7 research outputs found

    Analisis Tingkat Kepuasan Fasilitas Di Alun-Alun Kota Batu Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19

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    Kota Batu adalah salah satu kota wisata di Indonesia yang paling terkena dampak covid 19, yaitu dilihat dari penurunan jumlah wisatawan. Berdasarkan peraturan yang dikeluarkan oleh Pemerintah Kota Batu, Pemkot Batu menutup semua tempat wisata dan hiburan demi mencegah penyebaran virus Covid-19. Pada masa transisi yaitu new normal, tempat-tempat wisata di Kota Batu mulai dibuka dengan beberapa aturan yang harus diterapkan terkait protokol Kesehatan. Pengunjung yang datang ke taman ini tentu memiliki persepsi dan preferensi masing-masing terkait dengan fasilitas yang telah disediakan pemeritah pada masa pandemi Covid-19, sehingga perlu dilakukan penelitian mengenai kepuasan pengunjung. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui kondisi fisik fasilitas Alun-alun Kota Batu, mengetahui tingkat kepuasan pengunjung di Alun-alun Kota Batu, dan memberikan solusi dan alternatif untuk meningkatkan kepuasan pengunjung di Alun-alun Kota Batu. Hasil analisis yang didapatkan diketahui kondisi fisik fasilitas alun-alun Batu sangat baik namun perlu penambahan beberapa fasilitas agar nantinya pengunjung merasa puas saat berkunjung. Berdasarkan analisa fasilitas di atas dapat kebanyakan pengunjung mengatakan sangat penting dan sangat puas dengan berbagai fasilitas yang ada hanya saja masih terdapat beberapa pengunjung yang masih mengatakan puas dari berdasarkan kategori kepuasan diantaranya fasilitas bermain anak, fasilitas temat santai, fasilitas jogging track serta daya tarik dan keindahan Alun-alun Batu

    Audio Visual Aid’s Development of Health Promotion Media With Design Thinking at Nutrition Care Center

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    Teaching Factory Nutrition Care Center (NCC) is a synergistic product of the Jember State Polytechnic and the world of business and industry (DUDI). The development of NCC supports student practice learning in conducting nutrition interventions. The research aims to develop an efficient and attractive NCC-promotive educational media. This research is a Research and Development (R&D) with the approach that is used design thinking. It requires a designer to be able to analyze a problem, express creative ideas, experiment in making a prototype, to collect the proper feedback regarding the media created. The study results show that the audio-visual media that will be developed are the NCC mascot, profile videos, and nutrition education videos. Through the ideate and prototype stages are an egg mascot called Si Nucca, an acronym for the Nutrition Care Center. The character of eggs describes foods with high nutritional value and are affordable by the community. The results of media validation by the material and media validators got good results ( score of 4.7). Acceptance test results show a score of 4.47 with a good interpretation on the aspects of effectiveness, attractiveness and efficiency. The conclusion is that the audio-visual media that has been developed is feasible to be tested on the public

    Pengaruh Desain Stent pada Jumlah Limfosit dan Trombosit Kelinci (Oryctolagus Cuniculus)

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    Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI) is an effective treatment for coronary artery diseases. For the procedure, a stent is put in the coronary arteries. There are a variety of stent materials and designs available on the market. The development of stents continues with the goal to reduce the risk of failure. The design and the ability of the stent as a vascular scaffold are important factors for the success of the stent. The implantation of a stent as a foreign body can lead to inflammation. In general, the inflammation is characterized by an increased number of lymphocytes. Then, platelets play a role in coordinating the occurrence of inflammation and immune response. This study aims to determine the effect of stent design on the number of lymphocytes and platelets as a marker of inflammation. The study was conducted on ten rabbits divided into two treatment groups, namely KP1 (new design stent) and KP2 (commercial stent) by placing a stent on the iliac artery. One hour before stenting, 2 ml of blood was collected in all experimental animals. Then, 2 ml of blood was collected again on the 7th and 28th day after stenting.  Data was collected based on the number of lymphocytes and platelets from all experimental animals. Statistical analysis using two-way ANOVA shows no significant difference (p> 0.05) on the number of lymphocytes and platelets between the two groups with different stent designs. It can be concluded that the design of a stent does not show a tendency to cause inflammation

    Kajian Kliniko-patologik dan Antimikroba Ekstrak Biji Alpukat (Persea Americana Mill)

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    The phytochemical components of avocado seeds (Persea americana Mill) consist of alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins and saponins, so that they have the potential as antibacterials. The aim of this study was to determine the ability of Persea americana Mill extract to inhibit the growth of Staphylococcus aureus through inhibition zone observation and the ability to accelerate wound healing infected by S. aureus through observation of wound closure and cytopathology.  Persea americana Mill were extracted using maceration method with 70% ethanol. The activities of this extract were tested by diffusion disc agar method. Biomedical tests were carried out on anaestetic Wistar rats whose were S. aureus infected wounds  and treated with Persea Americana Mill extract. Based on the results of the antimicrobial test, avocado seed extract has a inhibitory effect on the growth of S. aureus at a concentration of 6.25% and best at a concentration of 100% compared to the control. Tests in experimental rats showed the effect of wound healing on the 2rd day after giving the extract Persea americana Mill ointment, faster than the control, which was need 4 days of wound closure. Cytopathology results showed that leukocyte activity was more prominent in rats treated with avocado seed extract compared to control rats. Avocado seeds as byproducts have the potential to be new herbal medicines that can be used as antimicrobials of S. aureus which have been confirmed to be resistant to various antibiotics

    Veterinary aid clinic assessments of working ponies in West Nusa Tenggara province, Indonesia: A retrospective study

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    Working ponies in the West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) province of Indonesia are relied upon as the principal mode of transport. They have important cultural, logistical and One Health significance for the local community. Given the tropical climate, these ponies face well recognised health and welfare challenges . Parameters relating to the general health and welfare of the ponies were assessed following data analysis of clinical records from three veterinary clinics held in 2018 and 2019. Records relating to 454 clinical examinations of ponies (n=365 stallions) aged between 1 to 25 years (mean 7.59 ± 4.70) were analysed. The mean body condition score (1 to 5 scoring system) across all clinics was 2.89 (±0.49; range 1.5, 4.5), with no significant difference between clinics (P= 0.297). The majority of ponies (84.57%; 95% CI 80.50, 87.92; 307/363) assessed presented with tachypnoea, 37.24% presented with tachycardia (95% CI 32.78, 41.92; 159/427), 14.80% (95% CI 11.10, 19.46; 41/277) recorded rectal temperatures considered hyperthermic (>38.5°C), and 38.0% did not show obvious evidence of sweating (95% CI 32.21, 44.16; 95/250). Ponies examined at the April/May 2019 clinic were more likely to be considered hyperthermic (P=0.009) and/or presented with tachycardia (P<0.001), whereas ponies examined in the November 2019 clinic were more likely to present with tachypnoea (P=0.001). In general, the objective measures of body condition and health indices of these ponies were considered adequate. Some abnormalities relating to prolonged recovery following exercise whilst working were considered likely related to thermoregulatory stress. Parasite burdens were found to be low, no haemoprotozoan parasites were detected and median faecal egg count was zero. Measures to encourage cooling and greater frequent rest periods continued surveillance and monitoring the health of these ponies will result in both enhanced welfare and advances in One Health initiatives

    Hematologi rutin sapi peranakan ongole yang mengalami mumifikasi fetus

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    Seekor sapi peranakan ongole dilaporkan melewati batas waktu perkiraan kelahiran pada bulan ke-10 tanpa menunjukkan adanya tanda-tanda mendekati kelahiran. Pemeriksaan ultrasonografi dilakukan untuk memastikan kondisi kebuntingan dan didapatkan gambaran dinding uterus bersinggungan dengan bentukan tulang dan teracak fetus serta cairan amnion yang sangat sedikit dan hampir mengering. Pemeriksaan fisik dan pengambilan sampel darah dilakukan untuk memperkuat diagnosis dan melakukan rencana terapi. Operasi caesar dilakukan untuk mengeluarkan fetus melalui prosedur operasi posisi berdiri pada flank kiri. Fetus berwarna coklat kekuningan dan mengalami perlekatan dengan kotiledon serta membran khorioalantois. Hasil gambaran darah sebelum operasi menunjukkan hasil nilai eritrosit, Hb, MCV, MCH, total leukosit, neutrofil, limfosit, monosit, eosinofil, total protein plasma (TPP), dan fibrinogen dalam batas normal. Trombosit dan MCHC mengalami penurunan sedangkan PCV mengalami peningkatanSeekor sapi peranakan ongole dilaporkan melewati batas waktu perkiraan kelahiran pada bulan ke-10 tanpa menunjukkan adanya tanda-tanda mendekati kelahiran. Pemeriksaan ultrasonografi dilakukan untuk memastikan kondisi kebuntingan dan didapatkan gambaran dinding uterus bersinggungan dengan bentukan tulang dan teracak fetus serta cairan amnion yang sangat sedikit dan hampir mengering. Pemeriksaan fisik dan pengambilan sampel darah dilakukan untuk memperkuat diagnosis dan melakukan rencana terapi. Operasi caesar dilakukan untuk mengeluarkan fetus melalui prosedur operasi posisi berdiri pada flank kiri. Fetus berwarna coklat kekuningan dan mengalami perlekatan dengan kotiledon serta membran khorioalantois. Hasil gambaran darah sebelum operasi menunjukkan hasil nilai eritrosit, Hb, MCV, MCH, total leukosit, neutrofil, limfosit, monosit, eosinofil, total protein plasma (TPP), dan fibrinogen dalam batas normal. Trombosit dan MCHC mengalami penurunan sedangkan PCV mengalami peningkata

    The mice’s hematological effect of given the

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    Staphylococcus aureus is often the cause of various diseases and food poisoning in animals and humans. Avocado seeds (Persea americana, Mill) contain important compounds that have antimicrobial activity. This study aimed to observe the hematological dynamics of mice (Mus musculus domesticus) infected with S. aureus and induced by P. americana extract. BALB/c male mice aged 12 weeks were divided into 6 groups of 5 in each group, named K-1, K-2, K-3, K-4, K-5, and K-6. All groups were infected with S. aureus 1x108 CFU cell/mL intraperitoneally (IP) on day 0. After the blood sample was taken, then K-1 was given a single dose of tetracyclin 130 mg/kg BW, K-2 was given 130 mg/kb BW oferythromycin, K-3 was given aquabidest (placebo), K-4 was given P. americana extract 300 mg/kg BW, K-5 at a dose 600 mg/kg BW and K-6 at a dose 1200 mg/kg BW. The treatment was given for 7 consecutive days, then a second blood sample was taken and analyzed with the VetScan-HM5 analyzer and interpreted. It was concluded that S. aureus infection caused leukopenia and was potentially followed by lymphopenia, neutrophilia, and monocytosis. The occurrence of microcytosis can lead to anemia, which can be categorized as microcytic hypochromic or normocytic normochromic. Administration of P. americana extract at a dose 300 mg/kg BW (K-4) for 7 days after S. aureus infection was found to be effective in improving hematological values in mice back to normal