32 research outputs found

    Aplikasi Analisis Faktor dengan Metode Principal Component Analysis dan Maximum Likelihood dalam Faktor-faktor yang Memengaruhi Pemberian Makanan Tambahan pada Bayi Usia 0-6 Bulan di Desa Pematang Panjang Kecamatan Air Putih Kabupaten Batubara Tahu

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    Factor analysis is one of the multivariate statistical analysis techniques.This analysis is included in the interdependence technique with the aim of reconciling data in a grouping or the formation of a new set of variables which is named factor. The parameter estimation that is commonly used in this analysis is the principal component analysis method and the maximum likelihood method. This research aims to know the comparison of suitability of the model by principal component method and maximum likelihood method within the factors that affect the complementary feeding in infants ages 0-6 months in Pematang Panjang Village Air Putih Subdistrict Batubara District 2013. Based on its purpose, this research is implementative research and based on its explanation level it is comparative research. The population of the research was all mothers who have baby in age of 0-6 months which are as many as 52 persons. The sampleis all population made as sample. The result of factor analysis using the principal component analysis method forms factor 1 (education, culture, economy, job, and mother's health) and factor 2 (knowledge, baby's health, and health/medical officer), while the result of factor analysis using maximum likelihood method forms factor 1 (education, culture, economy and job) and factor 2 (knowledge, baby's health, mother's health and health/medical officer). Research results by using analysis of factors suggest that the maximum likelihood method has a better model accuracythan the principal component analysis method, because the RMSE value of maximum likelihood method which is 0,0222 < RMSE value of principal component analysis method which is 0,0409. It is suggested to the next research which uses factor analysis aplication that it is better to firstly see the result of the analysis using principal component analysis and maximum likelihood methods and then using method with less RMSE value

    Iannone, Carol: Letters Opposing Nomination of (1991): Correspondence 51

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    Perancangan Sistem Pembayaran (Billing System) Pasien di Rumah Sakit Umum Inanta Padangsidimpuan

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    Still today Inanta General Hospital using manually billing system serviced on collecting, gathering, and calculating patient bills that considered less effective caused longer time services and quite a lot of human resources. By using computerized billing system, the obstacles either direct or indirect such as mistakes in calculating hospital fee, lost data transaction, error documentation and slow transaction handling will be quickly and appropriately assisted thus it can improve the quality of administrative service in hospital. The study aims to plan billing system in the Inanta General Hospital using computer technology MYSQL and C#. The development of this system is designed by using the System Life Development Cycle (SLDC) method consists of three stages, namely analysis, design, and implementation. The result of this system programming consist which includes the input design namely patient identity, doctors data, drug data, and medical records. The file design is a storage and database processing. The output design created consist of two reports, namely the report outpatient care cost and inpatient care cost. Billing system program will give the easiness in administrative health service. It is expected that the hospital will apply this program in the administrative hospital

    The Authorities of Province and District Governments Regarding Spatial Planning in Aceh

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    Article 7 of the Law Number 11, 2006 on Aceh Governance states that the Aceh Province and districts or municipalities Governments have the authority to regulate and manage government affairs in all public sectors except for government affairs which are under the authority of the Government. It is further stated that the central authority includes government affairs of national issues that are foreign policy, defense, security, judiciary, monetary and fiscal matters, and certain affairs in the field of religion. It can be concluded that the Job Creation Act in its approach contradicts the principle of autonomy because the regulation is centralized

    Analisis Pemajanan Benzena terhadap Kadar Fenol dalam Urin dan Status Anemia pada Pekerja Sektor Industri Pengolahan Petroleum

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    Background : Benzene is known to cause blood disorders. The concentration of benzene in the workplace was above REL NIOSH, 0.1 ppm, so the workers of the petroleum refining industry were the population at risk of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) when exposed to low level benzene (0.05), but there was a significant correlation between smoking habit and urinary phenol level (r-Kendall=-0.539 ; p=0.001). There was also a significant difference (p-Mann Whitney=0.001) for urinary phenol concentration between smokers and non-smokers. Analysis using multiple logistic regression showed smoking habit had potential effect to urinary phenol concentration ³ 10 mg/L (ATSDR 1998 normality standard), with OR=1.198 (95%CI:0.612-8.856). Conclusion : at low level exposure to benzene (<1 ppm), smoking may be regarded as the major source of benzene intake. Suppresion in hematological value (i.e. decreasing in amount of haemoglobin/anemia) had not seen yet in 3-16 years in jobs. Although no statistical significance results (except for smoking habit), annual medical surveillance is necessary to anticipate adverse effect of exposure to low level benzene. Keywords : benzene, urinary phenol concentration, anemia, petroleum refinery industry

    Penerapan Metode Structural Equation Modeling (Sem) dalam Menentukan Pengaruh Kepuasan, Kepercayaan dan Mutu terhadap Kesetiaan Pasien Rawat Jalan dalam Memanfaatkan Pelayanan Rumah Sakit di RSUD Dr. Pirngadi Medan Tahun 2012

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    Implementation of Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) Method in Determining the Effects of Satisfaction, Trust, and Quality towards Out Patients' Loyalty Using Hospital Services at Dr.Pirngadi Local General Hospital Medan in 2012. SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) is a statistical technique that can analyze a relationship pattern between a latent construct and its indicators, another latent construct with the other latent constructs, and a direct incorrect measurement. SEM is a statistical techniques that can test a series of relationships simultaneously. In this research a series of simultaneous relationship - satisfaction, trust, quality, and patient's loyalty is conducted. Patients are the most important persons in the hospital, both as the consumers of the medical services and as the hospital products. The patient's loyalty is not formed in a short time, but it is based on the patient's own experience from the consistent and repeated uses of hospital. The purposes of this research are to analyze the effects of satisfaction, trust, and the quality of services towards the patients by using the SEM at Dr. Pirngadi Hospital Medan in 2012. The results of the research show that the variable of service quality influences the patient's satisfaction (p=0,001), quality influences the trust (p=0,001), quality influences the loyalty (p=0,032), the satisfaction influences the loyalty (p=0,014) and trust influences the loyalty (p=0,004). The data with Fit model based on Goodness-of Fit Index criteria result in the Chi-Square evaluation 190,011, the significant level 0,073 and the value of RMSEA (0,026), GFI (0,935), AGFI (0,899), CMIN/df (1,166), TLI (0,984), and CFI (0,989). There is an indirect effect of quality services on loyalty through the satisfaction and trust variables that they are both called interference variables

    Penentuan Area Luapan Kali Babon Akibat Kenaikan Debit Air Berbasis Sistem Informasi Geografis

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    Semarang city is one of the regions in Indonesia are vulnerable to flooding. This condition is getting worse by the land subsidence during the year to reach 0,7 – 11,2 cm / year. Water flooding which inundate along the Kali Babon Watershed have flooded the area around the river. Starting from Bendung Pucang Gading, Kali Babon Watershed experiencing siltation due to the slope of a gentle stream them more prone to sedimentation, thereby reducing the drainage capacity.This research uses open source software Hec RAS version 4.1.0. to analyze the profile of the river water level and produce flood inundation area with a certain depth of flood discharge plans with 5, 10 and 25 years.Results obtained from the distribution of the data processing occurs on the widest flood area Sriwulan village, district. Sayung, Kab. Demak approximately 247,965 hectares and a depth ranging from 0,00154448 to 4,5808 meters at discharge of 5-years plan; 249,598 hectares and a depth ranging from 0,00154781 to 10,1064 meters at discharge of 10-years plan , 482,180 hectares with depths ranging from 0,000581622 to 12,6956 meters at discharge of 25-years plan

    Componential Analysis of the Cultural Terms in the Bilingual Short Story Entitled Mati “Salah Pati” and Its Translation “the Wrong Kind of Death”

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    This research aims at identifying the cultural terms in the bilingual text Mati “Salah Pati” and its translation “The Wrong Kind of Death”. Futhermore this research also discusses about componential analysis of Balinese cultural term and its translation to English from foreign point of view. The componential refers to the description of the meaning of words through structured sets of semantic features, which are given as “present (+)”, “absent (-)” or “indifferent with reference to feature (+/-)”. This research used descriptive qualitative method since the objectiveness of this research is closely related to identifying and describing the result of the analysis. The data source of this research was taken from a bilingual short story entitled Mati “Salah Pati”, written by Gde Aryantha Soethama and its translation entitled “The Wrong Kind of Death” translated By Jennifer Lindsay. The result of the analysis shows that componential analysis in translation is the basic comparison of a source language word with a target language word which has a similar meaning, but not an obvious one-to-one equivalent, by demonstrating first their common and then their differing sense components. From the four basic types of semantic features, there are two types of semantic features can be found in this study, those are object element and event element. Componential analysis also shows that no word has the exactly same feature and same meaning, it is depend on the culture of the communit