15 research outputs found

    Usporedba zrcalnog modela i modela prijenosnih linija u analizi horizontalne žičane strukture iznad dvoslojnog tla

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    The paper presents comparison between two approximate models of energized horizontal thin-wire conductors above two-layer soil. The formulation is posed in frequency domain by using two approaches. The first one is based on quasi-static image theory within Mixed Potential Integral Equation. The second one is based on transmission line theory with approximation of per unit length parameters. The authors compare currents computed by the both approximate models of a center fed wire to establish the computation errors over a wide frequency range. The main objective is to validate the proposed image and transmission line models for various lengths of wire conductors, and various cases of low and high conductivities of two-layer soil. The verification of the results is done by comparison with exact model based on full-wave theory. Detailed parametric analysis clearly illustrate validity domain and problems when using both approximate models with respect to their use in practical EMC studies.U radu je prikazana usporedba dviju približnih modela analize pobuđenog horizontalnog tankog žičanog vodiča iznad dvoslojnog tla. Formulacija problema je izvedena u frekvencijskoj domeni pomoću dva pristupa. Prvi pristup se temelji na kvazi-statičkom zrcalnom modelu unutar integralne jednadžbe s mješovitim potencijalima. Drugi se temelji na teoriji prijenosnih linija s aproksimacijom jediničnih parametara. Autori su usporedili distribucije struje izračunate s pomoću obje približne metode kako bi odredili pogrešku metoda u širokom rasponu frekvencija. Glavni cilj bio je potvrditi predloženi zrcalni i linijski model za različite duljine žičanog vodiča i razne slučajeve niske i visoke vodljivosti slojeva tla. Provjera rezultata obavljena je usporedbom s modelom bez aproksimacija temeljenog na punovalnoj teoriji. Detaljna parametarska analiza jasno pokazuju valjanosti domene i vrste problema uz korištenje obje približne metode s obzirom na njihovu primjenu u praktičnim EMC razmatranjima

    Signals in the Soil: Underground Antennas

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    Antenna is a major design component of Internet of Underground Things (IOUT) communication system. The use of antenna, in IOUT, differs from traditional communication in that it is buried in the soil. Therefore, one of the main challenges, in IOUT applications, is to establish a reliable communication. To that end, there is a need of designing an underground-specific antenna. Three major factors that can impact the performance of a buried antenna are: (1) effect of high soil permittivity changes the wavelength of EM waves, (2) variations in soil moisture with time affecting the permittivity of the soil, and (3) difference in how EM waves propagate during aboveground (AG) and underground (UG) communications. For the third challenge above, it is to be noted that lateral waves are dominant component in EM during UG2UG communication and suffer lowest attenuation as compared to other, direct and reflected, components. Therefore, antennas used for over-the-air (OTA) communication will not be suitable for UG communication because of impedance mismatch. This chapter focuses on developing a theoretical model for understanding the impact of soil on antenna by conducting experiments in different soil types (silty clay loam, sandy, and silt loam soil) and indoor testbed. The purpose of the model is to predict UG antenna resonance for designing efficient communication system for IOUT. Based on the model a wideband planar antenna is designed considering soil dispersion and soil–air interface reflection effect which improves the communication range five times from the antennas designed only for the wavelength change in soil. Furthermore, it also focuses on developing an impedance model to study the effect of changing wavelength in underground communication. It is also discussed how soil–air interface and soil properties effect the return loss of dipole antenna

    Signals in the Soil: An Introduction to Wireless Underground Communications

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    In this chapter, wireless underground (UG) communications are introduced. A detailed overview of WUC is given. A comprehensive review of research challenges in WUC is presented. The evolution of underground wireless is also discussed. Moreover, different component of UG communications is wireless. The WUC system architecture is explained with a detailed discussion of the anatomy of an underground mote. The examples of UG wireless communication systems are explored. Furthermore, the differences of UG wireless and over-the-air wireless are debated. Different types of wireless underground channel (e.g., In-Soil, Soil-to-Air, and Air-to-Soil) are reported as well

    Electromagnetic analysis of horizontal wire in two-layered soil

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    Simulation of grounding systems at high frequencies is of interest in electromagnetic compatibility, especially related to lightning, and in emerging technologies, such as power line telecommunications. This paper presents first results in the effort to extend the electromagnetic field theory based modeling of grounding systems to a two-layer model of earth. A rigorous mathematical model which solution involves numerical solution of Sommerfeld-type integrals is described. Also new more approximate but computationally more efficient solution based on quasi-static image theory is introduced. Comparison between these two solutions led to conclusion related to the applicability of the image theory approach, which may be of interest for practical problems