38 research outputs found

    Motility and Viability of Friesian Holstein Spermatozoa in Three Different Extender Stored at 5oc

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    The aims of this study was to compare Tris egg yolk and Citrate egg yolk extender andsupplementation of fructose on citrate egg yolk on the quality of Friesian Holstein (FH) bull semenstored at 5 oC. Semen was collected from 5 FH bulls using an artificial vagina. The semen wereevaluated macroscopic and microscopically. The semen divided into three tubes and extended with Trisegg yolk (TEY), Citrate egg yolk (CEY) or Citrate fructose egg yolk (CFEY). Extended semen wasstored at 5 oC and evaluate daily for sperm motility and viability. There was no significant differences(P>0.05) on the sperm viability among three extender, for every time observation during 144 hours ofstorage. This similar finding found on the sperm motility in all extender for 48 hours of storage. Thesperm motility in TEY demonstrated significantly greater (P<0.05) than in CFEY and CEY extender at72 to 120 hours storage. In the end of storage, sperm motility in TEY (35.2 ± 4.1%) and CFEY (33.5 ±2.71%) extender statistically indicated no significant different, and both were greater than CEY. Inconclusion, CFEY support the sperm motility as good as TEY of FH bull

    Mineral Utilization in Rams Fed Ration Supplemented with Different Levels of Chromium, Calcium, and Cation-Anion Balances

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    Chromium (Cr) is an essential mineral for ruminants. Its metabolism and interactions with other minerals has not been widely known. This experiment was designed to evaluate the utilization of minerals and growth of Garut ram fed ration supplemented with Cr and different Dietary Cation Anion Balance (DCAB) and Ca level. Dietary treatments, namely: R0 (Ration with DCAB+14); R1 (Ration with DCAB+14 + Cr 3ppm,); R2 (Ration with DCAB 0 + Ca); R3 (Ration with DCAB 0 + Cr 3 ppm + Ca), were allocated in twenty four of 1.5-2 years old Garut rams in a randomized block design. The results showed that Cr supplementation in rations containing different levels of Ca did not affect feed intake, body weight gain, and dry matter digestibility, but reduced the absorption of Cr and Ca of the low Ca diet. Supplementation of Cr had no effect on Cr, Ca, Zn, and Mg status in blood and semen of the rams. Level of Cr intake had negative correlation with Ca absorption and positive correlation with blood Cr levels. There is a positive relationship between level of Ca intake with Ca and Mg absorption and blood Ca and Zn levels. Intake of Cr and Ca was not related to the semen Cr and Ca levels

    Pembekuan Semen Lele Dumbo (Clarias Gariepinus Burchell 1822) Sebagai Model Kriopreservasi Semen Ikan [Freezing of African Catfish Semen (Clarias Gariepinus Burchell 1822) as a Model of Cryopreservation Fish Semen]

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    Efek empat jenis pengencer dan empat konsentrasi dimetil sulfoksida (DMSO) (5%, 10%, 15% dan 20%) dari motilitas spermatozoa ikan lele dumbo dievaluasi setelah penyimpanan pada suhu beku. Upaya kriopreservasi semen lele dumbo terhadap 16 kombinasi perlakuan yang terdiri atas beberapa tahap, yaitu: persiapan pengenceran semen lele dumbo; pencampuran dengan bahan pengencer DMSO; pengepakan semen di dalam straw 0,3 ml; equilibrasi pada suhu lemari es pada suhu 4oC selama 30 menit; semen lele dumbo dibekukan di atas uap nitrogen cair dengan tinggi 6,5 cm selama 10 menit dan selanjutnya disimpan dalam wadah nitrogen cair (-196oC) untuk dianalisis lanjut guna melihat postthawing motility (PTM). Hasil analisis PTM, terhadap tingkat motilitas spermatozoa lele dumbo, terlihat bahwa nilai tertinggi pada perlakuan PiD15 (45,7±4,3%) dan terendah pada perlakuan P2D20 (14,5±13,2%). Pengencer terbaik ada-lah pengencer yang mengandung NaCl, KCl, CaCl2, dan NaHCO3. Konsentrasi terbaik DMSO adalah konsentrasi DMSO 15%. Sementara interaksi terbaik antara pengencer dengan konsentrasi DMSO adalah PiD15 perlakuan yang mengandung NaCl, KCl, CaCl2, dan NaHCO3 dengan kombinasi konsentrasi DMSO 15%. Kesimpulan, upaya kriopreservasi sperma lele dumbo dapat menggunakan pengencer yang mengandung NaCl, KCl, CaCl2, dan NaHCO3 dengan kombinasi konsentrasi DMSO 15%

    Identification of Polymorphism of Fsh Beta-subunit Gene as Sperm Quality Marker in Bali Cattle Using Pcr-rflp

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    The aim of study was to identify the association of FSH beta-subunit gene polymorphisms withsperm quality traits. A total of 470 samples of normal mature bull from several breeds were used forpopulation study and 127 bulls from National and Regional AI centre of Indonesia for association study.To amplify, a PCR-RFLP method was used and digested with Pst1 restriction enzyme. The allelefrequency of the A and B in Bali cattle were (0.000) and (1.000), respectively. The absence of otherallele A suggested that the Bali cattle was monomorphic, while Brahman, FH, Simmental and Limousinewere polymorphic. The highest observed heterozygosity were found in Limousine (0.318) and thehighest expected heterozygosity were in Simmental (0.420). The higher incident of percentage of spermabnormalities were found in Simmental, Limousin, Brahman compared to Bali and FH. Among all typesof sperm abnormalities, the abaxial and microcephalus were found in highest number

    Sperm Morphological Assessments of Friesian Holstein Bull Semen Collected From Three Artificial Insemination Centers in Indonesia

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    Morphologically abnormal sperm in semen has been associated with the sub fertility and sterilityfor many years. This study assessed the sperm morphology of Friesian Holstein bull semen which wascollected from three Artificial Insemination centers in Indonesia. Total of 22 bulls were used in thisstudy; an ejaculate from each bull was examined. Three to four glass slides were prepared for each bullsample; a drop of semen was placed on each glass slide, smeared, and air-dried. The smeared sampleswere stained with carbolfuchsin-eosin (Williams stain). Morphological abnormality types were recordedfrom total of 500 spermatozoa. Results demonstrated that all 22 bulls had low sperm abnormality(<10%). Pearshaped was the most frequently type of sperm abnormality found in the samples(0.81±0.93%); while detached head was the lowest (0.01±0.04%)

    The Quality of Stallion Semen in Skim Milk and Dimitropoulos Extenders Preserved at 5 oC and Ambient Temperature Supplemented with Different Sugar

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    This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of sugars supplementation in skim milk based (SM) and dimitropoulos (DV) extenders on the sperm motility and viability in stallion semen storage at 5 oC and ambient temperature (24-29 oC). Semen samples were collected from 3 stallions; evaluate individually and each of them divided into 8 aliquots. Four out of eight aliquots were diluted 1:1 with SM, while the remaining four were diluted 1:1 with DV; all were then centrifuged at 1006 g (3000 RPM) for 15 min. The supernatants were discarded, and each pellet was re-diluted with SM (control), SM trehalose (SMT), SM-raffinose (SMR), SM-fructose (SMF), DV (control), DV-trehalose (DVT), DV-raffinose (DVR), and DV-fructose (DVF). The diluted semen were divided into 2 aliquots and stored at 5 oC or ambient temperature. The sperm motility and viability were evaluated every 3 h on chilled semen stored at ambient temperature, and every 12 h on those stored at 5 oC. Results of the experiments demonstrated that sperm motility and viability in DV extender significantly higher (P &lt; 0.05) in both temperature. The supplementation of fructose was the best on the motility and viability of the sperm at both temperatures compare to trehalose, raffinose, or the control group. The best extender and sugar combination was DVF, which the total motile sperm stored at 5 oC for 96 h was 45.1% followed by to DVT (40.2%) and DVR (39.2%). The sperm motility in DV and SMF were 35.3% and 35.6%, respectively; these were higher than those diluted with control (28.9%); SMT (30.3%), and SMR (29.6%). The study concluded that the supplementation of fructose in DV extender (DVF) was the best combination to preserve stallion sperm motility and viability stored at 5 oC or ambient temperature

    Pengembangan Metode Identifikasi Kerusakan DNA Spermatozoa Ternak

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    The success of artificial insemination is very much determined by the quality of spermatozoa. The detection or identification of damaged chromatin of spermatozoa DNA is very important to forsee the adverse clinical outcome. However, the method of identification is still depended on expensive imported kits. Therefore, the objective of this research was to developed an identification kit to determine the quality of livestock spermatozoa DNA chromatin.This study consist of three step. Step 1) Determination of low melting point agarose (LMP-agarose) concentration which is 0,6%, 0,7% and 0,8%. 2) Comparison of three lysis solution (LS) which is LS I (0.4M Tris, 0.8M DTT, 1% SDS, pH 7.5), LS II (0.4M Tris,2 M NaCl, 1% SDS , pH 7.5), and LS III (0.4M Tris-HCl, 2M NaCl, 1% SDS 0,05 M EDTA, pH 7.5). 3) Comparison different staining which is Eosin yellow and Methylene blue. The results showed that 0.6% LMP-agarose demonstrated the best concentration to “trapped the spermatozoa” compared for sheep and goats. whereas the three concentration of spermatozoa cows can not be used to trap spermatozoa cow. The best formulation to lysis the membrane was LS III (0.4M Tris -HCl, 2M NaCl, 1% SDS 0,05 M EDTA). The best staining was eosin yellow and methylene blue with 2:1 ratio

    Viabilitas Spermatozoa Semen Beku Babi Duroc dalam Extender Beltsville Thawing Solution Menggunakan Krioprotektan Gliserol dan Dimetillacetamida

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    This study investigated the effect of glycerol and dimethylacetamide (DMA) in beltsville thawing solution (BTS) extender. Semen samples were collected from three boars of the Duroc breed (n=5) and were evaluated microscopically and macroscopically. Semen that have been evaluated and meets the following criteria: has motility characteristics &gt;70%, concentration &gt;300 million/ml and abnormality 20%; was accepted as appropriate samples. Semen samples were divided into four tubes and were diluted with 5 ml of BTS. The diluted semen was left for two hours in the temperature range from 20 to 22°C before was centrifuged for 15 minutes (500G). The pellet of centrifuged semen was taken as much as 1 ml with its supernatant. The BTS glycerol (BTSG), BTS-DMA (BTSD), BTS-Glycerol-DMA (BTSG-D) were added into the pellet. The diluted semen was packed into straw of 0.5 ml and was equilibrated for 2 hours in 4 °C. The equilibrated semen was frost with the steam of nitrogen and stored in liquid nitrogen. The quality of frozen semen was assessed at least 24 hour after freezing process. The results indicate that the sperm motility after thawing in BTS extender BTSD is 52.14±0.4%, ,higher than the other two extenders (P&lt;0.05). Thus, it is conclude that the DMA concentration in BTS extender maintains the quality of frozen semen from the Duroc breed better than other extenders