158 research outputs found

    History Of Health And Disease In Modern Latin America

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    Review Of Cold War, Deadly Fevers: Malaria Eradication In Mexico, 1955-1975 By M. Cueto

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    Cigarette Smoking In Modern Buenos Aires: The Sudden Change In A Century-Old Continuity

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    Medicine And Public Health: Latin America

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    Health And Disease: Latin America

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    Historia / historia de la enfermedad / historia de la salud pública

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    Milonguitas En Buenos Aires (1910-1940): Tango, Ascenso Social Y Tuberculosis

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    During the first three decades of the 20th century, in the fervor of urban change that transformed Buenos Aires into a metropolis, poetry, cinema, theater, and the lyrics of the tango repeatedly portrayed the path of muchachas de barrio who, by taking to nightlife and the downtown cabarets, placed their stakes on a society where social ascent — limited yet real — was part of the urban experience. For the most part written by men, the lyrics speak of these journeys in a tone of censure, and tuberculosis is cast as a form of punishment for these young women who dared to question their place in the domestic world and the world of the barrio. The tango thus offers its audience not only a highly moralizing account but also paints an image of an illness that seems unique to women although it in fact affected male and female alike

    Disease/Health/Medicine/History: On The Consolidation Of A Subfield Of Study

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    This essay reviews the following works: Medicine and Nation Building in the Americas, 1890–1940. By José Amador. Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press, 2015. Pp. ix + 219. 39.95paperback.ISBN:9780826520210.MedicineandPublicHealthinLatinAmerica:AHistory.ByMarcosCuetoandStevenPalmer.NewYork:CambridgeUniversityPress,2015.Pp.ix+306.39.95 paperback. ISBN: 9780826520210. Medicine and Public Health in Latin America: A History. By Marcos Cueto and Steven Palmer. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2015. Pp. ix + 306. 32.99 paperback. ISBN: 9781107633018. A History of Family Planning in Twentieth-Century Peru. By Raúl Necochea López. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2014. Pp. xii + 234. 37.50paperback.ISBN:9781469618081.ProgressiveMothers,BetterBabies:Race,PublicHealth,andtheStateinBrazil,1850–1945.ByOkeziT.Otovo.Austin:UniversityofTexasPress,2016.Pp.x+273.37.50 paperback. ISBN: 9781469618081. Progressive Mothers, Better Babies: Race, Public Health, and the State in Brazil, 1850–1945. By Okezi T. Otovo. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2016. Pp. x + 273. 29.95 paperback. ISBN: 9781477309056
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