6 research outputs found
Effluent organic nitrogen removal by enhanced coagulation and microfiltration
Consulta en la Biblioteca ETSI Industriales (8117)[ES] En este proyecto, el hecho de que el proceso terciario de precipitaci贸n qu铆mica seguido
de microfiltraci贸n es capaz de eliminar cierto porcentaje de DON de las muestras de efluente
secundario de la EDAR de Stickney ha sido demostrado. Asimismo, el hecho de que la
precipitaci贸n qu铆mica seguida de microfiltraci贸n es un proceso efectivo y eficiente para la
eliminaci贸n de f贸sforo ha sido comprobado a trav茅s de la experimentaci贸n.
La dosis 贸ptima de coagulante para la eliminaci贸n simult谩nea de DON y f贸sforo obtenida
ha sido de 40 mg/L de sulfato de aluminio; en esta dosis los porcentajes de eliminaci贸n
alcanzados han sido de 69% para el caso del DON y de 73% para el caso del f贸sforo. Esta dosis
podr谩 ser empleada 煤nicamente en las EDAR que incluyan entre sus procesos terciarios una
etapa de sedimentaci贸n previa a la filtraci贸n, puesto que la filtraci贸n directa implicar铆a
irremediablemente en este caso numerosos problemas de funcionamiento.
Finalmente, un protocolo de medida para la determinaci贸n de las concentraciones de las
diferentes especies de nitr贸geno y f贸sforo presentes en las muestras de agua residual ha sido
desarrollado en el laboratorio. La aportaci贸n m谩s novedosa de dicho protocolo ha sido la
inclusi贸n de un proceso de digesti贸n simult谩nea de compuestos de nitr贸geno y f贸sforo que ha
permitido una simplificaci贸n y ahorro temporal respecto a las t茅cnicas anal铆ticas existentes.Arnaldos Orts, M. (2009). Effluent organic nitrogen removal by enhanced coagulation and microfiltration. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/33973.Archivo delegad
Due to the high aeration and energy requirements of nitrifying activated sludge processes, there is great interest in developing biological nitrifying processes that operate efficiently under low dissolved oxygen (DO) conditions. In this framework, the present study has investigated the acclimation of ammonia-oxidizing communities (AOC) to low DO concentrations. Under controlled laboratory conditions, two sequencing batch reactors seeded with activated sludge from the same source were operated at high DO (near saturation) and low DO (0.1 mg O2/L) concentrations for a period of 385 days. Stable and complete nitrification at low DO after an acclimation period of approximately 140 days was demonstrated. Modeling of oxygen transfer and uptake behavior demonstrated the low DO reactor to achieve equal performance to the high DO reactor, when the latter is operated at design DO concentration (2 mg O2/L), with approximately 20 % improvement in aeration requirements and oxygen mass transfer efficiency. The effect of DO on AOC dynamics was evaluated using the 16S rRNA gene as the basis for phylogenetic comparisons and organism quantification. Ammonium consumption by ammonia-oxidizing archaea and anaerobic ammonia-oxidizing bacteria was ruled out in both reactors. Even though N. europaea was the dominant AOB lineage in both SBRs at the end of operation, this enrichment could not be linked to acclimation to oxygen-limited conditions. This finding challenges the hypothesis that low DO conditions select for ammonia-oxidizing lineages characterized by high oxygen affinities, and points to the alternative mechanism of a physiological change of a generalist nitrifying community. Acclimation brought about increased specific oxygen uptake rates and enhanced expression of a particular heme protein in the soluble fraction of the biomass in the low DO reactor as compared to the high DO reactor. The heme protein induced was determined not to be any of the enzymes playing a role in ammonia metabolism of ammonia oxidizing bacteria, including a soluble oxidase and soluble peroxidase of unknown function. Further molecular studies are required to verify the hypothesis put forward in this study that the heme protein detected is a hemoglobin.PH.D in Environmental Engineering, December 201
Understanding the effects of bulk mixing on the determination of the affinity index : consequences for process operation and design
The main objective of this study is to demonstrate the importance of mixing conditions as a source of inconsistencies between half-saturation indices in comparable systems (e.g. conventional activated sludge, membrane bioreactor) when operated at different conditions or different scales. As proof-of-principle, an exemplary system consisting of the second vessel of a hybrid respirometer has been studied. The system has been modeled both using an integrated computational fluid dynamics (CFD)biokinetic model (assumed to represent the physical system) and a tanks-in-series, completely stirred tank reactor biokinetic model (representing the applied model). The results show that different mixing conditions cause deviations in the half-saturation indices calculated when matching the applied model to the physical system performance. Additionally, sensor location has been shown to impact the calculation of half-saturation indices in the respirometric system. This will only become more pronounced at larger scales. Thus, mixing conditions clearly affect operation and design of wastewater treatment reactors operated at low substrate concentrations. Both operation and design can be improvedwith the development and application of integrated CFD-biokinetic or compartmental models
How well-mixed is well mixed? : hydrodynamic-biokinetic model integration in an aerated tank of a full-scale water resource recovery facility
Current water resource recovery facility (WRRF) models only consider local concentration variations caused by inadequate mixing to a very limited extent, which often leads to a need for (rigorous) calibration. The main objective of this study is to visualize local impacts of mixing by developing an integrated hydrodynamic-biokinetic model for an aeration compartment of a full-scale WRRF. Such a model is able to predict local variations in concentrations and thus allows judging their importance at a process level. In order to achieve this, full-scale hydrodynamics have been simulated using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) through a detailed description of the gas and liquid phases and validated experimentally. In a second step, full ASM1 biokinetic model was integrated with the CFD model to account for the impact of mixing at the process level. The integrated model was subsequently used to evaluate effects of changing influent and aeration flows on process performance. Regions of poor mixing resulting in non-uniform substrate distributions were observed even in areas commonly assumed to be well-mixed. The concept of concentration distribution plots was introduced to quantify and clearly present spatial variations in local process concentrations. Moreover, the results of the CFD-biokinetic model were concisely compared with a conventional tanks-in-series (TIS) approach. It was found that TIS model needs calibration and a single parameter set does not suffice to describe the system under both dry and wet weather conditions. Finally, it was concluded that local mixing conditions have significant consequences in terms of optimal sensor location, control system design and process evaluation
Hydrodynamic and hydrochemical characterization of acid mine drainage flowing from a metallic waste rock pile (Iberian Pyrite Belt, Spain)
La intensa actividad minera que ha tenido lugar en la Faja Pir铆tica Ib茅rica
desde tiempos hist贸ricos ha dado lugar a numerosas y extensas escombreras ricas
en sulfuros. El agua de lluvia se infiltra y circula a trav茅s de estos materiales.
Cuando dichas aguas vuelven a la superficie, lo hacen transformadas en drenajes
谩cidos de mina. Este trabajo muestra una caracterizaci贸n preliminar de los drenajes desde un punto de vista hidroqu铆mico e hidrodin谩mico, utilizando para ello
una escombrera minera abandonada situada en la zona central de la provincia
de Huelva. Los caudales de descarga han sido variables (0,1-12,2 L/s) y est谩n condicionados por el r茅gimen pluviom茅trico. La respuesta hidrodin谩mica de la
escombrera a las lluvias es relativamente r谩pida y en ausencia de precipitaciones
los caudales tienden a ser progresivamente menores. La recarga de la escombrera
por la infiltraci贸n del agua de lluvia provoca, en general, el drenaje de aguas m谩s
mineralizadas debido, principalmente, al aumento de los contenidos en SO4
, Fe,
Al y Mg. El pH del agua ha sido muy 谩cido (2,4-2,6) y su evoluci贸n temporal no
parece guardar relaci贸n con la recarga. El potencial redox ha mostrado siempre
valores muy positivos, propios de condiciones oxidantesA long history of metalliferous mining has left the Iberian Pyrite
Belt sulphide province with a legacy of numerous and enormous sulphide-bearing waste rock piles and tailings. Rainwater infiltrates and
circulates through the waste rocks. These waters flow out of the mine
dumps transformed into acid mine drainages (AMD). This work presents
a preliminary hydrochemical and hydrodynamic characterization of
AMD using an abandoned waste rock pile located in the central area
of the Huelva province (SW Spain) as pilot site. Results show variable
(0.1-12.2 L/s) and rainfall-dependent discharge flows which respond
quite rapidly to precipitations. During the dry season discharge flows
are progressively lower. Recharge produced by the infiltration of rainwater provokes, in general, the drainage of more mineralized waters
mainly due to increased contents of SO4
, Fe, Al and Mg. Water pH has
been low (2.4-2.6), with no evident relationship with recharge. Redox
potential has shown oxidizing conditions in all samples along the monitoring perio