1,182 research outputs found

    How Does Positive Work-Related Stress Affect the Degree of Innovation Development?

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    Many studies sustain that work-related stress exerts pervasive consequences on the employees’ levels of performance, productivity, and wellbeing. However, it remains unclear whether certain levels of stress might lead to positive outcomes regarding employees’ innovativeness. Hence, this paper examines how the five dimensions of work-related stress impact on the employees’ levels of innovation performance. To this aim, this study focused on a sample of 1487 employees from six Italian companies. To test the research hypotheses under assessment, we relied on the use of the partial least squares (PLS) technique. Our results reveal that, in summary, the stressors job autonomy, job demands, and role ambiguity exert a positive and significant impact on the employees’ levels of innovativeness. However, this study failed to find evidence that the supervisors’ support–innovation and colleagues’ support–innovation links are not statistically significant. View Full-Tex

    Proteomic analysis of s-nitrosated proteins

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    Safeguarding Health at the Workplace: A Study of Work Engagement, Authenticity and Subjective Wellbeing among Religious Workers

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    : Research in work and organizational psychology has paid little attention to religious workers, something certainly surprising as faith-based organizations play a key role in the welfare state of many countries. This research shows that religious workers in a Catholic order present a high degree of subjective wellbeing, both in terms of flourishing and satisfaction with life in general, and a positive balance of positive and negative feelings. More specifically, this study examines the relationship between authenticity and wellbeing amongst religious workers. Survey responses from 142 religious workers in Spain were analyzed using partial least squares path modelling. The results reveal that subjective wellbeing at work is positively related to authenticity. In addition, this relationship is mediated by their level of work engagement

    The Subjective Well-Being Challenge in the Accounting Profession: The Role of Job Resources

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    The main activity of the accountant is the preparation and audit of the financial information of a company. The subjective well-being of the accountant is important to ensure a balanced professional judgment and to offer a positive image of the profession in the face of the incorporation and retention of talent. However, accountants are subjected to intense pressures that affect their well-being in the performance of their tasks. In this paper, the job demands–resources theoretical framework is adopted to analyze the relationships between job demands, job resources, and the subjective well-being of a large sample of 739 accounting experts at the European level. Applying a structural equations model, the results confirm, on the one hand, the direct effects provided in the theoretical framework and, on the other, a new mediating role of job demands–subjective well-being relationship resources

    Inquiry based learning: why buying a car with a tree included? Enhancing science and mathematic learning

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    International reports reveal a deficient situation in relation to science and mathematics learning, which can be considered as an obstacle for the education of literate and informed citizens and the qualification and the preparation of future scientists and engineers. This situation may be partly attributed to the way science and mathematics are taught at school. Research on effective teaching approaches shows that inquiry based learning (IBL) improves students’ engagement and motivation for science and mathematics learning and promotes the development of process skills, critical thinking and conceptual understanding of some science and mathematics topics. The present work describes the design and implementation of an instructional approach for enhancing science and mathematics learning through IBL. The instructional approach is based on the design of an interdisciplinary task which starts by challenging students through the analysis of an advertisement. The initial scenario engages students in an investigation process to look for evidence and understanding while acquiring meaningful learning of key science topics and mathematical tools. The task also takes advantage of current technological resources to facilitate and support the overall inquiry process. (Orig.

    La estabilidad laboral en Andalucía: un análisis comparado entre hombres y mujeres mediante un modelo de regresión logística

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    Desde los años 70 se han producido cambios en el mercado de trabajo que han creado el clima apripuado para incitar a las organizaciones y los trabajadores a demandar mayor flexibilidad en el empleo. En este contexto, el empleo temporal ha sido objetivo de numerosas investigaciones y los contratos temporales han sido empleados como herramientas para conseguir flexibilidad laboral.Discriminación por sexo, empleo temporal, modelos de regresión logística.

    Understanding the implementation of airbnb in urban contexts: Towards a categorization of european cities

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    The sharing economy has experienced exponential growth in recent years, especially in the short-term rentals (STRs) tourist accommodation sector. This growth has caused disruptive effects in rural and urban contexts, especially in highly touristic cities. These effects can be both positive and negative, revitalizing certain areas and bringing about tension in the socioeconomic fabric. Today, Airbnb is considered the paradigm of this sharing economy model and the STR industry leader. However, as this study suggests, on many occasions the implementation of Airbnb exhibits more of a traditional economic business model than a collaborative economic business model. Through hierarchical cluster analysis, this study identifies different groups of European cities according to the degree of professionalization of Airbnb implementation in their territory. The goal is to find similar patterns in the Airbnbisation process in major European cities, as the social, economic, and spatial impacts of various typologies are very different and even contrary. By understanding and identifying such different models implemented in each territory, better policies can be informed, and more adapted strategies can be pursued by local governments and the tourism industry

    Using Bibliometric Methods to Shed Light on the Concept of Sustainable Tourism

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    The publication of the Brundtland report in 1987 introduced the concept of sustainable development, placing “sustainability” as a unifying idea for all academic disciplines. Consequently, in the tourism sector, sustainable tourism emerged as a new approach to research in the field. Since then, the body of literature on sustainable tourism has only increased, as has the discussion around the conceptual structure of sustainable tourism among academics and professionals. The aim of the study is to complement this theoretical discussion with an inductive approach to the limits of the conceptual structure of sustainable tourism. To do so, we identify the main research topics in the field and their evolution in the past 32 years through bibliometric methods such as evaluative techniques, relational techniques, and visualization of bibliometric data techniques using the VOSviewer program. The results of the study reflect that the sustainable tourism has reached a complexity that is reflected in its current polyhedral content to function as a conceptual umbrella. In addition, it demonstrates that the bibliometric analysis is an adequate and useful methodology for academics and professionals involved in the academic debate around this field of knowledge

    Promoting effective collaboration and critical learners through ICT

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    El presente trabajo describe una experiencia innovadora en Educación Superior, encaminada a formar a individuos capaces de gestionar su propio aprendizaje y de buscar, seleccionar y analizar críticamente información, valorando la fiabilidad y el rigor científico de ésta. Así mismo, la experiencia implica trabajar en equipo para la consecución colaborativa de una meta común, combinando la responsabilidad personal con la colectiva y experimentando el enriquecimiento derivado de la co-evaluación y la retroalimentación constructiva. La planificación, tutela, desarrollo y evaluación de todo el proceso se apoya en el uso de las TIC

    A Continuation Method for Weakly Kannan Maps

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    The first continuation method for contractive maps in the setting of a metric space was given by Granas. Later, Frigon extended Granas theorem to the class of weakly contractive maps, and recently Agarwal and O'Regan have given the corresponding result for a certain type of quasicontractions which includes maps of Kannan type. In this note we introduce the concept of weakly Kannan maps and give a fixed point theorem, and then a continuation method, for this class of maps