30 research outputs found

    Resource-building structures hydraulic account for treatment of vehicle washing stations wastewater

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    The article presents a method for calculating the parameters of treatment facilities to bring the level of precipitation and wastewater from small enterprises, shops, and services of the Republic to the level of sewage and irrigation trays. The aim is to improve the design parameters of resource-efficient wastewater treatment plants and their widespread use, increase the production capacity of local wastewater treatment plants, improve the level of wastewater treatment and prevent environmental degradation. Hydraulic calculation of the design parameters of the settling tank was carried out at the local treatment plant. The precipitator works by precipitating suspended solids and separating petroleum products from the liquid surface. At the local treatment plant, the content of petroleum products in industrial and precipitation effluents was reduced to 3 mg/l, and the number of suspended solids to 1-1.5 mg/l

    Discussion of different Remote sensing satellite possibilities for scientifical Earth observations

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    More than 1,000 satellites are launched into space, and they differ in their functions, rotation orbits, resolution, and other properties. Scientists divide the satellites into low-resolution, medium-resolution, high-resolution, and very high-resolution satellites by their properties. Now, the biggest challenge facing scientists is to use some of these different resolution images in their field. To get the expected result, it is very important to analyze the image that needs an which gives more accurate results. Therefore, the main attention of this article is aimed to find the answer to these problems. In this article 3 satellite images which have different resolution are analyzed. The possibility of middle-resolution images of MODIS, high-resolution images of Landsat, and very high-resolution images of WorldView-2 (WV-2) satellites using GIS are analyzed. A research area was the Syrdarya region, and downloaded different images of satellites of this area and compared with using e Cognition. According to the results, a more accurate satellite image for irrigation sets information is WorldView-2 images. In comparison analysis, it shows more accurate properties than other satellite images. As irrigation sets are small objects for the analysis, very high spatial resolution satellite images are important. Water discharge and surface change happen very fast; thus, it requires daily monitoring of the condition. And in this case, the temporal resolution of the MODIS and Landsat is 16 day, and it is a too long period

    Mathematical modeling of wastewater treatment facilities of transport enterprises

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    Wastewater is purified by mechanical, biological, physicochemical and chemical methods. Mechanical treatment plants are the main stage of treatment and remove most of the harmful substances contained in wastewater. The mechanical treatment facilities include a sand trap, a sump, a hydrocyclone, a grid, etc. Among them, the most common and basic design are sumps, which are divided into types according to design and function. In this article, a new mathematical model for calculating vertical sediments used in local treatment for small enterprises has been improved, and design parameters have been calculated. Theoretical studies of the proposed sump were carried out on the basis of molecular kinetic theory, and its accuracy was verified by the author in experimental tests. In the sump, an expression for the distribution of the concentration of suspended solids in wastewater was found. Thus, a filter structure with a filtration efficiency above 60% was created

    Effects of water level changes in reservoir basin on coastal erosion

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    In this article, the Chimkurgan reservoir built in the Kashkadarya basin, located in the Qamashi district of the Kashkadarya region, is selected. Considering the change in the water level of the Chimkurgan reservoir, the level of erosion of the shores in the zone of 14 m of water level change on the left bank of the reservoir was considered. Over time, the forces induced by water weaken the soil aggregates, negatively affecting the soil's stability. The density composition of the reservoir coastal soils was determined at the specified heights. The degree of erosion of the reservoir’s banks, depending on the soil type, was also considered. To the bottom of the reservoir, the degree of erosion of coastal soils was determined in the water level change zone at heights of 9 m, 11 m, 13 m, 15 m, 17 m, and 19 m, 22 m, 23 m. It was found that the types of soils obtained from the elevations in the specified place differ from each other. It was determined that the type of soil at these heights is clay, soft soil, and sand, and to a certain extent, the erosion of the banks differs depending on the type of soil

    Transport capacity of flow in earthline channels

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    The theory of river flow transport is the major cause of the development of the irrigation sector and largely determines the stability of the irrigation scheme. Crop water requirements vary due to climate and crop growth stages. For this reason, the flow of sediments changes during the irrigation season. In this article, to evaluate the canals’ carrying capacity, research in natural field conditions was carried out in the Amuzang canal belonging to the “Amu-Surkhan Irrigation Systems” basin administration. Flow transportability in natural channels was calculated for particles with d=0.05 mm by S.Kh.Abalyans, A.Zamarin, A.M.Arifzhanov, and Engelund and Hansen methods. A histogram of the dependence of flow capacity, channel depth, and average speed on the Amuzang channel was obtained, according to which it was determined that the flow capacity is 1.5-1.8 kg/m3 in the range of 0.6-0.8 m/s

    Assessment of wind effect on reservoir

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    This article presents the research results on assessing the strength of the reservoir slope under the influence of different wind speeds. Calculating the parameters of the wave effect on the dam of the Rezaksoi reservoir was carried out. The average wave height was determined using existing calculation methods for the Rezaksoy Reservoir. Stones of different sizes are used to strengthen the slope of the dam and protect it from the effects of wind waves, and stones with an average diameter are selected for calculations. Based on the determined stone dimensionsKΔ; KNP values were determined. The diameter of the stone D1 and D2 for the conditions of Rezaksoi was determined

    Investigation of the interaction of hydraulic parameters of the channel in the filtration process

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    One of the most important and complex issues in the design of soil drainage channels is the issue of correct accounting of the filtration process. It is necessary to take into account hydraulic parameters and soil composition of existing channels in order to reduce filtration flow rate in ditches with uncoated soil. The article shows how to choose its theoretical basis for reducing the filtration flow rate correctly. Hydraulically convenient design is one of the current problems in the design of canals. This can be achieved by reducing the wet perimeter of the channel to reduce the filtration process in the channel. The article recommends that measures to reduce the filtration process be implemented during the construction or reconstruction of canals, without dismantling and rehabilitating existing canals. Field research was conducted on the North Fergana main canal. In order to study the filtration processes, measurement works were carried out on the PK 396+00, PK 497+01, PK 688+7, PK 692+6, PK 694+6, PK 697+00 pickets crossing the 2-section of the channel in the city of Namangan. In addition, the article developed recommendations on the methods and procedures for the application of bentonite clay from the Lagon betonet clay deposit of the Fergana region to the bottom of the channel in order to reduce the filtration process that occurs in the canal area. According to the results of the study, in the range from PK 411 + 00 to PK 426 + 74, filtration consumption was higher than other pickets

    Conditions for the Effective Use of Anti-Filtration Coating Types in Uncoated Channels

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    The proper consideration of the filtration process is one of the most significant and challenging challenges in the design of earthen channels. The hydraulic properties of the current channels and the makeup of the channel soil must be considered in order to lower the cost of filtration in unlined channels. The quantity of filtration taking place in the soil bed is calculated when both sides of the channel are coated with concrete. Additionally, it was shown that utilizing a screen constructed of the local raw bentonite clay as an anti-filter coating in unlined channels can greatly minimize the amount of filtration, based on the measured values. The article outlines how to choose a theoretical foundation in the right way for reducing filtration costs

    Calculation of filtration process in channels

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    This article provides an analysis and recommendations of the factors that lead to the loss of water as a result of filtration in uncoated canals, rising groundwater levels, deterioration of land reclamation, reduction of canal efficiency coefficient. According to the project data, the part of the Greater Fergana canal from PK-930 to PK-1500 + 10 was built in the type of semi-excavated and natural canal. From PK-930 to PK-1040, the ground level is almost equal to the bottom water level, and the volume of soil discharged in this part of the canal is greater than in other parts. The canal is in the form of a trapezoid and has now changed its shape slightly as a result of a small amount of sedimentation and erosion. In uncoated canals and irrigation systems, there are a number of connections to perform the basic filtration calculation. These bonds are obtained according to Darcy’s law, filtration for homogeneous and isotropic soils. Using the available data, it is possible to determine the depression curve in canals and irrigation systems for all cases, the points that form its curvature, and the filtration rate that occurs in it. It consists of determining the filtration rate (q) of the system at a length of 1 pogm and the filtration coefficient (k) of the soil

    Groundwater Level Analyse In Urgench City With Using Modflow Modeling And Forecasting System

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    The study was conducted as part of a project to develop an automation system for monitoring groundwater in the city of Urgench. The possibilities of modeling and forecasting modeling MODFLOW in groundwater were studied. According to the results, regularities of the level and behavior of groundwater in the city of Urgench were revealed. According to the survey, the direction of movement of groundwater in the city of Urgench shifts in a northwesterly direction to a slope of 0.0008. According to the geophilized model, its high-traffic zone is located at a depth of 10-15 m, from 4-5 m per second