137 research outputs found

    Understanding Multiple Interpretations on the Hadith that Husbands Allow Wives to have Outdoor Activities: A Study of Islamic Law Perspectives

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    Understanding the interpretation of a hadith is multifaceted, in which the Muslim clerics have multiple perspectives on certain hadith, including hadith on husband’s permission to wife to engage in outdoor activities. This is a library research, in which we explore some literature on this issue. The analysis technique used is descriptive-analytical and comparative, while the approach used is historical-sociological. The focuses of this study are threefold: to understand the mazhab(traditional) scholars’ and contemporary scholars’ perspectives, and to review the Islamic law on the Muslim clerics’ understanding of this issue. This paper concludes that mazhab scholars tend to understand the hadith textually, strictly and non-contextual-that is, asking permission to engage in outdoor activities is an obligation of the wife, otherwise it is considered disobedient to the husband. Meanwhile, contemporary scholars understand the hadith contextually and more flexible. They perceive that asking for permission to do outdoor activities is not an obligation; it is rather a recommendation for wives to seek for their husbands’ permission. In fact, in the recent times, wives working outdoor would in fact support husbands in fulfilling household’s needs. This difference can be understood because historically-sociologically the condition of the society has shifted and transformed. In the past, for instance, when women left the house they would cause danger in the middle of the desert such as robbery or wild animals. Meanwhile, nowadays mass communication and mass transportation have enabled families: husbands and wives to connect with each other. Likewise, when women going outdoor to seek knowledge, attending mosques for congregations, and or going for work, contemporary scholars do not see it as prohibited. Women doing activities outdoor has existed even by the time of the prophet and the companions, showing that most wives work outdoor for family benefits


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    Kailan (Brassica oleracea var. alboglabra) merupakan sayuran daun yang memiliki nilai jual tinggi dan memerlukan unsur N untuk mendukung pertumbuhannya. Pemberian media tanam dan konsentrasi nutrisi AB Mix yang ideal dengan menggunakan sistem hidroponik substrat dapat meningkatkan pertumbuhan dan produksi kailan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh media tanam dan konsentrasi nutrisi AB Mix terhadap pertumbuhan dan produksi tanaman kailan dengan sistem hidroponik substrat. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok Faktorial, yaitu media tanam (arang sekam, cocopeat, skerwool) dan konsentrasi nutrisi AB Mix (50 % R (3 ml/l), 100 % R (6 ml/l), dan 150 % R (9 ml/l)). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pertumbuhan dan produksi tanaman kailan pada media tanam cocopeat tidak berbeda nyata dengan skerwool, tetapi nyata lebih besar dibandingkan dengan media tanam arang sekam, pada semua peubah kecuali jumlah daun. Pemberian konsentrasi nutrisi AB Mix 6 ml/l dan 9 ml/l, nyata meningkatkan tinggi tanaman, diameter tajuk, warna daun, diameter batang, luas daun, bobot segar dan bobot kering dibandingkan dengan pemberian nutrisi AB Mix 3 ml/l

    Phosphate Phitoremediation In Pampang Canal Water Using Water Hyacinth

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    Phytoremediation Research of Phosphate in Pampang Canal Water using Water Hyacinth (eichhornia crassipes) aims to determine the levels of phosphate in Makassar City's Pampang Canal water and determine the efficiency of phosphate absorption by water hyacinth plants in the water of Pampang Makassar City. This research was conducted in 3 stages, namely the preliminary stage, the main research stage and the final stage. The preliminary stage is carried out with a preliminary test and acclimatization of water hyacinth. The main research phase was carried out by bringing in 10 liters of Pampang canal water with 0.3 (195.22 g), 5 (352.47 g), 7 (457.14 g) water hyacinth plants for 10 days and analyzed every two days, namely at day 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 for the measurement of phosphate parameters to determine the concentration of the decrease in phosphate content by absorption of water hyacinth in the water of Pampang canal Makassar City. Phosphate testing parameters in the SM 4500-P.D * reference method using spectrophotometric analysis method with mg / L units. Phosphate Standard Resolution in PP. No.82 of 2001 concerning air quality standards, the permissible phosphate content in the air is 0.2 mg/l. The final stage is done by processing and analyzing data. The results showed that the phosphate content in Pampang canal water in Makassar city was 9.82 ppm and the most effective absorption efficiency of phosphate in Pampang canal water was phytoremediation using a ratio of 3 water hyacinth plants (195g) on 10 liters of Pampang canal water with absorption values phosphate of 99.10% for 8 days.Keywords: phytoremediation, phosphate, water hyacinth, Pampang canal water, Makassa

    Diversity of Macrosscopic Fungi in the Cibereum Waterfall Path, Mount Gede Pangrango National Park (TNGGP) West Java

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    Indonesia is a tropical country that has natural resources that are rich in biodiversity. One of these biodiversity is mushrooms. Mushrooms generally occupy various types of habitats, namely soil, wood, litter, animal waste and some grow on rotting mushrooms.. This study aims to study the diversity of Microscopic Fungi in the Cibereum Curug Route,Selabintana Resort, Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park, West Java. The research method used in this study is VES (Visual Encounter Survey) by combining transects following the Cibereum waterfall path, and taking the right and left areas of 1 meter. Data analysis was performed by qualitative descriptive analysis and quantitative descriptive analysis. The results of the research on the Curug Cibereum Resort Selabintana route, Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park (TNGGP) West Java, found as many as 30 species of basidiomycota mushrooms and 3 species from the ascomycota division. The most common species found in the study area were Coprinellus disseminatus (336 Number of individuals/4000 m2), Stereum sp (153 Number of individual/ 4000 m2), Mycena roseignicola (145 individual pieces/4000 m2), and Favolaschia pustulosa (138 Number of individual / 4000 m2). The diversity index of basidiomycota fungi in the Curug Cibereum route is in the medium category, namely H'= 1.004

    The Decaffeination of Robusta Coffee Beans through Extraction Process with Distilled Wate

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    Coffee is one of the popular drinks, consumed by many people in the world. Coffee contains caffeine which has positive and negative effects for human body. The positive effect of caffeine is as an antioxidant in the body. However, if caffeine contents in coffee is too much, it can act as a poison in the body. Therefore, it is necessary to design a process to obtain coffee with a low caffeine that is safe for human body. The decaffeination of robusta coffee beans consisted of the preparation phase of the material, including drying process, the water content analysis, the extraction process with aquadest solvent to take some amount of caffeine contained in coffee powder, and caffeine content analysis before and after extraction processes. This study aims to determine the effect of temperatur (27, 40, 55, 65, 75, and 100oC) and the extraction time (10, 30, 60, 90, and 120 minutes) on the amount of caffeine taken in coffee powder and to obtain the optimal operating conditions that are can be used as a condition for low caffeine coffee production. Based on the results of the study, the highest caffeine extracting conditions was in 20 g of coffee/ 500 mL of solvent was at extraction temperature of 100oC with the amount of caffeine taken at 648,445 mg and the extraction time variable was obtained at 120 minutes extraction time with the amount of caffeine taken at 519,241 mg (extraction temperature 60oC). Initial levels of caffeine before extraction in 20 grams of robusta coffee powder was 664.120 mg. Keywords: Robusta coffee, caffeine, decaffeinatio

    Resistance prediction of innovative semi SWATH design concept in shallow water

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    Many analysis have been conducted to evaluate performance of High Speed Craft (HSC). One of the important analysis is resistance analysis of multihull in shallow water. Ship operating in shallow water experiences increasing of resistance due to change in potential flow and wave pattern. In this paper, shallow water performance has been studied for one type of HSC design concept, Semi SWATH hull form. The hulls are installed with fin stabilizers to reduce dynamic motion effect. Resistance component of the hull, trim and maximum wave amplitude around the hull are obtained from the calm water test in shallow water. These criteria are important in analysing pattern of Semi-SWATH resistance in shallow water flow around hull. The fore fin angle is fixed to zero degree while the aft fin angle is varied for 0, 5, 10 and 15 degree. For each configuration, the investigation is conducted with range of Depth Froude Number from 0.65 to 1.2. From the analysis, it is found that resistance, wave pattern and trim of Semi SWATH is affected by fin angle


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