16 research outputs found

    Analysis of mutations in streptomycin-resistant strains reveals a simple and reliable genetic marker for identification of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis Beijing genotype

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    The Mycobacterium tuberculosis pandemic is a major health problem, further complicated by an increasing incidence of drug-resistant isolates and the existence of highly transmissible strains, such as those in the Beijing family. Streptomycin (STR)-resistant M. tuberculosis clinical isolates have been analyzed to look for mutations in the rpsL, rrs, and gidB genes. In addition, the Rv1258c gene, which encodes Tap, an efflux pump that transports STR, has been sequenced. Mutations affecting codons 43 and 88 of the rpsL gene were found in 44.4% of the strains, and 16.7% of the strains carried mutations in the rrs gene, both of which probably contribute to STR resistance. Many strains presented with mutations in the gidB gene, but the implication of those mutations in STR resistance remains unclear. Interestingly, a cytosine nucleotide insertion between positions 580 and 581 (denominated Tap580) in the Rv1258c gene has been found in all Beijing isolates included in this study, suggesting that it might be a novel polymorphism specific to the Beijing family of M. tuberculosis. A simple and fast restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP)-PCR method for detecting the Tap580 insertion has been developed and used to screen a collection of 220 DNA samples obtained from cultures of M. tuberculosis isolates and 30 respiratory specimens. In all cases, the Beijing and non-Beijing representative samples were identified correctly. Tap580 is a novel polymorphism specific to the highly transmissible Beijing family, which allows for fast detection of these strains even at the very early stages of infection

    PrĂĄticas artĂ­sticas no ensino bĂĄsico e secundĂĄrio

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    O crescimento carece de uma pedagogia, e educar Ă© ao mesmo tempo algo de muito antigo, e de muito diferente. Neste ensejo, assinalam-se dois polos: o professor, os alunos. Mas a educação faz-se num contexto social, cultural, tecnolĂłgico, ambiental. Sobre isto conhecem-se alguns pontos de fixação que tornam a educação mais consequente e humanista. A MatĂ©ria-Prima, na Educação ArtĂ­stica, Ă© exatamente o que parece: os materiais Ă  espera de serem utilizados, os processos experimentados, as vivĂȘncias significadas e sentidas. O professor de artes tem uma grande possibilidade de diferença.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    En el presente trabajo se estudió el nivel de desarrollo moral en estudiantes de Odontología de unaUniversidad de la región capital de Venezuela. La muestra estuvo constituida por 192 estudiantes, 155 degénero femenino y 37 de género masculino cursantes de primero y cuarto año de la carrera. Se utilizóuna versión del instrumento Defining Issues Test -DIT- (Rest,1979) adaptado al contexto venezolano porZerpa y Ramírez (2004). Los resultados sugieren que los estudiantes se encuentran preponderantementeen el nivel moral convencional o de mantenimiento de normas y han alcanzado niveles moderados dedesarrollo moral de principios - índice P- (M = 27,45), no encontrándose diferencias entre cursantes derecién ingreso y terminales de la carrera. Un análisis de componentes principales (ACP) sugiere que laspersonas con mayor índice P, son de género femenino, con edades comprendidas entre 21 y 22 años y denivel socio-económico bajo. Finalmente, con base en los resultados, se discuten algunas implicacionespara la creación de un eje de formación moral-educación en valores en la carrera de Odontología.Abstract The following essay assessed the level of moral development in Odontology students of a University inthe capital region of Venezuela. The sample included 192 students, 155 female and 37 male, of the firstand fourth year of their career. A version of the instrument Defining Issues Test -DIT- (Rest, 1979),adapted to the Venezuelan context by Zerpa and Ramirez, was used for this study. The results suggestthat the students are preponderantly in the conventional moral level or obeying norms, and they havereached have reached moderate levels of moral development. P- Index (M = 27.45). No differences werefound when comparing students who are at the beginning or at end of their career. An analysis of theprincipal components (ACP) suggests that the people with the higher P Index are female, with agesbetween 21 y 22 years and low social-economic level. Finally, based on the results, there is a debateregarding the implications of creating an axis of moral-education values development in the Odontology career