48 research outputs found

    Structural and computational study of quinoline-based chalcogensemicarbazones

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    Chalcogensemicarbazones are condensation products between semicarbazide and its sulphur and selenium isosters with carbonyl compounds with a broad spectrum of biological activities [1-3]. In this work the X-ray structural investigation of library of six chalcogensemicarbazones has been complemented with computational study of their global and local reactive properties, within the framework of density functional theory (DFT). Among other information, DFT calculations helped us to locate the most reactive sites of studied molecules and to identify their sensitivity towards the oxidation. Investigated compounds have been also checked for their optoelectronic properties, due to the fact that they share certain structural similarity with molecules that have exhibited potentially important properties for the area of organic electronics. Pharmacokinetic properties have been assessed by the analysis of frequently employed drug likeness parameters

    Photocatalytic stability of selected active components of cardiovascular drugs: kinetics, mechanism and toxicity of the intermediates

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    Ispitana je direktna i indirektna razgradnja odabranih  β-blokatora (metoprolol- tartarata, MET i propranolol-hidrohlorida, PRO) kao i diuretika (hidrohlortiazida, HCTZ) i njegovog stabilnog intermedijera hidrolize 4-amino-6-hlor-1,3-benzendisulfonamida (ABSA). Praćena je i kinetika razgradnje direktnom i indirektnom fotolizom uz primenu UVA, UVC, sunčevog i simuliranog sunčevog zračenja (SSZ). Najpre je ispitana  stabilnost MET pod dejstvom SSZ, UVA, UVC, UVA/H2O2 , i UVA/  BrO3-. Dalje je ispitana efikasnost razgradnje MET pod dejstvom O3i UVC/O3. Identifikovano je deset intermedijera tokom UVC, O3 i UVC/O3 razgradnje, pri  čemu samo jedan ima značajno višu toksičnost prema algama i bakterijama u odnosu na ostale. Efikasnost fotokatalitičke razgradnje MET je ispitana u TiO2 suspenzijama sa komercijalnim katalizatorima (Wackherr i Degussa P25). Mehanizam fotokatalitičke razgradnje je detaljno ispitan, pri  čemu je identifikovano  četrnaest intermedijera. EC50 vrednost MET i njegovih smeša nastalih pri fotokatalitičkoj razgradnji su određene na tri ćelijske linije sisara (H-4-II-E, HT-29 i MRC-5). Kako bi se povećala efikasnost  rocesa fotokatalitičke razgradnje primenom komercijalnih katalizatora, ispitan je  uticaj prisustva elektron-akceptora u suspenziji, pri čemu je upoređen uticaj O2/H2O2, i O2/ BrO3- na mehanizam razgradnje. Na osnovu teorije funkcionala gustine stekao se uvid u promene unutar molekula MET u prisustvu reaktivnih radikala. Takođe, ispitana je efikasnost nedopiranih TiO2 , kao i dopiranih La(III) nanoprahova sintetisanih sol−gel postupkom, u razgradnji MET. Uticaj temperature  kalcinacije na fotokatalitičku efikasnost TiO 2 nanoprahova dopiranih pomoću La(III)  ispitana je na supstratima MET i PRO, pri čemu je analiziran i uticaj strukture  polaznog jedinjenja na  informacija efikasnost fotokatalitičke razgradnje. Rezultati su upoređeni sa nedopiranim TiO2 nanoprahom i TiO2 Degussa P25 (pri pH-vrednosti 9). Pored toga, ispitana je kinetika i toksičnost PRO i njegovih intermedijera nastalih tokom razgradnje sa TiO2 Degussa P25. Ispitan je i uticaj strukture polaznog jedinjenja (MET, HCTZ i ABSA) na fotorazgradnju pod dejstvom UVA, sunčevog i simuliranog sunčevog zračenja, u odsustvu/prisustvu TiO2 Degussa P25. Takođe, ispitan je i sinergistički efekat MET i ABSA na proces hidrolize, direktne fotolize i fotokatalize sa SSZ/TiO2 Degussa P25. Kako bi se stekao uvid u toksičnost proučavanih sistema, ispitan je njihov uticaj na rast odabranih ćelijskih linija sisara.Direct and indirect degradation of selected  β-blockers (metoprolol tartrate, MET and propranolol hydrochloride, PRO) and also diuretic (hydrochlorothiazide, HCTZ) in  addition to its stable hydrolysis intermediate 4-amino-6-chloro-   1,3-benzenedisulfonamide (ABSA) were investigated. The kinetics of their degradation obtained by direct and indirect photolysis under UVA, UVC, sunlight and simulated sunlight irradiation (SSI) have been followed. Firstly, the stability of MET under influence of SSI, UVA, UVC, UVA/H2O2 , and UVA/  BrO3- has been investigated. Further, the efficiency of MET degradation under influence of O3, and UVC/O3 has been explored. Ten intermediates have been identified during the UVC, O3, and UVC/O3 treatments, while only one intermediate had significantly higher toxicity towards the algae and bacteria in respect to the others. Efficiency of  photocatalytic degradation of MET was investigated in TiO2 suspensions with commercial catalysts (Wackherr and Degussa P25). Mechanism of photocatalytic degradation was investigated in detail according to which fourteen intermediates were identified. EC 50  value of MET and its mixtures formed during the photocatalytic degradation has been determined at three mammalian cell lines (H-4-II-E, HT-29, and MRC-5). In order to improve the efficiency of photocatalytic degradation process applying commercial catalysts, the influence of presence of electron acceptors in suspension has been investigated and the influence of O2/H2O2 and O2/BrO3- to the mechanism of degradation has been compared. Based on the density  functional theory an insight to the changes within MET molecule in the presence of reactive radicals has been made. Also, the efficiency of bare TiO2, as well as doped La(III) nanopowders synthesized by sol-gel procedure, in the degradation of  MET has been investigated. The influence of calcination temperature on  hotocatalytic efficiency of TiO2 nanopowders doped with La(III) has been studied on the MET and  PRO substrates, and the influence of structure of the starting compound on the  efficiency of  photocatalytic degradation had been analyzed. Results have been  compared with bare TiO2 nanopowder and TiO2 Degussa P25 (at pH value of 9). Besides, kinetics and toxicity of PRO and its intermediates formed during the degradation with TiO2 Degussa P25 have been investigated. The influences of starting compound’s structure (MET, HCTZ, and ABSA) to photodegradation under UVA, sunlight and SSI, in the absence/presence of TiO2 Degussa P25, have been investigated. Also, the synergistic effects of MET and ABSA to the process of  hydrolysis, direct photolysis, and photocatalysis with SSI/TiO2 Degussa P25 have been investigated. In order to get  an insight into the toxicity of the studied systems, their influence on the growth of selected mammalian cell lines has been investigated as well

    Photocatalytic stability of selected active components of cardiovascular drugs: kinetics, mechanism and toxicity of the intermediates

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    Ispitana je direktna i indirektna razgradnja odabranih  β-blokatora (metoprolol- tartarata, MET i propranolol-hidrohlorida, PRO) kao i diuretika (hidrohlortiazida, HCTZ) i njegovog stabilnog intermedijera hidrolize 4-amino-6-hlor-1,3-benzendisulfonamida (ABSA). Praćena je i kinetika razgradnje direktnom i indirektnom fotolizom uz primenu UVA, UVC, sunčevog i simuliranog sunčevog zračenja (SSZ). Najpre je ispitana  stabilnost MET pod dejstvom SSZ, UVA, UVC, UVA/H2O2 , i UVA/  BrO3-. Dalje je ispitana efikasnost razgradnje MET pod dejstvom O3i UVC/O3. Identifikovano je deset intermedijera tokom UVC, O3 i UVC/O3 razgradnje, pri  čemu samo jedan ima značajno višu toksičnost prema algama i bakterijama u odnosu na ostale. Efikasnost fotokatalitičke razgradnje MET je ispitana u TiO2 suspenzijama sa komercijalnim katalizatorima (Wackherr i Degussa P25). Mehanizam fotokatalitičke razgradnje je detaljno ispitan, pri  čemu je identifikovano  četrnaest intermedijera. EC50 vrednost MET i njegovih smeša nastalih pri fotokatalitičkoj razgradnji su određene na tri ćelijske linije sisara (H-4-II-E, HT-29 i MRC-5). Kako bi se povećala efikasnost  rocesa fotokatalitičke razgradnje primenom komercijalnih katalizatora, ispitan je  uticaj prisustva elektron-akceptora u suspenziji, pri čemu je upoređen uticaj O2/H2O2, i O2/ BrO3- na mehanizam razgradnje. Na osnovu teorije funkcionala gustine stekao se uvid u promene unutar molekula MET u prisustvu reaktivnih radikala. Takođe, ispitana je efikasnost nedopiranih TiO2 , kao i dopiranih La(III) nanoprahova sintetisanih sol−gel postupkom, u razgradnji MET. Uticaj temperature  kalcinacije na fotokatalitičku efikasnost TiO 2 nanoprahova dopiranih pomoću La(III)  ispitana je na supstratima MET i PRO, pri čemu je analiziran i uticaj strukture  polaznog jedinjenja na  informacija efikasnost fotokatalitičke razgradnje. Rezultati su upoređeni sa nedopiranim TiO2 nanoprahom i TiO2 Degussa P25 (pri pH-vrednosti 9). Pored toga, ispitana je kinetika i toksičnost PRO i njegovih intermedijera nastalih tokom razgradnje sa TiO2 Degussa P25. Ispitan je i uticaj strukture polaznog jedinjenja (MET, HCTZ i ABSA) na fotorazgradnju pod dejstvom UVA, sunčevog i simuliranog sunčevog zračenja, u odsustvu/prisustvu TiO2 Degussa P25. Takođe, ispitan je i sinergistički efekat MET i ABSA na proces hidrolize, direktne fotolize i fotokatalize sa SSZ/TiO2 Degussa P25. Kako bi se stekao uvid u toksičnost proučavanih sistema, ispitan je njihov uticaj na rast odabranih ćelijskih linija sisara.Direct and indirect degradation of selected  β-blockers (metoprolol tartrate, MET and propranolol hydrochloride, PRO) and also diuretic (hydrochlorothiazide, HCTZ) in  addition to its stable hydrolysis intermediate 4-amino-6-chloro-   1,3-benzenedisulfonamide (ABSA) were investigated. The kinetics of their degradation obtained by direct and indirect photolysis under UVA, UVC, sunlight and simulated sunlight irradiation (SSI) have been followed. Firstly, the stability of MET under influence of SSI, UVA, UVC, UVA/H2O2 , and UVA/  BrO3- has been investigated. Further, the efficiency of MET degradation under influence of O3, and UVC/O3 has been explored. Ten intermediates have been identified during the UVC, O3, and UVC/O3 treatments, while only one intermediate had significantly higher toxicity towards the algae and bacteria in respect to the others. Efficiency of  photocatalytic degradation of MET was investigated in TiO2 suspensions with commercial catalysts (Wackherr and Degussa P25). Mechanism of photocatalytic degradation was investigated in detail according to which fourteen intermediates were identified. EC 50  value of MET and its mixtures formed during the photocatalytic degradation has been determined at three mammalian cell lines (H-4-II-E, HT-29, and MRC-5). In order to improve the efficiency of photocatalytic degradation process applying commercial catalysts, the influence of presence of electron acceptors in suspension has been investigated and the influence of O2/H2O2 and O2/BrO3- to the mechanism of degradation has been compared. Based on the density  functional theory an insight to the changes within MET molecule in the presence of reactive radicals has been made. Also, the efficiency of bare TiO2, as well as doped La(III) nanopowders synthesized by sol-gel procedure, in the degradation of  MET has been investigated. The influence of calcination temperature on  hotocatalytic efficiency of TiO2 nanopowders doped with La(III) has been studied on the MET and  PRO substrates, and the influence of structure of the starting compound on the  efficiency of  photocatalytic degradation had been analyzed. Results have been  compared with bare TiO2 nanopowder and TiO2 Degussa P25 (at pH value of 9). Besides, kinetics and toxicity of PRO and its intermediates formed during the degradation with TiO2 Degussa P25 have been investigated. The influences of starting compound’s structure (MET, HCTZ, and ABSA) to photodegradation under UVA, sunlight and SSI, in the absence/presence of TiO2 Degussa P25, have been investigated. Also, the synergistic effects of MET and ABSA to the process of  hydrolysis, direct photolysis, and photocatalysis with SSI/TiO2 Degussa P25 have been investigated. In order to get  an insight into the toxicity of the studied systems, their influence on the growth of selected mammalian cell lines has been investigated as well

    Photocatalytic stability of selected active components of cardiovascular drugs: kinetics, mechanism and toxicity of the intermediates

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    Ispitana je direktna i indirektna razgradnja odabranih  β-blokatora (metoprolol- tartarata, MET i propranolol-hidrohlorida, PRO) kao i diuretika (hidrohlortiazida, HCTZ) i njegovog stabilnog intermedijera hidrolize 4-amino-6-hlor-1,3-benzendisulfonamida (ABSA). Praćena je i kinetika razgradnje direktnom i indirektnom fotolizom uz primenu UVA, UVC, sunčevog i simuliranog sunčevog zračenja (SSZ). Najpre je ispitana  stabilnost MET pod dejstvom SSZ, UVA, UVC, UVA/H2O2 , i UVA/  BrO3-. Dalje je ispitana efikasnost razgradnje MET pod dejstvom O3i UVC/O3. Identifikovano je deset intermedijera tokom UVC, O3 i UVC/O3 razgradnje, pri  čemu samo jedan ima značajno višu toksičnost prema algama i bakterijama u odnosu na ostale. Efikasnost fotokatalitičke razgradnje MET je ispitana u TiO2 suspenzijama sa komercijalnim katalizatorima (Wackherr i Degussa P25). Mehanizam fotokatalitičke razgradnje je detaljno ispitan, pri  čemu je identifikovano  četrnaest intermedijera. EC50 vrednost MET i njegovih smeša nastalih pri fotokatalitičkoj razgradnji su određene na tri ćelijske linije sisara (H-4-II-E, HT-29 i MRC-5). Kako bi se povećala efikasnost  rocesa fotokatalitičke razgradnje primenom komercijalnih katalizatora, ispitan je  uticaj prisustva elektron-akceptora u suspenziji, pri čemu je upoređen uticaj O2/H2O2, i O2/ BrO3- na mehanizam razgradnje. Na osnovu teorije funkcionala gustine stekao se uvid u promene unutar molekula MET u prisustvu reaktivnih radikala. Takođe, ispitana je efikasnost nedopiranih TiO2 , kao i dopiranih La(III) nanoprahova sintetisanih sol−gel postupkom, u razgradnji MET. Uticaj temperature  kalcinacije na fotokatalitičku efikasnost TiO 2 nanoprahova dopiranih pomoću La(III)  ispitana je na supstratima MET i PRO, pri čemu je analiziran i uticaj strukture  polaznog jedinjenja na  informacija efikasnost fotokatalitičke razgradnje. Rezultati su upoređeni sa nedopiranim TiO2 nanoprahom i TiO2 Degussa P25 (pri pH-vrednosti 9). Pored toga, ispitana je kinetika i toksičnost PRO i njegovih intermedijera nastalih tokom razgradnje sa TiO2 Degussa P25. Ispitan je i uticaj strukture polaznog jedinjenja (MET, HCTZ i ABSA) na fotorazgradnju pod dejstvom UVA, sunčevog i simuliranog sunčevog zračenja, u odsustvu/prisustvu TiO2 Degussa P25. Takođe, ispitan je i sinergistički efekat MET i ABSA na proces hidrolize, direktne fotolize i fotokatalize sa SSZ/TiO2 Degussa P25. Kako bi se stekao uvid u toksičnost proučavanih sistema, ispitan je njihov uticaj na rast odabranih ćelijskih linija sisara.Direct and indirect degradation of selected  β-blockers (metoprolol tartrate, MET and propranolol hydrochloride, PRO) and also diuretic (hydrochlorothiazide, HCTZ) in  addition to its stable hydrolysis intermediate 4-amino-6-chloro-   1,3-benzenedisulfonamide (ABSA) were investigated. The kinetics of their degradation obtained by direct and indirect photolysis under UVA, UVC, sunlight and simulated sunlight irradiation (SSI) have been followed. Firstly, the stability of MET under influence of SSI, UVA, UVC, UVA/H2O2 , and UVA/  BrO3- has been investigated. Further, the efficiency of MET degradation under influence of O3, and UVC/O3 has been explored. Ten intermediates have been identified during the UVC, O3, and UVC/O3 treatments, while only one intermediate had significantly higher toxicity towards the algae and bacteria in respect to the others. Efficiency of  photocatalytic degradation of MET was investigated in TiO2 suspensions with commercial catalysts (Wackherr and Degussa P25). Mechanism of photocatalytic degradation was investigated in detail according to which fourteen intermediates were identified. EC 50  value of MET and its mixtures formed during the photocatalytic degradation has been determined at three mammalian cell lines (H-4-II-E, HT-29, and MRC-5). In order to improve the efficiency of photocatalytic degradation process applying commercial catalysts, the influence of presence of electron acceptors in suspension has been investigated and the influence of O2/H2O2 and O2/BrO3- to the mechanism of degradation has been compared. Based on the density  functional theory an insight to the changes within MET molecule in the presence of reactive radicals has been made. Also, the efficiency of bare TiO2, as well as doped La(III) nanopowders synthesized by sol-gel procedure, in the degradation of  MET has been investigated. The influence of calcination temperature on  hotocatalytic efficiency of TiO2 nanopowders doped with La(III) has been studied on the MET and  PRO substrates, and the influence of structure of the starting compound on the  efficiency of  photocatalytic degradation had been analyzed. Results have been  compared with bare TiO2 nanopowder and TiO2 Degussa P25 (at pH value of 9). Besides, kinetics and toxicity of PRO and its intermediates formed during the degradation with TiO2 Degussa P25 have been investigated. The influences of starting compound’s structure (MET, HCTZ, and ABSA) to photodegradation under UVA, sunlight and SSI, in the absence/presence of TiO2 Degussa P25, have been investigated. Also, the synergistic effects of MET and ABSA to the process of  hydrolysis, direct photolysis, and photocatalysis with SSI/TiO2 Degussa P25 have been investigated. In order to get  an insight into the toxicity of the studied systems, their influence on the growth of selected mammalian cell lines has been investigated as well

    Photocatalytic stability of selected active components of cardiovascular drugs: kinetics, mechanism and toxicity of the intermediates

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    Ispitana je direktna i indirektna razgradnja odabranih  β-blokatora (metoprolol- tartarata, MET i propranolol-hidrohlorida, PRO) kao i diuretika (hidrohlortiazida, HCTZ) i njegovog stabilnog intermedijera hidrolize 4-amino-6-hlor-1,3-benzendisulfonamida (ABSA). Praćena je i kinetika razgradnje direktnom i indirektnom fotolizom uz primenu UVA, UVC, sunčevog i simuliranog sunčevog zračenja (SSZ). Najpre je ispitana  stabilnost MET pod dejstvom SSZ, UVA, UVC, UVA/H2O2 , i UVA/  BrO3-. Dalje je ispitana efikasnost razgradnje MET pod dejstvom O3i UVC/O3. Identifikovano je deset intermedijera tokom UVC, O3 i UVC/O3 razgradnje, pri  čemu samo jedan ima značajno višu toksičnost prema algama i bakterijama u odnosu na ostale. Efikasnost fotokatalitičke razgradnje MET je ispitana u TiO2 suspenzijama sa komercijalnim katalizatorima (Wackherr i Degussa P25). Mehanizam fotokatalitičke razgradnje je detaljno ispitan, pri  čemu je identifikovano  četrnaest intermedijera. EC50 vrednost MET i njegovih smeša nastalih pri fotokatalitičkoj razgradnji su određene na tri ćelijske linije sisara (H-4-II-E, HT-29 i MRC-5). Kako bi se povećala efikasnost  rocesa fotokatalitičke razgradnje primenom komercijalnih katalizatora, ispitan je  uticaj prisustva elektron-akceptora u suspenziji, pri čemu je upoređen uticaj O2/H2O2, i O2/ BrO3- na mehanizam razgradnje. Na osnovu teorije funkcionala gustine stekao se uvid u promene unutar molekula MET u prisustvu reaktivnih radikala. Takođe, ispitana je efikasnost nedopiranih TiO2 , kao i dopiranih La(III) nanoprahova sintetisanih sol−gel postupkom, u razgradnji MET. Uticaj temperature  kalcinacije na fotokatalitičku efikasnost TiO 2 nanoprahova dopiranih pomoću La(III)  ispitana je na supstratima MET i PRO, pri čemu je analiziran i uticaj strukture  polaznog jedinjenja na  informacija efikasnost fotokatalitičke razgradnje. Rezultati su upoređeni sa nedopiranim TiO2 nanoprahom i TiO2 Degussa P25 (pri pH-vrednosti 9). Pored toga, ispitana je kinetika i toksičnost PRO i njegovih intermedijera nastalih tokom razgradnje sa TiO2 Degussa P25. Ispitan je i uticaj strukture polaznog jedinjenja (MET, HCTZ i ABSA) na fotorazgradnju pod dejstvom UVA, sunčevog i simuliranog sunčevog zračenja, u odsustvu/prisustvu TiO2 Degussa P25. Takođe, ispitan je i sinergistički efekat MET i ABSA na proces hidrolize, direktne fotolize i fotokatalize sa SSZ/TiO2 Degussa P25. Kako bi se stekao uvid u toksičnost proučavanih sistema, ispitan je njihov uticaj na rast odabranih ćelijskih linija sisara.Direct and indirect degradation of selected  β-blockers (metoprolol tartrate, MET and propranolol hydrochloride, PRO) and also diuretic (hydrochlorothiazide, HCTZ) in  addition to its stable hydrolysis intermediate 4-amino-6-chloro-   1,3-benzenedisulfonamide (ABSA) were investigated. The kinetics of their degradation obtained by direct and indirect photolysis under UVA, UVC, sunlight and simulated sunlight irradiation (SSI) have been followed. Firstly, the stability of MET under influence of SSI, UVA, UVC, UVA/H2O2 , and UVA/  BrO3- has been investigated. Further, the efficiency of MET degradation under influence of O3, and UVC/O3 has been explored. Ten intermediates have been identified during the UVC, O3, and UVC/O3 treatments, while only one intermediate had significantly higher toxicity towards the algae and bacteria in respect to the others. Efficiency of  photocatalytic degradation of MET was investigated in TiO2 suspensions with commercial catalysts (Wackherr and Degussa P25). Mechanism of photocatalytic degradation was investigated in detail according to which fourteen intermediates were identified. EC 50  value of MET and its mixtures formed during the photocatalytic degradation has been determined at three mammalian cell lines (H-4-II-E, HT-29, and MRC-5). In order to improve the efficiency of photocatalytic degradation process applying commercial catalysts, the influence of presence of electron acceptors in suspension has been investigated and the influence of O2/H2O2 and O2/BrO3- to the mechanism of degradation has been compared. Based on the density  functional theory an insight to the changes within MET molecule in the presence of reactive radicals has been made. Also, the efficiency of bare TiO2, as well as doped La(III) nanopowders synthesized by sol-gel procedure, in the degradation of  MET has been investigated. The influence of calcination temperature on  hotocatalytic efficiency of TiO2 nanopowders doped with La(III) has been studied on the MET and  PRO substrates, and the influence of structure of the starting compound on the  efficiency of  photocatalytic degradation had been analyzed. Results have been  compared with bare TiO2 nanopowder and TiO2 Degussa P25 (at pH value of 9). Besides, kinetics and toxicity of PRO and its intermediates formed during the degradation with TiO2 Degussa P25 have been investigated. The influences of starting compound’s structure (MET, HCTZ, and ABSA) to photodegradation under UVA, sunlight and SSI, in the absence/presence of TiO2 Degussa P25, have been investigated. Also, the synergistic effects of MET and ABSA to the process of  hydrolysis, direct photolysis, and photocatalysis with SSI/TiO2 Degussa P25 have been investigated. In order to get  an insight into the toxicity of the studied systems, their influence on the growth of selected mammalian cell lines has been investigated as well

    Computational study of amiloride – a WADA banned molecule

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    Amiloride (AMI) is a representative of diuretics. Among other purposes, it is utilized for high blood pressure or swelling induced by heart failure. While it is identified as one of the safest medicines available, it is also listed in the World Anti-doping Agency’s list of substances banned in sport, because it is considered a masking agent. Since it has been abused in sports, methods have been developed to be able to detect it during doping controls. We have computationally investigated selected structural and reactive properties of the AMI molecule in this work, employing density functional theory calculations

    Zirconia based photocatalysts in degradation of selected herbicides

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    Hydrothermally synthesized zirconia nanopowders: pure and doped with Si4+ ions were spectroscopically characterized and used as photocatalysts for degradation of herbicides sulcotrione and fluroxypyr. Zirconia is wide band gap ceramic (Eg ~ 5 eV) however, synthesized nanopowders showed unexpected, modest absorbance in visible light range. That fact inspired photocatalytical degradation of herbicides with wide utilization, using solar irradiation (SI) in laboratory conditions. In the scope of this study, degradation of herbicides was only slightly achieved (irradiation time 2h).XV International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Physical Chemistry : Proceedings. Vol. 1, September 20-24,2021, Belgrad

    Titanium Dioxide as the Most Used Photocatalyst for Water Purification: An Overview

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    Titanium dioxide (TiO2), one of the most frequently used materials in general, has emerged as an excellent photocatalytic material for environmental applications. In this review, principles and mechanisms of the photocatalytic activity of TiO2 have been analyzed. Structural and physical specificities of TiO2 nanoparticles, such as morphology, crystal structure, and electronic and optical properties, have been considered in the context of photocatalytic applications. A review of the influence of several factors, such as the type and dimensions of photocatalyst particles, pH of the solution, the influence of oxidants/electron acceptors, and light intensity on photocatalytic properties of TiO2, has been provided. Superhydrophilicity as an intrinsic property of the TiO2 surface was discussed through surface reconstruction on TiO2 during the reversible hydrophilic changes. Additionally, attention was paid to improving the photocatalytic properties of TiO2 particles through aggregation and agglomeration

    Titanium Dioxide as the Most Used Photocatalyst for Water Purification: An Overview

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    Titanium dioxide (TiO2), one of the most frequently used materials in general, has emerged as an excellent photocatalytic material for environmental applications. In this review, principles and mechanisms of the photocatalytic activity of TiO2 have been analyzed. Structural and physical specificities of TiO2 nanoparticles, such as morphology, crystal structure, and electronic and optical properties, have been considered in the context of photocatalytic applications. A review of the influence of several factors, such as the type and dimensions of photocatalyst particles, pH of the solution, the influence of oxidants/electron acceptors, and light intensity on photocatalytic properties of TiO2, has been provided. Superhydrophilicity as an intrinsic property of the TiO2 surface was discussed through surface reconstruction on TiO2 during the reversible hydrophilic changes. Additionally, attention was paid to improving the photocatalytic properties of TiO2 particles through aggregation and agglomeration