7 research outputs found


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    The purpose of this study is to find out the performance of graduates of Vocational High School competency expertise in engineering light vehicle that has been worked  in the automotive industry, also analyzed the relationship of school accreditation, UKK value and duration of working with performance. The research was held in April 2014 in Surabaya City with the sample in the automotive industry sole agent were 43 graduates of non automotive industry sole agent as much as 59 graduates and use descriptive research as well as quantitative tracer studies. The process of data retrieval  using a questionnaire which has been validated by an experts and scholars have conducted trials to determine the reliability of the instrument and the data were analyzed using multiple regression analyses with normal qualify, linearity, multicollinearity and heteroscedasticity. The results showed satisfactory the performance of vocational graduates. Based on the industry's in graduate work at the automotive industry sole agent better than non automotive industry sole agent. Accreditation of schools does not have a relationship with the performance, because the company accreditation is only use during the initial selection or administration, where the origin graduates accounted for only 10% of a person's success and 90% coming from the rest the quality of individual. UKK score and duration of  work has a significant relationship with performance and Vocational High School graduates, as well as all independent variables together research related to performance. UKK score associated with the performance and capabilities due to an embodiment of the base that is owned by someone, if  its basic capabilities is the ability to both receive and manage information / knowledge would also be good. The duration of work is more dominant due to factors related to the performance of repetitive activities so without realizing that they have received a learning process and settle in their mindset. Keywords: Performance, Accreditation, UKK, the Old Works


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    The purpose of this study is to find out the performance of graduates of Vocational High School competency expertise in engineering light vehicle that has been worked  in the automotive industry, also analyzed the relationship of school accreditation, UKK value and duration of working with performance. The research was held in April 2014 in Surabaya City with the sample in the automotive industry sole agent were 43 graduates of non automotive industry sole agent as much as 59 graduates and use descriptive research as well as quantitative tracer studies. The process of data retrieval  using a questionnaire which has been validated by an experts and scholars have conducted trials to determine the reliability of the instrument and the data were analyzed using multiple regression analyses with normal qualify, linearity, multicollinearity and heteroscedasticity. The results showed satisfactory the performance of vocational graduates. Based on the industry's in graduate work at the automotive industry sole agent better than non automotive industry sole agent. Accreditation of schools does not have a relationship with the performance, because the company accreditation is only use during the initial selection or administration, where the origin graduates accounted for only 10% of a person's success and 90% coming from the rest the quality of individual. UKK score and duration of  work has a significant relationship with performance and Vocational High School graduates, as well as all independent variables together research related to performance. UKK score associated with the performance and capabilities due to an embodiment of the base that is owned by someone, if  its basic capabilities is the ability to both receive and manage information / knowledge would also be good. The duration of work is more dominant due to factors related to the performance of repetitive activities so without realizing that they have received a learning process and settle in their mindset. Keywords: Performance, Accreditation, UKK, the Old Works

    Pengaruh Latihan Plyometric terhadap Kemampuan Smash Bolavoli

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    Penelitian bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuuan smash bolavoli, jenis penelitian inidalah eksperimen dengan cara penarikan sampel purposive sampling dengan ketentuan siswa ekstrakuler bolavoli SMAN 8 Padang berusia 14-17 tahun yang masih aktif latihan,keaktifan dalam melakukan latihan 3 kali seminggu,sanggup mengikuti seluruh program latihan yang telah disusun selama 16 kali pertemuan,tidak melakukan tuntutan/menuntut apabila sesuatu terjadi pada sampel selama program latihan di jalankan jenis kelamin laki-laki, sampel berjumlah 13 siswa, sedangkan untuk intrumens latihan plyometric dan menggunakaan uji t untuk analisis data. Dari penelitian yang sudah dilakukan maka didapat hasil latihan plyometric berpengaruh terhadap kemampuan smash bolavol

    Analisa Proses Perpindahan Panas Konveksi Pada Mesin Pengering Rempah-Rempah Otomatis

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    Perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi saat ini dibutuhkan untuk memberikan solusi yang tepat dari permasalahan yang ada, terutama dalam bidang industri. Saat ini penggunaan teknologi pada industri makanan dan minuman telah berkembang begitu pesat. Inovasi mesin-mesin produksi mulai bermunculan dengan tujuan agar proses produksi lebih efektif dan efisien. Bahan dari mesin produksi berbasis foodgrade menjadi suatu hal penting jika dikaitkan dengan proses produksi makanan dan minuman, salah satunya adalah stainless steel, selain telah memenuhi standart foodgrade, stailess steel juga merupakan bahan dengan penghantar kalor yang baik. Fokus pada penelitian ini adalah  menganalisa perpindahan panas konveksi pada mesin pengering rempah-rempah otomatis, mesin ini digunakan dalam proses produksi jamu. Uji coba mesin pengering otomatis menggunakan beban yang berupa rempah- rempah seberat 10 kg. Pengambilan data pada proses uji coba dilakukan selama 2 jam. Dimulai saat pertama kali mesin dinyalakan dan kontrol suhu diaktifkan dengan batasan suhu maksimal 70℃. Berdasarkan hasil eksperimen diperoleh bahwa energi yang dibutuhkan mesin agar bisa mencapai suhu 68°C adalah 2.428,2 KJ