94 research outputs found

    Gender Disparities in Depression in Elderly Puerto Ricans

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    Past research has shown considerable differences in depression levels in elderly Hispanics. Specifically, past studies have found high levels of depressive symptoms among elderly Hispanic women, particularly those with a Puerto Rican cultural background. However, few studies have analyzed gender as a predictor of depression among elderly Puerto Ricans in Puerto Rico. Utilizing data from the Puerto Rican Elderly Health Conditions survey, this study found elderly Puerto Rican women to have higher levels of depression relative to men and gender differences in the factors associated with depression. This study aims to close the knowledge gap regarding gender disparities in depression in elderly Puerto Ricans residing on the island. Future research should aim to study these gender disparities after the devastating effects of Hurricane Maria

    Predictors of photic phenomena with a trifocal IOL

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    © 2021 Espaillat et al. This work is published and licensed by Dove Medical Press Limited. The full terms of this license are available at https://www.dovepress.com/terms.php and incorporate the Creative Commons Attribution - Non Commercial (unported, v3.0) License.Aim: To assess predictive factors associated with glares and halos in patients undergoing cataract surgery with PanOptix trifocal IOL implantation. Methods: Single-center retrospective study. One hundred and forty eyes from 70 patients with cataract were bilaterally implanted with a trifocal PanOptix aspherical diffractive lens between 2017 and 2019 and followed-up for six months. All patients were evaluated for refraction, corneal topography, and aberrometry pre- and post-operatively. Patients were assessed at 1 day, 6 days, 1 and 6 months after surgery. One and six months post-operatively patients were asked to complete a satisfaction questionnaire that included photic phenomena assessment. Main outcome measures were photic phenomena at 1 and 6 months of follow-up. Predictors of photic phenomena at 1 and 6 months were also analyzed. Results: A higher corneal coma was associated with more mild halos at 6 months with no association regarding other degrees of severity. The lower the age the higher the glare or halos, the higher the lens thickness and the lower the anterior chamber depth or chord μ the less halos at 1 month. A significant proportion of patients had more none/mild compared to moderate/severe glare and halos both at 1 and 6 months post-operatively. Baseline BCVA was the only predictor of halos at 1 month and glare and halos at 6 months post-surgery. Conclusion: On multivariate regression analyses, the only predictor of photic phenomena was baseline visual acuity, suggesting that patients that have a better visual acuity before surgery are more demanding regarding visual outcomes after surgery.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Risk Assessment under Uncertainty

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    System safety assessment (SSA) has become a standard practice in air traffic management (ATM). System safety assessment aims, through a systematic and formal process, to detect, quantify, and diminish the derived risks and to guarantee that critical safety systems achieve the level of safety approved by the regulatory authorities. Verification of compliance with the established safety levels becomes the last but an essential part of the safety assurance process. This chapter provides a Bayesian inference methodology to assess and evaluate the compliance with the established safety levels under the presence of uncertainty in the assessment of systems performances

    Land-cover changes affect the diversity of amphibians and reptiles in a rural landscape of the Colombian Caribbean region

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      Los cambios en la cobertura del suelo debido a la expansión agrícola y ganadera son las principales causas que influyen en la diversidad de las comunidades de anfibios y reptiles. En este estudio, evaluamos la variación de la diversidad de anfibios y reptiles en cuatro tipos de cobertura del suelo (jagüeyes, pastizales, cultivos transitorios y vegetación secundaria) en un paisaje rural de la región Caribe colombiana. Los anfibios y reptiles fueron muestreados a través del método de relevamiento por encuentros visuales entre abril y agosto de 2018. Se registró un total de 19 especies de anfibios (ranas y sapos) y 23 especies de reptiles (14 lagartos, 7 serpientes, 1 tortuga y 1 caimán). La diversidad de especies difirió entre las coberturas del suelo, tanto para anfibios como para reptiles. La diversidad de anfibios fue mayor en los jagüeyes y menor en los pastizales, mientras que la de reptiles fue mayor en la vegetación secundaria y menor en los cultivos transitorios. Nuestros resultados sugieren que el mantenimiento de jagüeyes y vegetación secundaria podría ser importante para la conservación de la herpetofauna en paisajes rurales donde predominan actividades antropogénicas como la agricultura y la ganadería.Land cover changes resulting from agricultural expansion and cattle ranching are the primary factors influencing the diversity of amphibian and reptile communities. In this study, we assessed the variation in the diversity of amphibians and reptiles across four land-cover types (ponds, grasslands, temporary crops, and secondary vegetation) in a rural landscape in the Colombian Caribbean region. Amphibians and reptiles were sampled through visual encounter surveys between April and August 2018. A total of 19 species of amphibians (frogs and toads) and 23 species of reptiles (14 lizards, 7 snakes, 1 turtle, and 1 alligator) were recorded. Species diversity differed among land covers, for both amphibians and reptiles. Amphibian diversity was higher in ponds and lower in grasslands, whereas reptile diversity was higher in secondary vegetation and lower in temporary crops. Our results suggest that the maintenance of ponds and secondary vegetation could be important for the conservation of herpetofauna in rural landscapes where anthropogenic activities such as agriculture and cattle ranching predominate

    Aviation 4.0: More Safety through Automation and Digitization

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    The world is talking about the Industry 4.0 or the fourth industrial revolution, that is, the current trend of higher level of automation, digitalization and data exchange in manufacturing technologies. It includes cyber-physical systems, Internet of Things and cloud computing among other technological assets. With more than 5000 sensors, which generate up to 10 GB of data per second, modern aircraft engines are an exponent of what digitalization and the Internet of Aircraft Things could furnish, as part of the upcoming Industry 4.0 revolution, in the aviation industry. This new era has the potential to improve air transport key performance areas. Particularly, in an industry where safety levels are so high and the margins for improvement are extremely tight, this upcoming era might imply a shift in safety improvement. In an attempt to define Aviation 4.0, this chapter discusses the stages of aviation development from basic VFR flight rules at Aviation 1.0 up to Aviation 4.0 where cyber-physical systems are designed to assist humans’ unkind or hazardous work, to take decisions and to complete tasks autonomously. It illustrates the current and future cases of application of Aviation 4.0 to increase the aviation safety, while outlines how they might increase aviation safety levels

    Burden of Self-reported Acute Gastrointestinal Illness in Cuba

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    Acute gastrointestinal illness is an important public-health issue worldwide. Burden-of-illness studies have not previously been conducted in Cuba. The objective of the study was to determine the magnitude, distribution, and burden of self-reported acute gastrointestinal illness in Cuba. A retrospective, cross-sectional survey was conducted in three sentinel sites during June-July 2005 (rainy season) and during November 2005–January 2006 (dry season). Households were randomly selected from a list maintained by the medical offices in each site. One individual per household was selected to complete a questionnaire in a face-to-face interview. The case definition was three or more bouts of loose stools in a 24-hour period within the last 30 days. In total, 97.3% of 6,576 interviews were completed. The overall prevalence of acute gastrointestinal illness was 10.6%. The risk of acute gastrointestinal illness was higher during the rainy season (odds ratio [OR]=3.85, 95% confidence interval [CI] 3.18-4.66) in children (OR=3.12, 95% CI 2.24-4.36) and teens (OR=2.27, 95% CI 1.51-3.41) compared to people aged 25-54 years, in males (OR=1.24, 95% CI 1.04-1.47), and in the municipality of Santiago de Cuba (OR=1.33, 95% CI 1.11-1.61). Of 680 cases, 17.1-38.1% visited a physician, depending on sentinel site. Of the cases who visited a physician, 33.3-53.9% were requested to submit a stool sample, and of those, 72.7-100.0% complied. Of the cases who sought medical care, 16.7- 61.5% and 0-31.6% were treated with antidiarrhoeals and antibiotics respectively. Acute gastrointestinal illness represented a substantial burden of health compared to developed countries. Targeting the identified risk factors when allocating resources for education, food safety, and infrastructure might lower the morbidity associated with acute gastrointestinal illness

    Bayesian Networks for Decision-Making and Causal Analysis under Uncertainty in Aviation

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    Most decisions in aviation regarding systems and operation are currently taken under uncertainty, relaying in limited measurable information, and with little assistance of formal methods and tools to help decision makers to cope with all those uncertainties. This chapter illustrates how Bayesian analysis can constitute a systematic approach for dealing with uncertainties in aviation and air transport. The chapter addresses the three main ways in which Bayesian networks are currently employed for scientific or regulatory decision-making purposes in the aviation industry, depending on the extent to which decision makers rely totally or partially on formal methods. These three alternatives are illustrated with three aviation case studies that reflect research work carried out by the authors

    Rehabilitación físico terapéutica comunitaria de la paraplejia; reto para un paciente con tetralogía de Fallot (Original)

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    This article presents the research carried out to contribute to the solution of the problem that    exists in relation to the care of a patient suffering from Tetralogy of Fallot who has not yet    undergone surgery, which is aggravated by his paraplegic condition as a result of this cardiac    complication, with such notable consequences as lack of sensation in the lower extremities and    muscle weakness. There are few known physical activity related alternatives to rehabilitate this    type of patient. In view of this situation, the authors of the work have carried out research to    answer the following problem: How to contribute to the community therapeutic physical    rehabilitation of a paraplegic patient with Tetralogy of Fallot in the North Popular Council of the    municipality of Urbano Noris? To this end, the objective has been to draw up a community    therapeutic physical exercise program to contribute to the rehabilitation of a paraplegic patient    with Tetralogy of Fallot for his return to an active social life. The selected sample coincides with    the population; He is a young adult of 34 years of age of white race, resident in the North    Popular Council of the Urbano Noris municipality, Holguín province, Cuba, who lives with a    brother, orphaned by a mother who helped him in everything, so for these and other reasons his    self-validity should be stimulated. For all these reasons, the investigation is important and    pertinent. En el presente artículo se expone las pesquisas realizadas para contribuir a la solución del    problema que existe relacionado con la atención de un paciente aquejado de Tetralogía de    Fallot que aún no ha sido intervenido quirúrgicamente, lo que se agrava con su estado    parapléjico como consecuencia de esta complicación cardíaca, con secuelas tan notables como    la falta de sensibilidad en las extremidades inferiores y la debilidad muscular. Se conocen    pocas alternativas relacionadas con la actividad física para rehabilitar este tipo de pacientes.    Ante esta situación los autores del trabajo han realizado acciones investigativas para dar    respuesta al siguiente problema: ¿Cómo contribuir a la rehabilitación físico terapéutica    comunitaria de un paciente parapléjico con Tetralogía de Fallot en el Consejo Popular Norte del    municipio Urbano Noris? Para ello se ha planteado como objetivo elaborar un programa de    ejercicios físicos terapéuticos comunitarios que contribuya a la rehabilitación de un paciente    parapléjico con Tetralogía de Fallot para su reincorporación a una vida social activa. La muestra    seleccionada coincide con la población; se trata de un adulto joven de 34 años de edad de raza    blanca, residente en el Consejo Popular Norte del municipio Urbano Noris, provincia Holguín,    Cuba, que vive con un hermano, huérfano de madre quien lo ayudaba en todo, de ahí que por    estas y otras razones se le debe estimular su autovalidismo. Por todo lo hasta aquí planteado la    investigación es importante y pertinente.&nbsp