14 research outputs found

    The Relationship Between The Number of Children and The Distance of Pregnancy With The Nutritional Status of Toddlers In Lestari Dadi Village, Pegajahan District, Serdang Bedagai Regency Year 2022

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    Nutritional status plays an important role in determining the quality of human resources, especially children under five. Most people have the number of children under five in one family > 2 toddlers and not a few pregnancies are close together < 2 years. The distance of pregnancy and the number of children also affect the nutritional status of children under five. The research method used is analytic quantitative using a cross sectional design. The sample in this study used purposive sampling with a sample of 49 respondents and the data obtained in the study were analyzed through two stages, namely univariate to determine the description and bivariate to determine the relationship (chi square). The results showed that the number of children in the 2 category was 55.9%. The distance between pregnancies in the 2 year category was 83.7%. The nutritional status in the good nutrition category (Normal) was 69.4%. There is a relationship between the number of children and the nutritional status of children under five (p=0.043). There is a relationship between the distance of pregnancy with the nutritional status of children under five (p = 0.015). Based on the results of this study,the authors suggest to mothers who have toddlers to adjust the birth spacing and the number of toddlers owned so that the nutritional status of toddlers is good

    The Effect of Oxytocin Massage on Breastmilk Productioni in Postpartum Mothers at The Pratama Nining Clinic Lubuk Pakam Year 2023

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    Newborns do not need other intakes other than milk, but there are not a few postpartum mothers who give formula milk to their babies because of little or no ASI production, especially on the first day of the baby's birth. One of the causes of the low level of exclusive breastfeeding is the lack of the hormones oxytocin and prolactin, which play a very important role in the smooth production of milk. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of oxytocin massage on increasing ASI production in postpartum mothers. This type of research is a pre-experimental study with One Group Pre and Post Test Design. The population in this study were 60 postpartum mothers during the last 3 months at the Pratama Nining Pelawati Clinic in 2023. The sample in this study was postpartum mothers with inclusion and exclusion criteria totaling 36 people. ASI production data was taken using a measuring cup which was then analyzed. Based on Shapiro Wilk's results, the average postpartum mother's ASI production before oxytocin massage was 24.78 while the average postpartum mother's milk production after oxytocin massage was 40.36. There is a significant effect of oxytocin massage on increasing ASI production with a p-value of 0.012 (p>0.05) It is recommended for health workers to be able to do oxytocin massage to increase ASI production in postpartum mother


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    The level of anxiety greatly affects the welfare of pregnant women and the fetus. There are various ways to reduce anxiety, among others by providing information or knowledge to mothers through classes of pregnant women. This study aims to determine the influence of the class of pregnant women on the anxiety of primigravida mothers at the Dolok Masihul Health Center, Serdang Bedagai Regency in 2021. The research method is quantitative in the form of a quasi-experimental design using a none-equivalent control group design. The study population was all primigravida pregnant women in the dolok health center working area as many as 46 people. The study sample used purposive sampling of 30 people. The results of the study using the Wilcoxon test obtained p-value of 0.001 (intervention group) and p-value of 0.083 (control group). The conclusion is that there is an effect of the class of pregnant women on the anxiety of primigravida mothers in the intervention group. It is hoped that health workers, especially midwives, will introduce the concept of pregnant women's class activities to the community and the benefits obtained by pregnant women while attending pregnant women's classes and improve the quality of class implementation for pregnant women so that the motivation of the community, especially pregnant women, is higher to participate in class activities for pregnant women in the work area of the Dolok Masihul Health Center.     &nbsp

    Health Counseling on Nutrition-Conscious Families (Kadarzi) in Sidodadi Ramunia Village

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    Family Aware Nutrition (KADARZI) has become a crucial initiative in efforts to improve public health at the family level. This program focuses on increasing understanding and awareness of nutrition within the family by providing knowledge, prevention, and solutions to nutritional problems. Through families who have an understanding and are aware of the nutritional status of the family, it is hoped that morbidity and mortality rates will be reduced, because one of the efforts to improve health status by improving nutritional status. Sidodadi Village is the location for the implementation of KADARZI counseling activities. The media used for this counseling include laptops, infocus, and microphones to achieve optimal results. 20 community members of Sidodadi Village participated in this activity involving education on the concept of Nutrition Conscious Family, supported by discussion sessions and practical demonstrations. The results of the evaluation of activities showed a significant increase in public understanding related to KADARZI, with an initial knowledge level of 15% which jumped to 90%. This achievement reflects the positive impact provided by extension activities on public knowledge about KADARZI. Increasing nutrition awareness is expected to have a positive impact on the overall nutritional status in the Sidodadi Village community. The success of this program illustrates the urgency of education in shaping healthy behaviors, becoming the basis for positive change in family daily life. Therefore, KADARZI is not only a preventive measure, but also a long-term investment in the health of local communities, bringing sustainable benefits to future generations

    The Effect Of Cucumber Juice On Hypertension On Menopaused Mothers Aged 50-60 Years In Mawar Hamlet Jatirejo Village Pagar Merbau District Lubuk Pakam Regency Year 2022

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    Hypertension is the highest cause of mortality and morbidity in Indonesia. Non-pharmacological therapy that can reduce blood pressure in patients with hypertension is cucumber juice . The purpose of this study was to compare the effect of 100gr and 200gr cucumber juice on hypertension in post menopausal women aged 50-60 years in Mawar Hamlet, Jatirejo Village in 2022.study used a quasi-experimental research design with a non-equivalent control group design approach . The population in this study were all women with hypertension, totaling 40 mothers. The samples obtained were 28 mothers with purposive sampling technique . The statistical test used was the paired T-Test with a 95% confidence level (α = 0.05).The results of the Paired T-Test in the control group showed a p-value of 0.010 <0.05, meaning that there was an effect of giving 100gr of cucumber juice on systolic blood pressure and a p-value of 0.007 <0.05, meaning that there was an effect of giving 100gr of cucumber juice on diastolic blood pressure. The results of the Paired T-Test showed a p-value of 0.000 <0.05, meaning that there was an effect of giving 200gr of cucumber juice on systolic blood pressure, and a p-value of 0.000 <0.05, meaning that there was an effect of giving 200gr of cucumber juice on diastolic blood pressure.There is influence Among group treatment and group control to change pressure blood however group treatment more effective for lower pressure blood on sufferer hypertension in hamlet Rose Village Jatirejo 2022


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    Diabetes mellitus is one of the degenerative diseases suffered by many Indonesians who occupy the 6th highest number of sufferers in the world. Indonesia has the number of people with diabetes mellitus in 2017 as many as 10.3 million people and it is predicted that in 2045 this number will increase to 16.7 million people. If this cannot be handled properly, it will cause health problems for sufferers, including increasing the risk of complications. Compliance with a sufferer's diet is an important point to pay attention to in an effort to overcome the problem of diabetes. This compliance plays an important role in influencing the patient's blood glucose levels. Therefore researchers was interested in knowing the correlation between adherence to a low-carbohydrate diet and decreased blood sugar levels in patients with diabetes mellitus type II at Grandmed Lubuk Pakam Hospital. The design of this study was carried out in an observational analytic manner with a cross-sectional method at Grandmed Lubuk Pakam Hospital. The sampling technique was purposive sampling with a total sample of 35 people. The results showed that there was a significant relationship between adherence to a low-carbohydrate diet and decreased blood sugar levels in type II diabetes mellitus patients at Grandmed Lubuk Pakam Hospital. This can be seen from the p-value of 0.04 or p &lt;0.05

    Empowerment of PKK Mothers on Assisting Pregnant Women in Conducting Antenatal Care Visits

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    Antenatal Care (ANC) is a form of service provided by midwives to pregnant women with the aim that every pregnant woman gets integrated, comprehensive, quality services and provides counseling, information and education to mothers during pregnancy. Pregnancy examination in pregnant women is actually preventive and aims to detect early if there are abnormalities or diseases suffered by mothers during pregnancy so that midwives can intervene quickly and appropriately against these diseases and disorders and midwives can make referrals to more complete and adequate health facilities in accordance with the applicable referral system. Pregnancy check-up or antenatal care can also be a means for midwives to carry out health promotion and health education about healthy pregnancy, safe and comfortable childbirth and also how to prepare for parenthood. The standard care for antenatal care consists of weight weighing, blood pressure measurement, fundus uterine height measurement, Fe tablets as much as 90 tablets during pregnancy, tetanus toxoid immunization, haemoglobin (Hb) examination, VDRL examination, breast care, breast gymnastics and breast press massage, maintenance of fitness level or pregnancy exercises, talks, urine protein examination,  administration of iodine capsule therapy for goiter endemic, administration of anti-malarial therapy for malaria-endemic areas

    Modul Persiapan Peran Menjadi Ibu terhadap Pengetahuan dan Keterampilan “Volunteer Sayang Ibu”

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    This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of the motherhood preparation module. This research method uses Research and Development (R&amp;D) and Quasy Experimental Pretest and Posttest Design. The results showed that the level of knowledge of "volunteer loves mother" in the category of good knowledge was 53.8% in the pretest and 100% in the posttest. "Volunteer loves mother" who has a good skill level of 84.6% in the pretest and 100% in the posttest. In conclusion, the module for preparing for the role of motherhood effectively increases the knowledge and skills of volunteers who love mothers." &nbsp;Keywords: Skills, Knowledge, Mother's Role, "Volunteer Loves Mother