19 research outputs found

    A multi-omics investigation of tacrolimus off-target effects on a proximal tubule cell-line

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    Introduction: Tacrolimus, an immunosuppressive drug prescribed to a majority of organ transplant recipients is nephrotoxic, through still unclear mechanisms. This study on a lineage of proximal tubular cells using a multi-omics approach aims to detect off-target pathways modulated by tacrolimus that can explain its nephrotoxicity. Methods: LLC-PK1 cells were exposed to 5 ”M of tacrolimus for 24 h in order to saturate its therapeutic target FKBP12 and other high-affine FKBPs and favour its binding to less affine targets. Intracellular proteins and metabolites, and extracellular metabolites were extracted and analysed by LC-MS/MS. The transcriptional expression of the dysregulated proteins PCK-1, as well as of the other gluconeogenesis-limiting enzymes FBP1 and FBP2, was measured using RT-qPCR. Cell viability with this concentration of tacrolimus was further checked until 72 h. Results: In our cell model of acute exposure to a high concentration of tacrolimus, different metabolic pathways were impacted including those of arginine (e.g., citrulline, ornithine) (p < 0.0001), amino acids (e.g., valine, isoleucine, aspartic acid) (p < 0.0001) and pyrimidine (p < 0.01). In addition, it induced oxidative stress (p < 0.01) as shown by a decrease in total cell glutathione quantity. It impacted cell energy through an increase in Krebs cycle intermediates (e.g., citrate, aconitate, fumarate) (p < 0.01) and down-regulation of PCK-1 (p < 0.05) and FPB1 (p < 0.01), which are key enzymes in gluconeogenesis and acid-base balance control. Discussion: The variations found using a multi-omics pharmacological approach clearly point towards a dysregulation of energy production and decreased gluconeogenesis, a hallmark of chronic kidney disease which may also be an important toxicity pathway of tacrolimus

    Substrate binding and lipid-mediated allostery in the human organic anion transporter 1 at the atomic-scale

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    The Organic Anion Transporter 1 is a membrane transporter known for its central role in drug elimination by the kidney. hOAT1 is an antiporter translocating substrate in exchange for a-ketoglutarate. The understanding of hOAT1 structure and function remains limited due to the absence of resolved structure of hOAT1. Benefiting from conserved structural and functional patterns shared with other Major Facilitator Superfamily transporters, the present study intended to investigate fragments of hOAT1 transport function and modulation of its activity in order to make a step forward the understanding of its transport cycle. Όs-long molecular dynamics simulation of hOAT1 were carried out suggesting two plausible binding sites for a typical substrate, adefovir, in line with experimental observations. The well-known B-like motif binding site was observed in line with previous studies. However, we here propose a new inner binding cavity which is expected to be involved in substrate translocation event. Binding modes of hOAT1 co-substrate α-ketoglutarate were also investigated suggesting that it may bind to highly conserved intracellular motifs. We here hypothesise that α-ketoglutarate may disrupt the pseudo-symmetrical intracellular charge-relay system which in turn may participate to the destabilisation of OF conformation. Investigations regarding allosteric communications along hOAT1 also suggest that substrate binding event might modulate the dynamics of intracellular charge relay system, assisted by surrounding lipids as active partners. We here proposed a structural rationalisation of transport impairments observed for two single nucleotide polymorphisms, p.Arg50His and p.Arg454Gln suggesting that the present model may be used to transport dysfunctions arising from hOAT1 mutations

    Impact of hypoxia and reoxygenation on the extra/intracellular metabolome and on transporter expression in a human kidney proximal tubular cell line

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    Introduction Ischemia-reperfusion injury (IRI) induces several perturbations that alter immediate kidney graft function after transplantation and may affect long-term graft outcomes. Given the IRI-dependent metabolic disturbances previously reported, we hypothesized that proximal transporters handling endo/exogenous substrates may be victims of such lesions. Objectives This study aimed to determine the impact of hypoxia/reoxygenation on the human proximal transport system through two semi-targeted omics analyses. Methods Human proximal tubular cells were cultured in hypoxia (6 or 24 h), each followed by 2, 24 or 48-h reoxygenation. We investigated the transcriptomic modulation of transporters. Using semi-targeted LC–MS/MS profiling, we characterized the extra/intracellular metabolome. Statistical modelling was used to identify significant metabolic variations. Results The expression profile of transporters was impacted during hypoxia (y + LAT1 and OCTN2), reoxygenation (MRP2, PEPT1/2, rBAT, and OATP4C1), or in both conditions (P-gp and GLUT1). The P-gp and GLUT1 transcripts increased (FC (fold change) = 2.93 and 4.11, respectively) after 2-h reoxygenation preceded by 24-h hypoxia. We observed a downregulation (FC = 0.42) of y+LAT1 after 24-h hypoxia, and of PEPT2 after 24-h hypoxia followed by 2-h reoxygenation (FC = 0.40). Metabolomics showed that hypoxia altered the energetic pathways. However, intracellular metabolic homeostasis and cellular exchanges were promptly restored after reoxygenation. Conclusion This study provides insight into the transcriptomic response of the tubular transporters to hypoxia/reoxygenation. No correlation was found between the expression of transporters and the metabolic variations observed. Given the complexity of studying the global tubular transport systems, we propose that further studies focus on targeted transporters

    Perfusate Metabolomics Content and Expression of Tubular Transporters During Human Kidney Graft Preservation by Hypothermic Machine Perfusion

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    Background. Ischemia-related injury during the preimplantation period impacts kidney graft outcome. Evaluating these lesions by a noninvasive approach before transplantation could help us to understand graft injury mechanisms and identify potential biomarkers predictive of graft outcomes. This study aims to determine the metabolomic content of graft perfusion fluids and its dependence on preservation time and to explore whether tubular transporters are possibly involved in metabolomics variations. Methods. Kidneys were stored on hypothermic perfusion machines. We evaluated the metabolomic profiles of perfusion fluids (n=35) using liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry and studied the transcriptional expression of tubular transporters on preimplantation biopsies (n=26), both collected at the end of graft perfusion. We used univariate and multivariate analyses to assess the impact of perfusion time on these parameters and their relationship with graft outcome. Results. Seventy-two metabolites were found in preservation fluids at the end of perfusion, of which 40% were already present in the native conservation solution. We observed an increase of 23 metabolites with a longer perfusion time and a decrease of 8. The predictive model for time-dependent variation of metabolomics content showed good performance (R2=76%, Q2=54%, accuracy=41%, and permutation test significant). Perfusion time did not affect the mRNA expression of transporters. We found no correlation between metabolomics and transporters expression. Neither the metabolomics content nor transporter expression was predictive of graft outcome. Conclusions. Our results call for further studies, focusing on both intra- and extratissue metabolome, to investigate whether transporter alterations can explain the variations observed in the preimplantation period

    Étude de petits ARNs chez une bactĂ©rie : Helicobacter pylori

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    Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) est une bactĂ©rie Gram-nĂ©gative colonisant durablement l’estomac d’une personne sur deux Ă  travers le monde. Sa prĂ©sence est associĂ©e avec la plupart des ulcĂšres et cancers gastriques. Bien que les facteurs protĂ©iques impliquĂ©s dans la virulence et l’adaptation de la bactĂ©rie Ă  l’environnement gastrique ont Ă©tĂ© largement Ă©tudiĂ©s, peu d’informations sont disponibles concernant la rĂ©gulation de l’expression de ses gĂšnes.Les rĂ©centes techniques de sĂ©quençage Ă  haut-dĂ©bit ont rĂ©volutionnĂ© l’analyse des transcriptomes bactĂ©riens, et donc la comprĂ©hension de la rĂ©gulation des gĂšnes chez les procaryotes. Mon laboratoire d’accueil s’intĂ©resse plus particuliĂšrement Ă  la rĂ©gulation par les petits ARNs non codant (sARNnc). Chez H. pylori, l’analyse du transcriptome de la souche26695 a rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© une centaine de sARNnc et l’expression de soixante d’entre eux a Ă©tĂ© confirmĂ©e par Northern Blot.Mon travail s’est inscrit dans l’analyse de ces diffĂ©rents sARNs c’est Ă  dire dans la comprĂ©hension du rĂŽle de ces ARNs dans les mĂ©canismes de rĂ©gulation de la traduction ainsi que dans la physiologie ou la pathogĂ©nicitĂ© d’H. pylori. Pour cela mon Ă©tude s’est portĂ©e sur un petit ARN trĂšs abondant, le HPnc5490 et d’une famille de sARN nommĂ©s IsoA.Des Ă©tudes prĂ©liminaires ont montrĂ© que le HPnc5490 pourrait ĂȘtre impliquĂ© dans la rĂ©gulation de la traduction de la protĂ©ine TlpB par un mĂ©canisme « trans » antisens. La protĂ©ine TlpB Ă©tant un rĂ©cepteur membranaire impliquĂ© dans le pH-tactisme de la bactĂ©rie, le sARN HPnc5490 serait lui aussi impliquĂ© dans ce processus physiologique via la rĂ©gulation de TlpB. Les rĂ©sultats obtenus lors de cette Ă©tude confirment cette hypothĂšse.Par ailleurs, la famille des IsoA compte 6 membres homologues dans la souche 26695. Ils rĂ©gulent de maniĂšre « cis » antisens la traduction de petits peptides de 30 acides aminĂ©s codĂ©s par des ARNs messagers nommĂ©s aapA. Ce duo aapA/IsoA est trĂšs similaire aux cassettes toxine-antitoxine (TA) de type I dĂ©crites dans la littĂ©rature. Une partie de notre Ă©tude a permis de confirmer l’appartenance de ces cassettes aux TA de type I. Une autre partie de notre travail, une Ă©tude bioinformatique, nous a permis de montrer la grande conservation de ces cassettes au sein de nombreuses souches d’H. pylori. Une derniĂšre partie nous a permis de monter l’implication de la RNase III dans la maturation des ARNs d’H. pylori.Ce travail a donc permis d’apporter de nouvelles donnĂ©es dans la comprĂ©hension de la rĂ©gulation de l’expression des gĂšnes de H. pylori

    A multi-omics investigation of tacrolimus off-target effects on a proximal tubule cell-line

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    Introduction: Tacrolimus, an immunosuppressive drug prescribed to a majority of organ transplant recipients is nephrotoxic, through still unclear mechanisms. This study on a lineage of proximal tubular cells using a multi-omics approach aims to detect off-target pathways modulated by tacrolimus that can explain its nephrotoxicity. Methods: LLC-PK1 cells were exposed to 5 ”M of tacrolimus for 24 h in order to saturate its therapeutic target FKBP12 and other high-affine FKBPs and favour its binding to less affine targets. Intracellular proteins and metabolites, and extracellular metabolites were extracted and analysed by LC-MS/MS. The transcriptional expression of the dysregulated proteins PCK-1, as well as of the other gluconeogenesis-limiting enzymes FBP1 and FBP2, was measured using RT-qPCR. Cell viability with this concentration of tacrolimus was further checked until 72 h. Results: In our cell model of acute exposure to a high concentration of tacrolimus, different metabolic pathways were impacted including those of arginine (e.g., citrulline, ornithine) (p < 0.0001), amino acids (e.g., valine, isoleucine, aspartic acid) (p < 0.0001) and pyrimidine (p < 0.01). In addition, it induced oxidative stress (p < 0.01) as shown by a decrease in total cell glutathione quantity. It impacted cell energy through an increase in Krebs cycle intermediates (e.g., citrate, aconitate, fumarate) (p < 0.01) and down-regulation of PCK-1 (p < 0.05) and FPB1 (p < 0.01), which are key enzymes in gluconeogenesis and acid-base balance control. Discussion: The variations found using a multi-omics pharmacological approach clearly point towards a dysregulation of energy production and decreased gluconeogenesis, a hallmark of chronic kidney disease which may also be an important toxicity pathway of tacrolimus