39 research outputs found

    Peran Kontrol Diri sebagai Prediktor Perilaku Mengemudi Agresif pada Pengemudi Mobil di Jakarta

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    Many things can cause traffic accident, including the driver behaviour. Aggressive drivingbehaviour is associated with the risk of traffic accident. Aggressive driving behaviour usuallypredicted by external factors, such as other driver’s attitude or gesture that could trigger anger.However, aggressive driving behaviour could also be shown in a situation where there is no otherdriver, for example when someone drive with a high speed in an empty traffic. This means, internalfactor, associated with the ability of the drivers to control themselves, can also contribute toaggressive driving behaviour. This study aims to investigate the role of self-control in predictingaggressive driving behaviour in car driver, specifically in Jakarta. The result from linearaggression analysis shows that self-control significantly predicted aggressive driving behaviourin car drivers in Jakarta. The coefficient is negative, showing that higher self-control determineslower aggressive driving behaviour, and lower self-control determines higher aggressive drivingbehaviour. Practical implications, limitations of the study, and recommendation for future studyare discussed

    Stigma terhadap Orang dengan Gangguan Mental: Pengaruh informasi status gangguan mental terhadap penilaian daya tarik fisik pada mahasiswi S1 Psikologi

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh informasi tentang status gangguan mental terhadap penilaian daya tarik fisik pada mahasiswi S1 Psikologi, dengan sampel mahasiswi S1 Fakultas Psikologi Unika Atma Jaya. Penelitian menggunakan metode randomized pretest-posttest control group design dengan teknik kontrol blocking. Pemberian pretest-posttest menggunakan visual analogue scale dilakukan untuk mengukur penilaian partisipan atas daya tarik fisik objektif dan subjektif dari model laki-laki yang ditampilkan melalui foto. Di kelompok eksperimen (n=31, Mean usia=20,48, SD=1,18), partisipan diberikan informasi yang menunjukkan bahwa model memiliki gangguan mental skizofrenia, sedangkan di kelompok kontrol (n=32, Mean usia=20,59, SD=1,13), partisipan diberikan informasi yang menunjukkan bahwa model sehat secara mental. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa informasi status gangguan mental berpengaruh secara signifikan pada penilaian daya tarik fisik secara objektif (U=405.000, n1=31, n2=32, p<0,05) dan subjektif (U=116.000, n1=31, n2=32, p<0,05). Pada post-test, skor daya tarik fisik model menurun secara signifikan pada kelompok eksperimen dibandingkan dengan kelompok kontrol, baik secara objektif maupun subjektif. Ini menunjukkan bahwa mereka yang mempelajari ilmu Psikologi tidak sepenuhnya dapat memandang individu dengan gangguan mental secara netral dalam konteks yang personal, dalam hal ini ketertarikan fisik dalam konteks romantis. Studi lanjutan pada topik ini masih diperlukan

    A step toward bridging the mental health gap using the internet:Internet interventions for common mental health disorders in low and middle income countries, and treating depression in Indonesia

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    Depression is a leading contributor to the global burden of disease, including in low and middle income countries (LMICs), where the prevalence is reported to be around 4.2%. However, treatment availability is far from ideal in LMICs, known as the mental health gap (World Health Organization). Indonesia is one of these LMICs. The need to improve treatment availability for mental health problems in Indonesia is widely recognized. Because Indonesia is an archipelago, mental health facilities are unequally distributed. Therefore, innovative strategies to address the mental health gap and improve access to treatment in Indonesia and other LMICs need to be developed, including use of technology in combination with delivery by non-specialists to facilitate access. Guided Act and Feel Indonesia (GAF-ID) is an internet-based intervention for depression that is guided by trained lay counselors and based on a treatment protocol for behavioral activation that has been adapted to the Indonesian context. In a randomized clinical trial, we investigated the effectiveness of internet-based behavioural activation with lay counselor support compared to online minimal psychoeducation without support for depression in 313 participants in Indonesia. Depressive symptoms were significantly lower over 10 weeks and chance of remission was 50% higher in the GAF-ID group than in the online psychoeducation group. The effect was sustained over time – with an effect size 0·27 at 6 months. This may open up new ways to bridge the mental health gap in LMICs

    Relational Maintenance Behavior as a Predictor of Marital Satisfaction in Commuter Marriage

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    This study aims to examine the predictive role of Relationship Maintenance Behavior and its strategies (positivity, understanding, self-disclosure, relationship talk, assurances, sharing tasks, social network) on marriage satisfaction among commuter marriage couples. Instruments used included the Relational Maintenance Behavior (self-reported and partner-reported) to see the use of RMB strategies, and the Relationship Assessment Scale (RAS) to see the marriage satisfaction. Data were collected from 152 individuals who participated in commuter marriage, aged below 38, and have been married for less than 13 years (the adjusting type). Finding reveals that both the use of Relationship Maintenance Behavior and perception of partner’s use of Relationship Maintenance Behavior significantly predict marriage satisfaction in commuter marriage. Specifically, the Relationship Maintenance strategy that significantly predicts marital satisfaction is positivity, and the Relationship Maintenance strategies used by the partner that significantly predict marital satisfaction are shared task and positivity

    Prediktor Kualitas Hidup pada Musisi

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    Musical activities carried out by musicians can bring benefits but can also cause discomfort to theextent of causing mental health problems. This condition in general can be reflected through thequality of life of the musicians. The participants of this study were 70 musicians with the agerange of 18-47 years old (Mean=27.94, SD=6.73), and was obtained through accidental sampling.This study aims to examine the predictor role of sex, age, music playing duration, music educationduration, and length of practice per day, on the quality of life of the musicians. Multiple regressionanalysis showed significant results (R2=0.185, F(5,64)=2.907, p<0.05). Predictors thatspecifically significant predicting the quality of life of the musicians are sex, age, and musiceducation duration. Male musicians were reported having a higher quality of life (Mean=89.97,SD=12.60) than the female musicians (Mean=83.97, SD=8.48). The higher the musicians' agesand education duration also predict the higher quality of life. The limitations of this research andrecommendations for further research development are discussed in the discussion part

    Acceptability of internet-based interventions for depression in Indonesia

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    Background: In Indonesia, internet-based interventions may represent a promising strategy to reduce the mental health gap given that the level of internet usage in the country continues to increase. To check the acceptability of internet-based interventions, this study investigates factors that contribute to the use of internet-based interventions for depression in Indonesia. Method: The survey was conducted online and had 904 participants recruited from specific social networks on mental health and general social media (Mean age = 27.07, 50.22% females). The three dependent variables were (1) behavioral intention to start using internet-based interventions for depression, (2) preference to use it as a substitute for regular treatments and (3) preference to use it to complement regular treatments. The predictor variables included sociodemographic characteristics, perceived mental health conditions, personal situational characteristics, personal innovativeness toward online services, and depression level. Results: A large majority reported to be open to using internet-based interventions for depression (73.7%), as well as to use it as a substitution (73.3%) or as a complementary (73%) to regular treatments. Personal innovativeness toward online services was the strongest significant predictor for all types of use, even when corrected for current depression level. When added to the analyses separately, depression level was the second strongest predictive factor for all dependent variables. Conclusion: The majority of Indonesians showed openness to use internet-based interventions for depression. To increase the adoption of internet-based interventions for depression, it is important to first promote internet usage to more people across the country, especially for those who are currently depressed

    Explaining the Efficacy of an Internet-Based Behavioral Activation Intervention for Major Depression:A Mechanistic Study of a Randomized-Controlled Trial

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    Background: Behavioral activation is an effective treatment for depression that is theorized to facilitate structured increases in enjoyable activities that increase opportunities for contact with positive reinforcement; to date, however, only few mechanistic studies focused on a standalone intervention. Method: Interventions using internet-based behavioral activation or psychoeducation were compared based on data from a randomized-controlled trial of 313 patients with major depressive disorder. Activation level and depression were measured fortnightly (baseline, Weeks 2, 4, 6, 8, 10), using the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 and the Behavioral Activation for Depression Scale-Short Form, respectively. Analysis was performed to determine if a change in activation level mediated treatment efficacy. Results: Latent growth modeling showed that internet-based behavioral activation treatment significantly reduced depressive symptoms from baseline to the end of treatment (standardized coefficient = −.13, p = .017) by increasing the rate of growth in the activation level (mediated effect)

    Guided Act and Feel Indonesia (GAF-ID) – Internet-based behavioral activation intervention for depression in Indonesia: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

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    Background: Depression is a leading cause of disease burden across the world. However, in low-middle income countries (LMICs), access to mental health services is severely limited because of the insufficient number of mental health professionals available. The WHO initiated the Mental Health Gap Action Program (mhGAP) aiming to provide a coherent strategy for closing the gap between what is urgently needed and what is available in LMICs. Internet-based treatment is a promising strategy that can be made available to a large number of people now that Internet access is increasing rapidly throughout the world. The present study will investigate whether such an Internet-based treatment for depression is effective in Indonesia.  Methods: An Internet-based behavioral activation treatment, with support by lay counselors who will provide online feedback on the assignments and supportive phone contact to encourage participants to work in the program (Guided Act and Feel Indonesia/GAF-ID), is compared to an online-delivered minimal psychoeducation without any support (psychoeducation/PE). Initial assessment for inclusion is based on a Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) score of at least 10 and meeting criteria for major depressive disorder or persistent depressive disorder as assessed using the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-5 (SCID-5). Participants with depression (N=312) will be recruited and randomly assigned to GAF-ID or PE. Overall assessments will be done at baseline, post intervention (10 weeks from baseline) and follow-ups (3 months and 6 months from baseline). The primary outcome is the reduction of depression symptoms as measured by the PHQ-9 after 10 weeks from baseline.  Discussion: To our knowledge, this is the first study in Indonesia that examines the effectiveness of an Internet-based intervention for depression in a randomized controlled trial. The hope is that it can serve as a starting point for bridging the mental health gap in Indonesia and other LMICs. Trial registration: Nederlands Trial Register ( www.trialregister.nl ): NTR5920 , registered on 1 July 2016