301 research outputs found

    Cassirer og Gadamer i dialog

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    I artikelen “Cassirer og Gadamer i dialog” indleder Arne Jørgensen – den danske oversætter af Wahrheit und Methode – med at sammenholde Heideggers og Cassirers møde i Davos i 1929 med Gadamers og Derridas møde i Paris i 1981. Forståelsen synes ved begge lejligheder at nå en grænse, hvor Cassirer og Gadamer for en sammenlignende betragtning ender med at befinde sig på samme side af grænsen, så at sige omkring sprogets midte. Derudfra giver artikelen en omfattende skandering af lighederne og forskellene i Cassirers og Gadamers sprog- og kunstforståelse

    Citizen science for environmental citizenship

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    Citizen science projects, in which citizens are collectors and sensors generating data, have become a well-established scientific practice (Bonney et al. 2016). Citizen science research within environmental conservation typically focuses on either the usability of citizen-generated data or individual motivation for involvement (Kobori et al. 2016; Ellwood et al. 2017; McKinley et al. 2017). The 10 principles of citizen science (ECSA 2015) identify possible benefits to citizen scientists as publications, learning, enjoyment, satisfaction, and policy influence. Notably, changes in attitude and values beyond the scientific realm are absent from this list. In short, although the ability of citizen science to transform scientific practice is well known, the potential for citizen science to transform the citizen needs further elaboration. We propose that the social capacity potential of citizen science extends far beyond collecting data. We suggest that involvement in citizen science activities can cultivate environmental citizenship and change attitudes if projects are intentionally designed to do so. This is an opportunity for conservation biologists to engage with citizen scientists on a different level.publishedVersio

    Walking and Worlding : Trails as Storylines in Video Games

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    Video games have grown into a major industry, ranging across a variety of genres that appeal to many kinds of users. No longer a niche phenomenon, video games are part of mainstream popular culture. During the COVID lockdowns of 2020 and 2021, more people than ever turned to video games for entertainment and social interactions.¹ Confined to their homes by lockdowns and restrictions, many embraced video game worlds as complements to, not replacements for, the world outside their homes. Games are not only a way to pass the time, but also a truly meaningful activity to many.publishedVersio

    Environmental Management Systems

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    Organisational learning and environmental communication:the momentum of environmental management

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    LCM - intentional strategy or a patchwork of practices?

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    Throttling hyperactive robots – order-to-trade ratios at the Oslo Stock Exchange

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    This version is made available in accordance with publisher policies. It is the author’s last version of the article after peer-review, usually referred to as postprint or accepted version. Please cite only the published version.We investigate the effects of introducing a fee on excessive order-to-trade ratios (OTRs) on market quality at the Oslo Stock Exchange (OSE). We find that traders reacted to the regulation as measured OTRs fell. However, market quality, measured with depth, spreads, and realized volatility, remain largely unaffected. This result differs sharply from the experience in other markets, such as Italy and Canada, where similar regulatory changes have been accompanied by a worsening of liquidity. The unchanged market quality at the OSE is likely due to the different design of the regulation, which is tailored to encourage liquidity supply.acceptedVersio