6 research outputs found

    Analysis of Manhaj Dabt in Surah al-Baqarah: A Study of Manuscripts Al-Quran MSS 4322 by Pangeran Jimat

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    Dabt is described by Muhammad Salim Muhaysin as a discipline related to the method of marking the letters of the Quran. This discipline of knowledge is based on law either in terms of tajwid or the form of recitation. The main focus of this study is to analyze the manhaj ilmu dabt found in surah al-Baqarah in the manuscript al-Quran MSS 4322 collection of the National Library of Malaysia. Manuscript al-Quran MSS 4322 is a handwritten al-Quran manuscript by Pangeran Jimat in Madura, Indonesia. Pangeran Jimat was a sultan who ruled Madura in the 17th century AD. This study was conducted through a philological approach. The method used during this study is the method of data collection through documentation method by analyzing the text of the Qur'an MSS 4322. The findings show that analysis of dabt knowledge in the manuscript of al-Quran MSS 4322 clearly shows the writing of dabt manuscript al- Quran MSS 4322 does not follow the actual method of dabt knowledge such as the complete harakat, tanwin, mad, sabdu, sukun and hamzah, but is more in line with the normal writing pattern. The findings show, the author submits a proposal so that this study can be done continuously on other surah especially aspect dabt Therefore, this manuscript of the Qur'an is a great manuscript that will enhance the dignity and writings of previous scholars academically and more authoritatively to the digital generation, especially in the field of the Qur'an.ABSTRAKDabt dijelaskan oleh Muhammad Salim Muhaysin sebagai suatu disiplin ilmu yang berkaitan dengan metode penandaan huruf-huruf Al-Qur'an. Disiplin ilmu ini berlandaskan hukum baik dari segi tajwid maupun bentuk tajwidnya. Fokus utama penelitian ini adalah menganalisis manhaj ilmu dabt yang terdapat dalam surah al-Baqarah dalam manuskrip al-Quran MSS 4322 koleksi Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia. Naskah Al-Quran MSS 4322 adalah naskah Al-Quran tulisan tangan oleh Pangeran Jimat di Madura, Indonesia. Pangeran Jimat adalah seorang sultan yang memerintah Madura pada abad ke-17 Masehi. Penelitian ini dilakukan melalui pendekatan filologis. Metode yang digunakan selama penelitian ini adalah metode pengumpulan data melalui metode dokumentasi dengan menganalisis teks Al-Qur'an MSS 4322. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh pada analisis pengetahuan dabt dalam naskah al-Quran MSS 4322 jelas menunjukkan penulisan dabt mushaf al-Quran MSS 4322 tidak mengikuti metode pengetahuan dabt yang sebenarnya seperti harakat lengkap, tanwin, mad, sabdu, sukun dan hamzah, tetapi lebih sesuai dengan pola penulisan normal. Sebagai hasil dari temuan penelitian ini, penulis mengajukan proposal agar penelitian ini dapat dilakukan secara berkelanjutan pada surah-surah Al-Qur'an lainnya di Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia yang belum dikaji secara komprehensif yang berasal dari dunia Melayu. Oleh karena itu, naskah Al-Qur'an ini merupakan naskah besar yang akan meningkatkan harkat dan martabat tulisan para ulama terdahulu secara akademis dan lebih berwibawa kepada generasi digital khususnya di bidang Al-Qur'an

    Keunikan Metadologi Hafazan al-Quran Deobandy dari India

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    There are several methods to memorize the Qur’an in Malaysia. These methods have been studied and adopted by the huffaz. The methods of memorizing the Qur’an is an important matter to ensure that students can memorize and remember the Qur’an as soon as possible after they become Hafiz al-Qur'an. Method of memorization is the basic technique in memorizing the Qur’an. However different techniques and approaches in each method will give a different impact on the quality of memorization. There are many methods of memorization in Malaysia are imported from foreign countries and among them is the Deobandy method from India. Deobandy method has some unique and special privilege compare to other method. Deobandy method adopted a few techniques such as memorizing preparation, sabak, para sabak, ammokhtar, halaqah dauri and so on

    Development and Alpha Testing of EzHifz Application: Al-Quran Memorization Tool

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    Learning to memorize the Quran presents a challenge. This paper reports the development and alpha testing of a mobile application called “EzHifz” for Quran memorization based on the VARK learning style. The application received positive feedback for user acceptance testing and heuristic testing. The Fleiss kappa coefficient (κ) results for user acceptance testing show a very good level of agreement (κ = 0.850). Heuristic testing results show that κ = 0.731 for content, manual guide, memorization activities, performance information, and tasmik assessment attributes, while κ = 0.727 for presentation design, interactivity, multimedia elements, attraction, and motivation attributes. These results show a good level of agreement, which indicates that the EzHifz application meets the requirements of design and development based on the attributes evaluated. A combination of memorizing techniques in the application helps strengthen the use of preferred VARK learning styles. The techniques support the use of multiple senses that could facilitate the process of memorizing the Quran independently. This study contributes to the novel design and evaluation of the Quran memorization application based on the Quran memorization model. The application supports the teaching and learning of Quran memorization where it allows students to select their preferred VARK learning style with the technique of memorizing the Quran. This mobile application learning approach based on VARK’s learning style has the potential to be implemented in the process of memorizing the Quran as well as retaining memory through the use of memory senses in support of the learning materials developed

    Understanding the Perception of Islamic Medicine Among the Malaysian Muslim Community

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    This study was conducted to identify and describe the patients’ perceptions of Islamic medicine based on gender, age, marital, educational level and working status among the Malaysian Muslim population. A nationwide interviewer-administered questionnaire survey was conducted in 2013. An open-ended questionnaire pertaining to Islamic medicine was used to increase the probability of capturing maximum data. This survey implemented a multistage design, stratified by state, proportionate to the size of the state population and was representative of the Malaysian population. Post-survey classification of results was performed accordingly. Complex data analysis was carried out using SPSS 16.0. The discussion was identified and categorised into various sections. The paper concludes that Islamic medicine has a major influence in the Malaysian Muslim community compared to other alternatives. Further, its potential for growth and importance especially for treating spiritual ailments cannot be denied. The respondents indicated that two factors motivate Islamic medicine in Malaysia: (1) the Muslim community opts for alternative healing because of their dissatisfaction with conventional methods; (2) Islamic medicine focuses only on healing spiritual-related problems. The average perception of respondents is that the function of Islamic medicine in healing physical diseases is undervalued and that it is not suitable to replace the functions of modern health institutions

    Diet halalan toyyiban: porcine blood plasms detection in chicken meatball by conventional polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis

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    The addition of blood plasm in meatballs become an issue and concerned by Muslim’s consumers in Malaysia due to its uncertain Halal status on that product especially on non-Halal logo product certified by Department of Islamic Development Malaysia (JAKIM). Although the quantity of animal blood plasma consumption is low, its effect on the elasticity and structure of meatball are good. This study was conducted to detect the presence of chicken and porcine DNA in chicken meatballs by conventional polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay targeted mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) on chicken and short interspersed nuclear element (SINE) on porcine genome. Meatballs spiked with 1.0% (w/w) and 5.0% (w/w) porcine meat and gelatin, respectively, were prepared and heat-treated using five (n=5) cooking methods: boiling, pan-frying, roasting, microwaving and autoclaving. A pairs of mtDNA and SINE primers were targeted in short sequences using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis, producing 129 and 161 bp amplicons, respectively. Electrophoresis analysis showed positive results for chicken and porcine DNA at 1.0% and 5.0% for both chicken meat and blood plasma for all of the different cooking techniques. In conclusion, in the presence study demonstrated the PCR analysis using species-specific primers was very useful for the detection of porcine DNA in heat-treated meatballs

    Sheikh Ahmad Al-Fatani and his Bisyaratul ‘Amilin wa Nazaratul ghafilin: a contribution in Hadith studies

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    Manuscripts on Hadith written by scholars from the Malay Archipelago had begun in the 17th century. Ahmad al-Fatani who is the subject of discussion in this present paper had written several manuscripts that can be categorized under the earliest writings in field of Hadith. Even though the obvious integral subjects of the writings were on similar discussions on tasawuf and fiqh, however he was evaluated and judged by his successors as a very meticulous and vigilant scholar with regards to transmitting Hadiths. He wrote both in Arabic and Malay languages. Among his manuscripts which were classified by Wan Mohd Saghir Abdullah as works on Hadith are Kitab Bisyaratul ‘Amilin Wa Nazaratul Ghafilin. This paper examines the main idea of his work which is considered as a reference in traditional madrasah system in the region