8,849 research outputs found

    Looking for Light Pseudoscalar Bosons in the Binary Pulsar System J0737-3039

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    We present numerical calculations of the photon-light-pseudoscalar-boson conversion in the recently discovered binary pulsar system J0737-3039. Light pseudoscalar bosons (LPBs) oscillate into photons in the presence of strong magnetic fields. In the context of this binary pulsar system, this phenomenon attenuates the light beam emitted by one of the pulsars, when the light ray goes through the magnetosphere of the companion pulsar. We show that such an effect is observable in the gamma-ray band since the binary pulsar is seen almost edge-on, depending on the value of the LPB mass and on the strenght of its two-photon coupling. Our results are surprising in that they show a very sharp and significant (up to 50%) transition probability in the gamma-ray (>> tens of MeV) domain. The observations can be performed by the upcoming NASA GLAST mission.Comment: to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    The hot gas content of fossil galaxy clusters

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    We investigate the properties of the hot gas in four fossil galaxy systems detected at high significance in the Planck Sunyaev-Zeldovich (SZ) survey. XMM-Newton observations reveal overall temperatures of kT ~ 5-6 keV and yield hydrostatic masses M500,HE > 3.5 x 10e14 Msun, confirming their nature as bona fide massive clusters. We measure the thermodynamic properties of the hot gas in X-rays (out to beyond R500 in three cases) and derive their individual pressure profiles out to R ~ 2.5 R500 with the SZ data. We combine the X-ray and SZ data to measure hydrostatic mass profiles and to examine the hot gas content and its radial distribution. The average Navarro-Frenk-White (NFW) concentration parameter, c500 = 3.2 +/- 0.4, is the same as that of relaxed `normal' clusters. The gas mass fraction profiles exhibit striking variation in the inner regions, but converge to approximately the cosmic baryon fraction (corrected for depletion) at R500. Beyond R500 the gas mass fraction profiles again diverge, which we interpret as being due to a difference in gas clumping and/or a breakdown of hydrostatic equilibrium in the external regions. Overall our observations point to considerable radial variation in the hot gas content and in the gas clumping and/or hydrostatic equilibrium properties in these fossil clusters, at odds with the interpretation of their being old, evolved and undisturbed. At least some fossil objects appear to be dynamically young.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. Accepted for publication in A&

    X-Ray Photoabsorption in KLL Resonances of O VI And Abundance Analysis

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    It is shown that photoabsorption via autoionizing resonances may be appreciable and used for abundance analysis. Analogous to spectral lines, the `resonance oscillator strength' f_r may be defined and evaluated in terms of the differential oscillator strength df/d(epsilon) that relates bound and continuum absorption. X-ray photoabsorption in KLL (1s2s2p) resonances of O VI is investigated using highly resolved relativistic photoionization cross sections with fine structure. It is found that f_r is comparable to that for UV dipole transition in O VI (2s - 2p) and the X-ray (1s^2 ^1S_0 - 1s2p ^1P^o_1) transition in O VII. The dominant O VI(KLL) components lie at 22.05 and 21.87 Angstroms. These predicted absorption features should be detectable by the Chandra X-Ray Observatory (CXO) and the X-Ray Multi-Mirror Mission (XMM). The combined UV/X-ray spectra of O VI/O VII should yield valuable information on the ionization structure and abundances in sources such as the `warm absorber' region of active galactic nuclei and the hot intergalactic medium. Some general implications of resonant photoabsorption are addressed.Comment: Astrophys. J. Letters (in press), 9 pages, 3 figure

    On Iron Enrichment, Star Formation, and Type Ia Supernovae in Galaxy Clusters

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    The nature of star formation and Type Ia supernovae (SNIa) in galaxies in the field and in rich galaxy clusters are contrasted by juxtaposing the build-up of heavy metals in the universe inferred from observed star formation and supernovae rate histories with data on the evolution of Fe abundances in the intracluster medium (ICM). Models for the chemical evolution of Fe in these environments are constructed, subject to observational constraints, for this purpose. While models with a mean delay for SNIa of 3 Gyr and standard initial mass function (IMF) are consistent with observations in the field, cluster Fe enrichment immediately tracks a rapid, top-heavy phase of star formation -- although transport of Fe into the ICM may be more prolonged and star formation likely continues to redshifts <1. The source of this prompt enrichment is Type II supernovae (SNII) yielding at least 0.1 solar masses per explosion (if the SNIa rate normalization is scaled down from its value in the field according to the relative number of candidate progenitor stars in the 3-8 solar mass range) and/or SNIa explosions with short delay times associated with the rapid star formation mode. Star formation is >3 times more efficient in rich clusters than in the field, mitigating the overcooling problem in numerical cluster simulations. Both the fraction of baryons cycled through stars, and the fraction of the total present-day stellar mass in the form of stellar remnants, are substantially greater in clusters than in the field.Comment: 51 pages including 26 figures and 2 tables, accepted for publication in ApJ 5/4/0

    An Ab Initio Approach to the Solar Coronal Heating Problem

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    We present an ab initio approach to the solar coronal heating problem by modelling a small part of the solar corona in a computational box using a 3D MHD code including realistic physics. The observed solar granular velocity pattern and its amplitude and vorticity power spectra, as reproduced by a weighted Voronoi tessellation method, are used as a boundary condition that generates a Poynting flux in the presence of a magnetic field. The initial magnetic field is a potential extrapolation of a SOHO/MDI high resolution magnetogram, and a standard stratified atmosphere is used as a thermal initial condition. Except for the chromospheric temperature structure, which is kept fixed, the initial conditions are quickly forgotten because the included Spitzer conductivity and radiative cooling function have typical timescales much shorter than the time span of the simulation. After a short initial start up period, the magnetic field is able to dissipate 3-4 10^6 ergs cm^{-2} s^{-1} in a highly intermittent corona, maintaining an average temperature of ∌106\sim 10^6 K, at coronal density values for which emulated images of the Transition Region And Coronal Explorer(TRACE) 171 and 195 pass bands reproduce observed photon count rates.Comment: 12 pages, 14 figures. Submitted to Ap

    Testing the performance of a blind burst statistic

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    In this work we estimate the performance of a method for the detection of burst events in the data produced by interferometric gravitational wave detectors. We compute the receiver operating characteristics in the specific case of a simulated noise having the spectral density expected for Virgo, using test signals taken from a library of possible waveforms emitted during the collapse of the core of Type II Supernovae.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, Talk given at the GWDAW2002 worksho
