90 research outputs found

    Integration of magnetic residuals,derivates and located euler deconvolution for structural and geologic mapping of parts of the precambrian gneisses of Ago-Iwoye, Southwestern Nigeria

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    Ground based magnetic survey conducted between longitude 06O 55I 51IIN –06O 55I 54IIN and latitude 03O 52I 06IIE –03O 52I 4.8IIE (Olabisi Onabanjo University) remarkably revealed a consistent subsurface NW -SE structural azimuth of localized discontinuities within the shallowly buried heterogeneous basement rocks, which at exposed locations are composed of strongly foliated granite gneiss and migmatite-gneiss with veins and veinlets principally orientated in NNW –SSE direction.Magnetic survey of the area was preceded by site inspection to avoid metallic objects interferences. Field procedure in the area involved Cartesian gridding, base station establishment, data acquisition at gridded points, and repeated bihourly diurnal checksat the base station. At the processing stage, diurnal variation effect was aptly removed before subjection to Kriging (gridding). The gridded data was then prepared as input for Forward Fourier Filter Transform (FFT), which upon definition and implementation enabled Butterworth filtering of isolated ringing effects, reduction to the equator (RTE) for geomagnetic correction, and the use of Gaussian and Upward Continuation filtering for regional magnetic intensity trend determination. Removal of the regional magnetic intensity (RMI) from the total magnetic intensity (TMI) resulted in the derivation of the residual anomaly. Enhancement filters adopted for better resolution of the residual magnetic gradient include analytical signal (AS), tilt-angle derivative (TDR), vertical derivative deconvolution (VDD), and the first vertical derivatives (FVD).TMI and RMI values range between 32925nT –33050nT and 32935nT –333050nT respectively, while the residual gradient ranges between 15nT/m and10nT/m; AS ranges between 0.28nT/m and4.1nT/m; and TDR ranges from-1.4nT/m to 1.4nT/m. Source depth calculation estimated from power spectrum analysis and Euler deconvolution ranges between 1m and15m. Composite overlay of magnetic maps revealed jointed and faulted zones within the area; exhibiting a NW-SE principal azimuth of Liberian orogenic impress, which are in consistence with the foliation direction of the jagged foliated bedrock with an estimated maximum overburden of about 15m.The structural significance of this area as a prospective hydro-geological centre, and as an undesirable spot for high-rise building has been accurately evaluated from research findings. Application of integrated geophysical approach, complemented by detailed geological studies may furnish greater information about the subsurface structural architecture.Keywords:Gneisses; Ground Magnetic Surveying;RTE;Structural discontinuities;TDR.1INTRODUCTIONStructuralmapping is an integral part of geologic surveys. It involves measurements, analyses, interpretation and recognition of geometrical features (structures) generated by rock deformations [1]. These structures often serve as fountains of environmental challenges or unparalleled opportunities depending on their modesof occurrences, which in most cases are imminently controlled by the dynamic interplay of differential stress distributions within the earth interior. In line with the principle of uniformitarianism, a broad understanding about Earth’s paleo processes and internal workingsare deductible from the various deformation types for diverse applications. Deductible inferences from brittle deformationsinclude the kinematics of crustal blocks, orientation of principal axes of regional and local stresses, and geometry. Deeper insights indeep seated stresses, regional movements and block motions are obtainable from ductile deformations

    Robust linear classifier for unequal cost ratios of misclassification

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    This paper focuses on the robust classification procedures when the assumption of equal cost of misclassification is violated. A normal distribution based data set is generated using the Statistical Analysis System (SAS) version 9.1. Using Barlett's approximation to chi-square, the data set was found to be homogenous and was subjected to three linear classifiers namely: Maximum Likelihood Discriminant Function (MLDF), Fisher's linear Discriminant Function and Distance Based Discriminant Function. To Judge the performances of these procedures, the Apparent Error Rates for each procedure is obtained for different cost ratios 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 1:4 and 1:5 and sample sizes 5:5, 10:10, 20:20, 30:30, and 50:50. The results shows that the three procedures are insensitive to cost ratio exceeding ratio 1:2 and that MLDF was observed as robust discriminant function among classification functions considered


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    Inflation measure is an important indicator of the state of an economy and the desire to determine it ahead of “time” cannot be overemphasised. This paper presents a step-by-step algorithm to predict the would-be monthly inflation rate of the Nigerian economy, using Kalman Filtering Predictor (KFP). The ordinary structural model for a time series (structTS) is highlighted to “fairly” compete against our proposed KFP. The structTS is a powerful “competitor”, it is in recommended R package “stats” and used for fitting basic structural models to “univariate” time series. It is quite reliable and fast, and is used as a benchmark in some comparisons of filtering techniques, it is indeed the “predictor” to “beat”, yet our proposed KFP has more to “offer”. The pertinent statistics and pictorial representation of the results obtained, through both techniques, is highlighted for any “incorruptible” judge’s perusal. All of these are contained in the couple of illustrative examples that exhibit the steps involved in the proposed algorithm, using a hypothetical monthly inflation rate and the monthly inflation rates data (January, 2011 to June, 2014) of the Nigerian economy.     &nbsp

    Geophysical assessment of subsurface conditions at proposed building sites: implications for foundation failure and building collapse

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    Building collapse has been a recurrent environmental hazard in Nigeria in the last two decades. This is a corollary of inadequate foundation investigation prior to construction, poor government policies, and general lack of awareness on the importance of geophysical and geotechnical investigations. In this study, geological mapping and detailed geophysical investigation using Electrical Resistivity Imaging (ERI) and Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) were carried out to understand the suitability of proposed building sites at the main campus of the Olabisi Onabanjo University (OOU), Ago-Iwoye, Nigeria for construction. Both Wenner array and dipole-dipole were used for profiling and Schlumberger for sounding. Four transverses and VES were used in each of the three areas investigated. Our results show that the subsurface of the study areas is underlain by Precambrian basement rock of Nigeria. Rocks in the study area include banded gneiss, porphyroblastic gneiss, biotite-hornblende granite and quartzite schist. The sounding stations across the three areas and 2D resistivity imaging revealed three principal geoelectric layers, the topsoil, the weathered layer and the fractured/fresh basement with varied resistivity values for each layers. At the VES stations, the three geoelectric layers have resistivity values of 62 to 1182 Ωm, 3.2 to 1360Ωm and 87 to 4680 Ωm. On the 2D resistivity imaging profiles, the resistivity of the three layers varies from 2 to 1182 Ωm, 30to 1360 Ωm, and 40 to 2904 Ωm for the topsoil, the weathered basement, and fractured/fresh bedrock. Our work demonstrates that some of the proposed sites are structurally incompetent for engineering or foundation purposes. Excavation of the topsoil and reinforcement are required to sustain the proposed structures

    Abundances of Nitrates and Coliform with Regards to Water Quality. In Some Parts of lbadan, Southwest, Nigeria.

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    Water pollution has been reported throughout the world and Nigeria is not an exception. A very wide range of pollutants have been recognized, including Nitrogen species and bacteria. Nitrate (NO.) is the main form of Nitrogen which occurs in water and is becoming increasingly widespread because of agriculture activities, the disposal of sewage and wastes. This study thus focused on the assessment of the water samples in Ibadan, .Southwest, Nigeria based on these two pollutants (NO,) and. Colform) and possibility of natural denitrification in the study area. The surface and groundwater in Ibadan h:w e been polluted by municipal, industrial wastewater, agricultural activities among others. 1 he nitrate and coliform concentrations at thirty sampling points with in Tbadan ranged from 5.89 to 250mg/l and 74-IOOOcfu/ lOOmg/1 respectively. The concentration of nitrate and califom1 exceeded the WHO limit of I Omg/1 and Ocfu/ lOOmg!r'in 93% and 1OQ% of the sampled locations respectively. High nitrate and califom1 ·levels were observed in water from wells from the undeveloped part of the smdv area. The decrease in nitrate concentration viz a viz an increase in both HCO,- and pH along the groundwater flow direction confirmed the possibility of nitrate removal or natural denitrification in the study area

    Histological Integrity of the Frontal Cortex of Rat Model Treated with Aqueous Extract of Neem Leaf and Oil

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    The study was carried out to investigate some of the effects of Aqueous Extract of Neem leaves and Neem Oil on the histological integrity of the Frontal Lobe of Male Adult Wistar Rats Brain. Thirty Adult Male Wistar Rats were used weighing between 190-200 g. They were randomly divided into three groups. Group A control; received 1ml of Phosphate buffered saline, Group B received 0.6 ml of neem oil and Group C received 300 mg/kg of aqueous extract of neem leaves once daily for 30 days of experimental period. The animals were sacrificed by cervical dislocation. The frontal lobes was excised and fixed in 10 % formal calcium for histological processing using Haematoxylin and Eosin for histo-architectural study and Cresyl violet for Nissl body. The Neurons and Nissl substances in the experimental groups were larger and hyper chromic to H&E and CFV stains while the Nissl bodies in the neurons of the control group were normochromic to H&E and CFV stains. The nissil bodies in the experimental groups stained more than nissil bodies in the control group. Neurons of group B are larger and pyramidal in shape while neurons of group C are stellate while that of control group A are pyramidal. Increase in the size and density of the neurons as shown by the densely stained photomicrograph in the treated rat as compared with the control is an indication of increased cellular activities in the frontal cortex. Keywords: Neem oil, aqueous extract, frontal lobe and   Wister rat


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    Knowledge of mechanical properties of agricultural materials is useful in the development of equipment for processing and handling them.Selected mechanical propertiesnamely rupture force, maximum deformation at rupture point, hardness and toughness of cream and light brown varieties of Bambara groundnut (BGN) seeds were determined at four moisture levels (5, 15, 25 and 35% dry basis) under compressive loading alongaxial and longitudinal orientations.Rupture force, deformation, hardness and toughness of BGN seedswere within the ranges 45.58-438.55 N, 0.31-5.71 mm,14.61-448.55 Nmm-1 and0.01-1.02J, respectively. Rupture force, deformation and toughnessof the seeds had interplay of increasing and deceasing trends while hardness decreased consistently as moisture content increased from 5% to 35%.The cream variety withstood higher rupture force and deformed more without failure than the light brown variety within moisture content range of 5-25% along both loading orientations.Bothvarieties demonstrated greater hardness when loaded along the longitudinal orientations than the axially loaded samples. All the investigatedproperties were dependent on moisture content andorientationof loading. Predictive mathematical models forestimating the investigated properties at different moisture contents with reasonable accuracy were also established in this study


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    This study aimed at identifying factors affecting the cooking quality of rice preferred by Nigerians and consequently to improve the locally produced rice to the taste of Nigerians. A total of 23 rice varieties were acquired from experimental fields of National Cereal Research Institute (NCRI), International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) in Ibadan and Badegi Rice Breeding Centre in Bida. Three (3kg) of each sample was parboiled, dried and milled. Cooking tests were done on both parboiled and unparboiled samples to determine water up-take, volume of expansion, gell consistency and solid residue ratio. Parboiled samples took a longer time to cook, had lower water absorption and decreased percentage solid residue. Texture of parboiled cooked rice was fluffy and less moist, cooked separate when compared to unparboiled rice samples


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    Protecting the rights of children has become important to local and international agencies of government and non-governmental organizations. This led to the formulation of laws that provided for and protected the rights of the child. Such laws include the United Nation’s Convention on the Rights of the Child, the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child, the Nigeria’s Child’s Rights Act (CRA) and the Child’s Rights Law of Ogun State. However, the provisions of these documents seem to be inefficient in curbing the violation of child’s rights due to the high prevalence of street hawking, raping, corporal punishment, etc among children in Nigeria and Ogun State in particular. Hence, this study sought the societal awareness of CRA in rural and urban areas of Ogun State. About 243 rural and urban residents were interviewed through multistage sampling techniques with the aid of questionnaires and interview schedules administered on the different groups of respondents. The result showed that 69.14% of Ogun State residents were aware of the CRA. It further revealed that awareness of CRA was higher in urban than rural areas. Awareness of CRA was primarily sourced through the radio (42.86%) and television (42.86%). Radio and awareness campaigns were the most common sources of awareness among rural (51.76%) and urban (65.06%) residents respectively. The study recommended that government agencies and non-governmental organizations should sponsor more programmes that will be specifically directed to raising residents’ awareness of CRA in rural areas of the state. 


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    The present unreliable and erratic power supply is a pointer to the fact that there is a great need for fault evaluation and reliability studies of electric power system in Nigeria. The recent blackout in the country has grounded many activities and has destroyed many industrial processes. Also, the power industries face a lot of problems. Some of the highest priority issues being generation of sufficient power, urgent clearance of faults, adequate protection and increase reliability of the system, that is, bringing a steady uninterrupted power supply to the consumers. The Nigerian power problem resulted to incessant planned, forced and unplanned outages. In addition, it has resulted to erratic and unreliable supply of electricity in the country. It has reduced productivity and has increased unemployment rate in the country to over 40million (this figure is over 70% of Nigerian youths. It has led many of the youths in the country to crime. It has led many of the deaths of many innocent people in the country. Hence, an analytical method is developed to assess the dynamic- reliability of the distribution system, as well as optimizes the occurrence of faults along each of the individual consumer point in a feeder in order to improve the performance of the system. This research publication therefore evaluates the occurrence of faults which is about 856 occurrences during a period of 8 years and outages which range between 1118 to 3785 hours per annum along the distribution lines, also the failure rates of each of the feeders were analyzed in order to improve on the supply of electricity in the distribution network. The reliability of the system which ranges between 8.57*10-12 to 9.548*10-5 were analyzed; and fault clearing techniques were carried out. Efforts were made to adequately assess the failure rates of the feeders which range between 0.003 and 0.001 and reliability of the distribution system. Efforts were also made to improve the performance of the system. As a result, it was possible to establish improvement techniques which ensure adequate and constant supply of electricity to all the consumers for industrial growth and employment: a basic solution to increasing crime rate in the country