55 research outputs found

    Path loss characterization for vehicular communications at 700 MHz and 5.9 GHz under LOS and NLOS conditions

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    In this letter, we present a path loss characterization of the vehicular-to-vehicular (V2V) propagation channel. We have assumed a path loss model suitable for vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) simulators. We have investigated the value of the model parameters, categorizing in line-of-sight (LOS) and non-LOS (NLOS) paths. The model parameters have been derived from extensive narrowband channel measurements at 700 MHz and 5.9 GHz. The measurements have been collected in typical expected V2V communications scenarios, i.e., urban, suburban, rural, and highway, for different road traffic densities, speeds, and driven conditions. The results reported here can be used to simulate and design the future vehicular networks.Fernández González, HA.; Rubio Arjona, L.; Rodrigo Peñarrocha, VM.; Reig, J. (2014). Path loss characterization for vehicular communications at 700 MHz and 5.9 GHz under LOS and NLOS conditions. IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters. 13:931-934. doi:10.1109/LAWP.2014.2322261S9319341

    Analysis of Small-Scale Fading Distributions in Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communications

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    [EN] This work analyzes the characteristics of the small-scale fading distribution in vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) channels. The analysis is based on a narrowband channelmeasurements campaign at 5.9GHz designed specifically for that purpose.Themeasurements were carried out in highway and urban environments around the city of Valencia, Spain.Theexperimental distribution of the small-scale fading is compared to several analytical distributions traditionally used to model the fast fading in wireless communications, such as Rayleigh, Nakagami-𝑚,Weibull, Rice, and 𝛼-𝜇 distributions. The parameters of the distributions are derived through statistical inference techniques and their goodness-of-fit is evaluated using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov (K-S) test. Our results show that the 𝛼-𝜇 distribution exhibits a better fit compared to the other distributions, making its use interesting to model the small-scale fading in V2V channels.This work has been funded in part by the Programa Estatal de Fomento de la Investigacion Cientifica y Tecnica de Excelencia del Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad, Spain, TEC2013-47360-C3-3-P, and the Departamento Administrativo de Ciencia, Tecnologia e Innovacion COLCIENCIAS en Colombia.Rodrigo Peñarrocha, VM.; Reig, J.; Rubio Arjona, L.; Fernández González, HA.; Loredo, S. (2016). Analysis of Small-Scale Fading Distributions in Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communications. Mobile Information Systems. 2016:1-7. https://doi.org/10.1155/2016/9584815S17201

    Experimental UWB propagation channel path loss and time-dispersion characterization in a laboratory environment

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    The knowledge of the propagation channel properties is an important issue for a successful design of ultrawideband (UWB) communication systems enabling high data rates in short-range applications. From an indoor measurement campaign carried out in a typical laboratory environment, this paper analyzes the path loss and time-dispersion properties of the UWB channel. Values of the path loss exponent are derived for the direct path and for a Rake receiver structure, examining the maximum multipath diversity gain when an all Rake (ARake) receiver is used. Also, the relationship between time-dispersion parameters and path loss is investigated. The UWB channel transfer function (CTF) was measured in the frequency domain over a channel bandwidth of 7.5GHz in accordance with the UWB frequency range (3.1 10.6GHz).The authors would like to thank the anonymous reviewer for his constructive suggestions and useful comments which have improved the final quality of the paper. This work has been funded in part by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion (TEC-2010-20841-C04-1).Rubio Arjona, L.; Reig, J.; Fernández González, HA.; Rodrigo Peñarrocha, VM. (2013). Experimental UWB propagation channel path loss and time-dispersion characterization in a laboratory environment. International Journal of Antennas and Propagation. 2013:1-7. https://doi.org/10.1155/2013/350167S17201

    Caracterización de las pérdidas de propagación a 700 MHz y 5.9 GHz para comunicaciones vehiculares

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    [EN] This paper presents a path loss characterization of the vehicular-to-vehicular (V2V) propagation channel. We have proposed a linear relationship between the path loss and the logarithm of the transmitter-receiver separation distance. The parameters of the path loss model have been derived from extensive narrowband channel measurements at 700 MHz and 5.9 GHz. The measurements have been collected in typical expected V2V communications scenarios, i.e., urban, suburban, rural and highway, for different road traffic densities, speed and driven conditions. Values of the path loss exponent for a 95 % confidence interval are reported.Fernández González, HA.; Rodrigo Peñarrocha, VM.; Reig, J.; Rubio Arjona, L. (2014). Caracterización de las pérdidas de propagación a 700 MHz y 5.9 GHz para comunicaciones vehiculares. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/54433

    Caracterización de las pérdidas de propagación en el canal de radio V2V para un escenario suburbano

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    El diseño de los futuros sistemas de comunicaciones vehiculares ha centrado la atención de la comunidad científica, los organismos de estandarización y fabricantes de vehículos durante estos últimos años como consecuenciade la introducción de los denominados sistemas de transporte inteligente y el gran potencial que tienen para mejorar las condiciones de seguridad en las carreteras, teniendo como propósito reducir el número de accidentes de tráfico y facilitar el flujo vehicular. Para diseñar, evaluar y optimizar las aplicaciones de los sistemas de transporte inteligente orientadas a la seguridad vehicular y basadas en sistemas de comunicaciones inalámbricos, es de vital importancia el conocimiento de las características del canal de propagación, en particular las pérdidas básicas de propagación. En este sentido, en el presente artículo se analizan las pérdidas de propagación en función de la distancia de separación entre los vehículos transmisor (Tx) y receptor (Rx). Con base en una campaña de medidas realizada a 700 MHz y 5,9 GHz en un entorno suburbano, de elevada densidad de tráfico rodado, se presentan resultados sobre el rango de variación del exponente de pérdidas y las características de desvanecimiento o variabilidad temporal de la señal recibida. Los resultados son comparados con otros estudios publicados en la literatura

    Resting state functional MRI reveals abnormal network connectivity in orthostatic tremor.

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    Very little is known about the pathogenesis of orthostatic tremor (OT). We have observed that OT patientsmight have deficits in specific aspects of neuropsychological function, particularly those thought to rely on the integrity of the prefrontal cortex, which suggests a possible involvement of frontocerebellar circuits. We examined whether resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) might provide further insights into the pathogenesis on OT. Resting-state fMRI data in 13 OT patients (11 women and 2 men) and 13 matched healthy controls were analyzed using independent component analysis, in combination with a “dual-regression” technique, to identify group differences in several resting-state networks (RSNs). All participants also underwent neuropsychological testing during the same session. Relative to healthy controls, OT patients showed increased connectivity in RSNs involved in cognitive processes (default mode network [DMN] and frontoparietal networks), and decreased connectivity in the cerebellumand sensorimotor networks.Changes in network integrity were associated not onlywith duration (DMN and medial visual network), but also with cognitive function. Moreover, in at least 2 networks (DMN and medial visual network), increased connectivity was associated with worse performance on different cognitive domains (attention, executive function, visuospatial ability, visual memory, and language). In this exploratory study, we observed selective impairments ofRSNs inOT patients. This and other future resting-state fMRI studiesmight provide a novelmethod to understand the pathophysiological mechanisms of motor and nonmotor features of OT.post-print571 K

    Cognitive and Neuropsychiatric Features of Orthostatic Tremor: A Case-Control Comparison.

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    Introduction Evidence suggests that the cerebellum could play a role in the pathophysiology of orthostatic tremor. The link between orthostatic tremor and the cerebellum is of interest, especially in light of the role the cerebellum plays in cognition, and it raises the possibility that orthostatic tremor patients could have cognitive deficits consistent with cerebellar dysfunction. Our aim was to examine whether orthostatic tremor patients had cognitive deficits and distinct personality profiles when compared with matched controls. Methods Sixteen consecutive orthostatic tremor patients (65.7 ± 13.3 years) and 32 healthy matched controls underwent a neuropsychological battery and the Personality Assessment Inventory. In linear regression models, the dependent variable was each one of the neuropsychological test scores or the Personality Assessment Inventory subscales and the independent variable was orthostatic tremor vs. control. Results Adjusted for age in years, sex, years of education, comorbidity index, current smoker, and depressive symptoms, diagnosis (orthostatic tremor vs. healthy control) was associated with poor performance on tests of executive function, visuospatial ability, verbal memory, visual memory, and language tests, and on a number of the Personality Assessment Inventory subscales (somatic concerns, anxiety related disorders, depression, and antisocial features). Older-onset OT (> 60 years) patients had poorer scores on cognitive and personality testing compared with their younger-onset OT counterparts. Conclusion Orthostatic tremor patients have deficits in specific aspects of neuropsychological functioning, particularly those thought to rely on the integrity of the prefrontal cortex, which suggests involvement of frontocerebellar circuits. Cognitive impairment and personality disturbances could be disease-associated nonmotor manifestations of orthostatic tremor.pre-print426 K

    Experience about positive development program through outdoor activities

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    Las actividades físicas en el medio natural son un contexto privilegiado para contribuir al desarro-llo positivo de los adolescentes. El objetivo de la comunicación es presentar una experiencia en la que se ha diseñado, aplicado y evaluado un programa de desarrollo positivo en adolescentes, basado en el modelo de responsabilidad de Helli-son y en la pedagogía de la aventura, para pro-mover el desarrollo de competencias relativas al desarrollo personal y social, así como competen-cias profesionales, propias del alumnado que cursa el ciclo formativo de conducción de activi-dades físico-deportivas en el medio natural.Outdoor physical activities are an excellent context for fostering students’ positive development. This paper presents an activity that desinged, implemented and evaluate a positive development program for teenagers based on Hellison’s model of responsibility and adventure pedagogy to work personal and social competences, with students training to lead ourdoor physical and sporting activitie

    Desarrollo de líneas experimentales para su aplicación en los Trabajos de Fin de Grado en Química

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    Desde el punto de vista académico, los Trabajos Fin de Grado en Ciencias Químicas se presentan como proyectos experimentales relacionados con problemas reales, orientados a progresar en conocimientos y fortalecer competencias adquiridas, convirtiéndose en claves del currículo para el mundo profesional. Se abordan una serie de proyectos de laboratorio como una aproximación más realista al aprendizaje integral. La metodología docente propuesta favorece la búsqueda de información, pensamiento crítico, superación continua y éxito de los estudiantes, similar a la que se realiza en el mundo real, estimulando su interés y motivación durante el proceso de aprendizaje.Des del punt de vista acadèmic, els Treballs Fi de Grau en Ciències Químiques es presenten com a projectes experimentals relacionats amb problemes reals, orientats a progressar en coneixements i enfortir competències adquirides, convertint-se en claus del currículum per al món professional. S'aborden una sèrie de projectes integrals de laboratori com una aproximació més realista a l'aprenentatge integral. La metodologia docent proposta afavoreix la busca d'informació, pensament crític, superació contínua i èxit dels estudiants, semblant a la què es realitza en el món real, estimulant el seu interès i motivació durant el procés d'aprenentatge.From the academic point of view, the bachelor thesis in Chemistry is presented as a project based on a real problem. The goal is to progress in strengthening knowledge and skills already acquired. This is a key element for the students curricula related to their integration into the professional world. A comprehensive series of laboratory projects have been developed as a more realistic approach to the concept of integral learning. Teaching methodology promotes information searching, critical thinking, continuous improvement and success. The procedure is performed in conditions close to the real world, stimulating interest and motivation during the learning process

    Super‐Heroes: values education

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    Los Superheroes es un juego de rol en vivo que introduce a los participantes en un mundo imaginario, con la finalidad de contribuir en su proceso de humanización, mediante a la adopción de una opinión crítica sobre el papel de los ciudadanos ante los problemas mundiales. Los retos cooperativos, los juegos de ingenio o los juegos de habilidad, son algunos de las actividades que se aplican durante el desarrollo del juego.Super-heroes is live role playing game drives players into an imaginary world with the aim of contribute to their process of humanization, through the setting of critical opinion in global problmes in the role of citizens. Cooperative challenges or skill games are some of the activities that players have to overcome along the game