86 research outputs found

    La importancia de la familia en los procesos deportivos en el programa de Altos Logros en la Secretaría de Deportes y Recreación del municipio de Bello.

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    Se busca que las familias de los deportistas del programa de Altos Logros del municipio de Bello, se den cuenta de la importancia que se tiene en el acompañamiento a los procesos deportivos de sus hijos, ya que debido a que esto mejora la parte emocional de los jóvenes deportistas; para ello se realizara técnicas interactivas donde se empodera a los padres de familia sobre el quehacer de sus hijos en los entrenamientos y competencias. La propuesta de investigación servirá para que desde la secretaría de deportes tomen cartas en el asunto y se den cuenta de la importancia que tiene, incluir las familias de los deportistas en los procesos deportivos de los jóvenes, y así generar propuestas y programas de integración para ellos, donde se inviertan recursos para que las familias puedan acompañar a sus hijos, ya sea disponiendo buses por parte de la secretaria cuando tengas competencias fuera del municipio, dando a conocer como ejemplo dos municipios del Área Metropolitana como lo son Itagüí y Medellín que garantizan el acompañamiento familiar y logístico de sus deportistas, notando que es un hecho que motiva a los deportistas a esforzasen en cada una de las modalidades deportivas las cuales practican, teniendo en cuenta que es obligación y responsabilidad de los entes territoriales, ofrecer y garantizar todo lo que está relacionado con educación y deporte a sus conciudadanos como calidad de vida, no solo desde los altos logros si no a la comunidad en general, debe el municipio de Bello seguir destinando recursos necesarios para los deportistas de Altos Logros.Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dio

    Perceived Detention Environment and Mental Health of Detainees in Immigration Detention Centers in Spain

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    The increase in migratory flows worldwide has led to the creation of detention centers as a form of control of irregular migration. Recipient countries are responsible for protecting detainees’ right to mental health, but the literature suggests that immigration detention centers are environments associated with complex mental health needs among the detainees. This study aims to approach the mental health of people detained in the immigration detention centers in Spain, a southern border of Europe. Eighty-seven migrants coming from different Latin American and African countries were interviewed using an adaptation of the Measure of Quality of Life in Detention (MQLD; Bosworth & Gerlach, 2020) to measure the perceived detention environment and The Hopkins Symptom Checklist-25 (HSCL-25; Derogatis et al., 1974) to assess mental health. The results show a high prevalence of detainees with significant levels of anxiety and depression (69%) and attempts at self-harm within the detention centers (19.5%). A more positive perception of the detention environment—especially concerning institutional decency and the relationship with officers—is related to a lower degree of negative mental health symptoms. Finally, people detained for more than 2 weeks assess the detention environment more negatively than those detained for less time. Scientific contributions and social implications to ensure the mental health of detainees from a human rights-based approach are discussed.Funding for open access publishing: Universidad de Sevilla/CBUAJesuit Migrant Service of Spain as part of its CIE2022 monitoring progra

    The Tobacco Control Scale as a research tool to measure country level tobacco control policy implementation

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    Introduction: The Tobacco Control Scale (TCS) was designed for advocacy purposes but has also been used as a research tool. In the present study, we characterized TCS use, its limitations and strengths, and critically assessed its use as a research instrument. Methods: We conducted an extensive search of the biomedical databases PubMed and Web of Science for the keyword 'tobacco control scale' in all fields. The search was limited to studies published in the period March 2006 to December 2019. Out of 69 hits, 32 studies met the inclusion criteria. Two reviewers independently extracted information from each publication regarding their general characteristics, publication and research aspects, and the characteristics of the use of the TCS. Results: We found that researchers have used the TCS as a tool to monitor tobacco control policies mainly in cross-sectional observational studies with ecological and multilevel designs directed to advocacy and the promotion of further research. Different outcomes, such as smoking prevalence and quit ratios, have been associated with tobacco control policy scores. The main reported limitations of the TCS were a low variance across countries and a failure to express enforcement and to incorporate the most recent legislation. Conclusions: The TCS has been commonly used to assess differences in outcomes according to tobacco control policies. However, there are still areas for improvement in its use in research regarding the lack of comparability of TCS scores across time. The lessons that have been learned should be used to adapt and expand the TCS overseas

    Molecular triaging options for women testing HPV positive with self-collected samples

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    We review developments in molecular triaging options for women who test positive for high-risk human papillomavirus (hrHPV) on self-collected samples in the context of cervical cancer elimination. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends hrHPV screening as the primary test for cervical screening due to its high sensitivity compared to other screening tests. However, when hrHPV testing is used alone for treatment decisions, a proportion of women of childbearing age receive unnecessary treatments. This provides the incentive to optimize screening regimes to minimize the risk of overtreatment in women of reproductive age. Molecular biomarkers can potentially enhance the accuracy and efficiency of screening and triage. HrHPV testing is currently the only screening test that allows triage with molecular methods using the same sample. Additionally, offering self-collected hrHPV tests to women has been reported to increase screening coverage. This creates an opportunity to focus health resources on linking screen-positive women to diagnosis and treatment. Adding an additional test to the screening algorithm (a triage test) may improve the test’s positive predictive value (PPV) and offer a better balance of benefits and risks for women. Conventional triage methods like cytology and visual inspection with acetic acid (VIA) cannot be performed on self-collected samples and require additional clinic visits and subjective interpretations. Molecular triaging using methods like partial and extended genotyping, methylation tests, detection of E6/E7 proteins, and hrHPV viral load in the same sample as the hrHPV test may improve the prediction of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 2 or worse (CIN2+) and invasive cancer, offering more precise, efficient, and cost-effective screening regimes. More research is needed to determine if self-collected samples are effective and cost-efficient for diverse populations and in comparison to other triage methods. The implementation of molecular triaging could improve screening accuracy and reduce the need for multiple clinical visits. These important factors play a crucial role in achieving the global goal of eliminating cervical cancer as a public health problem

    Citas y autocitas

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    The Effect of Adding Zeolite in the Feed of Chickens Cobb 500

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    [EN] The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of the addition of zeolite on the feeding of Cobb 500 chickens in the productive parameters. The work was carried out in an integral farm of Ecuador, adopting the standards of biosafety and animal welfare for the breeding of poultry; no vaccines or drugs were administered. 200 chickens (1-day old) were studied for 42 days and distributed in 5 treatments, each one with 4 replicates (10 chickens per replicate, randomly selected); the treatments were: T1(control), T2(zeolite 2%), T3(zeolite 3%), T4(zeolite 4%) and T5(zeolite 5%). All of the groups were fed with BALMAR, a commercial feed (Pre-initial: 22.56% CP, 3150 Kcal/kg ME; initial: 21% CP, 3200 Kcal/kg ME; grow-out: 19.5% CP, 3250 Kcal/Kg ME), T1 included a commercial toxin trapper, for all other groups zeolite was added as a substitute for the commercial toxin trap. The variables studied were: feed and water consumption, feed conversion ratio, live weight and mortality. The data were processed with the statistical program Stat graphics Centurion XV.I, by means of ANOVA analysis. The results of this experiment showed that there were no significant statistical differences in water consumption, food intake and feed conversion when comparing the treatments with the control, although, the final weight showed statistical difference (p<0.05). The highest mortality was recorded in T1 (12.5%). It is concluded that at higher zeolite increase, better effects, thus the live weight of T5 (1638.9±46.7) was statistically similar to the control (1734.3±49.3); water and feed consumption and feed conversion rate were not affected; possibly the reduction in mortality was due to the toxins trapping action of zeoliteSanchez-Quinche, AR.; Pindo Nagua, FM.; Vargas González, ON.; Alvarez Díaz, CA.; Aguilar Galvez, LF.; Pérez Baena, I. (2017). The Effect of Adding Zeolite in the Feed of Chickens Cobb 500. American Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences. 12(3):182-187. doi:10.3844/ajavsp.2017.182.187S18218712