1,430 research outputs found

    Final MA Portfolio

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    A Final Portfolio submitted to the English Department of Bowling Green State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in the field of English

    The End of School Desegregation and the Achievement Gap

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    After nearly five decades of school desegregation mandated by federal courts, school districts throughout the nation are being released from court orders, leading some civil rights proponents to complain that ending school desegregation will deprive minority students of educational benefits. This article argues that ending school desegregation will not have any appreciable impact on the academic achievement of African American students. To the extent that desegregation had academic benefits, those benefits have already occurred. Despite the extensive desegregation of American schools during the 1970s and 1980s, a large black-white achievement gap remains, and there is credible evidence that this gap is due to persistent socioeconomic differences between black and white families

    Pengaruh Warna Kontak Lensa Mata Dipadu dengan Warna Eye Shadow dan Teknik Wing Eyeliner Terhadap Hasil Riasan Koreksi Mata Besar untuk Pengantin Modern

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    ABSTRAK PENGARUH WARNA KONTAK LENSA MATA DIPADU DENGAN WARNA EYE SHADOW DAN TEKNIK WING EYELINER TERHADAP HASIL RIASAN KOREKSI MATA BESAR UNTUK PENGANTIN MODERN Nama : Mukhlisa Armor NIM : 14050634040 Program Studi : S1 Pendidikan Tata Rias Jurusan : Pendidikan Kesejahteraan Keluarga Fakultas :Teknik Nama Lembaga : Universitas Negeri Surabaya Pembimbing : Dra. Arita Puspitorini, M.Pd. Koreksi bentuk mata menggunakan kontak lensa yang dipadu dengan eyeshadow dan wing eyeliner adalah salah satu perkembangan dalam teknik untuk merias wajah. Hal tersebut dapat membantu terciptanya sebuah inovasi dalam bidang tata rias wajah khususnya untuk mengoreksi bentuk mata pada tata rias wajah pengantin modern atau tata rias wajah yang lainnya. Salah satu bentuk mata yang perlu dikoreksi adalah mata besar bulat dan mata besar menonjol. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk 1) mengetahui hasil koreksi penggunaan kontak lensa yang dipadu dengan eyeshadow dan wing eyeliner terhadap riasan mata besar bulat dan besar menonjol; 2) pengaruh hasil jadi riasan koreksi pada mata besar bulat dan besar menonjol pada pengantin modern. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimen. Metode pengumpulan data yan digunakan adalah observasi dengan melibatkan 30 observer. Teknik analisi data yang digunakan adalah mean dan uji independent sample t-test degan menggunakan batua program SPSS 25 dengan taraf signifikan 5% (P<0,05). Hasil penelitian ini memperoleh data meliputi 1) hasil koreksi penggunaan kontak lensa yang dipadu dengan eyeshadow dan wing eyeliner terhadap riasan mata besar bulat dan besar menonjol dengan nilai mean masing-masing 3,68 dan 3,16. Selanjutnya 2) terdapat pengaruh penggunaan kontak lensa yang dipadu dengan eyeshadow dan wing eyeliner terhadap riasan mata besar bulat dan besar menonjol. Hal tersebut dapat dilihat dari data yang diperoleh pada aspek keseluruhan hasil tata rias mata besar memperoleh nilai t hitung 6,605 dengan signifikasi 0,000 yaitu < 0,05. Kata kunci : tata rias mata besar, koreksi mata besar, penggunaan kontak lensa yang dipadu dengan eyeshadow dan wing eyeliner. ABSTRACT THE INFLUENCE OF CONTACT LENS COLOR COMBINED WITH EYE SHADOW COLOR AND WING EYELINER TEHNIQUE TO THE RESULT OF BIG EYES MAKEUP CORRECTION FOR MODERN BRIDE Name : Mukhlisa Armor NIM : 14050634040 Study Program :Bachelor of Cosmetology Education Department : Home Economic Education Faculty of Engineering Name of Institution : Surabaya State University Advisor : Dra. Arita Puspitorini, M.Pd. The correction of eye shape use the contact lens combined with eye shadow and wing eyeliner is one of the development in technique for makeup. This can help create an innovation in the field of makeup especially to correct the shape of the eye on modern bride makeup or other makeup. One of eye shape that needs to be corrected is a big round eye and big protruding eye. This research aims to 1) know the result of using contact lens combined with eye shadow and wing eyeliner to the big round and protruding eyes; 2) know the influence of makeup correction result to the big round and big protruding eyes on modern bride. This type of research is experimental research. The data collection method that used was observation by involving 30 observers. Data analysis technique that used was mean and independent sample t-test test using the SPSS 25 program with a significance level of 5% (P <0.05). The results of this research obtained data including 1) the correction result of using contact lens combined with eye shadow and wing eyeliner to the big round and big protruding eyes with a mean value of 3.68 and 3.16 respectively. Furthermore, 2) there is an influence of using contact lens combined with eye shadow and wing eyeliner to the big round and big protruding eyes. This can be seen from the data obtained in the aspect of the overall results of the big eye makeup obtaining the value of t count 6.605 with a significance of 0,000, which is <0,05. Keyword: big eyes makeup, big eyes correction, use of contact lens combined with eye shadow and wing eyeline

    Accuracy, Error, and Bias in Predictions for Real Versus Hypothetical Events

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    Participants made predictions about performance on tasks that they did or did not expect to complete. In three experiments, participants in task-unexpected conditions were unrealistically optimistic: They overestimated how well they would perform, often by a large margin, and their predictions were not correlated with their performance. By contrast, participants assigned to task-expected conditions made predictions that were not only less optimistic but strikingly accurate. Consistent with predictions from construal level theory, data from a fourth experiment suggest that it is the uncertainty associated with hypothetical tasks, and not a lack of cognitive processing, that frees people to make optimistic prediction errors. Unrealistic optimism, when it occurs, may be truly unrealistic; however, it may be less ubiquitous than has been previously suggested

    Election Laws: A Case of Deadly Reform

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    Hope Over Experience Desirability and the Persistence of Optimism

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    Many important decisions hinge on expectations of future outcomes. Decisions about health, investments, and relationships all depend on predictions of the future. These expectations are often optimistic: People frequently believe that their preferred outcomes are more likely than is merited. Yet it is unclear whether optimism persists with experience and, surprisingly, whether optimism is truly caused by desire. These are important questions because life’s most consequential decisions often feature both strong preferences and the opportunity to learn. We investigated these questions by collecting football predictions from National Football League fans during each week of the 2008 season. Despite accuracy incentives and extensive feedback, predictions about preferred teams remained optimistically biased through the entire season. Optimism was as strong after 4 months as it was after 4 weeks. We exploited variation in preferences and matchups to show that desirability fueled this optimistic bias

    Prescribed Optimism: Is it Right to be Wrong About the Future?

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    We test the assumption that people desire to be accurate when making predictions about their own future. Results revealed that, across four different scenarios and three manipulated variables (commitment to a decision, agency over the decision, and control over outcomes), participants thought it was better to make optimistically biased predictions than accurate or pessimistically biased predictions. Additionally, participants thought that they and others would be optimistic in the scenarios they read, but insufficiently so. We argue that prescriptions can serve as one standard by which the quality of predictions can be judged, and that this particular standard strongly endorses optimism

    Heritage Walking: a Popular Geopolitics Study of the AYA Application and its role in Nation-Building and Heritage as a Motivational Factor for Walking

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    The AYA application (hereafter, app) released by the Chickasaw Nation in 2018, is a fitness app with a gamified rewards system built around the history and culture of the Chickasaw Nation. The Chickasaw Nation as a tribal nation within the US is vulnerable to being assimilated into American culture. Therefore, looking at AYA as a nation-building tool to identify efforts by the Chickasaw government to instill their identity into citizens, is vital to help other endangered cultures. The citizenry’s own desire to learn about their heritage through a rewards system is leveraged by the developers by encouraging physical exertion in the form of walking to achieve progression in the app. However, the app is using an unproven method to reach its goals. Prior walking apps have used history as a motivator but not in tandem with a user’s own heritage sculpted by their government. Government applications are blunter in their approach to nation building, as they create apps purely focused on civic education when related to nation building. It is the combination of walking applications and nation building in AYA that makes it a unique application to test its approach towards fitness through heritage as a motivation for both. A survey was conducted to test users’ feelings towards the Chickasaw Nation and a change in their walking habits. The results show an inconclusive but slight positive correlation between the two. The nation-building aspects of AYA were examined using qualitative coding of the app’s content to discover the main themes used in crafting a heritage for the Chickasaw people to practice. This work highlights the effectiveness of new technologies in promoting national identity and fitness and how they are received when melded together

    A Technique for In-situ Measurement of Free Spectral Range and Transverse Mode Spacing of Optical Cavities

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    Length and g-factor are fundamental parameters that characterize optical cavities. We developed a technique to measure these parameters in-situ by determining the frequency spacing between the resonances of fundamental and spatial modes of an optical cavity. Two laser beams are injected into the cavity, and their relative frequency is scanned by a phase-lock loop, while the cavity is locked to either laser. The measurement of the amplitude of their beat note in transmission reveals the resonances of the longitudinal and the transverse modes of the cavity and their spacing. This method proves particularly useful to characterize complex optical systems, including very long and/or coupled optical cavities, as in gravitational wave interferometers. This technique and the results of its application to the coupled cavities of a 40-meter-long gravitational wave interferometer prototype are here presented

    A Review of Clinical Informatics Competencies in Nursing to Inform Best Practices in Education and Nurse Faculty Development

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    AIM The aim of this literature review was to determine the state of the science related to clinical informatics competencies of registered nurses and to determine best practices in educational strategies for both nursing students and faculty. BACKGROUND Continued emphasis on the provision of evidence-based patient care has implications for requisite informatics-focused competencies to be threaded throughout all levels of nursing educational programs. METHOD Whittemore and Knalf’s five-step integrative review process guided this research. An extensive search yielded 69 publications for critical appraisal. RESULTS Results suggest nursing educational programs do not adhere to standardized criteria for teaching nursing informatics competencies. Another identified literature gap was the scarcity of research related to informatics training requirements for nurse educators. CONCLUSION Findings support the need for continued research to provide clear direction about the expected clinical informatics competencies of graduate nurses and what training faculty need to facilitate student learning
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