6 research outputs found

    Criminal activity in Ukraine in the light of current conditions

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    In this paper, the authors expressed their own vision of the peculiarities, trends and interdependence of the criminal activity related in Ukraine nowadays. The present analysis focuses on investigating and analyzing the prospect, scope and peculiarities of criminal acts in modern Ukraine. The typification of signs of criminal activity in Ukraine gives the authors free rein to argue that nearly all types of this criminal activity have corruption orientation, either directly or indirectly. The results of using content analysis method made it possible to claim that corrupt practices occur in all sectors of the population from an economic and social basis to legal, cultural, spiritual and ideological strata of society and may affect special conditions as a source of revenue. Moreover, the authors used methods of formal logic (analysis, synthesis, deduction, induction, analogy), method of system analysis, as well as a statistical method. Forensic analysis of the manifestations of criminal activity in Ukraine, makes it possible to draw the following conclusions: criminal activity in Ukraine is inextricably linked and interdependent with political processes taking place both in Ukraine and in temporarily uncontrolled territories. In fact, all its manifestations are directly or indirectly political in nature, even if we analyze crimes committed individually, they are not only aimed at achieving a self-serving purpose for their own benefit, but may also be caused by a radical (sometimes emotional) attitude towards socio-political processes. There are also signs of mutually beneficial relations between criminal organizations and authorities in Ukraine, so the research helps to predict the replacement of the norms of law and morality due to the ideology of the criminal activity in some strata of society that may become more acceptable for them

    The effect of digitalization on the extent of criminal activity in the context of the pandemic

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    The process of digitalization has impacted various aspects of social life, and the growth of digital technologies has led to significant changes in communication in society. During the pandemic, digitalization has been particularly noticeable as it has enabled continuous communication despite restrictions. However, this has also affected the level of crime, and it is crucial to understand how digitalization has impacted crime rates globally. This study aims to investigate the specifics of digitalization's impact on crime during the pandemic, examining the causal relationship between the two. The research focuses on the social relations comprised during digitalization in the criminal-legal aspect. Findings suggest that the pandemic has revolutionized the usual law and order among the population, affecting both law-abiding citizens and criminals. Digitalization has also changed the nature of certain crimes, leading to a shift in the level of crime. It is expected that the pandemic will continue to impact society and crime rates for an extended period. Therefore, it is vital to consider the impact of innovative information technologies on crime levels when implementing measures in Ukraine and globally

    Державне бюро розслідувань як суб’єкт оперативно-розшукової діяльності

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    Аркуша Л. І. Державне бюро розслідувань як суб’єкт оперативно-розшукової діяльності / Л. І. Аркуша // Державне бюро розслідувань: на шляху розбудови : матер. Міжнар. наук.-практ. конф. (м. Одеса, 16 червня 2018 р.) / редкол.: Г. О. Ульянова (голова ред.), В. М. Дрьомін, Є. Л. Стрельцов [та ін.] ; НУ "ОЮА". - Одеса : Юридична література, 2018. - С. 338-341

    Рівні організованої злочинної діяльності

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    Аркуша Л. І. Рівні організованої злочинної діяльності / Л. І. Аркуша // Традиції та новації юридичної науки: минуле, сучасність, майбутнє : матер. Міжнар. наук.-практ. конф. (м. Одеса, 19 трав. 2017 р.). У 2-х т. Т. 2 / відп. ред. Г. О. Ульянова. - Одеса : Видавничий дім "Гельветика", 2017. - С. 417-419

    Впровадження маркетингових і правових інструментів в процесі комерціалізації інноваційної продукції у стратегічному менеджменті та підприємництві

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    The subject of the research is the innovative products commercialization process features in strategic management and entrepreneurship marketing and legal aspects. The testing of the used methods and techniques was carried out on the example of the innovative enterprise. The methodical approach of the study is based on the analytic and descriptive approach and is aimed at providing a case study. Thus, the aim of the study is to analyze the marketing and legal component at different stages of the innovative products commercialization process and the adaptation of theoretical and methodological approaches at an empirical level. The study demonstrates which marketing and legal tools and at what stages of commercialization it is advisable to use, and also proves the economic efficiency of the innovative project according to the described methodology. The results of calculations and analysis confirmed the effectiveness of the methodological approaches and enterprise development strategies use

    Problems of Starting a Pre-Trial Investigation Before and During the Covid-19 Pandemic. Comparison of the International Context

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    The challenges posed by the spread of coronavirus infection are global and affect almost all spheres of public life, including criminal justice. To minimize direct social communication, the possibilities of using remote legal procedures in criminal proceedings have been expanded. The legal procedure of pre-trial proceedings established in the Criminal Procedure Code in the part of the beginning of the pre-trial investigation turned out to be misfit to the conditions of continuous quarantine. The purpose of the article is to identify, describe and propose solutions to the problems of starting a pre-trial investigation during the Covid-19 pandemic. Thus, to solve this problem, the article examines the existing problems of pre-trial investigation before and during the Covid-19 pandemic, taking into account domestic scientific experience, as well as current foreign practices to resolve this issue to study the possibility of adopting their best practices and implementing them in the legislation. In the process of research, such methods as the dialectical, structural-functional analysis, comparative-legal and historical method. It is necessary to emphasize the simplification of the procedure for reporting the detected signs of criminal offenses, which necessitates raising the professional level of law enforcement officers, as well as conducting large-scale information work among internet users.Los desafíos que plantea la propagación de la infección por coronavirus son globales y afectan a casi todas las esferas de la vida pública, incluida la justicia penal. Para minimizar la comunicación social directa, se han ampliado las posibilidades de utilizar procedimientos legales remotos en los procesos penales. El procedimiento judicial de las diligencias previas establecido en el Código Procesal Penal en la parte del inicio de la instrucción resultó inadaptado a las condiciones de cuarentena continua. El propósito del artículo es identificar, describir y proponer soluciones a los problemas de iniciar una investigación previa al juicio durante la pandemia Covid-19. Así, para solucionar este problema, el artículo examina los problemas existentes de la investigación previa al juicio antes y durante la pandemia Covid-19, teniendo en cuenta la experiencia científica nacional, así como las prácticas extranjeras actuales para resolver este tema para estudiar la posibilidad de adoptar sus mejores prácticas y su implementación en la legislación. En el proceso de investigación, se utilizaron métodos como el dialéctico, el análisis estructural-funcional, el método comparativo-legal y el histórico. Es necesario enfatizar la simplificación del procedimiento para reportar los indicios detectados de infracciones penales, lo que requiere elevar el nivel profesional de los agentes del orden, así como realizar un trabajo de información a gran escala entre los usuarios de internet