640 research outputs found

    Pressure of Hot QCD at Large N_f

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    We compute the pressure and entropy of hot QCD in the limit of large number of fermions, N_f >> N_c ~ 1, to next to leading order in N_f. At this order the calculation can be done exactly, up to ambiguities due to the presence of a Landau pole in the theory; the ambiguities are O(T^8/\Lambda^4_{Landau}) and remain negligible long after the perturbative series (in g^2 N_f) has broken down. Our results can be used to test several proposed resummation schemes for the pressure of full QCD.Comment: 16 pages including 4 figures. Short enough for you to read. Numerical results corrected after an error was found by Andreas Ipp and Anton Rebha

    Nearly perfect fluid in Au+Au collisions at RHIC

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    In the Israel-Stewart's theory of dissipative hydrodynamics, we have analysed the STAR data on ϕ\phi meson production in Au+Au collisions at s\sqrt{s}=200 GeV. From a simultaneous fit to ϕ\phi mesons multiplicity, mean pTp_T and integrated v2v_2, we obtain a phenomenological estimate of QGP viscosity, η/s=0.07±0.03±0.14\eta/s =0.07 \pm 0.03 \pm 0.14, the first error is due to the experimental uncertainty in STAR measurements, the second reflects the uncertainties in initial and final conditions of the fluid.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figures. Version accepted for publication in Phys. Lett.

    A simple sum rule for the thermal gluon spectral function and applications

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    In this paper, we derive a simple sum rule satisfied by the gluon spectral function at finite temperature. This sum rule is useful in order to calculate exactly some integrals that appear frequently in the photon or dilepton production rate by a quark gluon plasma. Using this sum rule, we rederive simply some known results and obtain some new results that would be extremely difficult to justify otherwise. In particular, we derive an exact expression for the collision integral that appears in the calculation of the Landau-Pomeranchuk-Migdal effect.Comment: 24 latex pages, 2 postscript figure

    Enhanced thermal production of hard dileptons by 323\to 2 processes

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    In the framework of the Hard Thermal Loop effective theory, we calculate the two-loop contributions to hard lepton pair production in a quark-gluon plasma. We show that the result is free of any infrared and collinear singularity. We also recover the known fact that perturbation theory leads to integrable singularities at the location of the threshold for qqˉγq\bar{q}\to\gamma^*. It appears that the process calculated here significantly enhances the rate of low mass hard dileptons.Comment: 32 latex pages, 14 postscript figure

    The non-Abelian Debye screening length beyond leading order

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    In quantum electrodynamics, static electric fields are screened at non-zero temperatures by charges in the plasma. The inverse screening length, or Debye mass, may be analyzed in perturbation theory and is of order eTeT at relativistic temperatures. An analogous situation occurs when non-Abelian gauge theories are studied perturbatively, but the perturbative analysis breaks down when corrections of order e2Te^2 T are considered. At this order, the Debye mass depends on the non-perturbative physics of confinement, and a perturbative ``definition'' of the Debye mass as the pole of a gluon propagator does not even make sense. In this work, we show how the Debye mass can be defined non-perturbatively in a manifestly gauge invariant manner (in vector-like gauge theories with zero chemical potential). In addition, we show how the O(e2T)O(e^2 T) correction could be determined by a fairly simple, three-dimensional, numerical lattice calculation of the perimeter-law behavior of large, adjoint-charge Wilson loops.Comment: 30 pages, revtex format, 9 postscript figures included using epsf.st

    Solution to the 3-loop Φ\Phi-derivable Approximation for Scalar Thermodynamics

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    We solve the 3-loop Φ\Phi-derivable approximation to the thermodynamics of the massless ϕ4\phi^4 field theory by reducing it to a 1-parameter variational problem. The thermodynamic potential is expanded in powers of g2g^2 and m/Tm/T, where gg is the coupling constant, mm is a variational mass parameter, and TT is the temperature. There are ultraviolet divergences beginning at 6th order in gg that cannot be removed by renormalization. However the finite thermodynamic potential obtained by truncating after terms of 5th order in gg and m/Tm/T defines a stable approximation to the thermodynamic functions.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    2-C-methylated nucleotides terminate virus RNA synthesis by preventing active site closure of the viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerase

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    The 2-C-methyl ribonucleosides are nucleoside analogs representing an important class of antiviral agents, especially against positive-strand RNA viruses. Their value is highlighted by the highly successful anti-hepatitis C drug sofosbuvir. When appropriately phosphorylated, these nucleotides are successfully incorporated into RNA by the virally encoded RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp). This activity prevents further RNA extension, but the mechanism is poorly characterized. Previously, we had identified NMR signatures characteristic of formation of RdRp-RNA binary and RdRp-RNA-NTP ternary complexes for the poliovirus RdRp, including an open-to-closed conformational change necessary to prepare the active site for catalysis of phosphoryl transfer. Here we used these observations as a framework for interpreting the effects of 2-C-methyl adenosine analogs on RNA chain extension in solution-state NMR spectroscopy experiments, enabling us to gain additional mechanistic insights into 2-C-methyl ribonucleoside-mediated RNA chain termination. Contrary to what has been proposed previously, poliovirus RdRp that was bound to RNA with an incorporated 2-C-methyl nucleotide could still bind to the next incoming NTP. Our results also indicated that incorporation of the 2-C-methyl nucleotide does not disrupt RdRp-RNA interactions and does not prevent translocation. Instead, incorporation of the 2-C-methyl nucleotide blocked closure of the RdRp active site upon binding of the next correct incoming NTP, which prevented further nucleotide addition. We propose that other nucleotide analogs that act as nonobligate chain terminators may operate through a similar mechanism

    Hard Photon production from unsaturated quark gluon plasma at two loop level

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    The hard photon productions from bremsstrahlung and annihilation with scattering that arise at two loop level are estimated from a chemically non-equilibrated quark gluon plasma using the frame work of thermal field theory. Although, the rate of photon production is suppressed due to unsaturated phase space, the above suppression is relatively smaller than expected due to an additional collinear enhancement (arise due to decrease in thermal quark mass) as compared to it's equilibrium counterpart. Interestingly, unlike the one loop case, the reduction in the two loop processes are found to be independent of gluon chemical poential, but strongly depends on quark fugacity. It is also found that, since the phase space suppression is highest for annihilation with scattering, the photon production is entirely dominated by bremsstrahlung mechanism at all energies. This is to be contrasted with the case of the equilibrated plasma where annihilation with scattering dominates the photon production particularly at higher energies.Comment: Latex 12 pages, 13 eps figure

    Two-point functions for SU(3) Polyakov Loops near T_c

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    We discuss the behavior of two point functions for Polyakov loops in a SU(3) gauge theory about the critical temperature, T_c. From a Z(3) model, in mean field theory we obtain a prediction for the ratio of masses at T_c, extracted from correlation functions for the imaginary and real parts of the Polyakov loop. This ratio is m_i/m_r = 3 if the potential only includes terms up to quartic order in the Polyakov loop; its value changes as pentic and hexatic interactions become important. The Polyakov Loop Model then predicts how m_i/m_r changes above T_c.Comment: 5 pages, no figures; reference adde