15 research outputs found

    Eigenvalue Placement For Generalized Linear Systems

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    This paper deals with some aspects of eigenvalue placement by state feedback for generalized linear systems described by E = Ax + Bu, where E is a singular map. It is shown that controllability of the infinite eigenvalues of the pencil (sE - A) is equivalent to the existence of a state feedback map which assigns those eigenvalues to pre-specified complex numbers. A procedure for the assignment of all eigenvalues to distinct complex numbers is also discussed. © 1984 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (North-Holland).44199202Verghese, Lévy, Kailath, A generalized state-space for singular systems (1981) IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 26, pp. 811-831Cobb, Feedback and pole placement in descriptor variable Systems† (1981) International Journal of Control, 6, pp. 1135-1146V.A. Armentano, The pencil (sE −A) and controllability-observability for generalized linear systems, Report 83.13, Electrical Engineering, Imperial College, University of LondonWonham, (1979) Linear Multivariable Control: A Geometric Approach, , Springer, New YorkMoore, On the flexibility offered by state feedback in multivariable systems beyond closed loop eigenvalue assignment (1976) IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 21, pp. 689-692K. Äz¢aldiran and F.L. Lewis, A result on the placement of infinite eigenvalues in descriptor systems, Electrical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GAGantmacher, (1959) The Theory of Matrices, 2. , Chelsea, New Yor

    The Application Of Valid Inequalities To The Multi-stage Lot-sizing Problem

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    A capacitated multi-stage lot-sizing problem for general product structures with setup and lead times is considered. The problem is formulated as a mixed integer linear program and valid inequalities that are high dimension faces of the problem's convex hull are identified. A fast separation algorithm is developed to iteratively select those inequalities that cut off the solution of the linear programming relaxation. The resulting much improved lower bounds are used in a Branch-and-Bound algorithm. Computational test results are presented. © 1995.227669680Bahl, Ritzman, Gupta, Determining lot-sizes and resource requirements a review (1987) Operations Research, 35, pp. 237-249Johnson, Montgomey, (1974) Operations Research in Production Planning, Scheduling and Inventory Control, , Wiley, New YorkZangwill, A backlogging model and a multi-echelon model of a dynamic economic lot-size production system—a network approach (1969) Management Science, 15, pp. 506-527Konno, Minimum concave cost production system a further generalization of multi-echelon model (1988) Mathematical Programming, 41, pp. 185-193Steinberg, Napier, Optimal multi-level lot-sizing for requirements planning systems (1980) Mgmt Sci., 26, pp. 1258-1271Afentakis, Gavish, Karmarkar, Computationally efficient optimal solutions to the lot-sizing problem in multistage assembly systems (1984) Mgmt Sci., 30, pp. 222-239Afentakis, Gavish, Optimal lot-sizing algorithms for complex product structures (1986) Ops Res., 34, pp. 237-249Crowston, Wagner, Williams, Economic lot size determination in multi-stage assembly systems (1973) Management Science, 19, pp. 517-527Crowston, Wagner, Dynamic lot-size models for multi-stage assembly systems (1973) Management Science, 20, pp. 517-527Schwarz, Schrage, Optimal and system myopic policies for multi-echelon production/inventory assembly systems (1975) Management Science, 21, pp. 1285-1294Goyal, Gunasekaran, Multi-stage production-inventory systems (1990) Eur. J. Opl Res., 46, pp. 1-20Maes, McClain, Van Wassenhove, Multilevel capacitated lotsizing complexicity and LP-based heuristics (1991) Eur. J. Opl Res., 53, pp. 131-148Gomory, Outline of an algorithm for integer solutions to linear programs (1958) Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, 64, pp. 275-278Barany, Van Roy, Wolsey, Strong formulations for multi-item capacitated lot-sizing (1984) Mgmt Sci., 30, pp. 1255-1261Clark, Armentano, Echelon stock formulations for multi-stage lot-sizing with lead times (1993) International Journal of Systems Science, 24, pp. 1759-1775Vollman, Berry, Whybark, (1988) Manufacturing Planning and Control Systems, , 2nd edition, Dow-Jones, Irwin, ILClark, Scarf, Optimal policities for a multi-echelon inventory problem (1960) Management Science, 6, pp. 475-490Clark, Armentano, The application of valid inequalities to the multi-stage lot-sizing problem (1993) Technical Report #11, , 3rd edition, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, BrazilNemhauser, Wolsey, (1988) Integer and Combinatorial Optimization, , Wiley, New YorkVan Roy, Wolsey, Solving mixed integer programming problems using automatic reformulation (1987) Ops Res., 35, pp. 45-57Van Roy, Wolsey, Valid inequalities for mixed 0–1 programs (1986) Discr. Appl. Math., 14, pp. 199-213IBM, (1991) Optimization Subroutine Library (OSL) User's Guide, , Release 2Freund, Walpole, (1980) Mathematical Statistics, , 3rd edition, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJWhite, Yeats, Skipworth, (1979) Tables for Statisticians, , 3rd edition, Thorns, Cheltenha

    Tabu Search With Path Relinking For An Integrated Productiondistribution Problem

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    This paper deals with the problem of integrating production and distribution planning over periods of a finite horizon. We consider a capacity-constrained plant that produces a number of items distributed by a fleet of homogenous vehicles to customers with known demand for each item in each period. The production planning defines the amount of each item produced in every period, while the distribution planning defines when customers should be visited, the amount of each item that should be delivered to customers, and the vehicle routes. The objective is to minimize production and inventory costs at the plant, inventory costs at the customers and distribution costs. We propose two tabu search variants for this problem, one that involves construction and a short-term memory, and one that incorporates a longer term memory used to integrate a path relinking procedure to the first variant. The proposed tabu search variants are tested on generated instances with up to ten items and on instances from the literature involving a single item. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd.38811991209Simchi-Levi, D., Kaminskt, P., Simchi-Levi, E., (2004) Managing the Supply Chain, , McGraw-Hill New YorkShiguemoto, A.L., (2008) Métodos Heurísticos Para Resolução de Problemas Integrados de Produção, Estoque e Distribuiç ão, , Doctoral thesis (in portuguese), Universidade Estadual de Campinas, SP, BrazilThomas, J.D., Griffin, P.M., Coordinated supply chain management (1996) European Journal of Operational Research, 94, pp. 1-15Vidal, C.J., Goetschalckx, M., Strategic productiondistribution models: A critical review with emphasis on global supply chain models (1997) European Journal of Operational Research, 98, pp. 1-18Sarmiento, A.M., Nagi, R., A review of integrated analysis of productiondistribution (1999) IIE Transactions, 31, pp. 1061-1074Ereng, S.S., Simpson, N.C., Vakharia, A.J., Integrated production/distribution planning in supply chains: An invited review (1999) European Journal of Operational Research, 115, pp. 219-236Chen, Z.-L., Integrated Production and Distribution Operations: Taxonomy, Models, and Review (2004) Handbook of Quantitative Supply Chain Analysis: Modelling in the E-Business Era, pp. 711-746Hurter, A.P., Van Buer, M.G., The newspaper production/distribution problem (1996) Journal of Business Logistics, 17, pp. 85-107Van Buer, M.G., Woodruff, D.L., Olson, R.T., Solving the medium newspaper production/distribution problem (1999) European Journal of Operational Research, 115, pp. 237-253Russell, R., Chiang, W.-C., Zepeda, D., Integrating multi-product production and distribution in newspaper logistics (2008) Computers and Operations Research, 35, pp. 1576-1588Chandra, P., Fisher, M.L., Coordination of production and distribution planning (1994) European Journal of Operational Research, 72, pp. 503-517Fumero, F., Vercellis, C., Synchronized development of production, inventory, and distribution schedules (1999) Transportation Science, 33, pp. 330-340Boudia, M., Louly, M.A.O., Prins, C., A reactive GRASP and path relinking for a combined production- distribution problem (2007) Computers and Operations Research, 34 (11), pp. 3402-3419. , DOI 10.1016/j.cor.2006.02.005, PII S0305054806000426Boudia, M., Prins, C., A memetic algorithm with dynamic population management for an integrated productiondistribution problem (2009) European Journal of Operational Research, 195, pp. 703-715Bard, J.F., Nananukul, N., The integrated production-inventory-distribution-routing problem (2009) Journal of Scheduling, 12, pp. 257-280Lei, L., Liu, S., Ruszczynski, A., Park, S., On the integrated production, inventory, and distribution routing problem (2006) IIE Transactions, 38, pp. 955-970Toth, P., Vigo, D., (2002) The Vehicle Routing Problem, , SIAM PhiladelphiaKarimi, B., Fatemi, S.M.T., Wilson, J.M., The capacitated lot sizing problem: A review of models and algorithms (2003) Omega, 31, pp. 365-378Glover, F., Laguna, M., (1997) Tabu Search, , Boston, MA KluwerGendreau, M., (2004) On the Importance of Allowing Infeasible Moves in Tabu Search Heuristics, Presented at the INFORMS National Meeting, , Denver, OctoberClarke, G., Wright, J.W., Scheduling of vehicles from a central depot to a number of delivery points (1964) Operations Research, 12, pp. 568-581Evans, J.R., An efficient implementation of the WagnerWhitin algorithm for dynamic lot-sizing (1985) Journal of Operational Management, 5, pp. 229-235Wagner, H.M., Whitin, T.M., Dynamic version of the economic lot size model (1958) Management Science, 5, pp. 89-96Glover, F., Tabu Search and Adaptive Memory ProgrammingAdvances, Applications and Challenges (1996) Computing Tools for Modeling. Optimization and Simulation: Interfaces in Computer Science and Operations Research, pp. 1-75Glover, F., A Template for Scatter Search and Path Relinking (1998) Artificial Evolution Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1363, pp. 13-54Mart, R., Laguna, M., Glover, F., Principles of scatter search (2006) European Journal of Operational Research, 169, pp. 359-372Yamashita, D.S., Armentano, V.A., Laguna, M., Scatter search for project scheduling with resource availability cost (2006) European Journal of Operational Research, 169, pp. 623-637Resende, M.G.C., Ribeiro, C.C., Glover, F., Mart, R., Scatter search and path-relinking: Fundamentals, advances, and applications (2010) Handbook of MetaheuristicsBertazzi, L., Paletta, G., Speranza, M.G., Minimizing the total cost in an integrated vendor-managed inventory ystem (2005) Journal of Heuristics, 11, pp. 393-419Trigeiro, W.W., Thomas, L.J., McClain, J.O., Capacitated lot sizing with setup times (1989) Management Science, 35, pp. 353-366Toledo, F.M.B., Armentano, V.A., A Lagrangian-based heuristic for the capacitated lot-sizing problem in parallel machines (2006) European Journal of Operational Research, 175, pp. 1070-108

    A Multi-start Random Constructive Heuristic For The Container Loading Problem

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    This paper deals with the container loading problem which involves the selection of a subset of boxes, each box with a given volume, such that they fit in a single container and maximize its volume utilization subject to orientation and stability constraints. We propose a multi-start random constructive heuristic with a load arrangement that is based on maximal cuboids that fit in given empty spaces. Each instance is adaptively evaluated by a set of criteria, and at each step of the construction process one maximal cuboid is chosen probabilistically from a restricted list of candidates. In order to enhance the flexibility in the construction of a solution, a probabilistic reduction on such cuboids is allowed. Computational tests on several instances from the literature show that the proposed method performs better than other approaches.272311331Bischoff, E.E., Marriott, M.D., A Comparative Evaluation of Heuristics for Container Loading (1990) European Journal of Operational Research, 44, pp. 267-276Bischoff, E.E., Ratcliff, M.S.W., Issues in the development of approaches to container loading (1995) Omega, 4, pp. 377-390Bischoff, E.E., Three-dimensional packing of items with limited load bearing strength (2006) European Journal of Operational Research, 168 (3), pp. 952-966Bischoff, E.E., Janetz, F., Ratcliff, M.S.W., Loading Pallets with Non-Identical Items (1995) European Journal of Operational Research, 84, pp. 681-692Bortfeldt, A., Gehring, H., Ein Tabu Search-Verfahren für Containerbeladeprobleme mit schwach heterogenem Kistenvorrat (1998) OR Spektrum, 20 (4), pp. 237-250Bortfeldt, A., Gehring, H., A Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for the Container Loading Problem (2001) European Journal of Operational Research, 131, pp. 143-161Bortfeldt, A., Gehring, H., Mack, D., A parallel tabu search algorithm for solving the container loading problem (2003) Parallel Computing, 29 (5), pp. 641-662Bresina, J. (1996). Heuristic-Biased Stochastic Sampling. In: Proceedings of the 13 th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 271-278Cecilio, F.O., Morabito, R., Refinamentos na heurística de George e Robinson para o problema de carregamento de caixas dentro de contêineres (2004) Transportes, 12 (1), pp. 32-45Chen, C.S., Lee, S.M., Shen, Q.S., An Analytical Model for the Container Loading Problem (1995) European Journal of Operational Research, 80, pp. 68-76Chien, C.F., Deng, J.F., A container packing support system for determining and visualizing container packing patterns (2004) Decision Support Systems, 37 (1), pp. 23-34Davies, A.P., Bischoff, E.E., Weight Distribution Considerations in Container Loading (1999) European Journal of Operational Research, 114, pp. 509-527Dyckhoff, H., A typology of cutting and packing problems (1990) European Journal of Operational Research, 44, pp. 145-159Eley, M., Solving container loading problems by block arrangement (2002) European Journal of Operational Research, 141 (2), pp. 393-409Faroe, O., Pisinger, D., Zachariasen, M., Guided Local Search for the Three-Dimensional Bin-Packing Problem (2003) INFORMS Journal on Computing, 15 (3), pp. 267-283Feo, T.A., Resende, M.G.C., Greedy randomized adaptive search procedures (1995) Journal of Global Optimization, 6, pp. 109-133Festa, P., Resende, M.G.C., An annotated bibliography of GRASP (2004) European Journal of Operational Research, , submittedGehring, H., Bortfeldt, A., A Genetic Algorithm for Solving the Container Loading Problem (1997) International Transactions in Operations Research, 4 (5-6), pp. 401-418Gehring, H., Menschner, K., Meyer, M., A Computer-Based Heuristic for Packing Pooled Shipment Containers (1990) European Journal of Operational Research, 44, pp. 277-288George, J.A., Robinson, D.F., A Heuristic for Packing Boxes into a Container (1980) Computers and Operations Research, 7, pp. 147-156Haessler, R.W., Talbot, F.B., Load Planning for Shipments of Low Density Products (1990) European Journal of Operational Research, 44, pp. 289-299Hassamontr, J., On decomposing 3D Packing Problem in Wooden Furniture Industry (2003) Proceedings 2003 IEEE International Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Robotics and Automation, pp. 497-502He, D.Y., Cha, J.Z., Research on Solution to Complex Container Loading Problem Based on Genetic Algorithm (2002) Proceeding of First International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, 1, pp. 78-82. , Beijing, NovemberHifi, M., Exact algorithms for unconstrained three-dimensional cutting problems: A comparative study (2004) Computers & Operations Research, 31 (5), pp. 657-674Lai, K.K., Xue, J., Xu, B., Container packing in a multi-customer delivering operation (1998) Computers & Industrial Engineering, 35 (1-2), pp. 323-326Lim, A., Zhang, X., The container loading problem (2005) ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, pp. 913-917Lim, A., Rodrigues, B., Wang, Y., A multi-faced buildup algorithm for threedimensional packing problems (2003) Omega, 31 (6), pp. 471-481Lin, S., Kernighan, B.W., An Effective Heuristic Algorithm for the Travelling-Salesman Problem (1973) Operations Research, 21, pp. 0498-0516Mack, D., Bortfeldt, A., Gehring, H., A parallel hybrid local search algorithm for the container loading problem (2004) International Transaction in Operational Research, 11, pp. 511-534Martello, S., Pisinger, D., Vigo, D., The Three Dimensional Bin Packing Problem (2000) Operations Research, 48, pp. 256-267Martí, R., Multi-Start Methods (2003) Handbook of MetaHeuristics, pp. 355-368. , edited by F. Glover and G. Kochenberger, KluwerMorabito, R., Arenales, M., An And/Or-graph Approach to the Container Loading Problem (1994) International Transactions in Operations Research, 1 (1), pp. 59-73Moura, A., Oliveira, J.F., A GRASP Approach to the Container-Loading Problem (2005) IEEE Intelligent Systems, 4 (20), pp. 50-57Ngoi, B.K.A., Tay, M.L., Chua, E.S., Applying spatial representation techniques to the container packing problem (1994) International Journal of Production Research, 32, pp. 111-123Pisinger, D., Heuristics for the container loading problem (2002) European Journal of Operational Research, 141, pp. 143-153Prais, M., Ribeiro, C.C., Reactive GRASP: An application to a matrix decomposition problem in TDMA traffic assignment (2000) INFORMS Journal on Computing, 12, pp. 164-176Resende, M.G.C., Ribeiro, C.C., Greedy randomized adaptive search procedures (2003) Handbook of MetaHeuristics, pp. 219-249. , edited by F. Glover and G. Kochenberger, KluwerVerweij, A.M. (1996). Multiple destination bin packing. UU-CS (Ext. r. no. 1996-39). Utrecht, the Netherlands: Utrecht University: Information and Computing Science

    Comportamento ingestivo de ovinos alimentados com dietas compostas de silagem de capim-elefante amonizada ou não e subprodutos agroindustriais Ingestive behaviour of sheep fed with ammoniated or non-ammoniated elephantgrass silage and agro industrial by-products

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    Foram estudados os efeitos do uso de silagem de capim-elefante amonizada ou não com uréia (5% na base da MS) e da substituição do concentrado (milho e farelo de soja) por farelo de cacau (FC) ou torta de dendê (TD) na dieta sobre o comportamento ingestivo de ovinos Santa Inês. Dezoito ovinos machos não-castrados (peso médio inicial de 22,62 kg), alojados em baias individuais, foram distribuídos em delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, com seis tratamentos, dois volumosos (silagem de capim-elefante amonizada ou não com uréia) e três níveis de substituição do concentrado (milho + farelo de soja) por farelo de cacau ou torta de dendê (0% FC e TD, 40% FC e 40% TD) na dieta, fornecida na proporção de 60:40 volumoso:concentrado. O período experimental foi de 78 dias, sendo 15 dias destinados à adaptação dos animais às dietas. Os animais foram observados a cada cinco minutos, durante dois períodos de 24 horas/dia, no final do período experimental. Foram registrados o tempo despendido em alimentação, ruminação e ócio e o número e o tempo de mastigações merícicas por bolo ruminado. Não houve diferença entre os tempos de alimentação, ruminação e ócio. A amonização do capim-elefente e a inclusão do farelo de cacau no concentrado aumentaram a eficiência de ruminação, mas a maioria dos parâmetros do comportamento ingestivo avaliados não sofreu alterações.<br>The effects of feeding elephantgrass silage ammoniated or not with urea (5% DM basis) and the concentrate replacement (corn and soybean meal) by cocoa meal (CM) or palm cake (PC) on the ingestive behaviour of 18 Santa Inês non-castrated male sheep averaging 22.62 kg of initial body weight were studied. The animals were allotted to individual pensas a completely randomized design with six treatments, two roughages (elephantgrass silage ammoniated with urea or not) and three concentrate replacement level with by cocoa meal or palm cake (0% CM and PC, 40% CM and 40% PC), with 60:40 roughage:concentrate proportion. The experimental period lasted 78 days (15 days for diet adaptation). The animals were observed every five minutes, during two- 24 hour/day periods, at the end of the experimental period. In each observation period, the following variables were measured: time spent eating, time spent ruminating, time spent in idle, and number and time of ruminating chews per ruminated bolus. There was no significant difference between eating, ruminating and idle times. The elephantgrass ammoniated and the inclusion of cocoa meal in the concentrate increased the rumination efficiency, however, the majority of the evaluated ingestive behaviour parameters were not influenced by the treatments