330 research outputs found

    Regional policy spillovers : the national impact of demand-side policy in an interregional model of the UK economy

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    UK regional policy has been advocated as a means of reducing regional disparities and stimulating national growth. However, there is limited understanding of the interregional and national effects of such a policy. This paper uses an interregional computable general equilibrium model to identify the national impact of a policy-induced regional demand shock under alternative labour market closures. Our simulation results suggest that regional policy operating solely on the demand side has significant national impacts. Furthermore, the effects on the nontarget region are particularly sensitive to the treatment of the regional labour market

    Growth in densely populated Asia: implications for primary product exporters

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    Economic growth and integration in Asia is rapidly increasing the global economic importance of the region. To the extent that this growth continues and is strongest in natural resource-poor Asian economies, it will add to global demand for imports of primary products, to the benefit of (especially nearby) resource-abundant countries. How will global production, consumption and trade patterns change by 2030 in the course of such economic developments and structural changes? We address this question using the GTAP model and Version 8.1 of the 2007 GTAP database, together with supplementary data from a range of sources, to support projections of the global economy from 2007 to 2030 under various scenarios. Factor endowments and real gross domestic product are assumed to grow at exogenous rates, and trade-related policies are kept unchanged to generate a core baseline, which is compared with an alternative slower growth scenario. We also consider the impact of several policy changes aimed at increasing China's agricultural self-sufficiency relative to the 2030 baseline. Policy implications for countries of the Asia-Pacific region are drawn out in the final section

    Sailing into a dilemma : an economic and legal analysis of an EU trading scheme for maritime emissions

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    On the basis of a joint economic and legal analysis, we evaluate the effects of a “regional” (European) emission trading scheme aiming at reducing emissions of international shipping. The focus lies on the question which share of emissions from maritime transport activities to and from the EU can and should be included in such a system. Our findings suggest that the attempt to implement an EU maritime ETS runs into a dilemma. It is not possible to design a system that achieves emission reductions in a cost efficient manner and is compatible with international law

    Econometric estimation of Armington import elasticities for a regional CGE model of the Illinois economy

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    One of the main concerns associated with the development and use of regional CGE models is the determination of key parameter values, particularly substitution and other price elasticities. A common problem is the lack of appropriate regional data for econometric estimation. Consequently, it is important to identify key parameters that are likely to be important in determining quantitative results and then to prioritize these for estimation where appropriate data are available. In this paper, the focus is on the estimation of the regional trade (import) substitution parameters, which tend to be important in analysis for regional economies (given their openness to trade). Here, commodity import elasticities for the Illinois economy are estimated and tested in a single region CGE model of the Illinois economy. In our econometric estimation, we apply a model that takes account of market size and distance in estimating the substitutability between commodities produced in Illinois and other US states

    Location determinants of green technological entry: evidence from European regions

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    In this paper, we explore the spatial distribution and the location determinants of new green technology-based firms across European regions. Integrating insights from evolutionary economic geography and the literature on knowledge spillovers, we study the importance of new knowledge creation and the conditioning role played by regional technological relatedness in fostering combinatorial opportunities underlying the process of green technological entry. The analysis is based on a dataset covering over 900 NUTS3 regions for 15 European countries obtained merging economic data from ESPON-Eurostat and patent information from the PATSTAT-CRIOS database for the period 1996–2006. Our results show that the geographical distribution of green technological entry across European regions is not evenly distributed, offering evidence of spatial path dependence. In line with this, we find evidence of a significant role played by the characteristics of the regional innovation system. New green innovators are more likely to develop in regions defined by higher levels of technological activity underlying knowledge spillovers and more dynamism in technological entry. Moreover, our findings point to an inverted-U relationship between regional technological relatedness and green technological entry. Regions whose innovation activity is defined by cognitive proximity to environmental technologies support interactive learning and knowledge spillovers underlying entrepreneurship in this specific area. However, too much relatedness may cause technological lock-ins and reduce the set of combinatorial opportunities

    Ketahanan Sumberdaya Genetik Jagung Sulawesi Tenggara terhadap Cekaman Kekeringan pada Berbagai Fase Vegetatif

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    Maize crops experiencing water stress can experience cell damage, loss of turgor, closed stomata, plant leaf roll then wilt. Germination and vegetative growth are thought to be a very sensitive phases in relation to the availability of water, because it can influence subsequent growth processes. This study aimed to determine the potential tolerance of Southeast Sulawesi\u27s maize genotypes to drought stress at different vegetative growth phases. This study was based on completely randomized design (CRD) with factorial pattern consisting of two factors: the first factor composed of 9 local maize genotypes of Southeast Sulawesi and 1 national variety (cv. Arjuna), while the second factor was drought stress at different vegetative growth phases, consisting of four levels ie: C0 = plants irrigated with 100 % water availability during the growth phase, C1 = Stress for 5 days , at 21-26 days old (vegetative phase), C2 = Stress for 5 days starting at panicle emergence (early flowering stage), and C3 = Stress for 5 days starting 2 weeks after silking. Research results showed that Genotype (G) treatment significantly influenced all observed growth variables (at age 21 and 42 days after planting, DAP), except for the variable of number of leaf, age 21 DAP. However, water stress treatment (C) only significantly affected plant height variable, at the age of 42 DAP. In general, G6 and G7 genotypes tended to have a higher crop and trunk diameter than the other genotypes. Contrary, G3 genotype tended to have shorter crop and smaller stem diameter than the other genotypes. There are indications that the drought stress treatment (C) significantly inhibited the growth of maize crops