570 research outputs found

    Implications of finite one-loop corrections for seesaw neutrino masses

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    In the standard seesaw model, finite corrections to the neutrino mass matrix arise from one-loop self-energy diagrams mediated by a heavy neutrino. We discuss the impact that these corrections may have on the different low-energy neutrino observables paying special attention to their dependence with the seesaw model parameters. It is shown that sizable deviations from the tri-bimaximal mixing pattern can be obtained when these corrections are taken into account.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. Prepared for the proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Topics in Astroparticle and Underground Physics (TAUP 2011), Munich, Germany, 5-9 September 201

    Leptoquarks: Neutrino masses and accelerator phenomenology

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    Leptoquark-Higgs interactions induce mixing between leptoquark states with different chiralities once the electro-weak symmetry is broken. In such LQ models Majorana neutrino masses are generated at 1-loop order. Here we calculate the neutrino mass matrix and explore the constraints on the parameter space enforced by the assumption that LQ-loops explain current neutrino oscillation data. LQs will be produced at the LHC, if their masses are at or below the TeV scale. Since the fermionic decays of LQs are governed by the same Yukawa couplings, which are responsible for the non-trivial neutrino mass matrix, several decay branching ratios of LQ states can be predicted from measured neutrino data. Especially interesting is that large lepton flavour violating rates in muon and tau final states are expected. In addition, the model predicts that, if kinematically possible, heavier LQs decay into lighter ones plus either a standard model Higgs boson or a Z0/W±Z^0/W^{\pm} gauge boson. Thus, experiments at the LHC might be able to exclude the LQ mechanism as explanation of neutrino data.Comment: 28 pages, 10 figure

    Novel Higgs decay signals in R-parity violating models

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    In supersymmetric models the lightest Higgs boson may decay with a sizable branching ratio into a pair of light neutralinos. We analyze such decays within the context of the minimal supersymmetric standard model with R-parity violation, where the neutralino itself is unstable and decays into Standard Model fermions. We show that the R-parity violating couplings induce novel Higgs decay signals that might facilitate the discovery of the Higgs boson at colliders. At the LHC, the Higgs may be observed, for instance, through its decay -via two neutralinos- into final states containing missing energy and isolated charged leptons such as l±l∓,l±l±,3ll^\pm l^\mp, l^\pm l^\pm, 3l, and 4l4l. Another promising possibility is the search for the displaced vertices associated with the neutralino decay. We also point out that Higgs searches at the LHC might additionally provide the first evidence of R-parity violation.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figures. Corrected affiliation

    Leptogenesis in the presence of exact flavor symmetries

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    In models with flavor symmetries in the leptonic sector leptogenesis can take place in a very different way compared to the standard leptogenesis scenario. We study the generation of a B−LB-L asymmetry in these kind of models in the flavor symmetric phase pointing out that successful leptogenesis requires (i) the right-handed neutrinos to lie in different representations of the flavor group; (ii) the flavons to be lighter at least that one of the right-handed neutrino representations. When these conditions are satisfied leptogenesis proceeds due to new contributions to the CP violating asymmetry and -depending on the specific model- in several stages. We demonstrate the validity of these arguments by studying in detail the generation of the B−LB-L asymmetry in a scenario of a concrete A4A_4 flavor model realization.Comment: 25 pages, 7 figures; version 2: A few clarifications added. Version matches publication in JHE

    Experimental tests for the Babu-Zee two-loop model of Majorana neutrino masses

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    The smallness of the observed neutrino masses might have a radiative origin. Here we revisit a specific two-loop model of neutrino mass, independently proposed by Babu and Zee. We point out that current constraints from neutrino data can be used to derive strict lower limits on the branching ratio of flavour changing charged lepton decays, such as μ→eγ\mu \to e \gamma. Non-observation of Br(μ→eγ\mu \to e \gamma) at the level of 10−1310^{-13} would rule out singly charged scalar masses smaller than 590 GeV (5.04 TeV) in case of normal (inverse) neutrino mass hierarchy. Conversely, decay branching ratios of the non-standard scalars of the model can be fixed by the measured neutrino angles (and mass scale). Thus, if the scalars of the model are light enough to be produced at the LHC or ILC, measuring their decay properties would serve as a direct test of the model as the origin of neutrino masses.Comment: 14 pages, 16 figure

    Towards spin injection from silicon into topological insulators: Schottky barrier between Si and Bi2Se3

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    A scheme is proposed to electrically measure the spin-momentum coupling in the topological insulator surface state by injection of spin polarized electrons from silicon. As a first approach, devices were fabricated consisting of thin (<100nm) exfoliated crystals of Bi2Se3 on n-type silicon with independent electrical contacts to silicon and Bi2Se3. Analysis of the temperature dependence of thermionic emission in reverse bias indicates a barrier height of 0.34 eV at the Si-Bi2Se3 interface. This robust Schottky barrier opens the possibility of novel device designs based on sub-band gap internal photoemission from Bi2Se3 into Si

    Tuning the proximity effect in a superconductor-graphene-superconductor junction

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    We have tuned in situ the proximity effect in a single graphene layer coupled to two Pt/Ta superconducting electrodes. An annealing current through the device changed the transmission coefficient of the electrode/graphene interface, increasing the probability of multiple Andreev reflections. Repeated annealing steps improved the contact sufficiently for a Josephson current to be induced in graphene.Comment: Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Leptonic Charged Higgs Decays in the Zee Model

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    We consider the version of the Zee model where both Higgs doublets couple to leptons. Within this framework we study charged Higgs decays. We focus on a model with minimal number of parameters consistent with experimental neutrino data. Using constraints from neutrino physics we (i) discuss the reconstruction of the parameter space of the model using the leptonic decay patterns of both of the two charged Higgses, h1,2+→ℓj+νih_{1,2}^{+}\to \ell_{j}^{+}\nu_{i}, and the decay of the heavier charged Higgs, h2+→h1+h0h_{2}^{+}\to h^{+}_{1}h^{0}; (ii) show that the decay rate Γ(h1+→μ+νi)\Gamma(h_{1}^{+}\to \mu^{+}\nu_{i}) in general is enhanced in comparision to the standard two Higgs doublet model while in some regions of parameter space Γ(h1+→μ+νi)\Gamma(h_{1}^{+}\to \mu^{+}\nu_{i}) even dominates over Γ(h1+→τ+νi)\Gamma(h_{1}^{+}\to \tau^{+}\nu_{i}).Comment: 25 pages, 9 figure

    Neutrino masses in SU(5)×U(1)FSU(5)\times U(1)_F with adjoint flavons

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    We present a SU(5)×U(1)FSU(5)\times U(1)_F supersymmetric model for neutrino masses and mixings that implements the seesaw mechanism by means of the heavy SU(2) singlets and triplets states contained in three adjoints of SU(5). We discuss how Abelian U(1)FU(1)_F symmetries can naturally yield non-hierarchical light neutrinos even when the heavy states are strongly hierarchical, and how it can also ensure that RR--parity arises as an exact accidental symmetry. By assigning two flavons that break U(1)FU(1)_F to the adjoint representation of SU(5) and assuming universality for all the fundamental couplings, the coefficients of the effective Yukawa and Majorana mass operators become calculable in terms of group theoretical quantities. There is a single free parameter in the model, however, at leading order the structure of the light neutrinos mass matrix is determined in a parameter independent way.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures. Included contributions to neutrino masses from the triplet states contained in the three adjoints of SU(5
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