30 research outputs found

    Potency of Solar Energy Applications in Indonesia

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    Currently, 80% of conventional energy is used to fulfill general public's needs andindustries. The depletion of oil and gas reserves and rapid growth in conventional energyconsumption have continuously forced us to discover renewable energy sources, like solar, wind,biomass, and hydropower, to support economic development in the future. Solar energy travels at aspeed of 186,000 miles per second. Only a small part of the radiant energy that the sun emits intospace ever reaches the Earth, but that is more than enough to supply all our energy demand.Indonesia is a tropical country and located in the equator line, so it has an abundant potential ofsolar energy. Most of Indonesian area get enough intensity of solar radiation with the average dailyradiation around 4 kWh/m2. Basically, the solar systems use solar collectors and concentrators forcollecting, storing, and using solar radiation to be applied for the benefit of domestics, commercials,and industrials. Common applications for solar thermal energy used in industry are the SWHs, solardryers, space heating, cooling systems and water desalination

    Improving Performance Of Low Reverse Osmosis Pressure Systems By Intermittent Autoflushing

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    Scaling formation on the membrane surface in the form of calcium carbonate, calcium sulphate, silica, and/or magnesium silicate is a main problem of the reverse osmosis (RO) application for upgrading low grade water. Scaling in RO system is generally controlled by softening the feed water, limiting the recovery and/or the addition of antiscalants which is impractical for household RO system. In this work, the feasibility of intermittent autoflushing to prevent scale formation in household RO systems was investigated. All experiments were carried out using commercially available RO membrane (CSM RE-1812LP) which operated for 6 hours under operating pressure 5 kg/cm2 and total recycle operating mode. Model solution of feed water contain CaCl2 and NaHCO3 were prepared to meet various LSI values in the range of 0 to 1.5. Duration and interval time of autoflush were in the range of 60 to 15 s and 5 to 60 min respectively. The results shown that the permeate flux of the system which operated using intermittent autoflushing relatively stable. It is emphasized that intermittent autoflushing may improve the performance of household reverse osmosis systems

    Taro Tube Flour Modification Via Hydrogen Peroxide Oxidation

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    Colocasia esculentum (L) Schott known as “Talas bogor” in Indonesian language is easily grown in every island in Indonesia. It proved to have high content of carbohydrate as it can be utilize for wheat flour replacement in addition to prior modification using hydrogen peroxide. The objective of this research was to improve the quality of taro flour by assessing the effect of several parameter such as ratio of slurry, oxidation agent concentration, oxidation time and temperature. The result shows that using ratio of slurry 20% with 2% of H2O2 concentration in temperature of oxidation process 30oC and 60 min operation time can produced good quality of modified taro tube flour in terms of swelling power and water solubility with 7.2 g/g and 6.93% respectively. This condition has chosen by taking the technical and economic feasibility as consideration. This result also can be used as proof of evidence that using H2O2 as an oxidizing agent in the process of taro tube flour modification can improve the functional properties of the flour. As the swelling power and water solubility of original taro tube flour were 3.7 g/g and 1.8% respectively

    Penyuluhan dan Pelatihan Pembuatan Hand sanitizer kepada Dawis Cendrawasih Manyaran Semarang

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    Covid 19 is a disease that can be transmitted through droplet droplets produced when talking, coughing or sneezing. Currently, a clean lifestyle is a demand in socializing, one of which is washing your hands frequently. However, people are constrained to wash their hands frequently when doing activities outside the home. Therefore, people need hand sanitizers as a substitute for soap and water that can be used instantaneously. At the beginning of the pandemic, the number of hand sanitizers on the market dropped sharply because people experienced mass panic, so they made purchases in very large quantities and in a short time. Therefore, training for the community regarding the manufacture of hand sanitizers is necessary. This community service aims to provide training in making handsanitizers to Dawis Cendrawasih mothers in Manyaran Village, West Semarang District, Semarang City. With this training, the community in Dawis Cendrawasih can make their own hand sanitizers so that a healthy lifestyle is maintained


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    Hingga saat ini masyarakat secara luas dan warga di kelurahan Bendan Ngisor, Kecamatan Gajah Mungkur, Kota Semarang khususnya masih belum memiliki pengetahuan yang cukup mengenai sampah, terutama manfaat dari program reuse, reduce, recycle dari sampah maupun kemudahan dari penerapan metode 3R dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Termasuk diantaranya pengetahuan mengenai kompos dari sampah rumah tangga dan teknologi pembuatannya. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini diselenggarakan untuk mendukung upaya pemerintah dalam mensosialisasikan program Reuse, Reduce and Recycle untuk mengatasi permasalahan sampah di Kota Semarang dengan memberikan pelatihan tentang pengetahuan dan keterampilan dalam mengelola secara mandiri serta memanfaatkan sampah rumah tangga terutama sampah organik menjadi kompos. Pasca pelatihan, 90% peserta mendapatkan pengetahuan tentang pembuatan kompos, dan 10% warga masyarakat mulai menerapkan teknologi pengomposan dirumahnya masing-masing

    Mangrove Conservation and Biodiversity Protection Strategies in Universitas Diponegoro to Achieve Net Zero Emission

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    Indonesia is set the net zero emission target to be achieved by 2060. As part of that, Universitas Diponegoro (UNDIP) is committed to support the achievement of the goal by implementing several strategies. First is to reduce the amount of emission generated by the university daily activities, and second is boosting the activities of mangrove conservation and biodiversity protection. As UNDIP located in the northern part of Central Java, part of 108.000 kilometers coastline region of Indonesia, UNDIP prioritizes its academic activity and research focus on coastal region environmental and ecological development which enthuse the implementation of mangrove conservation and biodiversity protection. The strategy includes the structured mangrove and biodiversity conservation action directed by the University leaders, encouraging research and community service activities focusing on coastal region development and developing environmental-related curriculum for the students. In addition, UNDIP also supports research centers and students’ communities who focus on mangrove conservation, biodiversity protection, and coastal region development. By that, there are more than 50 types of flora in UNDIP land forest with carbon stock calculation up to 6,480.20 metric tons CO2 eq. Ac


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    Wilayah Kabupaten Demak mengalami abrasi parah dalam beberapa tahun terakhir. Pada tahun 2002 tercatat 145,50 hektar pantai di Demak terkikis oleh abrasi, kerusakan pantai itu makin melonjak lima kali lipat pada 2005, yakni mencapai 758,30 hektar, dan pada tahun 2014 mencapai 2.073,65 hektar, dan tahun 2019 mencapai lebih dari 3.000 ha. Beberapa faktor penyebab abrasi yaitu land subsidence, kerusakan hutan mangrove, perubahan pola hidrodinamika, serta akibat adanya pengaruh perubahan iklim. Masyarakat yang ada di Desa Tambakbulusan merupakan pihak yang terkena dampak akibat kerusakan pantai, degradasi lingungan serta adanya banjir pasang air laut (rob). Selain karena kondisi lingkungan yang terus menurun tiap tahunnya, ketidakmampuan masyarakat untuk terus beradaptasi dalam segi fisik, sosial, dan ekonomi merupakan masalah yang harus segera ditanggulangi. Oleh karena itu diperlukan peran serta perguruan tinggi Universitas Diponegoro untuk membantu masyarakat dalam penanganan permasalahan tersebut melalui penerapan teknologi rehabilitasi dan peningkatan kapasitas masyarakat pesisir untuk menunjang pembangunan berkelanjutan di Desa Tambakbulusan, Kabupaten Demak. Kata kunci: ekosistem mangrove; kerusakan pantai; mitigasi bencana; struktur rehabilitas