7 research outputs found

    Correlation Of Body Mass Index With Prostate Volume In Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Patients

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    Introduction: Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is the most common prostatic disease inmen. Multiple factors influence the pathogenesis of BPH, and one of them is obesity. Variousstudies about the correlation between obesity and prostate volume show inconsistent results.Some studies reported that obesity correlates with prostate volume, whereas others didn't findthe correlation between obesity and prostate volume. Therefore, this study aims to find thecorrelation between obesity and prostate volume. Purpose: To find the relationship between body mass index (BMI) and BPH patients'prostate volume. Methods: BMI was measured by BMI formula, and prostate volume was measured bytransabdominal ultrasound (TAUS). This study was conducted in RSUD Ibnu SinaKabupaten Gresik by looking at medical records in January 2016-September 2017. This studywas an analytical observational study with a cross-sectional approach. This study uses LinearRegression Test to analyze the correlation of in-between variables. This study's populationwas patients with a diagnosis of BPH that undergo hospitalization in RSUD Ibnu Sina (273medical records). The study sample that corresponding to inclusion and exclusion criteria are27 medical records. Result: The average prostate volume in underweight criteria was 44,5 cm3, in normal criteriais 42,4 cm3. Highest average of prostate volume found in overweight criteria, which was 64,3cm3. In the obese criteria, the average prostate volume was 32,2 cm3. The average prostatevolume was 46,0 cm3. From the linear regression test, we found the value of p=0,881 andR2=0,01. Conclusion: There is no significant correlation between BMI and prostate volume in thisstud


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    Background: One of the risk of breast cancer is Obesity (BMI > 23Kg/m2) related to estrogen production between pre-menopause and post-menopause.Aim: To investigate the difference of breast cancer estrogen receptor (ER) in obese women based on menopausal status.Methods: This study was retrospective cross-sectional from secondary data (Medical Records) from Poliklinik Onkologi Satu Atap (POSA) RSUD Dr. Soetomo (ICD-10 C50) from 2013-2017 with inclusion criteria was BMI >23Kg/m2. Data were analyzed using Chi-Square.  Results: There were 138 patient medical records collected which is 63 were obese pre-menopause and 75 were obese post-menopause. There were statistically a significant difference (p<0,05) based on Chi square test of breast cancer estrogen receptor for obese post-menopause women (66,7%) to obese pre-menopause (39,7%). Obese post-menopause women have 1,68 times greater risk factor to become estrogen receptor positive (ER+) compared to obese pre-menopause women. (PR = 1,68; 95% CI = 1,191-2,370)  Conclusion : There is a significant difference of breast cancer estrogen receptor in obese post-menopause women more frequent than obese pre-menopause women


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    Introduction: The incidence of acute and chronic injuries increases every year. Most injuriesin the world population, as many as 48%, are caused by trauma or surgery. the highestincidence of wounds in the world based on the etiology was from surgery, which was 110.30million cases. One of the handlings of wounds on the skin can be done by giving herbalmedicines, which can be easily accessed by the public, such as binahong leaves and papayaleaves. Purpose: To analyze the effectiveness of giving 40% binahong leaf extract cream and 40%papaya leaf extract cream on the wound distance in the white rat wound healing process. Method: this study is an experimental study with post-test only control group designapproach. The sampling technique used in this study was a random sampling method wherethe number of samples was calculated using the Federer formula, with a total sample of 28white rats. The distance of the wound was measured using a micrometer. Results: Twenty-eight wound distance on rats were measured as subjects of the study andthen treated with binahong leaf extract cream and papaya leaf extract cream, then the wounddistance of each treatment was measured using a micrometer. According to the results, 40%binahong leaf extract cream and 40% papaya leaf extract cream showed better effectivenessin reducing the wound distance of white rat incision than the negative control group (creambase) and positive control group (gentamicin ointment). According to the Mann Whitney testcomparing the P1 group (40% binahong leaf extract cream) and P2 (40% papaya leaf extractcream), p-value >0.05, which is 0.543, which means that P1 has no significant meandifference with P2. Conclusion: There was no significant difference in effectiveness between the treatment of40% binahong leaf extract cream and 40% papaya leaf extract cream

    Identification of cost-effective retrofit and/or rehabilitation strategies for steel buildings

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    Recently developed performance-based earthquake engineering framework, such as one provided by PEER (Deierlein et al. 2003), assist in the quantification in terms of performance such as casualty, monetary losses and downtime. This opens up the opportunity to identify cost-effective retrofit/rehabilitation strategies by comparing upfront costs associated with retrofit with the repair costs that can be expected over time. This loss assessment can be strengthened by learning from recent earthquakes, such as the 2010 Canterbury and 2016 Kaikoura earthquakes. In order to investigate which types of retrofit/rehabilitation strategies may be most cost-effective, a case study building was chosen for this research. The Pacific Tower, a 22-storey EBF apartment located within the Christchurch central business district (CBD), was damaged and repaired during the 2010 Canterbury earthquake series. As such, by taking hazard levels accordingly (i.e. to correspond to the Christchurch CBD), modelling and analysing the structure, and considering the vulnerability and repair costs of its different components, it is possible to predict the expected losses of the aforementioned building. Using this information, cost-effective retrofit/rehabilitation strategy can be determined. This research found that more often than not, it would be beneficial to improve the performance of valuable non-structural components, such as partitions. Although it is true that improving such elements will increase the initial costs, over time, the benefits gained from reduced losses should be expected to overcome the initial costs. Aftershocks do increase the predicted losses of a building even in lower intensities due to the fact that non-structural components can get damaged at such low intensities. By comparing losses computed with and without consideration of aftershocks for a range of historical earthquakes, it was found that the ratio between losses due to main shock with aftershocks to the losses due to the main shock only tended to increase with increasing main shock magnitude. This may be due to the fact that larger magnitude earthquakes tend to generate larger magnitude aftershocks and as those aftershocks happen within a region around the main shock, they are more likely to cause intense shaking and additional damage. In addition to this observation, it was observed that the most significant component of loss of the case study building was the non-structural partition walls


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    Inflamasi dan keganasan saling berhubungan satu sama lain. Pada keganasan kolorektal, skor inflamasi sistemik, Modified Glasgow Prognostic Score merupakan salah satu prediktor independen atas survival. Diet sangat rendah karbohidrat merupakan diet yang mengurangi secara signifikan jumlah karbohidrat. Pada sel tumor, bahan pembentuk energi utama adalah glukosa. Dengan merubah sumber energi menjadi badan keton, sel tumor akan mengalami kelaparan dan reaksi inflamasi yang dipicu oleh sel tumor akan berkurang. Tujuan: Membuktikan bahwa diet sangat rendah karbohidrat dapat menurunkan skor inflamasi sistemik yang diukur dengan Modified Glasgow Prognostic Score pada pasien adenokarsinoma kolorektal dengan best supportive care Metode: Uji klinis acak terkendali (Randomized controlled trial), dengan membagi secara acak sampel kedalam kelompok perlakuan dan kontrol . Diambil 12 sampel untuk kelompok perlakuan dan 12 sampel untuk kelompok kontrol. Diet sangat rendah karbohidrat diberikan pada kelompok perlakuan. Pada kedua kelompok diukur skor GPS dan mGPS. Dilakukan uji beda rerata t test pra dan paska perlakuan. Hasil: Pada kelompok perlakuan didapatkan penurunan baik skor mGPS, yang secara statistik bermakna. Pada kelompok perlakuan terjadi kenaikan skor mGPS yang secara statistik bermakn

    The Correlation Between Total Calories And Protein Intake With Serum Albumin Level Of Post-Surgical Patients

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    Introduction: Post-surgery diet is a set of foods that are given to patients after surgery. Nutritional management in post-surgical patients are often neglected despite the fact that patients require additional calories due to metabolic stress. Nutritional deficiency can impair wound healing since it is a process that requires protein to form collagen tissue. Aim: This study aims to determine the relationship between total calories and protein intake with serum albumin level of post-surgical patients. Methods: This study used an observational analytic design with cross-sectional approach. The sample was gathered using consecutive sampling technique. Study population were all post-surgical patients of Dr. Mohammad Soewandhie Hospital Surabaya aged 30-64 years whose medical records taken in June 2016. There are 32 respondents who met the inclusion criteria. Result: There was a significant correlation between the total calories intake with serum albumin level (r = 0.354; p = 0.047) and between total protein intake with serum albumin level (r = 0.545; p = 0.001). Conclusion: There is a positive correlation between total calories and protein intake with serum albumin level in post-surgical patients

    The Correlation Between Family History, Constipation, Defecation Position, And Defecation Time And Hemorrhoid On Patient In General Surgery Outpatient Clinic Dr. Mohamad Soewandhie Regional Public Hospital Surabaya

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    Background: Hemorrhoid is one of the most common anorectal problem. Definite etiological cause(s) are still unknown but there are many risk factors that are found to be responsible for the development of hemorrhoid. Elimination and modification of these risk factors are the keys toward the effective control and prevention of hemorrhoid. Aim: This study aims to analyze the correlation between family history, constipation, defecation position, and defecation time and hemorrhoid among patient in general surgery outpatient clinic Dr. Mohamad Soewandhie Regional Public Hospital Surabaya. Methods: This was an analytic observational study with cross-sectional design. Sampling was conducted with purposive sampling technique. Coefficient contingency test was done to analyze correlation between bivariate variables. Fifty-six patients in June and July 2016 were given questionnaire and patient’s medical records were taken to know the presence of hemorrhoid. Results: There was a correlation, respectively, between family history and hemorrhoid (C=0,329; p=0,009), constipation and hemorrhoid (C=0,474; p=0,000), between defecation position and hemorrhoid (C=0,395; p=0,001), and between defecation time and hemorrhoid (C=0,448; p=0,000). Conclusion: The incidence of hemorrhoid could be affected by family history, constipation, defecation position, and defecation time