1,739 research outputs found

    A Stochastic Salvo Model Analysis of the Battle of the Coral Sea

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    In this work we study the Battle of the Coral Sea using a stochastic version of the salvo combat model. We begin by estimating the range of probable alternative results for the battle, given the forces employed; i.e., if the battle were to be "re-fought", how likely are outcomes other than what historically transpired? Our analysis suggests that a wide range of results was indeed possible, even without any change in forces on either side. We then estimate the impact of hypothetical but plausible changes in the American forces employed. Our analysis suggests that a material advantage could have been obtained by committing extra aircraft carriers to the battle or by dispersing the carriers that were already deployed; on the other hand, equipping each carrier with more fighters but fewer bombers would have yielded a net disadvantage.Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) Discovery Grant; Carleton University Centre for Security & Defense Studies

    Big Five Personality Traits of Collegiate Social Fraternities and Sororities

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    This study examined differences in personality between fraternity- and sorority-affiliated college students and unaffiliated college students. A 20-item online survey was completed by 613 undergraduates (51% fraternity- and sorority-affiliated) measuring the Big Five personality factors. Analyses were conducted using independent samples t-tests to compare personalities of fraternity- and sorority-affiliated students to unaffiliated students. Fraternity and sorority members scored higher on measures of extraversion, measures of conscientiousness, and lower on measurers of neuroticism than nonmembers

    Regressions on Personality and Political Preferences of Greek Letter Social Organizations

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    Research examining fraternities and sororities is minimal. Whenever research does arise, it usually focuses on negative stigmas with these organizations, such as alcohol abuse or hazing. This study seeks to examine more positive aspects of Greek organizations in order to inspire further research into fraternities and sororities. It was hypothesized that Greek-affiliated college students differ from unaffiliated college students in the Big Five personality factors such that Greek members are less likely to be open to experience, less conscientious, more extraverted, and less neurotic than nonmembers. Greek members and nonmembers will be similar in agreeableness. It is also hypothesized that Greek members are more likely to be politically conservative than nonmembers. Furthermore, it is predicted that Greek-affiliated students will become more similar to their respective organizations over time spent affiliated with them on these six measures. A 24-item online survey was given to 613 undergraduates (51% Greek) measuring the Big Five personality factors and political preference. Logistic and linear regressions were used to analyze data. Greek members were found to be more likely to be extraverted, less likely to be neurotic, and more likely to be politically conservative than nonmembers. Patterns in change over time for each organization were not found

    Correcting Misconceptions About Gamification of Assessment: More Than SJTs and Badges

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    Describing the current state of gamification, Chamorro-Premuzic, Winsborough, Sherman, and Hogan () provide a troubling contradiction: They offer examples of a broad spectrum of gamification interventions, but they then summarize the entirety of gamification as “the digital equivalent of situational judgment tests.” This mischaracterization grossly oversimplifies a rapidly growing area of research and practice both within and outside of industrial–organizational (I-O) psychology. We agree that situational judgment tests (SJTs) can be considered a type of gamified assessment, and gamification provides a toolkit to make SJTs even more gameful. However, the term gamification refers to a much broader and potentially more impactful set of tools than just SJTs, which are incremental, versatile, and especially valuable to practitioners in an era moving toward business-to-consumer (B2C) assessment models. In this commentary, we contend that gamification is commonly misunderstood and misapplied by I-O psychologists, and our goals are to remedy such misconceptions and to provide a research agenda designed to improve both the science and the practice surrounding gamification of human resource processes

    Anharmonicity-induced isostructural phase transition of Zirconium under pressure

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    We have performed a detailed x-ray diffraction structural study of Zr under pressure and unambiguously identify the existence of a first-order isostructural bcc-to-bcc phase transition near 58 GPa. First-principles quantum molecular dynamics lattice dynamics calculations support the existence of this phase transition, in excellent agreement with experimental results, triggered by anharmonic effects. Our results highlight the potential ubiquity of anharmonically driven isostructural transitions within the periodic table under pressure and calls for follow-up experimental and theoretical studies

    Closed-Loop Targeted Memory Reactivation during Sleep Improves Spatial Navigation

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    Sounds associated with newly learned information that are replayed during non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep can improve recall in simple tasks. The mechanism for this improvement is presumed to be reactivation of the newly learned memory during sleep when consolidation takes place. We have developed an EEG-based closed-loop system to precisely deliver sensory stimulation at the time of down-state to up-state transitions during NREM sleep. Here, we demonstrate that applying this technology to participants performing a realistic navigation task in virtual reality results in a significant improvement in navigation efficiency after sleep that is accompanied by increases in the spectral power especially in the fast (12\u201315 Hz) sleep spindle band. Our results show promise for the application of sleep-based interventions to drive improvement in real-world tasks

    Implicit moral evaluations: A multinomial modeling approach

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    Implicit moral evaluations-i.e., immediate, unintentional assessments of the wrongness of actions or persons-play a central role in supporting moral behavior in everyday life. Yet little research has employed methods that rigorously measure individual differences in implicit moral evaluations. In five experiments, we develop a new sequential priming measure-the Moral Categorization Task-and a multinomial model that decomposes judgment on this task into multiple component processes. These include implicit moral evaluations of moral transgression primes (Unintentional Judgment), accurate moral judgments about target actions (Intentional Judgment), and a directional tendency to judge actions as morally wrong (Response Bias). Speeded response deadlines reduced Intentional Judgment but not Unintentional Judgment (Experiment 1). Unintentional Judgment was stronger toward moral transgression primes than non-moral negative primes (Experiments 2-4). Intentional Judgment was associated with increased error-related negativity, a neurophysiological indicator of behavioral control (Experiment 4). Finally, people who voted for an anti-gay marriage amendment had stronger Unintentional Judgment toward gay marriage primes (Experiment 5). Across Experiments 1-4, implicit moral evaluations converged with moral personality: Unintentional Judgment about wrong primes, but not negative primes, was negatively associated with psychopathic tendencies and positively associated with moral identity and guilt proneness. Theoretical and practical applications of formal modeling for moral psychology are discussed

    Species Abundance Modelling of Arctic-Boreal Zone Ducks Informed by Satellite Remote Sensing

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    The Arctic-Boreal zone (ABZ) covers over 26 million km2 and is home to numerous duck species; however, understanding the spatiotemporal distribution of their populations across this vast landscape is challenging, in part due to extent and data scarcity. Species abundance models for ducks in the ABZ commonly use static (time invariant) habitat covariates to inform predictions, such as wetland type and extent maps. For the first time in this region, we developed species abundance models using high-resolution, time-varying wetland inundation data produced using satellite remote sensing methods. This data captured metrics of surface water extent and inundated vegetation in the Peace Athabasca Delta, Canada, which is within the NASA Arctic Boreal Vulnerability Experiment core domain. We used generalized additive mixed models to demonstrate the improved predictive value of this novel data set over time-invariant data. Our findings highlight both the potential complementarity and efficacy of dynamic wetland inundation information for improving estimation of duck abundance and distribution at high latitudes. Further, these data can be an asset to spatial targeting of biodiversity conservation efforts and developing model-based metrics of their success under rapidly changing climatic conditions

    Efficacy of temsirolimus in metastatic chromophobe renal cell carcinoma

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    <p>Background: Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) is a histopathologically and molecularly heterogeneous disease with the chromophobe subtype (chRCC) accounting for approximately 5% of all cases. The median overall survival of advanced RCC has improved significantly since the advent of tyrosine kinase inhibitors and mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) inhibitors. However, high-quality evidence for the use of new generation tyrosine kinase inhibitors in patients with advanced chRCC is lacking. Few published case reports have highlighted the use of temsirolimus in chRCC.</p> <p>Case presentation: Here, we report the case of a 36-year-old Caucasian woman with metastatic chRCC with predominantly skeletal metastases who was refractory to sunitinib who demonstrated a durable clinical response to temsirolimus lasting 20 months. We review the available evidence pertaining to the use of new generation molecularly targeted agents, in particular mTOR inhibitors in chRCC and discuss their emerging role in the management of this disease which would aid the oncologists faced with the challenge of treating this rare type of RCC.</p> <p>Conclusion: Conducting randomised clinical trials in this rarer sub-group of patients would be challenging and our case report and the evidence reviewed would guide the physicians to make informed decision regarding the management of these patients.</p&gt
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