1,126 research outputs found

    Design, implementation and evaluation of a real-time P300-based brain-computer interface system

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    We present a new end-to-end brain-computer interface system based on electroencephalography (EEG). Our system exploits the P300 signal in the brain, a positive deflection in event-related potentials, caused by rare events. P300 can be used for various tasks, perhaps the most well-known being a spelling device. We have designed a flexible visual stimulus mechanism that can be adapted to user preferences and developed and implemented EEG signal processing, learning and classification algorithms. Our classifier is based on Bayes linear discriminant analysis, in which we have explored various choices and improvements. We have designed data collection experiments for offline and online decision-making and have proposed modifications in the stimulus and decision-making procedure to increase online efficiency. We have evaluated the performance of our system on 8 healthy subjects on a spelling task and have observed that our system achieves higher average speed than state-of-the-art systems reported in the literature for a given classification accuracy

    Taxonomic status of Lyciasalamandra flavimembris (Mutz and Steinfartz, 1995) (Amphibia:Urodela)

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    Endemik bir tür olan Lyciasalamandra flavimembris (Marmaris Kara Semenderi) aynı zamanda politipik bir türdür. Nominat alt tür olan Lyciasalamandra flavimembris flavimembris Ģimdiye kadar Marmaris ve Çiçekli köyü/Ula’dan; Lyciasalamandra flavimembris ilgazi alt türü ise Kötekli/Muğla’dan bilinmektedir. Bu çalıĢmada değiĢik lokalitelerden toplam 67 (23 ♂♂, 20 ♀♀ ve 24 juvenil) L. flavimembris örneği incelenmiĢtir. Elde edilen örnekler morfolojik karakterler, vücut ölçüleri ve oranları, renk ve desen analizleri ile biyotop özellikleri bakımından değerlendirilmiĢ ve sonuçları mevcut literatür bilgisi ile karĢılaĢtırılmıĢtır. ÇalıĢma sonucunda yeni bulunan TaĢlıca, Bayır, Turunç ve Yaylasöğüt lokalitelerine ait örneklerin nominat alt türe dahil edilmiĢtir. Böylece türün dağılıĢ sahası güneybatı ve kuzeydoğu yönlerinde geniĢletilmiĢtir. Kötekli lokalitesine ait örnekler ise L. f. ilgazi alt türüne dahil edilmiĢtir.Lyciasalamandra flavimembris (Marmaris Lycian Salamander) is an endemic and also polytypic species. The nominat subspecies, Lyciasalamandra flavimembris flavimembris, is known to live in Marmaris and Çiçekli Village/Ula, whereas the second subspecies, Lyciasalamandra flavimembris ilgazi, lives in Kötekli/Muğla. In this study, a total number of 67 (23 ♂♂, 20 ♀♀ and 24 juvenil) L. flavimembris samples from different localities were examined. These samples were evaluated in terms of morphological characters, body measurements and ratios, color and patterns characters and biotope characteristics. Results were compared with previous studies. As a result, the newly found Lyciasalamandra flavimembris members from TaĢlıca, Bayır, Turunç ve Yaylasöğüt areas were included into the nominat subspecies; this expands the distribution area of the species further towards the southwest and northeast. The specimens from Kötekli locality are included L. f. ilgazi

    Size dependent bending analysis of two directional functionally graded microbeams via a quasi-3D theory and finite element method

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    This paper presents the flexural behaviour of two directional functionally graded (2D-FG) microbeams subjected to uniformly distributed load with various boundary conditions. A four-unknown shear and normal deformation theory or quasi-3D one is employed based on the modified couple stress theory, Ritz method and finite element formulation. The material properties are assumed to vary through the thickness and longitudinal axis and follow the power-law distribution. Firstly, the static deformations of conventional FG microbeams are investigated to verify the developed finite element code. For the convergence studies, a simply supported FG microbeam is considered by employing various number of elements in the problem domain, aspect ratios, material length scale parameters and gradient indexes. The verification of the developed code is established and then extensive studies are performed for various boundary conditions. Secondly, since there is no reported data regarding to the analysis of 2D-FG microbeams, verification studies are performed for 2D-FG beams with different aspect ratios and gradient indexes. The effects of the normal and shear deformations as well as and material length scale parameters on the flexural behaviour of the 2D-FG microbeams are investigated. Finally, some new results for deflections of conventional FG and 2D-FG microbeams for various boundary conditions are introduced for the first time and can be used as reference for future studies

    2009-2015 aralığında açılım süreçlerine yönelik siyasi parti söylemleri üzerine karşılaştırmalı bir analiz

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    Öz: AKP’nin ikinci iktidar döneminde, 2009 yılı Ağustos ayından itibaren önce “Kürt Açılımı”, sonrasında “Demokratik Açılım” ve nihayetinde “Milli Birlik ve Kardeşlik Projesi” adı altında kamuoyuna sunulan, 28 Şubat 2015’te Dolmabahçe’de açıklanan mutabakat metni ile birlikte devam eden açılım tartışmaları üzerinden gerçekleştirilecek politik söylem analizi, bu çalışmanın ana konusunu oluşturmaktadır. Makalede öncelikle çalışmanın arka planını anlamlı hale getiren metodolojik ayrıntılara yer verilmiştir. Bu bağlamda söylem, politik söylem, anlam üretme biçimleri grup konuşmalarına referansla tartışmaya açılmıştır. İkinci olarak Mutabakat Metni üzerinde durulmuştur. Bahsi geçen metin Kürt sorununun çözümünde İslamcı bakış açısının ne ölçüde işlevsel olduğu sorusunun çevresinde somutlaşan bir dizi meseleyi ön plana çıkarır. Makalede son olarak terör-demokrasi ikilemine değinilecektir. AKP’nin sürece yüklediği anlam özgür bir politik düzenin inşası ve demokrasinin derinleşmesiyle yakından ilgilidir. Ancak muhalif partiler gerçekleşmekte olan şeyin demokrasi inşası değil ulus devletin tasfiyesi olduğunu düşünmektedir. Abstract: This study is a political discourse analysis of the debates on the initiatives launched during the second term of the JDP rule on the Kurdish question. These initiatives began and presented to the public in the name of “Kurdish Opening” in August 2009, then re-named twice as “Democratic Opening” and “National Unity and Fraternity Project”, and was ended with a ‘memorandum of understanding’ that was announced in February 28, 2015 in Dolmabahçe Palace. In the paper, some methodological issues are pointed first, in order to provide a sensible background to the study. In that part, with reference to the weekly parliamentary speeches of partly leaders, different ways of producing discourse and political discourse is discussed. Afterwards, the memorandum is analysed and the functionality of the Islamist perspective for the resolution of the Kurdish question is examined. Lastly, the terror-democracy dichotomy is mentioned in the study.JDP’s conception of the initiatives is closely related with the construction of a free political order and deepening democracy. But opposition parties think that what is happening with those initiatives is not the development of democracy but the abolition of nation state

    Muhibbî dîvânı'nda sosyal hayat

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    06.03.2018 tarihli ve 30352 sayılı Resmi Gazetede yayımlanan “Yükseköğretim Kanunu İle Bazı Kanun Ve Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamelerde Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun” ile 18.06.2018 tarihli “Lisansüstü Tezlerin Elektronik Ortamda Toplanması, Düzenlenmesi ve Erişime Açılmasına İlişkin Yönerge” gereğince tam metin erişime açılmıştır.Bu çalışma, Muhibbî Dîvânı'nın Coşkun Ak neşrinde yer alan 2799 gazel, 1 Elifnâme, 1 Terci-i Bend, 18 Muhammes, 30 Murabba, 5 Nazm, 51 Kıta ve 217 Müfred olmak üzere toplam 3122 şiirde sosyal hayat unsurları taranması ve elde edilen 8810 adet beyitin incelenmesiyle oluşturulmuştur. Din ve tasavvuf erbabı olan kimselere, oyunculara, saray görevlilerine ve Osmanlı sosyal yaşamının parçası olan birçok tipe olduğu gibi; eğlence meclislerine, musiki makamlarına, çeşitli musiki terim ve tabirlerine de şiirlerinde yer vermektedir. Muhibbî'nin, bu unsurları daha çok sevgili ile benzerlik oluşturmaları münasebetiyle ele aldığı görülmüştür. Toplumsal alışkanlıklar, gelenekler, çeşitli davranış biçimleri, yiyecek ve içecekler, kullanılan eşyalar, hastalıklar, ilaçlar ve tedavi yöntemlerine, spor faaliyetleri ile mimâri yapıya dair unsurlara çeşitli, teşbih, mecaz, istiare, teşhis, kinaye vb. sanatlarla yer verildiği tespit edilmiştir. Muhibbî'nin bir cihan pâdişâhı olmasına ve toplumsal yapının en üst kademesinde bulunmasına rağmen sosyal hayata dair tüm bu unsurları şiirlerine yansıtmaktadır. Şairin hem Divân şiirinin kültürel birikimine hâkim olduğunu hem de bu şiir geleneğinin saray ve çevresinde teşekkül etse dahi sosyal hayattan kopuk olmadığının anlaşılması açısından oldukça önemlidir.The current study consist of the browsed 8810 card indexes from the examination of 2799 gazels, 1 elifname, 1 terci-i bend, 18 muhammes, 30 murabba, 5 nazm, 51 kıta and 217 müfred in total 3122 poems from Muhibbî Divânı published by Coşkun Ak. In his divan, Muhibbi deals with adepts of the religion and Sufism, actors, attendants of the palace and various characters from Ottoman social life as well as entertainment assemblies, musical modes and terminologies. It observed that Muhibbi engages with these elements in terms of their similarities to lover and its features. It is found that literary art like metaphor, simile, figure of speech, personification, and parable are used for social habits, traditions, various behaviours, foods and drinks, objects, illnesses, medicines and treatment methods, sport activities, and architectures. Despite the fact that Muhibbî is the supreme savering and at the highest level of social strata, he is cognizant of the social life in his time and he reflects this aspect in his poetry. This is significiant in the sense that he possesses the cultural background of Divan poetry and hi is not separated from social life even though this poetry has developed in the court and it's surroundings

    Actionable insights through association mining of exchange rates: a case study

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    Association mining is the methodology within data mining that researches associations among the elements of a given set, based on how they appear together in multiple subsets of that set. Extensive literature exists on the development of efficient algorithms for association mining computations, and the fundamental motivation for this literature is that association mining reveals actionable insights and enables better policies. This motivation is proven valid for domains such as retailing, healthcare and software engineering, where elements of the analyzed set are physical or virtual items that appear in transactions. However, the literature does not prove this motivation for databases where items are “derived items”, rather than actual items. This study investigates the association patterns in changes of exchange rates of US Dollar, Euro and Gold in the Turkish economy, by representing the percentage changes as “derived items” that appear in “derived market baskets”, the day on which the observations are made. The study is one of the few in literature that applies such a mapping and applies association mining in exchange rate analysis, and the first one that considers the Turkish case. Actionable insights, along with their policy implications, demonstrate the usability of the developed analysis approach