244 research outputs found

    Intima-Media-Dicke und Risiko fĂŒr kardiovaskulĂ€re Ereignisse

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    Zusammenfassung: Die Intima-media Dicke der Carotiden (CIMT) ist in Ultraschallbildern als typische Doppellinie zu erkennen. Die Untersuchung der CIMT sollte mit einem hochauflösenden linearen Schallkopf mit mindestens 7,5 MHz erfolgen. Die beste Sichtbarkeit und Reproduzierbarkeit der Messung wurde im am weitesten distal gelegenen Abschnitt der Arteria carotis communis im Bereich der schallkopffernen Wand nachgewiesen, gefolgt von der Bifurkation und der Arteria carotis interna. Automatische Detektionsverfahren der CIMT werden immer breiter verfĂŒgbar und sollten gegenĂŒber manuellen Messungen aufgrund der wesentlich niedrigeren Intra- und Interreader VariabilitĂ€t bevorzugt eingesetzt werden. Insgesamt ist jedoch ein strukturiertes Training der Untersucher die wichtigste Voraussetzung fĂŒr eine gute QualitĂ€t der Ultraschallbilder und damit fĂŒr reproduzierbare und verlĂ€ssliche CIMT-Messungen. Die CIMT ist mit allen klassischen Risikofaktoren in sinnvoller Weise verbunden. Unter ihnen hat das Lebensalter die stĂ€rkste Assoziation mit der CIMT und trĂ€gt mit 50-80 % zur GesamtvariabilitĂ€t der CIMT bei. Die CIMT hat unabhĂ€ngig von atherosklerotischen Risikofaktoren und etablierten Risiko-Scores einen prĂ€diktiven Wert fĂŒr zukĂŒnftige kardio-vaskulĂ€re Ereignisse. Eine absolute Zunahme der CIMT der Arteria carotis communis von 0,1 mm ist mit einem Anstieg des Risikos fĂŒr einen Herzinfarkt von 12-15 % und fĂŒr einen Schlaganfall von 13-18% verbunden. Die Messung der CIMT hat sich als geeignet fĂŒr die Reklassifizierung des Risikos fĂŒr kardio-vaskulĂ€re Erkrankungen bei Patienten mit intermediĂ€rem Risiko gezeigt. Da eine Verdickung der CIMT bereits in jungen Jahren auftreten kann, kann sie in hier bereits fĂŒr die Erfassung der atherosklerotischen Last eingesetzt werden; Plaques im Bereich der Carotiden erscheinen dagegen erst spĂ€ter im Altersgang. CIMT und Plaques tragen unabhĂ€ngig zur Risikoerfassung fĂŒr zukĂŒnftige kardio-vaskulĂ€re Ereignisse be

    Low Cardiorespiratory Fitness Post-COVID-19: A Narrative Review

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    Patients recovering from COVID-19 often report symptoms of exhaustion, fatigue and dyspnoea and present with exercise intolerance persisting for months post-infection. Numerous studies investigated these sequelae and their possible underlying mechanisms using cardiopulmonary exercise testing. We aimed to provide an in-depth discussion as well as an overview of the contribution of selected organ systems to exercise intolerance based on the Wasserman gears. The gears represent the pulmonary system, cardiovascular system, and periphery/musculature and mitochondria. Thirty-two studies that examined adult patients post-COVID-19 via cardiopulmonary exercise testing were included. In 22 of 26 studies reporting cardiorespiratory fitness (herein defined as peak oxygen uptake-VO2peak), VO2peak was < 90% of predicted value in patients. VO2peak was notably below normal even in the long-term. Given the available evidence, the contribution of respiratory function to low VO2peak seems to be only minor except for lung diffusion capacity. The prevalence of low lung diffusion capacity was high in the included studies. The cardiovascular system might contribute to low VO2peak via subnormal cardiac output due to chronotropic incompetence and reduced stroke volume, especially in the first months post-infection. Chronotropic incompetence was similarly present in the moderate- and long-term follow-up. However, contrary findings exist. Peripheral factors such as muscle mass, strength and perfusion, mitochondrial function, or arteriovenous oxygen difference may also contribute to low VO2peak. More data are required, however. The findings of this review do not support deconditioning as the primary mechanism of low VO2peak post-COVID-19. Post-COVID-19 sequelae are multifaceted and require individual diagnosis and treatment

    The stimulating effect of bright light on physical performance depends on internal time.

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    The human circadian clock regulates the daily timing of sleep, alertness and performance and is synchronized to the 24-h day by the environmental light-dark cycle. Bright light exposure has been shown to positively affect sleepiness and alertness, yet little is known about its effects on physical performance, especially in relation to chronotype. We, therefore, exposed 43 male participants (mean age 24.5 yrs ± SD 2.3 yrs) in a randomized crossover study to 160 minutes of bright (BL: ≈ 4.420 lx) and dim light (DL: ≈ 230 lx). During the last 40 minutes of these exposures, participants performed a bicycle ergometer test. Time-of-day of the exercise sessions did not differ between the BL and DL condition. Chronotype (MSF(sc), mid-sleep time on free days corrected for oversleep due to sleep debt on workdays) was assessed by the Munich ChronoType Questionnaire (MCTQ). Total work was significantly higher in BL (median 548.4 kJ, min 411.82 kJ, max 875.20 kJ) than in DL (median 521.5 kJ, min 384.33 kJ, max 861.23 kJ) (p = 0.004) going along with increased exhaustion levels in BL (blood lactate (+12.7%, p = 0.009), heart rate (+1.8%, p = 0.031), and Borg scale ratings (+2.6%, p = 0.005)) in all participants. The differences between total work levels in BL and DL were significantly higher (p = 0.004) if participants were tested at a respectively later time point after their individual mid-sleep (chronotype). These novel results demonstrate, that timed BL exposure enhances physical performance with concomitant increase in individual strain, and is related not only to local (external) time, but also to an individual's internal time

    Association between arterial stiffness and walking capacity in older adults

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    Background and aim Arterial stiffening – a process that is largely due to intimal thickening, collagen disposition or elastin fragmentation – significantly contributes to cardiovascular events and mortality. There is also some evidence that it may negatively affect physical function. This study aimed to evaluate whether arterial stiffness was associated with measures of walking capacity in a large, population-based sample of highly aged older adults. Methods A population-based sample of 910 community-dwelling adults (aged 75, 80, or 85 years) were investigated in a cross-sectional observational study. Pulse wave velocity (PWV), a surrogate marker of arterial stiffness, was estimated based on the oscillometric recording of pulse waves at the brachial artery site. Walking capacity was assessed by 10-meter habitual walking speed, 10-meter maximum walking speed, and six-minute walk distance. We used multiple linear regression models to examine possible associations between PWV and parameters of walking capacity, and we adjusted the models for sex, age, socioeconomic status, anthropometry, physician-diagnosed diseases, prescription medication, smoking history, physical activity, and mean arterial pressure. Continuous variables were modelled using restricted cubic splines to account for potential nonlinear associations. Results Mean (standard deviation) 10-meter habitual walking speed, 10-meter maximum walking speed, and six-minute walk distance were 1.3 (0.2) m/s, 1.7 (0.4) m/s, and 413 (85) m, respectively. The fully adjusted regression models revealed no evidence for associations between PWV and parameters of walking capacity (all p-values >0.05). Conclusion Our results did not confirm previous findings suggesting a potential negative association between arterial stiffness and walking capacity in old age. Longitudinal studies, potentially taking additional confounders into account, are needed to disentangle the complex relationship between the two factors.peerReviewe

    Exercise and Carotid Properties in the Young–The KiGGS-2 Study

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    Background: Carotid intima-media thickness (cIMT) and stiffness (cS) are predictive markers of early vascular aging and atherosclerotic risk. This study assessed, whether exercise has protective effects on carotid structure and function or on vascular risk in the young. Methods: Volume and change of exercise (recreational and organized sports participation) of German adolescents and young adults was assessed within the prospective population-study KiGGS at KiGGS-Wave-1 (2009–2012) and KiGGS-Wave-2 (2014–2017) using standardized self-reporting questionnaires. CIMT and cS were measured by real-time B-mode ultrasound sequences with semi-automated edge-detection and automatic electrocardiogram-gated quality control in 2,893 participants (14–28 years, 49.6% female). A cumulative index for atherosclerotic risk (CV-R) included z-scores of mean arterial pressure, triglycerides, total/HDL-cholesterol-ratio, body mass index, and HbA1c. Results: At KiGGS-Wave-2 cross-sectional CV-R but not cS and cIMT was lower in all exercise-groups compared to “no exercise” (B = −0.73, 95%-CI = −1.26 to 0.19, p = 0.008). Longitudinal volume of exercise was negatively associated with CV-R (B = −0.37, 95%-CI = −0.74 to 0.00, p = 0.048) but not with cS and cIMT. Cross-sectional relative risk of elevated CV-R but not cS and cIMT was lower in all exercise-groups compared to “no exercise” (RR = 0.80, 95%-CI = 0.66 to 0.98, p = 0.033). High exercise volumes were associated with lower relative risk of elevated CV-R (RR = 0.80, 95%-CI = 0.65–0.97, p = 0.021) and cS in tendency but not with cIMT. Conclusions: Increased levels of exercise are associated with a better cardiovascular risk profile in young individuals, but not with cS and cIMT. Our study confirms previous recommendations on exercise in this age group without demonstrating a clear benefit on surrogate markers of vascular health.Peer Reviewe

    Marathon performance but not BMI affects post-marathon pro-inflammatory and cartilage biomarkers

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    We tested the hypothesis that changes in serum cartilage oligomeric matrix protein (COMP), tumour necrosis factor α (TNF-α), interleukin-6 (IL-6) and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hsCRP) concentration after regular endurance training and running a marathon race depend on body mass index (BMI) and/or on marathon performance. Blood samples were collected from 45 runners of varying BMI and running experience before and after a 10-week marathon training programme and before, immediately and 24 h after a marathon race. Serum biomarker concentrations, BMI and marathon finishing time were measured. The mean (95% confidence interval (CI)) changes from before to immediately after the marathon were COMP: 4.09 U/L (3.39-4.79 U/L); TNF-α: -1.17 mg/L (-2.58 to 0.25 mg/L); IL-6: 12.0 pg/mL (11.4-12.5 pg/mL); and hsCRP: -0.08 pg/mL (-0.14 to -0.3 pg/mL). The mean (95% CI) changes from immediately after to 24 h after the marathon were COMP: 0.35 U/L (-0.88 to 1.57 U/L); TNF-α: -0.43 mg/L (-0.99 to 0.13 mg/L); IL-6: -9.9 pg/mL (-10.5 to -9.4 pg/mL); and hsCRP: 1.52 pg/mL (1.25-1.79 pg/mL). BMI did not affect changes in biomarker concentrations. Differences in marathon finishing time explained 32% of variability in changes in serum hsCRP and 28% of variability in changes in serum COMP during the 24 h recovery after the marathon race (P &lt; 0.001). Slower marathon finishing time but not a higher BMI modulates increases in pro-inflammatory markers or cartilage markers following a marathon race

    Changes in Cartilage Biomarker Levels During a Transcontinental Multistage Footrace Over 4486 km

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    Cartilage turnover and load-induced tissue changes are frequently assessed by quantifying concentrations of cartilage biomarkers in serum. To date, information on the effects of ultramarathon running on articular cartilage is scarce.; Serum concentrations of cartilage oligomeric matrix protein (COMP), matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-1, MMP-3, MMP-9, COL2-3/4C long mono (C2C), procollagen type II C-terminal propeptide (CPII), and C2C:CPII will increase throughout a multistage ultramarathon.; Descriptive laboratory study.; Blood samples were collected from 36 runners (4 female; mean age, 49.0 ± 10.7 years; mean body mass index, 23.1 ± 2.3 kg/m2 [start] and 21.4 ± 1.9 kg/m2 [finish]) before (t0) and during (t1: 1002 km; t2: 2132 km; t3: 3234 km; t4: 4039 km) a 4486-km multistage ultramarathon. Serum COMP, MMP-1, MMP-3, MMP-9, C2C, and CPII levels were assessed using commercial enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays. Linear mixed models were used to detect significant changes in serum biomarker levels over time with the time-varying covariates of body weight, running speed, and daily running time.; Serum concentrations of COMP, MMP-9, and MMP-3 changed significantly throughout the multistage ultramarathon. On average, concentrations increased during the first measurement interval (MI1: t1-t0) by 22.5% for COMP (95% CI, 0.29-0.71 ng/mL), 22.3% for MMP-3 (95% CI, 0.24-15.37 ng/mL), and 95.6% for MMP-9 (95% CI, 81.7-414.5 ng/mL) and remained stable throughout MI2, MI3, and MI4. Serum concentrations of MMP-1, C2C, CPII, and C2C:CPII did not change significantly throughout the multistage ultramarathon. Changes in MMP-3 were statistically associated with changes in COMP throughout the ultramarathon race (MMP-3: Wald Z = 3.476, P = .001).; Elevated COMP levels indicate increased COMP turnover in response to extreme running, and the association between load-induced changes in MMP-3 and changes in COMP suggests the possibility that MMP-3 may be involved in the degradation of COMP.; These results suggest that articular cartilage is able to adapt even to extreme physical activity, possibly explaining why the risk of degenerative joint disease is not elevated in the running population

    Changes in Cartilage Biomarker Levels During a Transcontinental Multistage Footrace Over 4486 km

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    Cartilage turnover and load-induced tissue changes are frequently assessed by quantifying concentrations of cartilage biomarkers in serum. To date, information on the effects of ultramarathon running on articular cartilage is scarce.; Serum concentrations of cartilage oligomeric matrix protein (COMP), matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-1, MMP-3, MMP-9, COL2-3/4C long mono (C2C), procollagen type II C-terminal propeptide (CPII), and C2C:CPII will increase throughout a multistage ultramarathon.; Descriptive laboratory study.; Blood samples were collected from 36 runners (4 female; mean age, 49.0 ± 10.7 years; mean body mass index, 23.1 ± 2.3 kg/m2 [start] and 21.4 ± 1.9 kg/m2 [finish]) before (t0) and during (t1: 1002 km; t2: 2132 km; t3: 3234 km; t4: 4039 km) a 4486-km multistage ultramarathon. Serum COMP, MMP-1, MMP-3, MMP-9, C2C, and CPII levels were assessed using commercial enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays. Linear mixed models were used to detect significant changes in serum biomarker levels over time with the time-varying covariates of body weight, running speed, and daily running time.; Serum concentrations of COMP, MMP-9, and MMP-3 changed significantly throughout the multistage ultramarathon. On average, concentrations increased during the first measurement interval (MI1: t1-t0) by 22.5% for COMP (95% CI, 0.29-0.71 ng/mL), 22.3% for MMP-3 (95% CI, 0.24-15.37 ng/mL), and 95.6% for MMP-9 (95% CI, 81.7-414.5 ng/mL) and remained stable throughout MI2, MI3, and MI4. Serum concentrations of MMP-1, C2C, CPII, and C2C:CPII did not change significantly throughout the multistage ultramarathon. Changes in MMP-3 were statistically associated with changes in COMP throughout the ultramarathon race (MMP-3: Wald Z = 3.476, P = .001).; Elevated COMP levels indicate increased COMP turnover in response to extreme running, and the association between load-induced changes in MMP-3 and changes in COMP suggests the possibility that MMP-3 may be involved in the degradation of COMP.; These results suggest that articular cartilage is able to adapt even to extreme physical activity, possibly explaining why the risk of degenerative joint disease is not elevated in the running population

    Does a single session of high-intensity interval training provoke a transient elevated risk of falling in seniors and adults?

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    Balance and strength training can reduce seniors' fall risk up to 50%. Available evidence suggests that acute bouts of neuromuscular and endurance exercise deteriorate postural control. High-intensity endurance training has been successfully applied in different populations. Thus, it seemed valuable to examine the acute effects of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) on neuromuscular performance in seniors and young adults.; The acute impact of a HIIT session on balance performance and muscle activity after exercise cessation and during post-exercise recovery was examined in young and old adults. We intended to investigate whether a transient exercise-induced fall-risk may occur in both groups.; 20 healthy seniors (age 70 (SD 4) years) and young adults (age 27 (SD 3) years) were examined on 3 days. After exhaustive ramp-like treadmill testing in order to determine maximal heart rate (HRmax) on the first day, either a 4 × 4 min HIIT at 90% of HRmax or a control condition (CON) was randomly performed on the second and third day, respectively. Balance performance (postural sway) was assessed during single limb stance with open eyes (SLEO) and double limb stance with closed eyes (DLEC). EMG was recorded for the soleus (SOL), anterior tibialis (TIB), gastrocnemius (GM) and peroneus longus (PL) muscles at the dominant leg. All measures were collected before, immediately as well as 10, 30 and 45 min after HIIT and CON, respectively.; Compared to CON, HIIT induced significant increases of postural sway immediately after exercise cessation during SLEO in both groups (adults: p &lt; 0.001, Δ = +25% sway; seniors: p = 0.007, Δ = +15% sway). Increased sway during DLEC was only found for seniors immediately and 10 min after HIIT (post: p = 0.003, Δ = +14% sway, 10 min post: p = 0.004, Δ = +18% sway). Muscle activity was increased during SLEO for TIB until 10 min post in seniors (0.008 &lt; p &lt; 0.03) and immediately after HIIT in adults (p &lt; 0.001).; HIIT training may cause an acute 'open-fall-window' with a transient impairment of balance performance for at least 10 min after exercise cessation in both groups. Occluded vision in seniors seems to prolong this period up to 30 min. Thus, the advantage of HIIT with regard to time efficiency seems debatable when considering transient HIIT-induced impairments of neuromuscular function

    Balance and gait performance after maximal and submaximal endurance exercise in seniors: is there a higher fall-risk?

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    Impaired balance and gait performance increase fall-risk in seniors. Acute effects of different exercise bouts on gait and balance were not yet addressed. Therefore, 19 healthy seniors (10 women, 9 men, age: 64.6±3.2years) were examined on 3days. After exhaustive treadmill testing, participants randomly completed a 2-km treadmill walking test (76±8% VO2max) and a resting control condition. Standing balance performance (SBALP) was assessed by single limb-eyes opened (SLEO) and double limb-eyes closed (DLEC) stance. Gait parameters were collected at comfortable walking velocity. A condition×time interaction of center of pressure path length (COPpath) was observed for both balance tasks (p<0.001). Small (Cohen's d=0.42, p=0.05) and large (d=1.04, p<0.001) COPpath increases were found after 2-km and maximal exercise during DLEC. Regarding SLEO, slightly increased COPpath occurred after 2-km walking (d=0.29, p=0.65) and large increases after exhaustive exercise (d=1.24, p<0.001). No significant differences were found for gait parameters. Alterations of SBALP after exhaustive exercise might lead to higher fall-risk in seniors. Balance changes upon 2-km testing might be of minor relevance. Gait is not affected during single task walking at given velocitie
