101 research outputs found

    Development of a Serum Biomarker Assay That Differentiates Tumor-Associated MUC5AC (NPC-1C ANTIGEN) from Normal MUC5AC

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    A serum ELISA using a monoclonal antibody that detects a MUC5AC-related antigen (NPC-1C antigen) expressed by pancreatic and colorectal cancer was developed. The NPC-1C antibody reacts with specific epitopes expressed by tumor-associated MUC5AC that does not appear on MUC5AC from normal tissues. Based on observations of a highly specific antibody, we tested the ELISA to differentiate serum from healthy blood donors compared to serum from patients with colorectal or pancreatic cancer. Additionally, patient tumor tissue was stained to examine the expression pattern of MUC5AC-related antigen in pancreatic and colorectal cancers. The results indicate the NPC-1C antibody ELISA distinguished serum of cancer patients from normal donors with very good sensitivity and specificity. Most patient's tumor biopsy exhibited NPC-1C antibody reactivity, indicating that tumor-associated MUC5AC antigen from tumor is shed into blood, where it can be detected by the NPC-1C antibody ELISA. This serum test provides a new tool to aid in the diagnosis of these cancers and immune monitoring of cancer treatment regimens

    Potentiation of natural killer cells to overcome cancer resistance to NK cell-based therapy and to enhance antibody-based immunotherapy

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    Natural killer (NK) cells are cellular components of the innate immune system that can recognize and suppress the proliferation of cancer cells. NK cells can eliminate cancer cells through direct lysis, by secreting perforin and granzymes, or through antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC). ADCC involves the binding of the Fc gamma receptor IIIa (CD16), present on NK cells, to the constant region of an antibody already bound to cancer cells. Cancer cells use several mechanisms to evade antitumor activity of NK cells, including the accumulation of inhibitory cytokines, recruitment and expansion of immune suppressor cells such as myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs) and regulatory T cells (Tregs), modulation of ligands for NK cells receptors. Several strategies have been developed to enhance the antitumor activity of NK cells with the goal of overcoming cancer cells resistance to NK cells. The three main strategies to engineer and boost NK cells cytotoxicity include boosting NK cells with modulatory cytokines, adoptive NK cell therapy, and the employment of engineered NK cells to enhance antibody-based immunotherapy. Although the first two strategies improved the efficacy of NK cell-based therapy, there are still some limitations, including immune-related adverse events, induction of immune-suppressive cells and further cancer resistance to NK cell killing. One strategy to overcome these issues is the combination of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) that mediate ADCC and engineered NK cells with potentiated anti-cancer activity. The advantage of using mAbs with ADCC activity is that they can activate NK cells, but also favor the accumulation of immune effector cells to the tumor microenvironment (TME). Several clinical trials reported that combining engineered NK cells with mAbs with ADCC activity can result in a superior clinical response compared to mAbs alone. Next generation of clinical trials, employing engineered NK cells with mAbs with higher affinity for CD16 expressed on NK cells, will provide more effective and higher-quality treatments to cancer patients

    883 An anti-carcinoma monoclonal antibody (mAb) NEO-201 can also target human acute myeloid leukemia (AML) cell lines in vitro

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    BackgroundNEO-201 is an IgG1 mAb targeting variants of CEACAM5/6 and has demonstrated tumor sensitivity and specificity in epithelial cells. Functional analysis has revealed that NEO-201 can engage innate immune effector mechanisms including ADCC and CDC to directly kill tumor cells expressing its target. A recent Phase 1 clinical trial at the NCI has determined both safety and recommended Phase 2 dosing. We have also seen the expression of the NEO-201 target on hematologic cells, specifically Tregs and neutrophils. Due to epitope being expressed both on malignant epithelial cells as well as several hematologic cells, we designed this study to explore the reactivity of NEO-201 against hematological neoplastic cells in vitro.MethodsPhenotypic analysis was conducted by flow cytometry. Cell lines used were six AML (HL60, U937, MOLM13, AML2, IMS-M2 and OCL-AML3), two multiple myelomas (MM) (OPM2, MM1.S), two acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) (SUP-B15, RPMI8402) and four mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) (Jeko-1, Z138, JVM2 and JVM13). Markers used for flow cytometry analysis were CD15, CD45, CD38, CD138, CD14, CD19 and NEO-201. Functional analysis was performed by evaluating the ability of NEO-201 to mediate ADCC activity against AML cell lines using human NK cells as effector cells.Results5 of 6 AML cell lines tested bind to NEO-201 and the% of positive cells were 47%, 99.5%,100%,100% and 97.8% for HL60, U937, MOLM13, AML3 and IMS-M2, respectively. The% of positive cells in the two MM cell line were 99% and 18% for OPM2 and MM1.S, respectively. NEO-201 binding was not detected in the two ALL and the four MCL cell lines tested. Functional analysis has demonstrated that NEO-201 can mediate ADCC activity against the AML cell line (HL60) tested.ConclusionsThis study demonstrates that NEO-201 mAb's target is expressed in most of the AML cell lines tested in vitro. In addition, we have shown it can mediate ADCC activity against HL60 cells (AML). Together, these findings provide a rationale for further investigation of the role of NEO-201 in AML as well as MM, further exploring patient PBMCs and bone marrow samples

    Trajectories of Change in an Open-access Internet-Based Cognitive Behavior Program for Childhood and Adolescent Anxiety: Open Trial

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    Background: Although evidence bolstering the efficacy of internet-based cognitive behavioral therapy (iCBT) for treating childhood anxiety has been growing continuously, there is scant empirical research investigating the timing of benefits made in iCBT programs (eg, early or delayed). Objective: This study aims to examine the patterns of symptom trajectories (changes in anxiety) across an iCBT program for anxiety (BRAVE Self-Help). Methods: This study’s participants included 10,366 Australian youth aged 7 to 17 years (4140 children aged 7-12 years; 6226 adolescents aged 12-17 years) with elevated anxiety who registered for the BRAVE Self-Help program. Participants self-reported their anxiety symptoms at baseline or session 1 and then at the commencement of each subsequent session. Results: The results show that young people completing the BRAVE Self-Help program tend to fall into two trajectory classes that can be reliably identified in terms of high versus moderate baseline levels of anxiety and subsequent reduction in symptoms. Both high and moderate anxiety severity trajectory classes showed significant reductions in anxiety, with the greatest level of change being achieved within the first six sessions for both classes. However, those in the moderate anxiety severity class tended to show reductions in anxiety symptoms to levels below the elevated range, whereas those in the high symptom group tended to remain in the elevated range despite improvements. Conclusions: These findings suggest that those in the high severity group who do not respond well to iCBT on a self-help basis may benefit from the additional support provided alongside the program or a stepped-care approach where progress is monitored and support can be provided as necessary

    Simulation and sensitivities for a phased IceCube-Gen2 deployment

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    A next-generation optical sensor for IceCube-Gen2

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    Optimization of the optical array geometry for IceCube-Gen2

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    Concept Study of a Radio Array Embedded in a Deep Gen2-like Optical Array

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    Sensitivity studies for the IceCube-Gen2 radio array

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