145 research outputs found

    Evaluation of two swept-infinite-wing potential/viscous-flow computer programs

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    Two computer programs capable of predicting the potential and viscous interacting flow around wings of infinite aspect ratio was evaluated. The programs are compared in terms of their capabilities, the approximations and the methods of solution used, and the input requirements. Six airfoils, each representative of a class of airfoils, are used as test airfoils. The results predicted by the programs are presented for each airfoil at sweep angles of 0, 20, and 40 degrees over a range of angles of attack. The results show that at zero sweep both programs predicted the aerodynamic coefficients well and generally in good agreement with measurements. At 20 and 40 degrees of sweep, as there are no experimental data available, definitive conclusions cannot be drawn about the accuracy of the predictions although the results are presented and discussed. The execution times are approximately the same for the two programs

    Isolasi Senyawa Fenolat dari Fraksi Etil Asetat Kulit Batang Tumbuhan Gandaria

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    Telah dilakukan isolasi senyawa fenolat dari fraksi etil asetat kulit batang tumbuhan Gandaria (Bouea macrophylla Griff). Ekstraksi dilakukan dengan metode maserasi dan pemisahan senyawa hasil isolasi dilakukan dengan teknik kromatografi. Hasil isolasi berupa kristal berwarna putih dengan titik leleh 185-187_C. Spektrum UV dalam pelarut etil asetat menunjukkan serapan maksimum pada 289 nm, mengindikasikan adanya ikatan rangkap terkonjugasi yang lazimnya merupakan cincin aromatis. Analisa spektrum IR menunjukkan adanya gugus −OH, C−H alifatik, C=O, C=C, C−H, C−O, C=C−H. Berdasarkan data-data spektrum UV, IR, serta berdasarkan uji fitokimia diduga senyawa hasil isolasi ini merupakan senyawa golongan fenolat yang tersubtitusi gugus alifatik dan gugus karbonil

    Preliminary Multiphysics Analyses of HFIR LEU Fuel Conversion using COMSOL

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    The research documented herein was performed by several individuals across multiple organizations. We have previously acknowledged our funding for the project, but another common thread among the authors of this document, and hence the research performed, is the analysis tool COMSOL. The research has been divided into categories to allow the COMSOL analysis to be performed independently to the extent possible. As will be seen herein, the research has progressed to the point where it is expected that next year (2011) a large fraction of the research will require collaboration of our efforts as we progress almost exclusively into three-dimensional (3D) analysis. To the extent possible, we have tried to segregate the development effort into two-dimensional (2D) analysis in order to arrive at techniques and methodology that can be extended to 3D models in a timely manner. The Research Reactors Division (RRD) of ORNL has contracted with the University of Tennessee, Knoxville (UTK) Mechanical, Aerospace and Biomedical Engineering Department (MABE) to perform a significant fraction of this research. This group has been chosen due to their expertise and long-term commitment in using COMSOL and also because the participating students are able to work onsite on a part-time basis due to the close proximity of UTK with the ORNL campus. The UTK research has been governed by a statement of work (SOW) which clearly defines the specific tasks reported herein on the perspective areas of research. Ph.D. student Isaac T. Bodey has focused on heat transfer, fluid flow, modeling, and meshing issues and has been aided by his major professor Dr. Rao V. Arimilli and is the primary contributor to Section 2 of this report. Ph.D student Franklin G. Curtis has been focusing exclusively on fluid-structure interaction (FSI) due to the mechanical forces acting on the plate caused by the flow and has also been aided by his major professor Dr. Kivanc Ekici and is the primary contributor to Section 4 of this report. The HFIR LEU conversion project has also obtained the services of Dr. Prashant K. Jain of the Reactor & Nuclear Systems Division (RNSD) of ORNL. Prashant has quickly adapted to the COMSOL tools and has been focusing on thermal-structure interaction (TSI) issues and development of alternative 3D model approaches that could yield faster-running solutions. Prashant is the primary contributor to Section 5 of the report. And finally, while incorporating findings from all members of the COMSOL team (i.e., the team) and contributing as the senior COMSOL leader and advocate, Dr. James D. Freels has focused on the 3D model development, cluster deployment, and has contributed primarily to Section 3 and overall integration of this report. The team has migrated to the current release of COMSOL at version 4.1 for all the work described in this report, except where stated otherwise. Just as in the performance of the research, each of the respective sections has been originally authored by the respective authors. Therefore, the reader will observe a contrast in writing style throughout this document

    An object-based logic programming language

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    Due to the character of the original source materials and the nature of batch digitization, quality control issues may be present in this document. Please report any quality issues you encounter to [email protected], referencing the URI of the item.Bibliography: leaves 48-50.Not availabl
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