1,975 research outputs found

    Lumineszenz-Datierung der Löss-PalĂ€oboden-Sequenz in der Kiesgrube Gaul/Weilbach, SĂŒdhessen

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    A thick Middle and Late Pleistocene loess/palaeosol sequence is exposed at the gravel quarry Gaul located east of Weilbach in the southern foreland of the Taunus Mountains. The loess/palaeosol sequence correlates to the last three glacial cycles. Seven samples were dated by luminescence methods using an elevated temperature IRSL (post-IR IRSL) protocol for polymineral fine-grains to determine the deposition age of the sediment and to set up a more reliable chronological framework for these deposits. The fading corrected IR50 and the pIRIR225 age estimates show a good agreement for almost all samples. The fading corrected IRSL ages range from 23.7 ± 1.6 ka to >350 ka indicating that the oldest loess was deposited during marine isotope stage (MIS) 10 or earlier and that the humic-rich horizon (Weilbacher Humuszone) was developed during the late phase of MIS 7. Loess taken above the fCc horizon most likely accumulated during MIS 6 indicating that the remains of the palaeosol are not belonging to the last interglacial soil. The two uppermost samples indicate that the youngest loess accumulated during MIS 2 (Upper WĂŒrmian). Age estimates for the loess-palaeosol sequence of the gravel quarry Gaul/Weilbach could be obtained up to ~350 ka using the pIRIR225 from feldspar. Keywords: loess, luminescence dating, IRSL, fading, Weilbach, chronostratigraphyLumineszenz-Datierung der Löss-PalĂ€oboden-Sequenz in der Kiesgrube Gaul/Weilbach, SĂŒdhessen Kurzfassung: Eine mĂ€chtige Löss-PalĂ€oboden-Sequenz des Mittel- und SpĂ€tpleistozĂ€ns ist in der Kiesgrube Gaul östlich von Weilbach im sĂŒdlichen Taunusvorland aufgeschlossen. Lösse der letzten drei Glazialzyklen, mit zwischengeschalteten PalĂ€oböden, sind aufgeschlossen. Sieben Proben wurden mit der Lumineszenz-Datierungsmethode, basierend auf einem post-IR IRSL Messprotokoll, untersucht, um einen verlĂ€sslicheren chronologischen Rahmen fĂŒr diese Sedimente zu etablieren. Die „fading“ korrigierten IR50 und die pIRIR225 Alter sind fĂŒr fast alle Proben in guter Übereinstimmung. Die IRSL Alter reichen von 23.7 ± 1.6 ka bis >350 ka und deuten an, dass der Ă€lteste Löss wĂ€hrend des marinen Isotopenstadiums (MIS) 10 oder frĂŒher abgelagert wurde, und dass die Weilbacher Humuszonen sehr wahrscheinlich wĂ€hrend einer spĂ€ten Phase des MIS 7 gebildet wurden. Lösse ĂŒber dem fCc Horizont wurden sehr wahrscheinlich wĂ€hrend des MIS 6 abgelagert, was darauf hindeutet, dass die Reste des PalĂ€obodens nicht mit dem letzten Interglazial korrelieren. Die beiden obersten Proben deuten darauf hin, dass der jĂŒngste Löss wĂ€hrend dem letzten Pleniglazial (OberwĂŒrm, MIS 2) abgelagert wurde. Mit dem pIRIR225 Signal konnten Alter bis ~350 ka fĂŒr die Proben der Löss-PalĂ€oboden-Sequenz in der Kiesgrube Gaul gemessen werden

    Intima-Media-Dicke und Risiko fĂŒr kardiovaskulĂ€re Ereignisse

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    Zusammenfassung: Die Intima-media Dicke der Carotiden (CIMT) ist in Ultraschallbildern als typische Doppellinie zu erkennen. Die Untersuchung der CIMT sollte mit einem hochauflösenden linearen Schallkopf mit mindestens 7,5 MHz erfolgen. Die beste Sichtbarkeit und Reproduzierbarkeit der Messung wurde im am weitesten distal gelegenen Abschnitt der Arteria carotis communis im Bereich der schallkopffernen Wand nachgewiesen, gefolgt von der Bifurkation und der Arteria carotis interna. Automatische Detektionsverfahren der CIMT werden immer breiter verfĂŒgbar und sollten gegenĂŒber manuellen Messungen aufgrund der wesentlich niedrigeren Intra- und Interreader VariabilitĂ€t bevorzugt eingesetzt werden. Insgesamt ist jedoch ein strukturiertes Training der Untersucher die wichtigste Voraussetzung fĂŒr eine gute QualitĂ€t der Ultraschallbilder und damit fĂŒr reproduzierbare und verlĂ€ssliche CIMT-Messungen. Die CIMT ist mit allen klassischen Risikofaktoren in sinnvoller Weise verbunden. Unter ihnen hat das Lebensalter die stĂ€rkste Assoziation mit der CIMT und trĂ€gt mit 50-80 % zur GesamtvariabilitĂ€t der CIMT bei. Die CIMT hat unabhĂ€ngig von atherosklerotischen Risikofaktoren und etablierten Risiko-Scores einen prĂ€diktiven Wert fĂŒr zukĂŒnftige kardio-vaskulĂ€re Ereignisse. Eine absolute Zunahme der CIMT der Arteria carotis communis von 0,1 mm ist mit einem Anstieg des Risikos fĂŒr einen Herzinfarkt von 12-15 % und fĂŒr einen Schlaganfall von 13-18% verbunden. Die Messung der CIMT hat sich als geeignet fĂŒr die Reklassifizierung des Risikos fĂŒr kardio-vaskulĂ€re Erkrankungen bei Patienten mit intermediĂ€rem Risiko gezeigt. Da eine Verdickung der CIMT bereits in jungen Jahren auftreten kann, kann sie in hier bereits fĂŒr die Erfassung der atherosklerotischen Last eingesetzt werden; Plaques im Bereich der Carotiden erscheinen dagegen erst spĂ€ter im Altersgang. CIMT und Plaques tragen unabhĂ€ngig zur Risikoerfassung fĂŒr zukĂŒnftige kardio-vaskulĂ€re Ereignisse be

    The stimulating effect of bright light on physical performance depends on internal time.

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    The human circadian clock regulates the daily timing of sleep, alertness and performance and is synchronized to the 24-h day by the environmental light-dark cycle. Bright light exposure has been shown to positively affect sleepiness and alertness, yet little is known about its effects on physical performance, especially in relation to chronotype. We, therefore, exposed 43 male participants (mean age 24.5 yrs ± SD 2.3 yrs) in a randomized crossover study to 160 minutes of bright (BL: ≈ 4.420 lx) and dim light (DL: ≈ 230 lx). During the last 40 minutes of these exposures, participants performed a bicycle ergometer test. Time-of-day of the exercise sessions did not differ between the BL and DL condition. Chronotype (MSF(sc), mid-sleep time on free days corrected for oversleep due to sleep debt on workdays) was assessed by the Munich ChronoType Questionnaire (MCTQ). Total work was significantly higher in BL (median 548.4 kJ, min 411.82 kJ, max 875.20 kJ) than in DL (median 521.5 kJ, min 384.33 kJ, max 861.23 kJ) (p = 0.004) going along with increased exhaustion levels in BL (blood lactate (+12.7%, p = 0.009), heart rate (+1.8%, p = 0.031), and Borg scale ratings (+2.6%, p = 0.005)) in all participants. The differences between total work levels in BL and DL were significantly higher (p = 0.004) if participants were tested at a respectively later time point after their individual mid-sleep (chronotype). These novel results demonstrate, that timed BL exposure enhances physical performance with concomitant increase in individual strain, and is related not only to local (external) time, but also to an individual's internal time

    Luminescence dating of the loess/palaeosol sequence at the gravel quarry Gaul/Weilbach, Southern Hesse (Germany)

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    Eine mĂ€chtige Löss-PalĂ€oboden-Sequenz des Mittel- und SpĂ€tpleistozĂ€ns ist in der Kiesgrube Gaul östlich von Weilbach im sĂŒdlichen Taunusvorland aufgeschlossen. Lösse der letzten drei Glazialzyklen, mit zwischengeschalteten PalĂ€oböden, sind aufgeschlossen. Sieben Proben wurden mit der Lumineszenz-Datierungsmethode, basierend auf einem post-IR IRSL Messprotokoll, untersucht, um einen verlĂ€sslicheren chronologischen Rahmen fĂŒr diese Sedimente zu etablieren. Die „fading“ korrigierten IR50 und die pIRIR225 Alter sind fĂŒr fast alle Proben in guter Übereinstimmung. Die IRSL Alter reichen von 23.7 ± 1.6 ka bis >350 ka und deuten an, dass der Ă€lteste Löss wĂ€hrend des marinen Isotopenstadiums (MIS) 10 oder frĂŒher abgelagert wurde, und dass die Weilbacher Humuszonen sehr wahrscheinlich wĂ€hrend einer spĂ€ten Phase des MIS 7 gebildet wurden. Lösse ĂŒber dem fCc Horizont wurden sehr wahrscheinlich wĂ€hrend des MIS 6 abgelagert, was darauf hindeutet, dass die Reste des PalĂ€obodens nicht mit dem letzten Interglazial korrelieren. Die beiden obersten Proben deuten darauf hin, dass der jĂŒngste Löss wĂ€hrend dem letzten Pleniglazial (OberwĂŒrm, MIS 2) abgelagert wurde. Mit dem pIRIR225 Signal konnten Alter bis ~350 ka fĂŒr die Proben der Löss-PalĂ€oboden-Sequenz in der Kiesgrube Gaul gemessen werden

    Low Cardiorespiratory Fitness Post-COVID-19: A Narrative Review

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    Patients recovering from COVID-19 often report symptoms of exhaustion, fatigue and dyspnoea and present with exercise intolerance persisting for months post-infection. Numerous studies investigated these sequelae and their possible underlying mechanisms using cardiopulmonary exercise testing. We aimed to provide an in-depth discussion as well as an overview of the contribution of selected organ systems to exercise intolerance based on the Wasserman gears. The gears represent the pulmonary system, cardiovascular system, and periphery/musculature and mitochondria. Thirty-two studies that examined adult patients post-COVID-19 via cardiopulmonary exercise testing were included. In 22 of 26 studies reporting cardiorespiratory fitness (herein defined as peak oxygen uptake-VO2peak), VO2peak was < 90% of predicted value in patients. VO2peak was notably below normal even in the long-term. Given the available evidence, the contribution of respiratory function to low VO2peak seems to be only minor except for lung diffusion capacity. The prevalence of low lung diffusion capacity was high in the included studies. The cardiovascular system might contribute to low VO2peak via subnormal cardiac output due to chronotropic incompetence and reduced stroke volume, especially in the first months post-infection. Chronotropic incompetence was similarly present in the moderate- and long-term follow-up. However, contrary findings exist. Peripheral factors such as muscle mass, strength and perfusion, mitochondrial function, or arteriovenous oxygen difference may also contribute to low VO2peak. More data are required, however. The findings of this review do not support deconditioning as the primary mechanism of low VO2peak post-COVID-19. Post-COVID-19 sequelae are multifaceted and require individual diagnosis and treatment

    Mt. Wendelstein imaging of comet 41P/Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresak during the 2017 perihelion arc

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    Comet 41P/Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresak (41P), a Jupiter family comet with three discoveries over about 100 years, is in a short-periodic orbit around the Sun with the perihelion close to the Earth distance. The 2017 apparition of 41P offered a long-lasting visibility of the comet at a close distance to Earth. The four month-long imaging campaign with the 2 m telescope at the Mount Wendelstein Observatory was aimed at characterizing dust activity and nucleus properties of the comet. Using a new analysis method of the inner coma flux, we derived a small mean equivalent radius of about 600 m for the nucleus with an unusual body axes ratio that is higher than two. The nucleus rotation axis was determined from the geometric appearance of coma structures, which were enhanced in the images. A long-lasting coma fan was produced by an extended region at high latitudes on the slowly rotating nucleus, whereas isolated jets originated from narrow, low latitude active regions on the nucleus. The dust activity of 41P, despite being difficult to quantify exactly because of an unknown phase function correction for the comet, indicates a steep radial profile that falls off with an increasing distance from the Sun. Colors and flux profiles provide evidence for dust fragmentation in the inner coma of the comet. A singular outburst event created various dust structures in the coma. The outburst came from an extended region on the nucleus and was due to either a landslide on the nucleus or a sudden material release from a subsurface pocket of volatile ice.Comment: Published on 29 May 2020 in A&A, 25 pages, 12 figures, 9 table

    A vector equilibrium problem for the two-matrix model in the quartic/quadratic case

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    We consider the two sequences of biorthogonal polynomials (p_{k,n})_k and (q_{k,n})_k related to the Hermitian two-matrix model with potentials V(x) = x^2/2 and W(y) = y^4/4 + ty^2. From an asymptotic analysis of the coefficients in the recurrence relation satisfied by these polynomials, we obtain the limiting distribution of the zeros of the polynomials p_{n,n} as n tends to infinity. The limiting zero distribution is characterized as the first measure of the minimizer in a vector equilibrium problem involving three measures which for the case t=0 reduces to the vector equilibrium problem that was given recently by two of us. A novel feature is that for t < 0 an external field is active on the third measure which introduces a new type of critical behavior for a certain negative value of t. We also prove a general result about the interlacing of zeros of biorthogonal polynomials.Comment: 60 pages, 9 figure

    Frauen in Top-Managementorganen öffentlicher Unternehmen - ein deutschlandweiter StÀdtevergleich

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    FRAUEN IN TOP-MANAGEMENTORGANEN ÖFFENTLICHER UNTERNEHMEN - EIN DEUTSCHLANDWEITER STÄDTEVERGLEICH Frauen in Top-Managementorganen öffentlicher Unternehmen - ein deutschlandweiter StĂ€dtevergleich / Papenfuß, Ulf (Rights reserved) ( -

    Association between arterial stiffness and walking capacity in older adults

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    Background and aim Arterial stiffening – a process that is largely due to intimal thickening, collagen disposition or elastin fragmentation – significantly contributes to cardiovascular events and mortality. There is also some evidence that it may negatively affect physical function. This study aimed to evaluate whether arterial stiffness was associated with measures of walking capacity in a large, population-based sample of highly aged older adults. Methods A population-based sample of 910 community-dwelling adults (aged 75, 80, or 85 years) were investigated in a cross-sectional observational study. Pulse wave velocity (PWV), a surrogate marker of arterial stiffness, was estimated based on the oscillometric recording of pulse waves at the brachial artery site. Walking capacity was assessed by 10-meter habitual walking speed, 10-meter maximum walking speed, and six-minute walk distance. We used multiple linear regression models to examine possible associations between PWV and parameters of walking capacity, and we adjusted the models for sex, age, socioeconomic status, anthropometry, physician-diagnosed diseases, prescription medication, smoking history, physical activity, and mean arterial pressure. Continuous variables were modelled using restricted cubic splines to account for potential nonlinear associations. Results Mean (standard deviation) 10-meter habitual walking speed, 10-meter maximum walking speed, and six-minute walk distance were 1.3 (0.2) m/s, 1.7 (0.4) m/s, and 413 (85) m, respectively. The fully adjusted regression models revealed no evidence for associations between PWV and parameters of walking capacity (all p-values >0.05). Conclusion Our results did not confirm previous findings suggesting a potential negative association between arterial stiffness and walking capacity in old age. Longitudinal studies, potentially taking additional confounders into account, are needed to disentangle the complex relationship between the two factors.peerReviewe
