142 research outputs found

    Strength distribution of solar magnetic fields in photospheric quiet Sun regions

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    The magnetic topology of the solar photosphere in its quietest regions is hidden by the difficulties to disentangle magnetic flux through the resolution element from the field strength of unresolved structures. The observation of spectral lines with strong coupling with hyperfine structure, like the observed MnI line at 553.7 nm, allows such differentiation. The main aim is to analyse the distribution of field strengths in the network and intranetwork of the solar photosphere through inversion of the MnI line at 553.7 nm. An inversion code for the magnetic field using the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) has been developed. Statistical tests are run on the code to validate it. The code has to draw information from the small-amplitude spectral feature oppearing in the core of the Stokes V profile of the observed line for field strengths below a certain threshold, coinciding with lower limit of the Paschen-Back effect in the fine structure of the involved atomic levels. The inversion of the observed profiles, using the circular polarization (V) and the intensity (I), shows the presence of magnetic fields strengths in a range from 0 to 2 kG, with predominant weak strength values. Mixed regions with mean strength field values of 1130 and 435 Gauss are found associated with the network and intranetwork respectively. The MnI line at 553 nm probes the field strength distribution in the quiet sun and shows the predominance of weak, hectoGauss fields in the intranetwork, and strong, kiloGauss fields in the network. It also shows that both network and intranetwork are to be understood at our present spatial resolutions as field distributions of which we hint the mean properties.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    Multi-line Stokes inversion for prominence magnetic-field diagnostics

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    We present test results on the simultaneous inversion of the Stokes profiles of the He I lines at 587.6 nm (D_3) and 1083.0 nm in prominences (90-deg scattering). We created datasets of synthetic Stokes profiles for the case of quiescent prominences (B<200 G), assuming a conservative value of 10^-3 of the peak intensity for the polarimetric sensitivity of the simulated observations. In this work, we focus on the error analysis for the inference of the magnetic field vector, under the usual assumption that the prominence can be assimilated to a slab of finite optical thickness with uniform magnetic and thermodynamic properties. We find that the simultaneous inversion of the two lines significantly reduces the errors on the inference of the magnetic field vector, with respect to the case of single-line inversion. These results provide a solid justification for current and future instrumental efforts with multi-line capabilities for the observations of solar prominences and filaments.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures, 1 tabl

    Structure of prominence legs: Plasma and magnetic field

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    We investigate the properties of a `solar tornado' observed on 15 July 2014, and aim to link the behaviour of the plasma to the internal magnetic field structure of the associated prominence. We made multi-wavelength observations with high spatial resolution and high cadence using SDO/AIA, the IRIS spectrograph and the Hinode/SOT instrument. Along with spectropolarimetry provided by the THEMIS telescope we have coverage of both optically thick emission lines and magnetic field information. AIA reveals that the two legs of the prominence are strongly absorbing structures which look like they are rotating, or oscillating in the plane of the sky. The two prominence legs, which are both very bright in Ca II (SOT), are not visible in the IRIS Mg II slit-jaw images. This is explained by the large optical thickness of the structures in Mg II which leads to reversed profiles, and hence to lower integrated intensities at these locations than in the surroundings. Using lines formed at temperatures lower than 1 MK, we measure relatively low Doppler shifts on the order of +/- 10 km/s in the tornado-like structure. Between the two legs we see loops in Mg II, with material flowing from one leg to the other, as well as counterstreaming. It is difficult to interpret our data as showing two rotating, vertical structures which are unrelated to the loops. This kind of `tornado' scenario does not fit with our observations. The magnetic field in the two legs of the prominence is found to be preferentially horizontal.Comment: 13 pages, 14 figures, one tabl

    On the nature of transverse coronal waves revealed by wavefront dislocations

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    Coronal waves are an important aspect of the dynamics of the plasma in the corona. Wavefront dislocations are topological features of most waves in nature and also of magnetohydrodynamic waves. Are there dislocations in coronal waves? The finding and explanation of dislocations may shed light on the nature and characteristics of the propagating waves, their interaction in the corona and in general on the plasma dynamics. We positively identify dislocations in coronal waves observed by the Coronal Multi-channel Polarimeter (CoMP) as singularities in the Doppler shifts of emission coronal lines. We study the possible singularities that can be expected in coronal waves and try to reproduce the observed dislocations in terms of localization and frequency of appearance. The observed dislocations can only be explained by the interference of a kink and a sausage wave modes propagating with different frequencies along the coronal magnetic field. In the plane transverse to the propagation, the cross-section of the oscillating plasma must be smaller than the spatial resolution, and the two waves result in net longitudinal and transverse velocity components that are mixed through projection onto the line of sight. Alfv\'en waves can be responsible of the kink mode, but a magnetoacoustic sausage mode is necessary in all cases. Higher (flute) modes are excluded. The kink mode has a pressure amplitude that is smaller than the pressure amplitude of the sausage mode, though its observed velocity is larger. This concentrates dislocations on the top of the loop. To explain dislocations, any model of coronal waves must include the simultaneous propagation and interference of kink and sausage wave modes of comparable but different frequencies, with a sausage wave amplitude much smaller than the kink one.Comment: 11 pages. 5 figures. Accepted for publication in A&

    Spectral Characteristics of the He I D3 Line in a Quiescent Prominence Observed by THEMIS

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    We analyze the observations of a quiescent prominence acquired by the Telescope Heliographique pour l'Etude du Magnetisme et des Instabilites Solaires (THEMIS) in the He I 5876 A (He I D3) multiplet aiming to measure the spectral characteristics of the He I D3 profiles and to find for them an adequate fitting model. The component characteristics of the He I D3 Stokes I profiles are measured by the fitting system approximating them with a double Gaussian. This model yields an He I D3 component peak intensity ratio of 5.5±0.45.5\pm0.4, which differs from the value of 8 expected in the optically thin limit. Most of the measured Doppler velocities lie in the interval ±5\pm5 km/s, with a standard deviation of ±1.7\pm1.7 km/s around the peak value of 0.4 km/s. The wide distribution of the full-width at half maximum has two maxima at 0.25 A and 0.30 A for the He I D3 blue component and two maxima at 0.22 A and 0.31 A for the red component. The width ratio of the components is 1.04±0.181.04\pm0.18. We show that the double-Gaussian model systematically underestimates the blue wing intensities. To solve this problem, we invoke a two-temperature multi-Gaussian model, consisting of two double-Gaussians, which provides a better representation of He I D3 that is free of the wing intensity deficit. This model suggests temperatures of 11.5 kK and 91 kK, respectively, for the cool and the hot component of the target prominence. The cool and hot components of a typical He I D3 profile have component peak intensity ratios of 6.6 and 8, implying a prominence geometrical width of 17 Mm and an optical thickness of 0.3 for the cool component, while the optical thickness of the hot component is negligible. These prominence parameters seem to be realistic, suggesting the physical adequacy of the multi-Gaussian model with important implications for interpreting He I D3 spectropolarimetry by current inversion codes.Comment: 25 pages,1 movie, 10 figures, 2 tables, 2 equations. The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11207-017-1118-z The supplementary movie is available for viewing and download at https://www.dropbox.com/s/7tskvnc593tlbyv/Prominence_HeID3_GONG_AIA.mpg?dl=

    Magnetic field in atypical prominence structures: Bubble, tornado and eruption

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    Spectropolarimetric observations of prominences have been obtained with the THEMIS telescope during four years of coordinated campaigns. Our aim is now to understand the conditions of the cool plasma and magnetism in `atypical' prominences, namely when the measured inclination of the magnetic field departs, to some extent, from the predominantly horizontal field found in `typical' prominences. What is the role of the magnetic field in these prominence types? Are plasma dynamics more important in these cases than the magnetic support? We focus our study on three types of `atypical' prominences (tornadoes, bubbles and jet-like prominence eruptions) that have all been observed by THEMIS in the He I D_3 line, from which the Stokes parameters can be derived. The magnetic field strength, inclination and azimuth in each pixel are obtained by using the Principal Component Analysis inversion method on a model of single scattering in the presence of the Hanle effect. The magnetic field in tornadoes is found to be more or less horizontal, whereas for the eruptive prominence it is mostly vertical. We estimate a tendency towards higher values of magnetic field strength inside the bubbles than outside in the surrounding prominence. In all of the models in our database, only one magnetic field orientation is considered for each pixel. While sufficient for most of the main prominence body, this assumption appears to be oversimplified in atypical prominence structures. We should consider these observations as the result of superposition of multiple magnetic fields, possibly even with a turbulent field component.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figure

    Tangled Magnetic Fields in Solar Prominences

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    Solar prominences are an important tool for studying the structure and evolution of the coronal magnetic field. Here we consider so-called "hedgerow" prominences, which consist of thin vertical threads. We explore the possibility that such prominences are supported by tangled magnetic fields. A variety of different approaches are used. First, the dynamics of plasma within a tangled field is considered. We find that the contorted shape of the flux tubes significantly reduces the flow velocity compared to the supersonic free fall that would occur in a straight vertical tube. Second, linear force-free models of tangled fields are developed, and the elastic response of such fields to gravitational forces is considered. We demonstrate that the prominence plasma can be supported by the magnetic pressure of a tangled field that pervades not only the observed dense threads but also their local surroundings. Tangled fields with field strengths of about 10 G are able to support prominence threads with observed hydrogen density of the order of 10^(11) cm^(-3). Finally, we suggest that the observed vertical threads are the result of Rayleigh-Taylor instability. Simulations of the density distribution within a prominence thread indicate that the peak density is much larger than the average density. We conclude that tangled fields provide a viable mechanism for magnetic support of hedgerow prominences.Comment: 14 pages (emulateapj style), 10 figures, ApJ, in pres

    Open questions on prominences from coordinated observations by IRIS, Hinode, SDO/AIA, THEMIS, and the Meudon/MSDP

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    Context. A large prominence was observed on September 24, 2013, for three hours (12:12 UT -15:12 UT) with the newly launched (June 2013) Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS), THEMIS (Tenerife), the Hinode Solar Optical Telescope (SOT), the Solar Dynamic Observatory Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (SDO/AIA), and the Multichannel Subtractive Double Pass spectrograph (MSDP) in the Meudon Solar Tower. Aims. The aim of this work is to study the dynamics of the prominence fine structures in multiple wavelengths to understand their formation. Methods. The spectrographs IRIS and MSDP provided line profiles with a high cadence in Mg II and in Halpha lines. Results. The magnetic field is found to be globally horizontal with a relatively weak field strength (8-15 Gauss). The Ca II movie reveals turbulent-like motion that is not organized in specific parts of the prominence. On the other hand, the Mg II line profiles show multiple peaks well separated in wavelength. Each peak corresponds to a Gaussian profile, and not to a reversed profile as was expected by the present non-LTE radiative transfer modeling. Conclusions. Turbulent fields on top of the macroscopic horizontal component of the magnetic field supporting the prominence give rise to the complex dynamics of the plasma. The plasma with the high velocities (70 km/s to 100 km/s if we take into account the transverse velocities) may correspond to condensation of plasma along more or less horizontal threads of the arch-shape structure visible in 304 A. The steady flows (5 km/s) would correspond to a more quiescent plasma (cool and prominence-corona transition region) of the prominence packed into dips in horizontal magnetic field lines. The very weak secondary peaks in the Mg II profiles may reflect the turbulent nature of parts of the prominence.Comment: 15 pages, 14 figure

    Scales of the magnetic fields in the quiet Sun

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    Context: The presence of a turbulent magnetic field in the quiet Sun has been unveiled observationally using different techniques. The magnetic field is quasi-isotropic and has field strengths weaker than 100G. It is pervasive and may host a local dynamo. Aims: We aim to determine the length scale of the turbulent magnetic field in the quiet Sun. Methods: The Stokes V area asymmetry is sensitive to minute variations in the magnetic topology along the line of sight. Using data provided by Hinode-SOT/SP instrument, we performed a statistical study of this quantity.We classified the different magnetic regimes and infer properties of the turbulent magnetic regime. In particular we measured the correlation length associated to these fields for the first time. Results: The histograms of Stokes V area asymmetries reveal three different regimes: one organized, quasi-vertical and strong field (flux tubes or other structures of the like); a strongly asymmetric group of profiles found around field concentrations; and a turbulent isotropic field. For the last, we confirm its isotropy and measure correlation lengths from hundreds of kilometers down to 10km, at which point we lost sensitivity. A crude attempt to measure the power spectra of these turbulent fields is made. Conclusions: In addition to confirming the existence of a turbulent field in the quiet Sun, we give further prove of its isotropy.We also measure correlation lengths down to 10km. The combined results show magnetic fields with a large span of length scales, as expected from a turbulent cascade.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures. Accepted for publication in A&