the fluctuation operators and applying the zeta function regularization scheme, a closed analytical expression for the transition rate at the one-loop level is derived. This is a unique example of an exact solution for a sphaleron model in 3+13+1 spacetime dimensions.Comment: Some style corrections suggested by the referee are introduced (mainly in Sec.II), one reference added. To appear in Phys.Rev.D 29 pages, LaTeX, 3 Postscript figures, uses epsf.st
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