47 research outputs found

    Tension and contradiction in agrarian reform and rural reconstruction in post-monarch Nepal

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    Agrarian reform and land reform are usually understood synonymously as they are embedded with the unequal agrarian structure in Nepal. A widespread objective of agrarian reform is to promote social justice by equitable distribution of land and resources. Agrarian reform includes the restructuring of land tenure, the means of production, and the provision of support services to the farmers and rural inhabitants. In Nepal land is the principle determinant for classifying people into distinct classes. Due to the various state-led land grants, unequal socio-economic relations and growing population density, little ‘free’ land is available these days (Karki, 2001). More than 22 per cent of Nepalese people are landless in Nepal (CBS, 2004). Nepal has passed through many political upheavals and is experiencing diverse governing systems till date. But the issues of agrarian reform have not been properly addressed yet. Most of the landlords, who were granted state lands were not directly involved in farming but contracted with tenant farmers on a customary and hereditary basis

    Political process and land reform in Nepal = 尼泊尔的土地改革与政治过程

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    Landlessness and political struggles in Nepal are deeply inter-related. Landlessness in Nepal is rooted in a long history of feudal land governance, political inertia and nepotism. Furthermore, the skewed landownership patterns practiced were deepened by a deeply discriminatory and strictly hierarchical society that excluded women, ethnic minorities and tribal groups, especially, those of lower castes and classes. Due to this prevailing exclusion and discrimination, the call for land reform as a rallying cry has long been used by politicians as a tool for political mobilization and for garnering support in Nepal. However, despite several political developments and repeated political commitments, the land reform policies have largely failed to redistribute the land to the actual tillers. The land and agrarian policies introduced by several governments, since the 1950s, to address the demand for land rights and to distribute land to the tillers have either been flawed or poorly implemented or lacks political commitment. All political powers despite their rhetoric, have failed to transform the traditional feudal agrarian systemin which a small elite class continues to oppress majority of the poor Nepali population, to this day. Hence, the failure of the political parties to adopt radical land and agrarian reform policies also depicts serious democratic deficit in Nepal. With the end of the decade-long civil war in 2006, Nepal has been on the crucial path of transformation. But, the prevailing political instability and lack of accountability in governance have put the issue of land reform on the backburner thus, further failing to deal with the multiple causes and problems associated with landlessness. Nepal’s history itself is testament to the fact that unequal land ownership is a threat to social cohesion, political stability and economic prosperity. Therefore, unless the political establishment ensures access of poor people -from the different strata of the society who have been historically marginalized - to land and land-based resources, there is always a threat to Nepal’s fragile democracy and peace. Successful land and agrarian reform in Nepal is an imperative for equitable and democratic development, including for the economic, political and social transformation of Nepal as a whole. 在尼泊尔,无地的状况与政治抗争是紧密相连的。无地的状况源自长时期的封建土地统治,政治惯性和任人唯亲。而且,尼泊尔社会长久以来的带歧视性和等级森严的制度把妇女、少数群体及部落群体-尤其是那些底层阶级-排斥在外,所以不公平的土地所有制在这种社会制度下被加强。由于这种普遍存在的社会排斥和歧视,要求土地改革则成为人民集体的诉求,对于许多政治家来说,这则是一个重要的政治动员工具,并且可以帮助政治家们争取到更多支持。尽管有许多政治发展并一些与土地改革相关的政治承诺,但是土地改革政策还是大规模的失败了,无法把土地重新分配给实际的农夫。自从1950年,许多届政府引有进过土地和农业改革来满足人民土地权益的需求,并把土地分给无地农民,但是,这些政策有的本身有瑕疵,有的执行很差,有的缺少政治的保证,最终都失败。在尼泊尔,所有的政治权利,尽管他们有很华丽的辞藻和承诺,仍然无法改变传统的封建农业制度,直到今天,仍然是一小部分精英阶层不断压迫社会绝大多数的穷人。因此,这些政党无法采取激进的土地和农业改革的政策,这些失败也显示了尼泊尔严重缺乏民主。 在2006年,随着长达一世纪的内战结束,尼泊尔到达一个非常关键的转型时期。但是,长久以来不稳定的政治环境和缺少责任的管理,使得土地改革议题无法成为核心,也更加导致了无地农民的问题以及深层原因无法被深入处理。尼泊尔的历史已证实了不公平的土地所有制对于社会团结、政治稳定和经济繁荣是一个威胁。因此,除非建立一个新的政治制度,让那些长久被历史边缘化的不同的社会阶层,也就是那些贫穷的人民能够参与到政治过程,同时让他们能够真正地影响土地议题以及土地的相关资源,不然原本脆弱的尼泊尔的民主和平将会不断受到威胁。为了尼泊尔的民主与公正社会的发展,成功的土地改革和农业改革才是关键的,这将给尼泊尔带来整体的经济、政治和社会转变

    Epidemiology, impact and control of rabies in Nepal : a systematic review

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    Background: Rabies is a vaccine-preventable viral zoonosis belonging to the group of neglected tropical diseases. Exposure to a rabid animal may result in a fatal acute encephalitis if effective post-exposure prophylaxis is not provided. Rabies occurs worldwide, but its burden is disproportionately high in developing countries, including Nepal. We aimed to summarize current knowledge on the epidemiology, impact and control of rabies in Nepal. Methods: We performed a systematic review of international and national scientific literature and searched grey literature through the World Health Organization Digital Library and the library of the National Zoonoses and Food Hygiene Research Centre, Nepal, and through searching Google and Google Scholar. Further data on animal and human rabies were obtained from the relevant Nepalese government agencies. Finally, we surveyed the archives of a Nepalese daily to obtain qualitative information on rabies in Nepal. Findings: So far, only little original research has been conducted on the epidemiology and impact of rabies in Nepal. Per year, rabies is reported to kill about 100 livestock and 10–100 humans, while about 1,000 livestock and 35,000 humans are reported to receive rabies post-exposure prophylaxis. However, these estimates are very likely to be serious underestimations of the true rabies burden. Significant progress has been made in the production of cell culture-based anti-rabies vaccine and rabies immunoglobulin, but availability and supply remain a matter of concern, especially in remote areas. Different state and non-state actors have initiated rabies control activities over the years, but efforts typically remained focalized, of short duration and not harmonized. Communication and coordination between veterinary and human health authorities is limited at present, further complicating rabies control in Nepal. Important research gaps include the reporting biases for both human and animal rabies, the ecology of stray dog populations and the true contribution of the sylvatic cycle. Interpretation: Better data are needed to unravel the true burden of animal and human rabies. More collaboration, both within the country and within the region, is needed to control rabies. To achieve these goals, high level political commitment is essential. We therefore propose to make rabies the model zoonosis for successful control in Nepal

    Influenza B virus: Need for heightened surveillance and epidemiologic case studies

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    Recent report of increased influenza B virus infection, particularly theclinical profiles and treatment challenges imposed like that of influenza A,underscores the importance of continuing influenza B virus surveillance.This is, especially in resource limited country, early detection of influenzavirus, its clinical presentation and complications would be vital in minimizingthe public heath burden imposed by this virus.Keywords: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, influenza B, severe acutepulmonary infection

    Patan hospital experience in treating philadelphia chromosome/BCR-ABL1 positive chronic myeloid leukemia patients with gleevec (imatinib mesylate); the first generation specific tyrosine kinase inhibitor

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML) is caused by the abnormal fusion protein BCR-ABL1, a constitutively active tyrosine kinase and product of the Philadelphia chromosome. Gleevec (Imatinib mesylate) is a selective inhibitor of this kinase. Treatment with this agent is known to result in hematologic, cytogenetic, and molecular responses. Patan hospital (Patan, Nepal) is one of the Gleevec International Patient Assistance Program (GIPAP) centers for patients with CML.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A total of 106 Philadelphia positive CML patients were enrolled in our center between Feb 2003 and Jun 2008, and 103 of them were eligible for cytogenetic and/or hematologic response analyses.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Out of 103 patients, 27% patients underwent cytogenetic analysis. Imatinib induced major cytogenetic responses in 89% and complete hematologic responses in almost 100% of the patients with confirmed CML. After a mean follow up of 27 months, an estimated 90% of the patients on imatinib remained in hematologic remission and more than 90% of the patients are still alive. About 30% of patients developed some form of manageable myelosuppression. A few patients developed non-hematologic toxic side effects such as edema and hepatotoxicity.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our study demonstrates that imatinib is safe to use in a developing country. Furthermore, we demonstrate that imatinib is very effective and induced long lasting responses in a high proportion of patients with Ph chromosome/BCR-ABL1 positive CML. Imatinib is well tolerated by our patients. The lack of cytogenetic analysis in the majority of our patients hindered our ability to detect inadequate responses to imatinib and adjust therapy appropriately.</p

    Summary of the International Patient Safety Conference, June 28-29, 2019, Kathmandu, Nepal

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    Globally, medical errors are associated with an estimated $42 billion in costs to healthcare systems. A variety of errors in the delivery of healthcare have been identified by the World Health Organization and it is believed that about 50% of all errors are preventable. Initiatives to improve patient safety are now garnering increased attention across a range of countries in all regions of the world. From June 28--29, 2019, the first International Patient Safety Conference (IPSC) was held in Kathmandu, Nepal and attended by over 200 healthcare professionals as well as hospital, government, and non-governmental organization leaders. During the conference, presentations describing the experience with errors in healthcare and solutions to minimize future occurrence of adverse events were presented. Examples of systems implemented to prevent future errors in patient care were also described. A key outcome of this conference was the initiation of conversations and communication among important stakeholders for patient safety. In addition, attendees and dignitaries in attendance all reaffirmed their commitment to furthering actions in hospitals and other healthcare facilities that focus on reducing the risk of harm to patients who receive care in the Nepali healthcare system. This conference provides an important springboard for the development of patient-centered strategies to improve patient safety across a range of patient care environments in public and private sector healthcare institutions

    MUSE-ALMA Halos XI: Gas flows in the circumgalactic medium

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    The flow of gas into and out of galaxies leaves traces in the circumgalactic medium which can then be studied using absorption lines towards background quasars. We analyse 27 log(N_HI) > 18.0 HI absorbers at z = 0.2 to 1.4 from the MUSE-ALMA Halos survey with at least one galaxy counterpart within a line of sight velocity of +/-500 km s^{-1}. We perform 3D kinematic forward modelling of these associated galaxies to examine the flow of dense, neutral gas in the circumgalactic medium. From the VLT/MUSE, HST broadband imaging and VLT/UVES and Keck/HIRES high-resolution UV quasar spectroscopy observations, we compare the impact parameters, star-formation rates and stellar masses of the associated galaxies with the absorber properties. We find marginal evidence for a bimodal distribution in azimuthal angles for strong HI absorbers, similar to previous studies of the MgII and OVI absorption lines. There is no clear metallicity dependence on azimuthal angle and we suggest a larger sample of absorbers are required to fully test the relationship predicted by cosmological hydrodynamical simulations. A case-by-case study of the absorbers reveals that ten per cent of absorbers are consistent with gas accretion, up to 30 per cent trace outflows while the remainder trace gas in the galaxy disk, the intragroup medium and low-mass galaxies below the MUSE detection limit. Our results highlight that the baryon cycle directly affects the dense neutral gas required for star-formation and plays a critical role in galaxy evolution.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures, 12 pages of appendix. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    MUSE-ALMA Haloes IX: Morphologies and Stellar Properties of Gas-rich Galaxies

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    Understanding how galaxies interact with the circumgalactic medium (CGM) requires determining how galaxies morphological and stellar properties correlate with their CGM properties. We report an analysis of 66 well-imaged galaxies detected in HST and VLT MUSE observations and determined to be within ±\pm500 km s1^{-1} of the redshifts of strong intervening quasar absorbers at 0.2z1.40.2 \lesssim z \lesssim 1.4 with H I column densities NHIN_{\rm H I} >> 101810^{18} cm2\rm cm^{-2}. We present the geometrical properties (S\'ersic indices, effective radii, axis ratios, and position angles) of these galaxies determined using GALFIT. Using these properties along with star formation rates (SFRs, estimated using the Hα\alpha or [O II] luminosity) and stellar masses (MM_{*} estimated from spectral energy distribution fits), we examine correlations among various stellar and CGM properties. Our main findings are as follows: (1) SFR correlates well with MM_{*}, and most absorption-selected galaxies are consistent with the star formation main sequence (SFMS) of the global population. (2) More massive absorber counterparts are more centrally concentrated and are larger in size. (3) Galaxy sizes and normalized impact parameters correlate negatively with NHIN_{\rm H I}, consistent with higher NHIN_{\rm H I} absorption arising in smaller galaxies, and closer to galaxy centers. (4) Absorption and emission metallicities correlate with MM_{*} and sSFR, implying metal-poor absorbers arise in galaxies with low past star formation and faster current gas consumption rates. (5) SFR surface densities of absorption-selected galaxies are higher than predicted by the Kennicutt-Schmidt relation for local galaxies, suggesting a higher star formation efficiency in the absorption-selected galaxies.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS, 25 pages, 19 figure

    Corotation Resonance of Non-barred Spiral Galaxies

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    University of Minnesota M.S. thesis.June 2018. Major: Physics. Advisor: Marcus Seigar. 1 computer file (PDF); vii, 70 pages.One of the main assumptions of density wave theory is that it predicts the existence of corotation resonances in spiral galaxies. We have used the multi-band photometric method, as introduced by Puerari & Dottori (1997), to determine the location of the corotation resonance in a sample of 19 non-barred spiral galaxies. The method is based on the Fourier analysis of azimuthal profiles of images of galaxies. Another assumption of density wave theory is the presence of a stellar azimuthal age gradi- ent across spiral arms. This age gradient is formed because of shock-induced star formation in a stellar density wave. The direction of the age gradient switches at the corotation radius. We performed Fourier transformations on the azimuthal profiles of galaxy images and calculated the phase angle for each waveband, B, V, R and I. Then, we plotted the phase angle of every waveband as a function of radius. The radius at which the phase angles cross represents the location of the corotation resonance. We found that 15 out of 19 galaxies have a single phase crossing which denotes the location of a single CR while the remaining 4 galaxies were found to have a corotation region, where more than one phase crossing occurred within a ra- dial range of less than 5 arcseconds. Finally, swing amplification does not predict an age gradient across spiral arms and therefore it does not predict the existence of the corotation resonance. We have found evidence of such age gradients and corotation radii, and we can therefore rule out swing amplification models in favor of quasi-static density wave models. Keywords: galaxies: kinematics and dynamics - galaxies: spiral - galaxies: structure