881 research outputs found

    Relative Frequenzstabilitätsmessungen an Einmoden-Lasern

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    The relative frequency stabilities and the modulation spectra of differently stabilized lasers are compared. The measurements were made by a Michelson interferometer with an internal optical de­lay line. For 6328 Å He - Ne-lasers stabilized by means of a Zeeman-absorption-cell and by the Lamb-dip-method frequency-standard-deviations of 1.3 × 105 and 9.0 × 105 Hz for observation times between 1 s and 20 s were measured. The frequency modulation spectra are composed of a low frequency noise part and many discrete frequencies, which can be related to the stabilization mechanism

    Strategische Planung: synoptisch oder inkremental?

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    Comparing word and syllable prominence rated by naïve listeners

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    Prominence has been widely studied on the word level and the syllable level. An extensive study comparing the two approaches is missing in the literature. This study investigates how word and syllable prominence relate to each other in German. We find that perceptual ratings based on the word level are more extreme than those based on the syllable level. The correlations between word prominence and acoustic features are greater than the correlations between syllable prominence and acoustic features

    Obtaining prominence judgments from naïve listeners – Influence of rating scales, linguistic levels and normalisation

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    A frequently replicated finding is that higher frequency words tend to be shorter and contain more strongly reduced vowels. However, little is known about potential differences in the articulatory gestures for high vs. low frequency words. The present study made use of electromagnetic articulography to investigate the production of two German vowels, [i] and [a], embedded in high and low frequency words. We found that word frequency differently affected the production of [i] and [a] at the temporal as well as the gestural level. Higher frequency of use predicted greater acoustic durations for long vowels; reduced durations for short vowels; articulatory trajectories with greater tongue height for [i] and more pronounced downward articulatory trajectories for [a]. These results show that the phonological contrast between short and long vowels is learned better with experience, and challenge both the Smooth Signal Redundancy Hypothesis and current theories of German phonology

    The effect of priming on the correlations between prominence ratings and acoustic features

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    Arnold D, Wagner P, Möbius B. The effect of priming on the correlations between prominence ratings and acoustic features. In: Prosodic Prominence: Perceptual and Automatic Identification (Speech Prosody 2010 Workshop). 2010: W1.02.In previous research we showed that the priming paradigm can be used to significantly alter the prominence ratings of subjects. In that study we only looked at the changes in the subjects’ ratings. In the present study, we analyzed the acoustic parameters of the stimuli used in the priming study and investigated the correlation between prominence ratings and acoustic parameters. The results show that priming has a significant effect on these correlations. The contribution of acoustic features on perceived prominence was found to depend on the prominence pattern. If a dominantly prominent syllable is present in a given utterance, f0 and intensity contribute most to the perceived prominence, while duration contributes most when no syllable is dominantly prominent. Index Terms: syllable, prominence, priming, acoustic correlate

    Politische Parteien, Volksbegehren und Volksabstimmungen

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    Political parties in Switzerland exert a considerable influence on direct democracy. The examination is carried out in systematical analysis and ten empirical case studies on popular initiatives and referendums. The comparative study indicates, that parties are insignificant in the initiative and referendum process in the US states, whereas they play an important role for ini­tiatives and referendums in the German states.Die politischen Parteien in der Schweiz verfügen über einen beträchtlichen Einfluß auf die direkte Demokratie. Die Untersuchung wird in systematischer Analyse und zehn empiri­schen Fallstudien über Volksinitiativen und Referenden durchgeführt. Die vergleichende Studie zeigt, daß die Parteien im Initiativ- und Referendumsprozeß in den US-Bundesstaaten fast be­deutungslos sind, während sie in den Volksbegehren und Volksentscheiden in den deutschen Bundesländern eine wichtige Rolle spielen

    Neue Institutionenökonomie und Recht

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