516 research outputs found

    Lamin A/C Regulates Endothelial Glucocorticoid Receptor Nuclear Translocation in Response to Cyclic Stretch

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    The glucocorticoid receptor (GR) has multiple phosphorylation sites that can be activated by MAPKs, which have been previously shown to be activated in response to cyclic stretch in endothelial cells. It is possible therefore that physiological and/or pathological degree of cyclic stretch may also initiate phosphorylation-induced changes in GR subcellular localization as we previously showed with shear stress. However, little is known about the effects of cyclic stretch on glucocorticoid receptor (GR) activity in endothelial cells. We used control and lamin shRNA BAECs and subjected them to ligand (dexamethasone) treatment, physiological stretch (10% at 1 Hz), or pathological stretch (20% at 1 Hz or 10% at 2 Hz), in order to evaluate GR nuclear translocation in endothelial cells with and without lamin A/C as well as potential upstream protein regulators of GR subcellular movement during cyclic stretch. Upon exposure to pathological degrees of stretching, control shRNA BAECs showed greater nuclear concentration of GR at each time point compared to when they were stretched at physiological parameters. The response of GR in lamin-deficient cells to cyclic stretching was relatively non-existent compared to that observed in control shRNA cells. Our results suggest that in cells with lamin A/C, cyclic stretch activates GR through the JNK pathway, and ERK has some inhibitory role on GR nuclear translocation. DUSP proteins become upregulated in response to stretch as a result of GR activation (DUSP1) or by stretch-induced MAPK signaling. In lamin-deficient cells, only the combination of cyclic stretch and p38 inhibition was able to induce marginal nuclear translocation. Increased MAPK phosphorylation due to lamin A/C absence could drive DUSP expression as a negative feedback mechanism. Upregulation of the cytoplasmic DUSP6 suggests a significant role of ERK in reducing GR sensitivity to mechanical strain

    Resistance Level of Plutella Xylostella L. (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae) on Cypermethrin in the Regency of Kupang

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    The diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella L. (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae) is one of the major pests of the Brassicaceae family. Presently, farmers mostly use insecticide to control this pest. The improper use of insecticide, however, may lead to target pest resistance. Resistance to pyrethroid (cypermethrin) insecticide cases have been widely reported. This research aimed to know whether the farmers use cypermethrin based on the recommended practices and to determine the resistance level of P. xylostella collected from Tarus, Noelbaki, Oesao and Pukdale Villages collected from the Kupang District, East Nusa Tenggara, which were then compared to the population of Cangkringan (Sleman, Yogyakarta) as a susceptible population. The survey showed that these four locations in Kupang, used insecticides intensively and did the mixing of two or three insecticides. Insecticide application in these four locations was mostly not scheduled as recommended on the label of insecticides. The susceptibility test showed that the RR (resistance ratio) value from Kupang (Tarus = 9.2, Noelbaki = 7.2, Oesao 7.3, and Pukdale = 3.8, respecively) was higher than susceptible population (Cangkringan = 1.0). Therefore, P. xylostella larvae collected from Kupang has been resistant to cypermethrin. IntisariPlutella xylostella L. merupakan salah satu hama utama pada tanaman Famili Brassicaceae (Cruciferae). Pengendalian dengan insektisida masih menjadi andalan petani di lapangan. Dampak negatif dari insektisida seperti resistensi, resurgensi dan munculnya hama sekunder tidak membuat efek jera karena minimnya pengetahuan tentang dampak negatif tersebut. Resistensi terhadap golongan piretroid sudah banyak dilaporkan. Salah satunya sipermetrin. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk melihat cara penggunaan insektisida oleh petani dan tingkat kepekaan dari populasi lapang asal Tarus, Noelbaki, Oesao, dan Pukdale (Kupang, NTT) dibandingkan dengan populasi Cangkringan (Sleman, DIY) terhadap insektisida sipermetrin. Data survei tentang cara penggunaan insektisida oleh petani diketahui bahwa penggunaan insektisida di keempat lokasi tersebut cukup intensif dan terjadi pencampuran insektisida yang tidak kompatibel. Penyemprotan dilakukan secara rutin di Desa Tarus; di Desa Noelbaki dan Oesao ada yang secara rutin dan ada yang kondisional; sedangkan penyemprotan secara kondisional di Desa Pukdale. Data uji kepekaan menunjukkan bahwa P. xylostella asal Kupang telah resisten terhadap sipermetrin dengan nilai RR (rasio resistensisi) tertinggi dari populasi Tarus (9,2), Noelbaki (7,2), Oesao (7,3), Pukdale (3,8) dibandingkan dengan populasi peka asal Cangkringan


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    Abstract            This research  aimed to determine learning outcome of students in mathematics that used the method of assigning number-aided cards in grade IV SDN 07 Sepoteng, Bengkayang district. The research method that been used was descriptive method with type of Classroom Action Research. This research was done in 2 cycles. The results of research were obtained (1) The ability of teacher to arrange learning draft from cycle I meeting 1 was 2,84 in cycle II meeting 1 was 3,70 and cycle I meeting 2 was 2,95 in cycle II meeting 2 was 3,72. (2) The ability of teacher to do learning showed increase from cycle I meeting 1 was 2,96 in cycle II meeting 2 was 3,63 and cycle I meeting 2 was 3,18 in cycle II meeting 2 was 3,82. (3) The average of learning outcome of student increased from cycle I meeting 1 with score 33,33 became 77,33 in cycle II meeting 1 and cycle I meeting 2 with score 52,67 became 82,17 in cycle II meeting 2. The used the method of assigning number-aided cards increased the result of students learning outcome. Key words : the learning outcome, the method of assigning number-aided cards

    Crossing Statistic: Bayesian interpretation, model selection and resolving dark energy parametrization problem

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    By introducing Crossing functions and hyper-parameters I show that the Bayesian interpretation of the Crossing Statistics [1] can be used trivially for the purpose of model selection among cosmological models. In this approach to falsify a cosmological model there is no need to compare it with other models or assume any particular form of parametrization for the cosmological quantities like luminosity distance, Hubble parameter or equation of state of dark energy. Instead, hyper-parameters of Crossing functions perform as discriminators between correct and wrong models. Using this approach one can falsify any assumed cosmological model without putting priors on the underlying actual model of the universe and its parameters, hence the issue of dark energy parametrization is resolved. It will be also shown that the sensitivity of the method to the intrinsic dispersion of the data is small that is another important characteristic of the method in testing cosmological models dealing with data with high uncertainties.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures, discussions extended, 1 figure and two references added, main results unchanged, matches the final version to be published in JCA

    Application of Lokal Wisdom Society in Rehabilitating River Erosion at Kenegerian Rumbio Kabupaten Kampar

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    Research on the application of local wisdom in rehabilitating river erosion was carriedout in Kenegerian Rumbio Kampar District from February to December 2017. The aimof this research is know the forms implementation of local wisdom to rehabilitate rivererosion, identifying factors that are inhibiting in rehabilitating river erosion, identifyingfactors that are inhibiting in rehabilitating river erosion, as well identifying and evaluating effort made in overcoming the obstacles of river erosion rehabilitation atKenegerian Rumbio Kabupaten Kampar. Results of research local wisdom is obtained1) effort rehabilitation of river erosion has been implemented, because it has been rundown hereditary by the community and in its application is done by vegetative methodand civil engineering method, 2) factors resistor there are 4, hat is household waste dumped into the river, replacement of river bank vegetation with economical vegetationdue to the change of mindset, mining activities, and land clearing In river banks, and 3) efforts undertaken to overcome the obstacles of river erosion rehabilitation shall be sanctioned to the violator custom rulesand villages such as: verbal reprimands, ostracism from society, and sanctions are not served in the affairs of Kenegerian Rumbio community

    Dampak Otonomi Fiskal, Pertumbuhan Ekonomi, dan Keterbukaan Daerah terhadap Ketimpangan Wilayah di Sumatera

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    The main research to identify the impact of fiscal autonomy,economic growth,openness access into inequality amongprovinces in Sumatera. For analyze the effect of the degree of fiscal autonomy, economic growth, and openness access to the inequality in Sumatera period2009-2013 withRandom Effect Method. The results explain fiscal autonomy are categorized low. Economic growthin Sumatera during the study period was also low. Openness access in Sumatera can be said is still not open to trade. Inequality in the Sumatera still quite high. The effect of fiscal autonomy to inequality is negative and significant. Economic growth to inequality is negative and significant, while the openness access is positive and not significant to inequality. Expected in Sumatera provincial governments to used maximum local revenue. Economic growth must observe and control the level of inequality. There should be a boost to the regions to be more active in trade traffic in Sumatera or National

    Pengaruh Jenis Mangsa dan Suhu pada Perkembangan Menochilus Sexmaculatus Fabricius (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) dan Peranannya dalam Pengendalian Diaphorina Citri Kuwayama (Hemiptera: Psyllidae)

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    Diaphorina citri Kuwayama (Hemiptera: Psyllidae) is the vector of citrus greening (Huanglongbing) bacterium and the most serious impediment to citrus culture. Classical biological control of this psyllid vector should contribute to suppress their population. This research was conducted to determine the performance of Menochilus sexmaculatus Fabricius (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) when they were fed with D. citri. The larval performance index of M. sexmaculatus on D. citri compared with Aphis craccivora Koch (Hemiptera: Aphididae) diet was 1.3.M. sexmaculatus fed with D. citri had lower fitness than those fed with A. craccivora as shown by longer larval stadium, lower adult dry weight, less number of egg produced and lower percentage of egg hatched. M. sexmaculatus grew best at the temperature of 27oC. Employing the exclusion procedure under field condition,M. sexmaculatus could reduce the population of D. citri up to 90%. These findings showed that theM. sexmaculatus could be a potential predator in reducing D. citri, particularly when the more preferred prey A. craccivora was not present. Diaphorina citri Kuwayama (Hemiptera: Psyllidae) merupakan kelompok Psyllid yang menularkan penyebab penyakit Huanglongbing yang sangat berbahaya pada tanaman jeruk. Pengendalian hayati klasik telah banyak memberikan kontribusi dalam pengendalian di lapangan. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat penampilan Menochilus sexmaculatus Fabricius (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) dengan pakan D. citri. Indeks penampilan larva M. sexmaculatus dengan pakan D. citri dibandingkan dengan Aphis craccivora Koch (Hemiptera: Aphididae) adalah 1,3. M. sexmaculatus yang diberi pakan D. citri menunjukkan penurunan kebugaran dibandingkan jika diberi pakan A. craccivora seperti yang ditunjukkan dengan stadium larva lebih lama, penurunan berat kering serangga dewasa, telur yang dihasilkan lebih sedikit, dan penurunan jumlah telur yang menetas. Menggunakan metode eksklusi pada kondisi lapangan, M. sexmaculatus mampu menurunkan populasi D. citri sampai 90%. M. sexmaculatus berkembang baik pada suhu 27oC. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa M. sexmaculatus berpotensi untuk menurunkan populasi D. citri, terutama jika inang utamanya A. craccivora tidak ditemukan

    On a Linear Program for Minimum-Weight Triangulation

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    Minimum-weight triangulation (MWT) is NP-hard. It has a polynomial-time constant-factor approximation algorithm, and a variety of effective polynomial- time heuristics that, for many instances, can find the exact MWT. Linear programs (LPs) for MWT are well-studied, but previously no connection was known between any LP and any approximation algorithm or heuristic for MWT. Here we show the first such connections: for an LP formulation due to Dantzig et al. (1985): (i) the integrality gap is bounded by a constant; (ii) given any instance, if the aforementioned heuristics find the MWT, then so does the LP.Comment: To appear in SICOMP. Extended abstract appeared in SODA 201