7 research outputs found

    COVID-19 lockdowns reveal the resilience of Adriatic Sea fisheries to forced fishing effort reduction

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    The COVID-19 pandemic provides a major opportunity to study fishing effort dynamics and to assess the response of the industry to standard and remedial actions. Knowing a fishing fleet’s capacity to compensate for effort reduction (i.e., its resilience) allows differentiating governmental regulations by fleet, i.e., imposing stronger restrictions on the more resilient and weaker restrictions on the less resilient. In the present research, the response of the main fishing fleets of the Adriatic Sea to fishing hour reduction from 2015 to 2020 was measured. Fleet activity per gear type was inferred from monthly Automatic Identification System data. Pattern recognition techniques were applied to study the fishing effort trends and barycentres by gear. The beneficial effects of the lockdowns on Adriatic endangered, threatened and protected (ETP) species were also estimated. Finally, fleet effort series were examined through a stock assessment model to demonstrate that every Adriatic fishing fleet generally behaves like a stock subject to significant stress, which was particularly highlighted by the pandemic. Our findings lend support to the notion that the Adriatic fleets can be compared to predators with medium-high resilience and a generally strong impact on ETP species

    Understanding the Dynamics of Ancillary Pelagic Species in the Adriatic Sea

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    The status of fishery resources in the Mediterranean Sea is critical: most of the fish and shellfish stocks are in overexploitation and only half of them are routinely assessed. This manuscript presents the use of Surplus Production Models (SPMs) as a valid option to increase the number of assessed stocks, with specific attention to the Adriatic basin. Particularly, the stock of European sprat (Sprattus sprattus), Mediterranean horse mackerel (Trachurus mediterraneus), and Atlantic horse mackerel (Trachurus trachurus) living in the Adriatic Sea have been evaluated comparing three SPMs: Catch Maximum Sustainable Yields (CMSY), Stochastic surplus Production model in Continuous Time (SPiCT), and Abundance Maximum Sustainable Yields (AMSY). The different approaches present some variations; however, they generally agree on describing all the stocks close to the reference values for both biomass and fishing mortality in the most recent year. For the European sprat, AMSY results are the most robust model for this species’ survey data allow depicting a clearer picture of the history of this stock. Indeed, for the horse mackerel species, CMSY or SPiCT results are the preferred models, since for these species landings are not negligible. Notwithstanding, age-structured assessments remain the most powerful approach for evaluating the status of resources, but SPMs have proved to be a powerful tool in a data-limited context

    Characterization of the underwater noise produced by recreational and small fishing boats (<14 m) in the shallow-water of the Cres-Lošinj Natura 2000 SCI

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    Recreational boats are a dominant source of underwater noise in coastal areas, but reliable boat noise assessment is generally lacking. Here the Underwater Radiated Noise (URN) of seven recreational and small fishing boats moving at two different speeds was measured in the shallow waters of the Cres-Lošinj Natura 2000 SCI (Croatia). Measurements were undertaken considering the internationally recognized standards and published guidelines for shallow waters. URN was provided in 1/3 octave band spectra and in narrow band spectra, to highlight the tonal components. Engine power and type rather than the boat length and design result to be more predictive of URN. Highest speeds induce highest noise levels only in a very limited frequency range and different boats with similar speed but different engines show a shift in the spectra. Relevance of the achieved results for the tested area is further discussed

    A cloud computing architecture to map trawling activities using positioning data

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    none8noDescriptive and spatially-explicit information on fisheries plays a key role for an efficient integrated management of the maritime activities and the sustainable use of marine resources. However, this information is today still hard to obtain and, consequently, is a major issue for implementing Marine Spatial Planning (MSP). Since 2002, the Automatic Identification System (AIS) has been undergoing a major development allowing now for a real time geo-tracking and identification of equipped vessels of more than 15m in length overall (LOA) and, if properly processed, for the production of adequate information for MSP. Such monitoring systems or other low-cost and low-burden solutions are still missing for small vessels (LOA&lt; 12m), whose catches and fishing effort remain spatially unassessed and, hence, unregulated. In this context, we propose an architecture to process vessel tracking data, understand the behaviour of trawling fleets and map related fishing activities. It could be used to process not only AIS data but also positioning data from other low cost systems as IoT sensors that share their position over LoRa and 2G/3G/4G links. Analysis gives back important and verified data (overall accuracy of 92% for trawlers) and opens up development perspectives for monitoring small scale fisheries, helping hence to fill fishery data gaps and obtain a clearer picture of the fishing grounds as a whole.noneGaldelli A.; Mancini A.; Tassetti A.N.; Ferra Vega C.; Armelloni E.; Scarcella G.; Fabi G.; Zingaretti P.Galdelli A.; Mancini A.; Tassetti A.N.; Ferra Vega C.; Armelloni E.; Scarcella G.; Fabi G.; Zingaretti P

    Glomerular podocytes contain neuron-like functional synaptic vesicles

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    Although patients with chronic renal failure are increasing worldwide, many aspects of kidney biology remain to be elucidated. Recent research has uncovered several molecular properties of the glomerular filtration barrier, in which podocytes, highly differentiated, ramified cells that enwrap the glomerular basement membrane, have been reported to be mainly responsible for filter's selectivity. We previously described that podocytes express Rab3A, a GTPase restricted to cell types that are capable of highly regulated exocytosis, such as neuronal cells. Here, we first demonstrate by a proteomic study that Rab3A in podocytes coimmmunoprecipitates with molecules once thought to be synapse specific. We then show that podocytes possess structures resembling synaptic vesicles, which contain glutamate, coexpress Rab3A and synaptotagmin 1, and undergo spontaneous and stimulated exocytosis and recycling, with glutamate release. Finally, from the results of a cDNA microarray study, we describe the presence of a series of neuron- and synapse-specific molecules in normal human glomeruli and confirm the glomerular protein expression of both metabotropic and ionotropic glutamate receptors. These data point toward a synaptic-like mechanism of communication among glomerular cells, which perfectly fits with the molecular composition of the glomerular filter and puts in perspective several previous observations, proposing a different working hypothesis for understanding glomerular signaling dynamics

    The role of antitissue transglutaminase assay for the diagnosis and monitoring of coeliac disease: A French-Italian multicentre study

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    Aims: Tissue transglutaminase (tTG) was recently identified as the major autoantigen in coeliac disease. The aim of this multicentre study was to evaluate the impact of a new immunoenzymatic assay for the detection of IgA anti-tGT antibodies. Methods: Seventy four Italian and French clinical laboratories participated in this study; anti-tTG IgA with an enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) method using guinea pig liver extract as the coating antigen, anti-endomysium IgA autoantibodies (EMA), and total serum IgA were determined in 7948 patients, 1162 of whom had coeliac disease (737 untreated cases and 425 on a gluten free diet). A proportion of the sera were then sent to a reference laboratory for anti-tTG retesting with an ELISA method using recombinant human tTG antigen. Results: Seven thousand four hundred and fifty eight (93.8%) sera were EMA/antiguinea pig tTG concordant (positive or negative); 490 (6.2%) were non-concordant. The sensitivity of EMA and antiguinea pig tTG in the 737 untreated patients with coeliac disease was 92.1% and 94.8%, respectively, and the specificity was 99.8% and 99.2%, respectively. Retesting of the discordant sera showed that of the 162 sera classified as EMA negative/antiguinea pig tTG positive, only 49 were positive for human recombinant anti-tTG, and that 39 of these were also EMA positive. Furthermore, of the 36 sera classified as EMA positive/antiguinea pig tTG negative, only two were confirmed as EMA positive. Conclusions: The antiguinea pig tTG assay is more sensitive but less specific than EMA, whereas the antihuman recombinant tTG assay is far more specific and just as sensitive as antiguinea pig tTG. Testing for EMA presents considerable interpretative problems and is difficult to standardise