38 research outputs found

    Detecció oportuna de la septicèmia en poltres nounats

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    Els poltres nounats pateixen, freqüentment, una greu infecció a la sang coneguda com a septicèmia, la qual sol manifestar-se tard i té conseqüències fatals. Després de realitzar un ampli estudi, els autors d'aquest treball van determinar la utilitat d'uns fragments de proteïnes, conegudes com a D-dimers, per detectar a temps aquesta malaltia.Los potros recién nacidos sufren a menudo una grave infección en la sangre conocida como septicemia, que suele manifestarse cuando ya está avanzada y tiene consecuencias fatales. Un estudio de amplio alcance ha comprobado la utilidad de unos fragmentos de proteínas, conocidos como D-dimers, para detectar a tiempo esta enfermedad.Neonate foals frequently suffer a bacterial infection of the blood known as septicemia, which is usually detected when it has fatal consequences for the animals. After a complete study, the authors of this work have determined the usefulness of some protein fragments, known as D- dimers, for the early detection of this disease

    Diagnòstic antemortem de l'arpeig, una neuropatia equina

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    Un treball dut a terme per investigadors de la UAB confirma, per primer cop, un diagnòstic antemortem de l'anomenat arpeig australià, una afecció nerviosa que altera la movilitat de les extremitats dels cavalls. Aquesta forma d'arpeig es manifesta quan l'animal ingereix certes plantes tòxiques encara que, en el cas estudiat, no s'hi van trobar a la pastura. Gràcies a la tècnica innovadora de realitzar biòpsies de nervi i múscul es va poder diagnosticar aquesta neuropatia, que va evolucionar favorablement amb una rapidesa sorprenent.Un trabajo llevado a cabo por investigadores de la UAB confirma, por primera vez, un diagnóstico antemortem del llamado arpeo australiano, una afección nerviosa que altera la movilidad de las extremidades de los caballos. Esta forma de arpeo se manifiesta cuando el animal ingiere ciertas plantas tóxicas aunque, en el caso estudiado, no se encontraron en el pasto. Gracias a la técnica innovadora de realizar biopsias de nervio y músculo se pudo diagnosticar esta neuropatía, que evolucionó favorablemente con una rapidez sorprendente.A study conducted by researchers at the UAB confirmed for the first time, an antemortem diagnosis of the Australian stringhalt, a nerve disorder that alters the mobility of the limbs of horses. This form of stringhalt occurs when the animal ingests certain toxic plants, although in the case studied, were not found in the grass. New techniques of nerve and muscle biopsies allowed the diagnose of this neuropathy, which developed well and surprisingly fast

    Diagnosi i prevenció de complicacions trombòtiques en poltres nounats

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    Els poltres nounats són susceptibles de patir septicèmia, una infecció greu potencialment mortal, que pot produir hipercoagulació i microtrombes que poden generar una fallada multiorgànica. Aquesta tesi doctoral ha estudiat el paper que juga el dímer-D plasmàtic per a la realització de diagnòstics i pronòstics, així com l'ús d'heparines de baix pes molecular per prevenir els trombes.Los potros neonatos son susceptibles de sufrir septicemia, una infección grave potencialmente mortal, que puede producir hipercoagulación y microtrombos que pueden generar un fallo multiorgánico. Esta tesis doctoral ha estudiado el papel que juega el dímero-D plasmático para la realización de diagnósticos y pronósticos, así como el uso de heparinas de bajo peso molecular para prevenir los trombos.Neonate foals are susceptible to sepsis, a severe life-threatening infection which can cause hypercoagulation and microthrombi, which can generate multiple organ failure. This thesis studies the role of plasma D- dimer to perform diagnostics and prognostics, as well as the use of low molecular weight heparins to prevent thrombus

    Basisphenoid bone fracture in two juvenile horses with different clinical presentation

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    Altres ajuts: Acord transformatiu CRUE-CSICBasilar skull fractures in horses can occur at any age, although young horses are particularly prone to this type of injury. This manuscript describes two foals with a basisphenoid bone fracture, with clinical presentations ranging from mild neurological signs up to severe neurological compromise. The absence of neurological signs does not exclude a fracture of this bone, as lethargy and retropharyngeal swelling may be the only clinical signs. Radiography can help define skeletal trauma involving the basilar region of the head, but superimposition of complex skull anatomy limits its use. Endoscopy of the guttural pouches region can be also helpful, but it does not provide enough evidence for a diagnosis. Thus, computed tomography is the optimal imaging technique for a rapid and straightforward diagnosis, as it is superior to radiography defining the type of fracture and the location of the fragments as well as the soft tissue involvement

    Plasma iron concentrations and systemic inflammatory response syndrome in neonatal foals

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    Sparse information regarding plasma iron concentration in neonatal foals and its utility as an inflammatory marker in this population has been published. To determine the physiologic plasma iron concentration in neonatal foals. To assess its utility as an inflammatory marker to predict systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) and as a prognostic marker. Forty-seven ill neonatal foals admitted to a referral equine hospital were divided in 2 groups based on the SIRS criteria (24 SIRS and 23 non-SIRS). Two control groups of 43 hospital and 135 stud farm healthy neonatal foals were also included. Observational prospective study. Data were summarized by mean and its 95% confidence interval and absolute frequency and percentage for quantitative andqualitative variables. One-way ANOVA, ANCOVA (group and age effects) and Dunnett as posthoc analysis were used to compare plasma iron concentration among groups. Neonatal foals with SIRS did not have had any statistically significant different plasma iron concentrations compared to non-SIRS (P = .56) and stud farm control group (P = .99), 172.8 μg/dL (95% CI; 126.0-219.6), 193.1 μg/dL (139.1-247.2), and 181.8 μg/dL (171.3-192.4), respectively. Plasma iron concentration had a large variability in healthy neonatal foals, and was negatively correlated with age in hospital controls (rho = −0.387) and sick neonatal foals (rho = −0.598) (P < .001). Plasma iron was not a useful marker of SIRS in neonatal foals and was not associated with outcome

    Association between necropsy evidence of disseminated intravascular coagulation and hemostatic variables before death in horses with colic

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    Background: Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) is frequent in horses with severe gastrointestinal disorders. Postmortem studies have found fibrin microthrombi in tissues of these horses, but studies relating these histopathological findings with antemortem hemostatic data are lacking. Hypothesis: Antemortem classification of coagulopathy is related to the presence and severity of fibrin deposits observed postmortem in horses with severe gastrointestinal disorders. Animals: Antemortem hemostatic profile data and postmortem tissue samples (kidney, lung, liver) from 48 horses with colic. Methods: Tissue samples were stained with phosphotungstic acid hematoxylin and immunohistochemical methods for histological examination. A fibrin score (grades 0-4) was assigned for each technique, tissue and horse, as well as the presence or absence of DIC at postmortem examination. D-dimer concentration, prothrombin time (PT), activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT), and antithrombin (AT) activity, as well as the clinicopathological evidence of coagulopathy, were determined from plasma samples collected 0-24 hours before death or euthanasia. Histologic and clinicopathologic data from the same horses were compared retrospectively. Results: No association was found between antemortem classification of coagulopathy and postmortem diagnosis of DIC based on tissue fibrin deposition. None of the hemostatic parameters was significantly different between horses with or without postmortem diagnosis of DIC. There was no association between horses with fibrin in tissues or different cut-offs for D-dimer concentration and postmortem evidence of DIC. Conclusions and Clinical Importance: Abnormalities of the routine clotting profile, including D-dimer concentration, were not useful in predicting histologic evidence of DIC at necropsy in horses with severe gastrointestinal disorders

    Plasma-Ionized Magnesium in Hospitalized Horses with Gastrointestinal Disorders and Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome

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    Altres ajuts: Nova Biomedical CorporationMagnesium disorders in horses with gastrointestinal disorders or systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) are scarcely characterized. The purpose of the study was to explore the association of magnesium disorders with diagnosis, SIRS and mortality in horses admitted to a referral equine hospital. In total, 75 sick horses were included in an observational prospective study and classified as: obstructive (n = 17), inflammatory (n = 10) and ischemic gastrointestinal disorders (n = 12), and other non-gastrointestinal systemic disorders (n = 36). All sick horses were also divided according to the presence (n = 26) or absence of SIRS, and survival to discharge from hospital (survivors (n = 61) and non-survivors (n = 14). In addition, 26 horses were included as controls. On admission, mean (iMg) (95% confidence interval (CI)) in the SIRS group (0.47 (0.43-0.50 mmol/L)) was within the normal range (0.4-0.6 mmol/L). The obstructive group had lower (iMg) compared to the control group (0.44 (0.38-0.51 mmol/L) vs. 0.56 (0.50-0.61 mmol/L); p = 0.001). In total, 8 out of 17 (47%) horses with obstructive lesions presented with hypomagnesemia compared to controls (4% (1/26)) (p = 0.001). In conclusion, hypomagnesemia was more prevalent on admission in horses in the obstructive group, and to a lesser extent, in the inflammatory and ischemic groups. In contrast to human ICU patients, the proportion of hospitalized horses with hypomagnesemia was not associated with mortality

    Metabolic and Endocrine Profiles in Sick Neonatal Foals Are Related to Survival

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    Background : $b sick neonatal foals suffer from a variety of endocrine and metabolic derangements that may be related to outcome. There are several hepatic and lipid metabolism blood markers that have never been assessed in neonatal foals. Objectives: Assess panel of endocrine and metabolic variables in group of sick and healthy neonatal foals in order to describe their relationship with diagnosis and survival. Animals: All neonatal foals referred to Unitat Equina-Fundacio Hospital Clınic Veterinari during 3 consecutive foaling seasons and a group of healthy foals. Methods: Observational prospective study. Blood samples were obtained on admission and, when possible, after 24-48 h of hospitalization and immediately before discharge or death. Measured variables were triglycerides, nonsterified fatty acids, glucose, creatinine, urea, c-glutamyltransferase, glutamate dehydrogenase (GLDH), insulin, cortisol, bile acids, and adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH). ACTH/cortisol and glucose/insulin ratios were calculated. Results: Urea, creatinine, and cortisol had median concentrations in septic and nonseptic foals 2- to 8-fold higher than in the control group (P < .001). Median ACTH concentration in the septic group was approximately 4 times higher than in nonseptic and control foals (P < .001). ACTH/cortisol ratio was significantly lower in sick foals compared to control foals (P < .001). A score was designed including creatinine, GLDH, and cortisol. When 2 of these variables were altered (P < .001), the foal had 32 times more risk of dying (OR, 31.7; 95% CI, 7.7-130.3). Conclusions and Clinical Importance: Plasma creatinine, GLDH, and cortisol should be determined in sick newborn foals on admission because of their association with survival