48 research outputs found

    On an inequivalence criterion for cocyclic Hadamard matrices

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    Given two Hadamard matrices of the same order, it can be quite difficult to decide whether or not they are equivalent. There are some criteria to determine Hadamard inequivalence. Among them, one of the most commonly used is the 4-profile criterion. In this paper, a reformulation of this criterion in the cocyclic framework is given. The improvements obtained in the computation of the 4-profile of a cocyclic Hadamard matrix are indicated.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación MTM2008-06578Junta de Andalucía FQM–296Junta de Andalucía P07-FQM-0298

    Boolean Functions and Permanents of Sylvester Hadamard Matrices

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    One of the fastest known general techniques for computing permanents is Ryser’s formula. On this note, we show that this formula over Sylvester Hadamard matrices of order 2m, Hm, can be carried out by enumerating m-variable Boolean functions with an arbitrary Walsh spectrum. As a consequence, the quotient per(Hm)/22m might be a measure of the “density” of m-variable Boolean functions with high nonlinearity

    Generalized binary arrays from quasi-orthogonal cocycles

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    Generalized perfect binary arrays (GPBAs) were used by Jedwab to construct perfect binary arrays. A non-trivial GPBA can exist only if its energy is 2 or a multiple of 4. This paper introduces generalized optimal binary arrays (GOBAs) with even energy not divisible by 4, as analogs of GPBAs. We give a procedure to construct GOBAs based on a characterization of the arrays in terms of 2-cocycles. As a further application, we determine negaperiodic Golay pairs arising from generalized optimal binary sequences of small length.Junta de Andalucía FQM-01

    On quasi-orthogonal cocycles

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    We introduce the notion of quasi-orthogonal cocycle. This is motivated in part by the maximal determinant problem for square {±1}-matrices of size congruent to 2 modulo 4. Quasi-orthogonal cocycles are analogous to the orthogonal cocycles of algebraic design theory. Equivalences with new and known combinatorial objects afforded by this analogy, such as quasi-Hadamard groups, relative quasi-difference sets, and certain partially balanced incomplete block designs, are proved.Junta de Andalucía FQM-01

    Self-Dual codes from (−1,1)-matrices of skew symmetric type

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    Previously, self-dual codes have been constructed from weighing matrices, and in particular from conference matrices (skew and symmetric). In this paper, codes constructed from matrices of skew symmetric type whose determinants reach the Ehlich- Wojtas’ bound are presented. A necessary and sufficient condition for these codes to be self-dual is given, and examples are provided for lengths up to 52.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación MTM2008-06578Junta de Andalucía FQM-016Junta de Andalucía P07-FQM-0298

    Almost supplementary difference sets and quaternary sequences with optimal autocorrelation

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    We introduce almost supplementary difference sets (ASDS). For odd m, certain ASDS in Zm that have amicable incidence matrices are equivalent to quaternary sequences of odd length m with optimal autocorrelation. As one consequence, if 2m − 1 is a prime power, or m 1 mod 4 is prime, then ASDS of this kind exist. We also explore connections to optimal binary sequences and group cohomology.Junta de Andalucía FQM-01

    Quasi-Hadamard Full Propelinear Codes

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    In this paper, we give a characterization of quasi-Hadamard groups in terms of propelinear codes. We define a new class of codes that we call quasi-Hadamard full propelinear codes. Some structural properties of these codes are studied and examples are provided.Junta de Andalucía FQM-016Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2016-77918-

    On the computability of the p-local homology of twisted cartesian products of Eilenberg-Mac Lane spaces

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    Working in the framework of the Simplicial Topology, a method for calculating the p-local homology of a twisted cartesian product X( , m, , 0, n) = K( ,m)× K( 0, n) of Eilenberg-Mac Lane spaces is given. The chief technique is the construction of an explicit homotopy equivalence between the normalized chain complex of X and a free DGA-module of finite type M, via homological perturbation. If X is a commutative simplicial group (being its inner product the natural one of the cartesian product of K( ,m) and K( 0, n)), then M is a DGA-algebra. Finally, in the special case K( , 1) ,! X p! K( 0, n), we prove that M can be a small twisted tensor product

    Determinants of (–1,1)-matrices of the skew-symmetric type: a cocyclic approach

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    An n by n skew-symmetric type (−1, 1)-matrix K = [ki,j ] has 1’s on the main diagonal and ±1’s elsewhere with ki,j = −kj,i. The largest possible determinant of such a matrix K is an interesting problem. The literature is extensive for n 0 mod 4 (skew- Hadamard matrices), but for n 2 mod 4 there are few results known for this question. In this paper we approach this problem constructing cocyclic matrices over the dihedral group of 2t elements, for t odd, which are equivalent to (−1, 1)-matrices of skew type. Some explicit calculations have been done up to t = 11. To our knowledge, the upper bounds on the maximal determinant in orders 18 and 22 have been improved.Junta de Andalucía FQM-01

    Embedding cocylic D-optimal designs in cocylic Hadamard matrices

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    A method for embedding cocyclic submatrices with “large” determinants of orders 2t in certain cocyclic Hadamard matrices of orders 4t is described (t an odd integer). If these determinants attain the largest possible value, we are embedding D-optimal designs. Applications to the pivot values that appear when Gaussian elimination with complete pivoting is performed on these cocyclic Hadamard matrices are studied.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación MTM2008-06578Junta de Andalucía FQM-016Junta de Andalucía P07-FQM-0298