30 research outputs found

    regulation of cardiac stem cells by micrornas state of the art

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    Abstract Stem cells have a therapeutic potential in various medical conditions. In cases without sufficient response to conventional drug treatments, stem cells represent a next generation therapeutic strategy in cardiovascular diseases. Cardiac stem cells (CSCs), among a wide variety of stem cell sources, have been identified as a valid option for stem cell-based therapy in cardiovascular diseases. CSCs mainly act as a cell source to supply the physiological need for cardiovascular cells. However, they have been demonstrated to reproduce the myocardial cells under pathological settings. Despite their roles and functions have somewhat been clarified, molecular pathways underlying the regulatory mechanisms of CSCs are still not fully elucidated. Several studies have recently shown that different microRNAs (miRNAs) play a substantial role in regulating and controlling both the physiological and pathological proliferation and differentiation of stem cells. MiRNAs are small non-coding RNA molecules that regulate gene expression and may undergo aberrant expression levels during pathological conditions. Understanding the way through which miRNAs regulate CSC behavior may open up new horizons in modulating these cells in vitro to devise sophisticated approaches for treating patients with cardiovascular diseases. In this review article, we tried to discuss available evidence about the role of miRNAs in regulating CSCs

    The therapeutic potential of nanoparticles to reduce inflammation in atherosclerosis

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    Chronic inflammation is one of the main determinants of atherogenesis. The traditional medications for treatment of atherosclerosis are not very efficient in targeting atherosclerotic inflammation. Most of these drugs are non-selective, anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive agents that have adverse effects and very limited anti-atherosclerotic effects, which limits their systemic administration. New approaches using nanoparticles have been investigated to specifically deliver therapeutic agents directly on atherosclerotic lesions. The use of drug delivery systems, such as polymeric nanoparticles, liposomes, and carbon nanotubes are attractive strategies, but some limitations exist. For instance, nanoparticles may alter the drug kinetics, based on the pathophysiological mechanisms of the diseases. In this review, we will update pathophysiological evidence for the use of nanoparticles to reduce inflammation and potentially prevent atherogenesis in different experimental models

    Implications on the Therapeutic Potential of Statins via Modulation of Autophagy

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    Statins, which are functionally known as 3-hydroxy-3-methyl-glutaryl-CoA (HMG-CoA) inhibitors, are lipid-lowering compounds widely prescribed in patients with cardiovascular diseases (CVD). Several biological and therapeutic functions have been attributed to statins, including neuroprotection, antioxidation, anti-inflammation, and anticancer effects. Pharmacological characteristics of statins have been attributed to their involvement in the modulation of several cellular signaling pathways. Over the past few years, the therapeutic role of statins has partially been attributed to the induction of autophagy, which is critical in maintaining cellular homeostasis and accounts for the removal of unfavorable cells or specific organelles within cells. Dysregulated mechanisms of the autophagy pathway have been attributed to the etiopathogenesis of various disorders, including neurodegenerative disorders, malignancies, infections, and even aging. Autophagy functions as a double-edged sword during tumor metastasis. On the one hand, it plays a role in inhibiting metastasis through restricting necrosis of tumor cells, suppressing the infiltration of the inflammatory cell to the tumor niche, and generating the release of mediators that induce potent immune responses against tumor cells. On the other hand, autophagy has also been associated with promoting tumor metastasis. Several anticancer medications which are aimed at inducing autophagy in the tumor cells are related to statins. This review article discusses the implications of statins in the induction of autophagy and, hence, the treatment of various disorders

    Seafarers’ mental health status and life satisfaction: Structural equation model

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    Background: A variety of factors influence seafarers' health. Such factors might affect their satisfaction with life. Aims: To examine the relationships between seafarers' mental health status and satisfaction with life by using a structural equation method. Methods: In this survey, 470 seafarers were selected via convenience sampling method from two shipping companies. Validated questionnaires including Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS), generalized anxiety disorder-7 (GAD-7), Post-traumatic Stress Disorder-8 (PTSD-8), Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9), General Health Questionnaire-12 (GHQ-12), Perceived Health status and Depression-Anxiety-Stress scale-21 (DASS-21) were used to assess different aspects of well-being and life satisfaction. The stratified path analysis method was applied to analyze the data. Results: 439 seafarers (200 officers and 237 non-officers) with a mean age of 34.5 (SD: 8.05) participated in the current study. The GHQ score directly affected satisfaction with life in both officers (β = 0.35) and non-officers (β = 0.40). Also, perceived health status directly and indirectly affected satisfaction with life among officers (β = 0.19) and non-officers (β = 0.06). While officers working days per month indirectly impacted satisfaction with life through the general anxiety disorder, perceived health status, depression, anxiety, stress and current mental health. In non-officers, generalized anxiety disorder had the most potent indirect effects on satisfaction with life through perceived health status and current mental health. Conclusion: Perceived health status, directly and indirectly, affected seafarers' satisfaction with life. Measures should be taken in order to improve seafarers' perceived health status and its effects on satisfaction with life

    Post-traumatic stress disorder and mental health assessment of seafarers working on ocean-going vessels during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Background There are increasing concerns about mental health consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic among seafarers. This study aims to assess the effects of the current global health pandemic on life satisfaction and adverse psychological outcomes among seafarers. Methods In this cross-sectional study, 470 multinational seafarers working on board ships of two international shipping companies were assessed. Mental health outcomes were assessed by the general anxiety disorder (GAD-7) questionnaire, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD-8) questionnaire, and patient health questionnaire (PHQ-9) depressive severity score. Multivariate logistic regression was used to determine the association of demographic and work-related variables with mental health outcomes. Results Overall, 439 out of 470 invited seafarers with a mean age of 34.5 (SD: 8.05) years participated in this study (participation rate: 93.4%). The prevalence of anxiety, depressive, and post-traumatic stress symptoms was 12.4, 14.1, and 37.3%, respectively. In the multivariate model, the current vessel’s signing duration was directly associated with the odds of depressive and intrusion symptoms. Moreover, the duration of work per week was inversely associated with hyper-vigilance and avoidance. Also, non-officers, compared to officers, experienced significantly lower anxiety and depressive symptoms, hyper-vigilance, and avoidance. Conclusion The present study revealed a high prevalence of mental health problems among seafarers during the COVID-19 pandemic. We recommend that more evidence is generated regarding psychosocial health issues for this vulnerable occupation

    Childhood Overweight and Obesity and Associated Factors in Iranian Children and Adolescents: A Multilevel Analysis; the CASPIAN-IV Study

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    Objective: The purpose of this paper is to explore multidimensional factors related to childhood obesity and overweight based on the data gathered on different aspects of the general health status were assessed among a large number of Iranian children and adolescents in the fourth phase of the “Childhood and Adolescence Surveillance and Prevention of Adult Non-communicable disease” survey. It also aims to determine the degree to which each ecological context contributes to childhood overweight/obesity.Method: A total of 14,880 students and their parents were recruited. They filled out a questionnaire on their relationship with peers, body image, and psychosocial environment of school, dietary habits, life-style habits, physical activity pattern and socioeconomic status (SES). Their height, weight, was measured and body mass index (BMI) was calculated. Obesity and overweight was defined based on the WHO growth chart. Multilevel modeling using three-level random intercept logistic regression models were used to assess predictors of overweight and obesity. In our hierarchical models, children (first level) were conceptualized as being nested within provinces (second level) and provinces within quad regions (third level).Result: From among the 13,486 recruited students, 9.7% were overweight and 11.9% were obese. In multivariate model (adjusted model), being boy (OR:1.58), living in urban area (OR:1.58), having positive family history of obesity (OR = 2.04), breakfast skipping (OR: 1.46), socioeconomic status (OR moderateSES/lowSES = 1.44 and OR highSES/lowSES = 1.89), and birth weight (BW) (OR normalBW/lowBW = 1.33 and OR highBW/lowBW = 1.8) were associated with childhood obesity. Increasing age was the only factor in the obesity model that had a significant preventive effect on the odds of becoming obese (OR = 0.96, P < 0.001). In multivariate model, living in urban area, increasing age, high and moderate SES, high BW and family history of obesity were the significant predictors of overweight.Conclusion: Our findings show that high BW, sociodemographic characteristics, breakfast skipping, and family history of obesity are associated with childhood obesity and overweight. Therefore, developing strategies that consider the effects of diverse sociodemographic and environmental factors on childhood overweight and obesity would be the most effective way to prevent and manage this multifactorial health concern

    Economic Inequality in Healthy and Junk Foods Consumption and its determinants in Children and Adolescents: the CASPIAN- IV Study

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    Background: Nutritional habits and its determinants, especially in children and adolescents have recently turned into the one of the major concerns of health researches. We examine the diet contribution inequality in according to socio-demographic factors, age, gender, physical activity and body image to alleviate this gap in Iranian children and adolescents. Materials and Methods: Study sample was comprised of 14,880 students aged 6-18 years who selected from urban and rural districts of 30 provinces of Iran via stratified multi-stage sampling method. A short food frequency questionnaire was used for estimating the food group consumption. The Blinder-Oaxaca method was applied to investigate the inequality in the prevalence of healthy and junk foods consumption between the first and fifth socio-economic status (SES) quintiles. Results: The frequency of healthy and junk foods consumption showed considerable differences between the SES quintiles. The highest differences were found in the frequency of fresh fruit (25.38%), vegetable (12.92%), and milk (10.74%) consumption, respectively. The daily consumption of vegetables, and fresh and dried fruits increased linearly by increasing the SES quintiles. The highest absolute difference was seen in the frequency of fresh fruit consumption between the bottom and top of the socioeconomic groups (SII value=-32%).  The estimated SII was statistically significant for the consumption of all healthy and junk foods except for fast foods and milk consumption. The estimated C index for consumption of healthy and junk foods was positive and negative, respectively. Conclusion: This study provides the considerable information on the consumption of healthy and junk foods and its determinants among Iranian children and adolescents for better programming, developing health policies, and future complementary analyses

    Anti-fibrotic effects of curcumin and some of its analogues in the heart.

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    Cardiac fibrosis stems from the changes in the expression of fibrotic genes in cardiac fibroblasts (CFs) in response to the tissue damage induced by various cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) leading to their transformation into active myofibroblasts, which produce high amounts of extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins leading, in turn, to excessive deposition of ECM in cardiac tissue. The excessive accumulation of ECM elements causes heart stiffness, tissue scarring, electrical conduction disruption and finally cardiac dysfunction and heart failure. Curcumin (Cur; also known as diferuloylmethane) is a polyphenol compound extracted from rhizomes of Curcuma longa with an influence on an extensive spectrum of biological phenomena including cell proliferation, differentiation, inflammation, pathogenesis, chemoprevention, apoptosis, angiogenesis and cardiac pathological changes. Cumulative evidence has suggested a beneficial role for Cur in improving disrupted cardiac function developed by cardiac fibrosis by establishing a balance between degradation and synthesis of ECM components. There are various molecular mechanisms contributing to the development of cardiac fibrosis. We presented a review of Cur effects on cardiac fibrosis and the discovered underlying mechanisms by them Cur interact to establish its cardio-protective effects

    The Therapeutic Potential of Nanoparticles to Reduce Inflammation in Atherosclerosis

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    Chronic inflammation is one of the main determinants of atherogenesis. The traditional medications for treatment of atherosclerosis are not very efficient in targeting atherosclerotic inflammation. Most of these drugs are non-selective, anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive agents that have adverse effects and very limited anti-atherosclerotic effects, which limits their systemic administration. New approaches using nanoparticles have been investigated to specifically deliver therapeutic agents directly on atherosclerotic lesions. The use of drug delivery systems, such as polymeric nanoparticles, liposomes, and carbon nanotubes are attractive strategies, but some limitations exist. For instance, nanoparticles may alter the drug kinetics, based on the pathophysiological mechanisms of the diseases. In this review, we will update pathophysiological evidence for the use of nanoparticles to reduce inflammation and potentially prevent atherogenesis in different experimental models