180 research outputs found

    Crowd voting via online platforms as a way of citizens’ public participation in the development of municipalities (The active citizen case, Moscow)

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    Based on the theory of S. Arnstein, the paper considers crowd voting as one of the management levels available to citizens. The authors analyzed the Moscow online voting platform Active Citizen. Proceeding from the open data on the platform, the authors composed the socio-demographic profile of users, evaluated the proportion of active participation, the extent of their engagement in the voting processes depending on the themes of the problems brought to the attention of the townspeople

    Pulsations and Long-Term Light Variability of Three Candidates to Protoplanetary Nebulae

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    We present new photometric data and analysis of the long-duration UBV photoelectric observations for three candidates to protoplanetary objects - F-supergiants with IR-excesses located at large galactic latitudes, IRAS 18095+2704, IRAS 19386+0155, and IRAS 19500-1709. All three stars have revealed quasiperiodic low-amplitude variabilities caused by pulsations observed against the long-term trends of brightnesses. For IRAS 18095+2704=V887 Her we have found a pulsation period of 109 days and a linear trend of brightness under the constant colours if being averaged over the year timescale. The light curve of IRAS 19386+0155=V1648 Aql over 2000-2008 can be approximated by a wave with a main period of 102 days which is modulated by close frequency, with a period of 98 days, that results in brightness oscillations with a variable amplitude. V1648 Aql has also shown synchronous reddening together with a persistent rise of brightness in the V-band. IRAS 19500-1709=V5112 Sgr experiences irregular pulsations with the periods of 39 and 47 days. The long-term component of the variability of V5112 Sgr may be related to the binary character of this star.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in Pis'ma Astron. Z

    Social investment: Problems and development strategies

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    We present the findings of a survey aimed at identifying expert opinions about social investment policies. Our sample includes respondents from Russian regions (n = 160) involved in the production of social services – specialists and heads of state social institutions, non-profit organizations, social entrepreneurs, and authorities. Research findings suggest key factors that might contribute to the development of non-profit sector of social services and social entrepreneurship. The state and local governments are considered by experts as the main investors, while financial investments in the form of budget subsidies and grants are the most anticipated forms for solving regional social issues. Investing in infrastructure and personnel is among the most popular areas for social investment related to the development of new suppliers. According to the respondents, the priority spheres for social entrepreneurship are investments to children, youth, health, and active longevity. The survey participants view social investment as a strategy for the social development of regions based on the achievement of social goals combined with economic results. The professional community considers the lack of interest in the new type of entrepreneurship among residents of the regions, including private investors, and the weak interest of local governments as risks for social investment policy and social entrepreneurship © 2022. Terra Economicus.All Rights Reserved.Russian Science Foundation, RSF: 19-18-00246Funding: The research is prepared with the financial support of the Russian Science Foundation, project № 19-18-00246 “Challenges of transformation of the welfare state in Russia: Institutional changes, social investment, digitalization of social services”, implemented at St. Petersburg State University

    Using Online Platforms of Intellectual Volunteering for Activity of Non-Profit Organizations

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    The article describes a new form of attracting resources for solving internal tasks of organizations for the Russian non-profit sector. The authors attempt to differentiate the meaning of the terms “intellectual” and “pro bono” volunteering, also they make a descriptive analysis of online platforms that represent a special area for interaction between non-profit organizations and qualified specialists in various fields of activity.В статье приводится характеристика новой для российского некоммерческого сектора формы привлечения ресурсов для решения внутренних задач организаций. Авторами предпринята попытка разграничить значение терминов «интеллектуальное» и “pro bono” волонтерство, а также сделать описательный анализ онлайн-платформ, представляющих собой площадку для взаимодействия НКО и квалифицированных специалистов различных сфер деятельности/This article was prepared with the support of the Russian Science Foundation on the theme of the project “Challenges of the transformation of Welfare State in Russia: institutional changes, social investment, digitalization of social services”; project No. 19-18-00246, implemented at SPbU.Статья подготовлена в рамках проекта РНФ № 19-18-00246 «Вызовы трансформации социального государства в России: институциональные изменения, социальное инвестирование, цифровизация социальных услуг», реализуемом в СПбГУ

    Modeling the spectrum of V4334 Sgr (Sakurai's Object)

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    Theoretical spectral energy distributions were computed for a grid of hydrogen-deficient and carbon-rich model atmospheres of T(eff) in the range of 5000-6250 K and log g = 1.0 - 0.0 by the technique of opacity sampling, taking into account continuous, molecular band and atomic line absorption. These energy distributions were compared with the spectrum of V4334 Sgr (Sakurai's object) of April, 1997 in the wavelength interval 300-1000 nm. We show that (1) the shape of the theoretical spectra depends strongly on T(eff) but only very weakly on the hydrogen abundance; (2) the comparison of the observed and computed spectra permits to estimate T(eff) approximately 5500 K for V4334 Sgr in April, 1997, and its interstellar reddening (plus a possible circumstellar contribution) E(B-V) approximately 0.70.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figures, LaTeX, accepted by Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Social Entrepreneurship: Essence, Definitions and Key Features

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    The article investigates the approaches to the definition of the concept of “social entrepreneurship” by Russian and foreign authors. The wide range of approaches to defining the essence of social entrepreneurship means that this phenomenon is interested by researchers. Based on the terminological analysis, the criteria for social entrepreneurship, adapted to Russian conditions, were determined.В статье рассматриваются подходы к определению понятия «социальное предпринимательство» российских и зарубежных авторов. Наличие множества подходов к определению сущности социального предпринимательства говорит об актуальности данного явления у исследователей. На основании терминологического анализа были определены критерии социального предпринимательства, адаптированные к российским условиям.This article was prepared with the support of the Russian Science Foundation on the theme of the project “Challenges of the transformation of Welfare State in Russia: institutional changes, social investment, digitalization of social services”; project No. 19-18-00246, implemented at SPbU.Статья подготовлена в рамках проекта РНФ № 19-18-00246 «Вызовы трансформации социального государства в России: институциональные изменения, социальное инвестирование, цифровизация социальных услуг», реализуемом в СПбГУ

    V2324Cyg - an F-type star with fast wind

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    For the first time high-resolution optical spectroscopy of the variable star V2324Cyg associated with the IR-source IRAS20572+4919 is made. More than 200 absorption features (mostly FeII, TiII, CrII, YII, BaII, and YII) are identified within the wavelength interval 4549-7880AA. The spectral type and rotation velocity of the star are found to be F0III and Vsini=69km/s, respectively. HI and NaID lines have complex PCyg-type profiles with an emission component. Neither systematic trend of radial velocity Vr with line depth Ro nor temporal variability of Vr have been found. We determined the average heliocentric radial velocity Vr=-16.8\pm 0.6km/s. The radial velocities inferred from the cores of the absorption components of the Hβ\beta and NaI wind lines vary from -140 to -225km/s (and the expansion velocities of the corresponding layers, from about 120 to 210km/s). The maximum expansion velocity is found for the blue component of the split Hα\alpha absorption: 450km/s for December 12, 1995. The model atmospheres method is used to determine the star's parameters: Teff=7500K, log g=2.0, ξt\xi_t=6.0km/s, and metallicity, which is equal to the solar value. The main peculiarity of the chemical abundances pattern is the overabundance of lithium and sodium. The results cast some doubt on the classification of V2324Cyg as a post-AGB star.Comment: 28 pages, 6 figure

    Pulsational instability of yellow hypergiants

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    Instability of population I (X=0.7, Y=0.02) massive stars against radial oscillations during the post-main sequence gravitational contraction of the helium core is investigated. Initial stellar masses are in the range from 65M_\odot to 90M_\odot. In hydrodynamic computations of self-exciting stellar oscillations we assumed that energy transfer in the envelope of the pulsating star is due to radiative heat conduction and convection. The convective heat transfer was treated in the framework of the theory of time-dependent turbulent convection. During evolutionary expansion of outer layers after hydrogen exhaustion in the stellar core the star is shown to be unstable against radial oscillations while its effective temperature is Teff > 6700K for Mzams=65M_\odot and Teff > 7200K for mzams=90M_\odot. Pulsational instability is due to the \kappa-mechanism in helium ionization zones and at lower effective temperature oscillations decay because of significantly increasing convection. The upper limit of the period of radial pulsations on this stage of evolution does not exceed 200 day. Radial oscillations of the hypergiant resume during evolutionary contraction of outer layers when the effective temperature is Teff > 7300K for Mzams=65M_\odot and Teff > 7600K for Mzams=90M_\odot. Initially radial oscillations are due to instability of the first overtone and transition to fundamental mode pulsations takes place at higher effective temperatures (Teff > 7700K for Mzams=65M_\odot and Teff > 8200K for Mzams=90M_\odot). The upper limit of the period of radial oscillations of evolving blueward yellow hypergiants does not exceed 130 day. Thus, yellow hypergiants are stable against radial stellar pulsations during the major part of their evolutionary stage.Comment: 20 pages, 7 gigures. Accepted for publication in Astronomy Letter

    Peculiarities and variations in the optical spectrum of the post-AGB star V448Lac=IRAS22223+4327

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    Repeated observations with high spectral resolution acquired in 1998-2008 are used to study the temporal behavior of the spectral line profiles and velocity field in the atmosphere and circumstellar envelope of the post-AGB star V448Lac. Asymmetry of the profiles of the strongest absorption lines with low-level excitation potentials less 1eV and time variations of these profiles have been detected, most prominently the profiles of the resonance lines of BaII, YII, LaII, SiII. The peculiarity of these profiles can be explained using a superposition of stellar absorption line and shell emission lines. Emission in the (0;1) 5635A Swan band of the C2 molecule has been detected in the spectrum of V448Lac for the first time. The core of the Halpha line displays radial velocity variations with an amplitude ~8 km/s. Radial velocity variations displayed by weakest metallic lines with lower amplitudes, 1-2 km/s, may be due to atmospheric pulsations. Differential line shifts, 0 -- 8 km/s, have been detected on various dates. The position of the molecular spectrum is stationary in time, indicating a constant expansion velocity of the circumstellar shell, Vexp=15.2 km/s, as derived from the C2 and NaI lines.Comment: 19 pages, 8 figures, 1 tabl

    The Updated Zwicky Catalog (UZC)

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    The Zwicky Catalog of galaxies (ZC), with m_Zw<=15.5mag, has been the basis for the Center for Astrophysics (CfA) redshift surveys. To date, analyses of the ZC and redshift surveys based on it have relied on heterogeneous sets of galaxy coordinates and redshifts. Here we correct some of the inadequacies of previous catalogs by providing: (1) coordinates with <~2 arcsec errors for all of the Nuzc catalog galaxies, (2) homogeneously estimated redshifts for the majority (98%) of the data taken at the CfA (14,632 spectra), and (3) an estimate of the remaining "blunder" rate for both the CfA redshifts and for those compiled from the literature. For the reanalyzed CfA data we include a calibrated, uniformly determined error and an indication of the presence of emission lines in each spectrum. We provide redshifts for 7,257 galaxies in the CfA2 redshift survey not previously published; for another 5,625 CfA redshifts we list the remeasured or uniformly re-reduced value. Among our new measurements, Nmul are members of UZC "multiplets" associated with the original Zwicky catalog position in the coordinate range where the catalog is 98% complete. These multiplets provide new candidates for examination of tidal interactions among galaxies. All of the new redshifts correspond to UZC galaxies with properties recorded in the CfA redshift compilation known as ZCAT. About 1,000 of our new measurements were motivated either by inadequate signal-to-noise in the original spectrum or by an ambiguous identification of the galaxy associated with a ZCAT redshift. The redshift catalog we include here is ~96% complete to m_Zw<=15.5, and ~98% complete (12,925 galaxies out of a total of 13,150) for the RA(1950) ranges [20h--4h] and [8h--17h] and DEC(1950) range [-2.5d--50d]. (abridged)Comment: 34 pp, 7 figs, PASP 1999, 111, 43