5,718 research outputs found

    Rotavirus infections and climate variability in Dhaka, Bangladesh: a time-series analysis.

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    Attempts to explain the clear seasonality of rotavirus infections have been made by relating disease incidence to climate factors; however, few studies have disentangled the effects of weather from other factors that might cause seasonality. We investigated the relationships between hospital visits for rotavirus diarrhoea and temperature, humidity and river level, in Dhaka, Bangladesh, using time-series analysis adjusting for other confounding seasonal factors. There was strong evidence for an increase in rotavirus diarrhoea at high temperatures, by 40.2% for each 1 degrees C increase above a threshold (29 degrees C). Relative humidity had a linear inverse relationship with the number of cases of rotavirus diarrhoea. River level, above a threshold (4.8 m), was associated with an increase in cases of rotavirus diarrhoea, by 5.5% per 10-cm river-level rise. Our findings provide evidence that factors associated with high temperature, low humidity and high river-level increase the incidence of rotavirus diarrhoea in Dhaka

    ‘It’s about keeping children safe, not spying’: A governmentality approach to prevent in primary education

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    From its inception in 2015, the Prevent Duty has required educators, and other members of the social sector, to exercise ‘due regard’ in preventing pupils from being drawn into terrorism, irrespective of the age of the child. This article explores how primary educators have understood and implemented this preventative security policy in their schools. Analysis is based on a survey of 345 primary school educators and 37 semi-structured interviews with primary school educators and Prevent Education Officers from the West Midlands. Through a lens of governmentality, we shed light on how this mandate has been broadly interpreted and exercised by educators within and outside the school gates. In so doing, we contribute to debates on the puzzling acceptance of Prevent in education, on the process whereby educators identify threats, and on the securitisation of educational spaces in a risk society.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Oral cancer and bucco-maxillo-facial surgery: a systematic review of clinical findings

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    Introduction: In the context of oral cancer management, it is a multidisciplinary effort, as each patient presents physicians with a unique set of challenges whose management impacts both survival and quality of life. Oral and maxillofacial surgery remains the mainstay of treatment. Oral cancer (OC) has a high incidence and mortality and is among the 10 (ten) most common pathologies in the world, Brazil today represents alarming public health. OC awareness is low, especially in terms of knowledge of signs and symptoms. Also, self-examination is relatively fast, inexpensive, and simple to perform. The diagnostic accuracy of the oral self-examination needs to be established first before advocating it as a potential screening tool for early detection. Objective: the present study aimed to carry out a systematic review of the main clinical findings on the surgical treatment of oral cancer by dentists. Methods: The rules of the Systematic Review-PRISMA Platform. The research was carried out in December 2021 to February 2022 and developed based on Scopus, PubMed, Science Direct, Scielo, and Google Scholar. The quality of the studies was based on the GRADE instrument and the risk of bias was analyzed according to the Cochrane instrument. Results: A total of 243 articles were found. In total, 104 articles were fully evaluated and 25 were included and evaluated in this study. there was a positive impact of CAD/CAM mandibular reconstruction on mastication and swallowing function after surgery for locally advanced oral cancer for the first time. Therefore, neoadjuvant chemotherapy plays a potential role in mandibular preservation in oral cancers with acceptable toxicities and without compromise in survival. The low prevalence of oral self-examination was more common among the elderly, being more common to oral cancer. Thus, educational actions can influence people's self-perception of their oral condition. In this way, the studies showed that to achieve the success of the surgical treatment of oral cancer, it is necessary for the individuals themselves to expand the self-examination care, linked to the evaluation and early diagnosis of dental surgeons. Conclusion: The studies showed that to achieve the success of the surgical treatment of oral cancer, it is necessary that self-perception of oral health, one of the components of quality of life, refers to a subjective experience of the individual about their functional, social and psychological well-being

    Li(V0.5Ti0.5)S2 as a 1V lithium intercalation electrode

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    P.G.B. is indebted to the EPSRC including the SUPERGEN program for financial support.Graphite, the dominant anode in rechargeable lithium batteries, operates at ~0.1V versus Li+/Li and can result in lithium plating on the graphite surface, raising safety concerns. Titanates, for example, Li4Ti5O12, intercalate lithium at ~1.6 V versus Li+/Li, avoiding problematic lithium plating at the expense of reduced cell voltage. There is interest in 1V anodes, as this voltage is sufficiently high to avoid lithium plating while not significantly reducing cell potential. The sulfides, LiVS2 and LiTiS2, have been investigated as possible 1V intercalation electrodes but suffer from capacity fading, large 1st cycle irreversible capacity or polarization. Here we report that the 50/50 solid solution, Li1+x(V0.5Ti0.5)S2, delivers a reversible capacity to store charge of 220 mAhg-1 (at 0.9 V), 99% of theoretical, at a rate of C/2, retaining 205 mAhg-1 at C-rate (92% of theoretical). Rate capability is excellent with 200 mAhg-1 at 3C. C-rate is discharge in 1 h. Polarization is low, 100mV at C/2. To the best of our knowledge, the properties/performances of Li(V0.5Ti0.5)S2 exceed all previous 1V electrodes.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Das frestas da conquista: Corpos negros escrevendo a liberdade na saint-domingue (Haiti) do século XVIII

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    Este artículo es un extracto/reformulación de una tesis doctoral defendida en julio de 2023 y tiene como objetivo discutir el choque lingüístico operado por mujeres y hombres esclavizados en la parte occidental de la isla Hispaniola en torno a los temas deigualdad, libertad y propiedad en el siglo XVIII. En el lenguaje de la resistencia a la esclavitud, estos sujetos reformularon teorías, resignificaron palabras y tejieron con sus cuerpos artes para liberarse, torciendo el verbo proveniente de la metrópolifrancesa, para organizar la primera república negra de las Américas, Haití. Se trata de un abordaje basado en una revisión bibliográfica y documental guiada por la perspectiva teórico-crítica de autores como James (2000), Hurbon (1987), Mbembe (2018), Orlandi (2007), Trouillot (2016), Protzel (2015) y Seguy (2009). Las conclusiones apuntan a un conjunto complejo de tácticas de lucha y supervivencia organizadas por los pueblos esclavizados desde el siglo XV, que impactaron directa o indirectamente en los circuitos políticos entre Europa y América en el siglo XVIII. La lucha en torno a la igualdad y la libertad sigue repercutiendo en las diásporas de afrocaribeñas noBrasil en la actualidad

    As teorias da integração regional: mais além do eurocentrismo

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    This paper is a review of the book “Las teorías de la Integración regional: más alla del eurocentrismo” written by Briceño Ruiz and published in 2018 by “Centro de Pensamiento Global”. The book represents the evolution of the author's ideas, where he not only values the praxis and the theories of the Global South, but also expresses his criticism of the uncritical understandings and applications of European theory in the comprehension of other regional integration initiatives. This lead us to believe that this author's work represents a point of the intersection between the discipline of International Regionalism and the decolonial movement that also questions Eurocentrism from the Geopolitics of Knowledge and the Colonization of Knowledge.Este texto é uma resenha do livro “Las teorías de la Integración regional: más allá del eurocentrismo” escrito por Briceño Ruiz e publicado em 2018 pelo “Centro de Pensamiento Global”. O livro representa  o coroamento da evolução das ideias desse autor, em que ele não só valoriza as práxis e as teorias do Sul Global, como também expressa a sua crítica às interpretações e aplicações acríticas da teoria europeia no entendimento de outras iniciativas de integração regional nos levando a crer que esta obra represente um ponto de interseção entre a disciplina de Regionalismo Internacional e o movimento vanguardista decolonial que também questiona o eurocentrismo a partir da Geopolítica do Conhecimento e Colonização do Saber

    Haiti: História, silenciamento e religiosidade como tática de liberdade

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    Este artículo espartede una tesis doctoral defendida en julio de 2023 y tiene como objetivo discutir formas de narrar y, simultáneamente, ocultar la historia haitiana, especialmente en lo que se refiere a las luchas de resistencia a la esclavitud vividas por las poblaciones negras en la parte occidental de la isla de Hispaniola, en el Caribe y el proceso de independencia de Haití a fines del siglo XVIII y principios del XIX. Estas luchas y la constitucióndel país caribeño cuestionaron la Ilustración francesa y los ideales revolucionarios (1789-1899) y, por ello, han sido silenciadas por la historiografía, además de la imposición de una serie de embargos que impidieron que Haití se convirtiera en un país efectivamente libre. Presentamos un enfoque que promueve el análisis de las narrativas producidas sobre Haití y sus habitantes, así como las prácticas de resistencia elaboradas por sujetos inscritos en estos procesos de diálogo, tensión y redireccionamiento de esas mismas narrativas, con el objetivo de transformarlas en instrumentos de supervivencia y lucha, como en los casos diásporas y la práctica del vudú. Se trata de un estudio basado en una revisión bibliográfica y documental sostenida por intelectuales como Protzel (2015), Haesbaert y Limonad (2007), Orlandi (2007) y Trouillot (2016); Édouard Glissant (2005) y James (2000). Los análisis indican que estas limitaciones (de los ideales ilustrados), sumadas a las prácticas de resistencia elaboradas por los subalternizados, operan como una interpelación al tiempo presente, exigiendo la inserción de los desplazados en el ámbito de los derechos, cuidados y protecciones prometidos por la modernidad que, contradictoriamente, se asentó sobre cuerpos racializados en territorios narrados como espacios de “salvajismo” y “barbarie”