872 research outputs found

    The relationships between corporate meeting planner's personality traits and their choices of meeting places

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    This study is to determine the influence of personality on the novelty preference for corporate meeting destination choice. The Big-Five model of personality which consists of five traits namely openness, conscientiousness, extraversion,agreeableness, and neuroticism was employed to operationalise the personality construct. A total of 75 corporate meeting planners drawn from public listed service organisations were involved. The main method of data collection was questionnaire survey and multiple regression analysis was employed as the main statistical analysis. The results revealed that only openness (positively) and agreeableness (negatively) contributed significantly to the prediction of novelty preference for corporate meeting destination choice. This study, which also seeks to determine the relationships between some demographical variables and novelty preference, found that demographical information is not a good predictor of meeting destination choice. The main implication of this study is pertaining to the segmentation and targeting of the corporate meeting market. This study also helps in bridging the gap between tourism marketing and organisational research

    Towards Digital Game-Based Learning (DGBL) in Higher Education (HE): The Educators’ Perception

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    There are widespread of Digital Game-based Learning (DGBL) applications or computer games (CG) utilization in various areas including education sector. Although researchers echoed that CG has potential to be leveraged as a learning tool and suggest educators to shift from conventional approach to Digital Game-based Learning (DGBL) to suit the new learning styles introduced by the Digital Natives, yet the view of educators in relation to the uptake of CG in education is still lacking. Hence this research work aims to explore the experiences, perceptions, habits and expectations of educators towards implementing CG in Higher Education(HE) focusing on Malaysian context. Keywords: Game-based Learning (DGBL), Computer games, Higher Education (HE

    Core Dimensions of Islamic Hotel Service: Towards their promotion in the Global Marketplace

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    This study works to identify the core dimensions of the so-called ‘Islamic Hotel’. The main purpose is to provide some insights on how the resulting dimensions could be utilised as a competitive advantage to promote Islamic Hotels in the global market rather than to confine them merely to the Muslim segment. This study involving 782 tourists and employed both in-depth interviews and questionnaire surveys as the methods for data collection. The results of the Exploratory Factor Analysis showed that there are seven dimensions of Islamic Hotels, labelled as Aurat, Halal Food, Mahram, Ibadah, Islamic Entertainment and Decoration, Islamic Management and finally Islamic Events. The discussion on the implications of this study indicates that Islamic hotels have huge potential to be successfully promoted as a form of theme hotel in the global tourism and hospitality market

    Pengaruh Aplikasi Legin Dan Pupuk Kompos Terhadap Hasil Tanaman Kacang Tanah (Arachis Hypogaea L.) Varietas Jerapah

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    Peningkatan produksi kacang tanah di Indonesia dapat dilakukan melalui intensifikasi menggunakan legin (Legume inoculant) dan pupuk kompos. Aplikasi legin dapat meningkatkan bintil akar yang berfungsi mengikat nitrogen dari atmosfer untuk pertumbuhan dan produksi tanaman kacang tanah. Kondisi tanah yang keras dapat menghambat pertumbuhan akar dan ginofor. Perbaikan tanah yang keras dapat dilakukan menggunakan pupuk kompos karena kompos dapat meningkatkan aktifitas organisme tanah. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui pengaruh aplikasi legin pada lahan tanpa kompos dan diberi kompos dosis sedang dan tinggi terhadap hasil tanaman kacang tanah. Penelitian dilakukan di Kebun Percobaan Fakultas Pertanian desa Jatikerto, Malang bulan Desember 2013 sampai Febuari 2014. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Aplikasi legin 12 g/kg benih pada lahan tanpa kompos (K0L3) dapat meningkatkan hasil tanaman kacang tanah sebesar 20,3%. Penambahan legin 8 g/kg benih pada lahan yang diberi kompos 2 ton/ha (K1L2) dan penambahan legin 12 g/kg benih pada lahan yang diberi kompos 4 ton/ha (K2L3) dapat memberikan hasil tanaman kacang tanah lebih tinggi dibandingkan tanpa legin masing-masing sebesar 16,5% dan 32,6%


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    Kredit adalah penyediaan uang atau tagihan yang dapat dipersamakan dengan itu, berdasarkan persetujuan atau kesepakatan pinjam meminjam antara bank dan pihak lain yang mewajibkan pihak peminjam melunasi utangnya setelah jangka waktu tertentu dengan pemberian bunga. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui prosedur pemberian kredit Guna Bhakti pada Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Barat dan Banten. Untuk mencapai sasaran penelitian yang jelas dan terarah maka penulis merumuskan permasalahan mengenai prosedur pemberian kredit Guna Bhakti, Hambatan yang muncul dalam penyelenggaraan pemberian kredit guna bhakti serta langkah penyeleseiannya. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan pembahasan maka prosedur pemberian kredit Guna Bhakti pada Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Barat dan Banten KCP Ciawi meliputi kegiatan pemberian kredit, yakni khusus untuk pemberian kredit guna bhakti. Kredit dibagi menjadi dua bagian yaitu kredit produktif dan kredit konsumtif. Persyaratan dalam pemberian kredit guna bhakti seperti SK pegawai tetap dan taspen. Dalam prosedur tersebut pihak-pihak yang terlibat meliputi: Nasabah,administrasi kredit,supervisor kredit,kepala cabang, teller. Kata kunci : Bank, Prosedur, Kredit, Konsumtif, Pegawai Neger

    Closed Hollow Bulb Obturator-One-Step Fabrication: A Clinical Report

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    A method is described for the fabrication of a closed hollow bulb obturator prosthesis using a hard thermoforming splint material and heat-cured acrylic resin. The technique allowed the thickness of the thermoformed bulb to be optimized for weight reduction, while the autopolymerized seal area was covered in heat-cured acrylic resin, thus eliminating potential leakage and discoloration. This technique permits the obturator prosthesis to be processed to completion from the wax trial denture without additional laboratory investing, flasking, and processing.Article URL: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/jopr.12036/abstrac

    Financial Integration between Indonesia and Its Major Trading Partners

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    This study examines stock market integration among the emerging stock market of Indonesia and its major trading partners (Japan, the US, Singapore and China). We employ the newly proposed autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) approach to cointegration and recent weekly stock market data spanning from July 1998 to December 2007. The results indicate the Indonesian stock market is cointegrated with the stock markets of the US, Japan, Singapore and China. Thus, this implies that the opportunities for international investors to gain benefits from international portfolio diversification in those markets are limited. In addition, any development in Japan, the US, Singapore and China markets should be considered by the Indonesian government in making policies regarding to the stock market of Indonesia.Stock Market Integration; Portfolio Diversification; Trading Partners

    Risk Management Practices of Selected Islamic Banks in Malaysia

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    This study explores the risk management practices of major Islamic banks in Malaysia with the objective of having deeper understanding of the practices and identifying ways for further improvements. Various aspects of risk management practices are assessed through survey questionnaires, particularly those relevant and specific to the case of the Islamic banks. The study finds that the Islamic banks adopt good risk management practices with few areas of improvements include the use of computerised support systems and more sophisticated approaches to measure risks and the use of Shari\u27ah compliance techniques to mitigate risks. By assessing their current risk management practices, the study hopes to contribute in terms of recommending strategies to strengthen the risk management practices of the Islamic banks so as to increase the overall competitiveness in the Islamic banking industry